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Chapter 164 The Vermilion Gang III
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Chapter 164 The Vermilion Gang III

"Fuck! That really hurts!"

"I told you you'd get hurt if you fought with me, and I didn't want to make my wife angry by hurting you." Chen Li nonchalantly said, causing Yan Qiu to feel very annoyed towards him.

"I will definitely defeat you!" Yan Qiu shouted as she threw two fireballs at Chen Li, but her flames differed from Feng Xian'er's, and her flames were much brighter.

However, Chen Li shook his head and stretched his hands to catch the two fireballs. "Unfortunately, your fire superpower won't work against me, Miss Yan."

[Hey, Chen Li! Her flames aren't random! But They are the Vermilion Bird flames!] Xiao Huoli suddenly shouted at him.

Chen Li was taken aback after hearing that and asked in surprise, for he had not checked Yan Qiu's status. 'Eh? That means she has the Vermilion Bloodline?'

[Yes! I'm sure she has the Vermilion Bloodline! However, her flames still won't be able to hurt you, especially since she's not yet a cultivator.]

Chen Li chuckled, gestured his hands like guns, and shot two golden flame bullets from his index fingers, and their flames clashed instantly. In an instant, Yan Qiu's flames disappeared, and his golden flames headed toward her.

Yan Qiu was shocked to see that, covered her body with her fire armor, and ran to avoid Chen Li's flames. Unexpectedly, his flames followed the direction of her movement and continued to chase after her. 'Shit! How can he do that? I didn't expect he also has a fire superpower, and his fire control is much more proficient than mine!'

[Hahaha!] Xiao Huoli laughed, seeing Yan Qiu continue to run away. [I didn't expect you could control your golden flames now, Chen Li.]

Chen Li shook his head. 'Honestly, controlling these golden flames is much more difficult than controlling normal flames. I can still control them if they are this small, but if I use bigger flames, I will have difficulty controlling them.'

[But it's good progress, you know? You just need to practice your flame control in the Tianyi Realm more often, and you will be able to fully control your golden flames quickly.

'Well, that's true.' Chen Li himself also wanted to control his golden flames quickly, for he couldn't wait to practice alchemy with Xiao Huoli.

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The Meng Twins stared dumbfoundedly at Yan Qiu continuing to flee from Chen Li's golden flames; they exchanged glances and wondered in their hearts. 'How can that man have golden flames?'

Xiao Xiangin was also dumbfounded seeing that, for she didn't know much about Chen Li's abilities yet. 'Sigh! At first, I thought he was just a superpower possessor, but I didn't expect that he was a cultivator and had so many abilities.'

As she continued to run, Yan Qiu glanced at Chen Li, who looked so relaxed, and his demeanor infuriated her. She gritted her teeth and turned to run at him, and fire daggers appeared in both hands.

After getting very close to Chen Li, Yan Qiu accelerated her run and thrust her daggers at him.

However, Chen Li smiled at Yan Qiu; he grabbed her fire daggers and held them tightly.

Yan Qiu was shocked to see that her attack was broken by Chen Li so easily, and she even had difficulty pulling back her fire daggers. However, his golden flames suddenly hit her back, causing her to fall into his arms and groan in pain. "Fuck! It hurts so much!"

Chen Li chuckled and hugged Yan Qiu, and he asked her. "Are you satisfied with my abilities, Miss Yan?"

However, Yan Qiu didn't answer his question, and she looked at Chen Li in shock, especially since the fire armor she had always been proud of was destroyed by his golden flames.

"Let's end our fight here; I don't want to hurt you anymore." But Chen Li's words made Yan Qiu even more irritated and angry. She then tried to strike his dick with her knee, but he swiftly dodged it and locked her right leg. "Hey! You sure are cruel to attack my precious thing!"

Yan Qiu glared sharply at Chen Li as she tried pulling her daggers and leg from him.

Seeing that, Chen Li used his Fire Qi, and Yan Qiu's sportswear turned into ashes instantly, causing him to stare dumbfoundedly at her naked body. 'Tch! I didn't expect that her breast is much bigger than it looks.'

