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Chapter 206 Liu Ling’er
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Chapter 206 Liu Ling'er

After they vented their anger on Shen Hu, the Meng Twins brought him back to Chen Li. However, his condition was already so bad, and his face was even covered in bruises beyond recognition, especially since they beat him using their superpowers.

Yan Qiu just shook her head at that, and Chen Li then took out a dagger and handed it to Shen Lu, causing the three women to raise their eyebrows.

However, they didn't ask him anything and observed him, and Chen Li then squatted beside Shen Lu and touched his chest.

'I hope it works.' Chen Li directly used the Soul Controlling Technique on Shen Hu. After that, he stood up and turned to them. "It would be best if the three of you closed your eyes, or else you would have nightmares."

"Hmm? What do you mean by that?" Yan Qiu asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I don't have much time, so it's up to you guys. If you don't want to listen to me, then don't blame me later." After he said that, Chen Li immediately activated his technique, and Shen Lu immediately grabbed the dagger and walked over to his father.

"What are you doing to me? Please stop this! I don't want to kill my father!" Shen Lu screamed in panic because he couldn't control his body, which was because his soul was under Chen Li's control.

The three women gasped in shock when they heard that, and they looked at Chen Li seriously, but he only shrugged indifferently.

Seeing Chen Li's reaction like that, the Meng Twins immediately closed their eyes, for they didn't want to see what would happen in front of them next, and they also covered their ears with something. 'Ugh! He's good! But he's also evil!'

"Are you sure you don't want to close your eyes?" Chen Li asked as he turned to Yan Qiu.

Yan Qiu shook her head at him. "It's fine; I've seen it a few times, so I won't have nightmares just because of such a thing."

"Chen Li! Please stop it! I don't want to kill my father!" Shen Lu screamed hysterically as he shook his head vigorously, especially since his hand was right on top of his father's body and was ready to stab him.

Shen Hu, who was still half conscious, looked up at his son. However, he was unable to say anything anymore as his whole body was in extreme pain, and he closed his eyes in resignation.


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"No!" Shen Lu shouted loudly as soon as he stabbed his father. "Dad! I'm sorry! I can't control my body!"

At first, Yan Qiu thought that she would be strong enough to witness that, but she finally closed her eyes once Shen Lu repeatedly stabbed his father's body. Besides, she also covered her ears with the headset and turned on the music on her smartphone quite loudly because his screams were so heartbreaking. 'Damn it! I heard that the old Chen Li was a kind and gentle man, but the current him is really like a devil!'

As for Qing Mo, he just stood still in place and kept his eyes on Shen Hu and Shen Lu, and he did not seem bothered by the brutal action before him.

After his father died, Shen Lu, whose eyes had gone blank due to extreme shock, pressed the dagger against his neck, and he slashed his own neck.

Chen Li sighed softly and said to his slave. "You can return to Yang Li's side and tell me directly if people from those families bring trouble to her."

"Yes." Qing Mo immediately left the place.

Chen Li then patted the three women's shoulders, and they immediately opened their eyes, but they felt horrified after seeing their corpses.

"You really are ruthless, you know?" Yan Qiu spoke as she pulled her headset away.

"Is that so? Shen Hu killed my father, and Shen Lu tried to kill me, so I took revenge on them using their own means." Chen Li, with a relaxed smile, answered Yan Qiu. "Since everything's over, you three should go home now, and I'll train you guys in the morning."

Even though they were afraid of Chen Li, the Meng Twins still mustered up the courage to speak to him. "Thank you! This way, our parents will definitely rest in peace in the afterlife, and we will definitely train hard to help you out."

"It's okay; you two don't have to think about it." After saying that, Chen Li immediately flew away.

The Meng Twins were dumbfounded again to see Chen Li be able to fly that fast, and they kept wondering in their hearts about his ability.

Not only them, but even Yan Qiu was curious about Chen Li's flying ability; she then sighed softly and embraced the Meng Twins. "Let's go home now! And you guys don't talk about tonight's events to anyone else, understand?"

