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Chapter 173 The Cursed Red Sword
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Chapter 173 The Cursed Red Sword

Meanwhile, Xiao Xianglin stood side by side with Yan Qiu and Lu Zhe, and their eyes kept moving, following the movements of the members of the Long Feng Pavilion.

After she agreed with Chen Li, Yan Qiu immediately brought her gang members to the Northern Forest. However, she was shocked to see the abilities of the former members of the Green Dragon Gang, she knew that they were strong, but their strength was beyond her imagination. Even the Meng Twins felt overwhelmed to face Duan Yiren, even though they attacked her together.

"How did Chen Li train them, Sister Xianglin?" Yan Qiu asked.

Xiao Xianglin smiled and handed her a bag containing the same pills and liquids that Chen Li had given Lu Zhe and the others. "He gave these two items to me and asked me to give them to your people, so they will also become stronger."

Yan Qiu immediately received the bag and looked inside. "What are the benefits of all these pills and liquids?"

"Both will make their bodies stronger and healthier, and their stamina will increase significantly." Lu Zhe explained to her, especially since he had benefited from both; he then handed two technique books to her. "Our Boss gave them to us, and we've studied them."

Yan Qiu immediately accepted the two books and read them carefully. "Hmm? Even though I haven't studied them yet, I'm sure they will be handy for us, especially this book on weapon mastery."

"Yes." Lu Zhe nodded to her. "I don't know where our Boss got these two, but they greatly helped us. Moreover, we will soon face the Black Tortoise Gang and The White Tiger Gang, so we must prepare ourselves as best we can, or he will kick us out of this team."

Yan Qiu nodded in understanding, and she then asked Xiao Xianglin. "So, how about the Long Feng Security Company's preparations?"

"Before I came here, I already ordered several people to deal with the permit." Xiao Xianglin then paused for a moment before continuing. "However, I still have to ask Chen Li when he will start opening that security company."

Yan Qiu asked her again. "So where is Chen Li now? Why didn't he come here?"

"Chen Li and Xian'er are going to Hong Kong to attend the auction, and they may not come back until the day after tomorrow." Xiao Xianglin then teased her. "Are you attracted to him now?"

"Hmm?" Yan Qiu raised her eyebrows and shook her head. "I'm not like you, who have known Chen Li for a long time, Sister Xianglin. Although I've heard of him many times, I don't know him well, so how could I be attracted to him?"

Xiao Xianglin sighed after hearing that. "Although I have known Chen Li for a long time, the current him is very different from the old him, and I feel that I don't know him anymore."

Yan Qiu suddenly remembered something. "Hey, Sister Xianglin. Did Chen Li join the project?"

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"You mean the artificial superpower project?" Yan Qiu nodded to her, but Xiao Xianglin laughed at her. "You are wrong about that, Chen Li was not involved in that project, and his ability is not a superpower, but it is something else. However, I can't tell you anything without his permission, and if you are really curious about it, you can ask him directly."

"All right, I'll ask him later." Yan Qiu replied with a nod of approval, for she was curious about Chen Li's abilities, especially after he overpowered her so easily.




Two men and a young woman walked out at the Hong Kong airport, and the young man asked. "So what are we going to do now, Father?"

"Since the auction will only start tomorrow, we won't do anything for now." The middle-aged man then asked the young woman. "Xinruo, are you sure you can wield that sword? The Cursed Red Sword is hundreds of years old, and historians say it belonged to a female general named Blood Demon General. However, she suddenly disappeared and left her sword behind, and it has changed hands many times, but no one has ever managed to draw it from its scabbard."

The three people were Liang Rukai, Liang Ximing, and Liang Xinruo.

Liang Xinruo shook her head at her father. "I can't give you any answer, Father. However, I am very interested in the Cursed Red Sword, so I hope you can get it for me."

"All right, I will try to get it for you." Liang Rukai loved his daughter very much, so he didn't hesitate to comply with her request. "Let's go; we are going to the hotel now."




After they walked around Hong Kong and enjoyed various snacks, Chen Li and the four women decided to return to the hotel.

However, the Dongfang Twins immediately pulled Chen Li into their room when they arrived.

