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Chapter 178 Xuanyuan Wan’er First Mentioned
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Chapter 178 Xuanyuan Wan'er First Mentioned

In the taxi, Feng Xian'er laid her head on her husband's shoulder. "Hubby, after my sword returned to me, I regained quite a few of my memories."

Chen Li was unsurprised after hearing that, and he had expected it, especially after listening to his wife's mutters in the auction.

"As you and Sister Huoli said before, I am not a human but a full-fledged Fire Phoenix." Feng Xian'er paused for a moment and thought before she continued. "500 years ago, I was born from an egg in a dense forest, and I only knew my name is Feng Xian'er."

"I see." Chen Li nodded in understanding. "Could you share your past memories with me? I wonder what kind of woman my Little Phoenix was 500 years ago; even people in the past gave you the title of the Blood Demon General."

"Hehe." Feng Xian'er giggled upon hearing that; she touched Chen Li's forehead. "You are my husband, so I will give all my past memories to you, but don't be shocked to see me from 500 years ago."

"No matter who you were 500 years ago or who you are now, you will always be my Little Phoenix." After Chen Li said that, Feng Xian'er's past memories flooded his mind, and he immediately closed his eyes to digest everything.

However, Feng Xian'er could see that her husband's expression was constantly changing, but she smiled in satisfaction because Chen Li didn't seem the least bit afraid of her old self.

Soon, Chen Li opened his eyes and smiled at his wife. "I didn't expect that you were so amazing in the past, Little Phoenix. You were so strong and unafraid to face thousands of enemy troops, and they even ran away like frightened rabbits the moment they saw you."

"Haha." Feng Xian'er laughed and hugged her husband tightly. "Unfortunately, my memories that have returned are up to 500 years ago, and I still can't recall all of my memories prior to those years."

Chen Li nodded in understanding. "It doesn't matter, right? As for me now, I also can't remember all my old memories yet, but sooner or later, we will be able to remember everything again."

"En." Feng Xian'er nodded slightly and said to him. "Hubby, I want to find someone very close to me in the past. I'm sure she must still be alive now, for I gave her my bloodline long ago."

"Oh?" Chen Li was surprised to hear that. "Who is that woman? If you gave your bloodline to her, I'm sure you loved and cared for her."

"Of course! I really care for her!" Feng Xian'er answered as she laughed, then explained to him. "Her name is Xuanyuan Wan'er, my disciple and right-hand. I found her in a war, and the enemy troops massacred her whole family, but she survived because her late parents hid her in a small hole."

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"Xuanyuan surname? How come I've never heard of that surname before?" Chen Li asked in confusion, but Feng Xian'er shook her head at him, for she had never even heard of that surname after being reborn into her current self. 'Sister Huoli, can you trace that woman from her bloodline?'

[Unfortunately, I can't do that. However, you can ask Wei'er, Xianglin, or Zhao Junye.]

After that, Chen Li called Chen Wei'er, but she also didn't know about the Xuanyuan family.

Afterward, Chen Li contacted Xiao Xianglin, and she said that she had heard of that family. However, she had never met them, so she knew nothing about them.

'Anyway, why are you suddenly asking about the Xuanyuan family? If you want to know about them, ask Zhao Junye; he knows much more about our country's history than I do.

"All right, I will see Uncle Zhao after I return to Beijing tomorrow, and I will explain it to you all later." After that, Chen Li ended their call and said to his wife. "Tomorrow, we will go to the Zhao house; Uncle Zhao may know about the Xuanyuan family."

"En." Feng Xian'er nodded in agreement.




After traveling for some time, they finally arrived at Hong Kong Disneyland.

Su Mengyao's eyes had already brightened when they entered, especially since this was also the first time she had gone to the place. With her cheerful and playful character, it's no wonder she became very excited, and she directly pulled Xian'er to the dumbo flying elephant, and rode it together.

The Dongfang Twins also seemed excited to try the various rides available at that place, for they hadn't been on vacation for a long time, so they wanted to enjoy the opportunity in front of them.

In the past, Chen Li had no interest in playing in the amusement park, and he only went out a few times to accompany Feng Xian'er and Yun Qing. After becoming a cultivator, he became less interested in it and more interested in practicing and cultivating.