"Yes, Big Sis!" The Meng Twins replied at the same time.

Before returning home, Chen Li transformed into another person, and he went to a payphone near the CCTV public. He then contacted Luo Zhenhai and informed him about the location of the corpses of the Shen father and son, and he immediately returned to his mansion afterwards.




When Chen Li arrived at his room in Qingshui Mansion, two women were already waiting for them, and Shen Qing immediately jumped up to hug him. "How did it end? Did you really kill them?"

"Yes, I killed them." Chen Li honestly answered her question.

Upon hearing that, Shen Qing sighed in her heart; after all, they were her father and little brother. Even though she was deeply disappointed by their evil deeds, she still felt sad that they died at the hands of the man she loved.

Chen Li hugged Shen Qing's head to his chest and said to her. "I'm sorry, I-"

"No. You don't need to apologize to me." Shen Qing shook her head at him. "Even if you don't kill them today, I'm sure sooner or later someone will kill them, especially since they have committed so many crimes against many people."

"En." Chen Li then laid Shen Qing down on the bed, and he lay between her and Feng Xian'er as he hugged the both of them.

Feng Xian'er then asked her husband. 'How did you kill them?'

'Hmm? Do you really want to know?' Chen Li asked her back.

Feng Xian'er nodded to him, and Chen Li immediately told her everything, causing her to be stunned for a moment before she smiled in satisfaction. 'Hehe! They will deeply regret their evil deeds in the afterlife, and I don't think they will be able to reincarnate easily.'

'How did you know about that?' Chen Li asked with a raised eyebrow.

Feng Xian'er told him directly. 'Even though I am a phoenix, and I never really die. But as I started my reborn process, I got a glimpse of afterlife, and it was a terrible sight.'

'I see.' Chen Li nodded in understanding. 'Even though they said that I'm a reincarnation of the Ancient Long Wang, and I've been reincarnated many times, I can't remember the process.'

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'You don't need to remember about your reincarnation process.' Feng Xian'er said as she shook her head. 'Even though you are the reincarnation of the Ancient Long Wang, the current you is Chen Li, and I believe you will continue to be who you are now, even if you manage to get all your past memories back later.'

'En, I hope so.' Chen Li then turned to Shen Qing, who had fallen asleep, and kissed her forehead briefly. 'Let's sleep; today was tiring.'

'En.' Feng Xian'er nodded in agreement.

However, not long after they fell asleep, Anna the werewolf entered their room naked, and she immediately slipped under their blankets. 'Master really mean! You brought those damn angels here and kept me from leaving my room earlier, so I'll bother you now.'

In fact, Chen Li and Feng Xian'er were aware of Anna's presence, but they ignored her and chose to sleep, letting her do whatever she wanted.




Meanwhile, at another city, two women walked into a luxurious apartment, but their appearance looked messy and their faces looked so tired.

The one woman was very young—not even 20 years old—and she had straight black hair that was let loose down to her waist. Even though she looks so tired, that doesn't detract from the beauty of her oval face. Her wide black eyes glisten with two thick eyebrows above them; her nose is not sharp but not flat either; and her thick lips are still covered in red lipstick.

Her body is quite tall, and her build is slim. Even though she was only wearing a loose white T-shirt, her figure still looked attractive, and her medium breasts were still clearly visible from underneath.

As for the other woman, she is no less beautiful, but she already looks much more mature. Unlike the previous woman, she was wearing formal attire, but she still looked elegant.

The black-haired woman immediately slumped on the bed and sulked. "Argh! I'm really tired after having meet and greets with my fans for so long!"

The mature woman took off her blazer and told her. "Anyway, Ling'er, my cousin contacted you earlier, but because you were busy with your fans, I'm telling you now."

"Huh? Big Sis Wen Xia? Why is she looking for me, Big Sis Xuan?" Liu Ling'er asked in surprise.

- To Be Continued -