Yan Qiu, who saw the strangeness in Chen Li's gaze, lowered her face and blushed, and she screamed so loudly. "Ahh! You pervert!"

Hearing her scream, Chen Li was brought back to his senses, and he immediately released Yan Qiu, causing her to fall to the ground hard and scream. "Ouch!"

Yan Qiu immediately covered her breasts and pussy, which were visible to Chen Li's eyes, and she glared at him fiercely. "Pervert!"

Chen Li laughed awkwardly and threw his spare clothes at her; he then closed his eyes and said to her. "Quickly, put them on."

"Big Sis!" The Meng Twins shouted as they approached Yan Qiu and helped her up. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine." Yan Qiu replied with a soft sigh as she dressed, but she felt confused about how Chen Li could to take clothes out of nowhere. 'Sigh, this guy is powerful but weird.'

"Are you satisfied now, Qiu?" Xiao Xianglin asked as she chuckled, but her eyes glanced at Chen Li. 'Sigh, he's such a pervert, he has so many wives, but he still can't hold himself back.'

Yan Qiu nodded to her. "Mo Xie is stronger than me; he can even easily destroy my fire armor."

"En." Xiao Xianglin nodded and asked her again. "So what's your decision? Do you want to join Mo Xie?"

"Let's talk in my room."




After getting dressed, Yan Qiu immediately led them to her room, and she stared at Chen Li seriously as she thought about his previous offers.

After she thought for a long time, Yan Qiu said to him. "Mo Xie, I will bring 50 members of my gang to join you if you are willing to fulfill my three conditions."

Chen Li raised his eyebrows. "Tell me your three conditions."

"First! You have to pretend to be my lover when we are in front of them." Chen Li was surprised to hear that, and Yan Qiu continued. "All my gang members are victims of those bastard families, and they have all been violated by them. That's why they won't trust other people easily, but if they think you are my lover, they will definitely listen to you."

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"All right." Chen Li immediately agreed to that, and he then teased her. "Even if you want to be my real lover, I will gladly accept you."

"Humph!" Yan Qiu snorted at him after hearing that, and she then told him again. "Second! I want you to create a separate division for them, and I will be their leader."

"I agree." Chen Li didn't mind that either. "So, what's your third condition?"

"Third! You must guarantee that they will not suffer again." Yan Qiu's expression was solemn as she said that.

"You really care about them, huh?" Chen Li did not expect Yan Qiu's third condition.

Yan Qiu nodded to him. "Even though I didn't know them at first, they are all my sisters now, so I naturally care a lot about them, and I also don't want them to suffer like before."

"That's good." Chen Li nodded with a satisfied smile. "All right, I will agree to your three conditions, and you can become their leader in the future. Besides, you will also work with Xianglin and Lu Zhe to take care of the Long Feng Security Company later."

"Huh?" Xiao Xianglin was surprised to hear that, for Chen Li had not told her anything about it. "Hey, I'm the chief of the Superpower Bureau, so I can't be in charge of your security company."

"Xianglin! You've almost died before, remember?" Chen Li asked as he shook his head. "Since you are my wife now, I want you to step down from your position, for I don't want my enemies to continue to take advantage of you."


"No Buts!" Chen Li interrupted Xiao Xianglin decisively. "I know that you want to help this country, but there are still many other ways for you to do it, so I need you to resign immediately, and you can focus on my security company."

Yan Qiu turned to Xiao Xianglin, and she also tried to persuade her. "Sister Xianglin, Mo Xie is right; you can still help this country even if you resign from your post. Moreover, the people from those families are only using you, and they don't care about you at all, so you don't need to think about them anymore."

Xiao Xianglin sighed heavily after hearing their words and finally agreed. "All right, I will submit my resignation, but I may only be able to do it in three days, for the board members are in Europe now."

"That's great!" Yan Qiu then turned to Chen Li. "Since I've joined you now, are you still not going to tell me your true identity?"

"You are so curious about my identity, huh?" Chen Li chuckled and used his transformation technique to return to his old form, shocking them. "My real name is Chen Li, and you must already know about my father's death and also the downfall of my Chen family, right?"

- To Be Continued -