Although Feng Xian'er wanted to dual cultivate with Chen Li, she didn't mind and allowed her husband to accompany them. "Are you going to my room, Little Yao?"

"No." Su Mengyao replied with a shake of her head. "When we left earlier, I forgot to tell Big Sis Fei, and she must be waiting for me now, especially since I also forgot to bring my smartphone."

"All right then, you can return to your room." Afterward, Feng Xian'er brought Sun Xing'er back to her room, and Su Mengyao rushed to meet Mu Fei.




"Where have you been, Mengyao?" Mu Fei immediately asked her as soon as Su Mengyao entered their room.

"Big Sis Fei! I'm sorry I didn't have time to tell you, but I strolled around the city with Xian'er Jiejie and the others." Su Mengyao then handed her a bag filled with lots of snacks. "See? I haven't forgotten you, have I? I bought them for you, so don't be mad at me, okay?"

"I'm not angry with you." Mu Fei shook her head as she received the bag. "However, if you want to go with them next time, you should at least let me know, okay?"

"Hehe! Yes, I will definitely tell you beforehand." Su Mengyao replied as she gave a soft laugh; she then pulled Mu Fei onto the bed and told her many thing.




Chen Li was lying on the bed with Dongfang Hanxue on his right and Dongfang Hanyue on his left.

"I'm pleased to spend time with you like earlier, Little Chen." Dongfang Hanxue said as she curled up in Chen Li's arms. "It's been several years since we have gone out together like this, and I miss the times we spent together in the past."

"That's true! I missed those times too, Little Chen." Dongfang Hanyue also said.

Chen Li sighed in his heart and hugged the two women tightly. "I hope you two can be patient, okay? I will try my best to remember our past together."

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"En." Both women nodded to him.

Suddenly, Dongfang Hanxue looked up and kissed Chen Li on the lips, and he unhesitatingly returned the kiss as he hugged her tighter.

On the other hand, Dongfang Hanyue looked at them with a pout, but her following action surprised Chen Li, for her hand slipped into his pants. 'Huh? I remember perfectly that his dick wasn't this big before, but it's much bigger now.'

'Sigh, Big Sis Hanyue sure is naughty.' Chen Li muttered in his heart, but he didn't stop Dongfang Hanyue's action and kissed Dongfang Hanxue even more passionately.

Even though she was surprised by that, Dongfang Hanxue actually looked satisfied, and she tried to match Chen Li's passionate kiss, even their tongues kept moving into each other's mouths.

"Mhn~" Dogfang Hanxue squirmed as Chen Li's hand squeezed her buttocks, and her body slowly heated up from within.

Seeing them getting excited, Dongfang Hanyue made her way to Chen Li's lower body, and she immediately pulled down his pants, stupefying her as his dick was exposed before her eyes.

Although Chen Li couldn't remember their memories, Dongfang Hanyue could remember everything clearly, and the three of them often bathed together in the past.

Dongfang Hanyue gulped hard and held Chen Li's dick; she then slowly moved her hand up and down as she squeezed it a little hard, causing him to groan softly.

Dongfang Hanxue was startled to hear Chen Li's moan, and she immediately separated their lips. "What happened, Little Chen?"

"Nothing." Chen Li replied with an awkward smile as he looked at Dongfang Hanyue.

Seeing that, Dongfang Hanxue followed Chen Li's gaze, and she was shocked to see her twin sister playing with his dick. However, she hastily shifted her gaze and buried her red face in his chest, for she was embarrassed to see that. 'Ugh! Yue shouldn't have done that! Especially since Little Chen hasn't been able to remember us!'

However, Chen Li suddenly lifted her face and kissed her again, and they started kissing again.

Dongfang Hanyue's hands kept moving swiftly on Chen Li's dick, but she did nothing else but give him a handjob until he reached his first orgasm, and his cum sprayed onto her face, startling her.

Afterward, Dongfang Hanyue ran to the bathroom to clean her face, making Chen Li and Dongfang Hanxue laugh. "Do you also want me to do it for you, Little Chen?"

"No." Chen Li laid Dongfang Hanxue on the side, immediately putting his pants back on; he then pinned her and said to her. "Wait for me to get my memory back, okay?"

"All right." Dongfang Hanxue replied with a nod.

- To Be Continued -