Sun Xing'er, lying on Chen Li's head, kept looking around the place. However, she wasn't interested in trying those rides either, but she found it curious because they could move without Qi, unlike cultivators' flying artifacts.

Meanwhile, Mu Fei didn't look like she wanted to try any of those rides either, and she waited for them to have fun.

Suddenly, Chen Li asked her. "Miss Mu, why didn't you join them?"

"You don't need to call me Miss, you know?" Mu Fei replied with a shake of her head. "You can directly call me by my name, especially since our ages are not much different. I just don't like to play at amusement attractions, but I still need to accompany Mengyao."

"I see." Chen Li suddenly had an idea and asked her again. "Fei, how about we form a partnership?"

"A partnership?" Mu Fei looked at him in confusion.

Chen Li nodded and explained his idea to her. "I'm planning to open a branch of my restaurant, and I think Tianjin is one of the best cities for that. Moreover, with Uncle Mu's reputation as the Mayor of Tianjin, I think it's a great idea if I open my first branch there. You can prepare the place and staff; I will prepare all the ingredients. About the deal, I will prepare it first, and we will discuss the deal later."

"Oh?" Mu Fei was surprised to hear that. "Your restaurant is the Qingshui Restaurant, right? My father told me that he tried your restaurant's dishes on the opening day, and he said that all of your restaurant's dishes are very delicious, especially since Aunt Yun is the head chef, but I haven't had a chance to taste them yet. So I think your idea of opening a branch in Tianjin is excellent, but I must discuss it with my father first."

"Good then." Chen Li nodded in satisfaction upon hearing that. "Honestly, the main part of my restaurant's dishes are ingredients and herbs. You can't find them anywhere because I own my farm and method for growing them, plus Aunt Yun's cooking skills have made my restaurant do quite well now."

Mu Fei laughed and nodded at him. "My dad and his friends even had to queue for two hours before they got a free table, and he said his body became very refreshed after eating your restaurant's dishes."

Chen Li only smiled when he heard her words, for the Qi contained in all the meat and vegetables he used in his restaurant was extremely beneficial to the bodies of non-cultivators like theirs.

While waiting for the four women to enjoy their vacation, Chen Li and Mu Fei walked around the place and talked a lot.



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A few hours later, Feng Xian'er and Su Mengyao returned to their side, and the two brought some ice cream.

"Hehe! Today was entertaining, Big Bad Gege!" Chen Li and Mu Fei laughed at Su Mengyao's rough breathing.

Chen Li immediately took Su Mengyao in his lap and patted her head. "You really haven't grown up, you know? You still act like a child who loves playing around."

"It's rare for me to have such a day, especially since that stupid guy is always around me, and he's always strict with my schedule even though I'm still a newcomer," Su Mengyao complained to her heart content.

Chen Li nodded in understanding. "It's okay, I will help you to persuade your management, and if needed, I will help you to find better management."

"Promise?" Su Mengyao stuck out her pinky finger.

Chen Li directly linked their pinky fingers. "Promise."

Feng Xian'er and Mu Fei smiled at their closeness, but the Dongfang Twins suddenly rushed towards them, and their expressions were joyful.

"Are you two done playing?" Chen Li asked them with a smile.

Dongfang Hanyue nodded to him. "I haven't felt this happy in a long time, Little Chen!"

"Me too." Dongfang Hanxue also answered him. "Unfortunately, you didn't want to accompany us, Little Chen."

Feng Xian'er chuckled. "Big Sis Hanxue, you know that Chen Li doesn't like playing in amusement parks, and the only ride he likes is the Ferris wheel."

"En, that's true." Dongfang Hanxue answered with a nod.

Suddenly, Su Mengyao jumped down from Chen Li's lap, and she pulled him up. "Big Bad Gege! Let's hire a photographer to take new photos! I want to update all our old photos! Xian'er Jiejie, Big Sis Fei, Big Sis Hanxue, Big Sis Hanyue! You guys should also come with us!"

Chen Li released a resigned sigh and followed Su Mengyao, and the four women followed them.

- To Be Continued -