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Chapter 160 Feng Xian’er And Vampires
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Chapter 160 Feng Xian'er And Vampires

"Are you serious, Boss? We are going to take over the Vermilion Gang now?" Lu Zhe asked in disbelief; even Duan Yiren looked at Chen Li in confusion.

"Yes, I'm very serious, but I don't want to fight them." Chen Li then said to Duan Yiren. "Since all members of the Vermilion Gang are women, I want you to watch over them first, and you can report to me immediately when Yan Qiu comes to their base."

Duan Yiren nodded at him, turned into a shadow, and quickly left the Northern Forest.

"Boss, if I may ask, why did you want to start your plan so suddenly?" Lu Zhe asked him again.

Chen Li sighed softly and explained it to him. "Long Aotian and the others have started to suspect my true identity, so I must hasten all my plans to deal with them. Anyway, you can take some of our members to the Vermilion Gang headquarter to support Yiren, but I don't want any commotion between you and them."

"Yes." Lu Zhe directly called a few people he trusted.

Before they left, Chen Li said to Lu Zhe again. "Oh, I forgot to tell you one thing, I want to set up the Long Feng Security Company, and you will be the deputy CEO later."

"Huh?" Lu Zhe stared at Chen Li in disbelief. After all, he was just a former gang leader and didn't know anything about company affairs. But now, he wants to appoint him as vice CEO of his company.

Chen Li shook his head at his reaction. "You don't need to react like this, you know? Even though you don't have any experience in the corporate world, you at least can maintain them for so long, so I don't think it will be too difficult for you. Moreover, I will send someone to help you run the security company later, and you know that person very well."

"Who is that person, Boss?"

"Xiao Xianglin, the chief of the superpower bureau."

"What!?" Lu Zhe shouted in shock upon hearing that name. "Are you not joking with me, Boss? How could a strong woman like her be willing to cooperate with me to run your company?"

"I'm not kidding with you." Chen Li smiled faintly and told him. "I'll tell you a secret, Xianglin is my woman, so-"

*Bam... Bam...*

Suddenly, Lu Zhe and the members of Long Feng Pavilion fell on their buttocks, and their eyes widened at Chen Li, for they were shocked after hearing that.

Chen Li guffawed at their expressions. "You guys are really shocked, huh? However, I'm not kidding you, Xianglin is indeed my woman, and you will meet her tomorrow. You guys can leave now, and I will escort my other women to the airport."

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After saying that, Chen Li immediately left the Northern Forest and went directly to Mayumi Keiko's hotel.

"Hey, Boss. Do you think Xiao Xianglin is really the woman?"

"Dimwit!" Lu Zhe cursed as he stood up. "I've often told you not to address me as Boss anymore! If our Boss hears you, then he will surely punish you."

"Hehe! It's still hard to shake off my habit, Brother Liu."

Lu Zhe shook his head. "No matter what, we will find out the truth tomorrow, and we should head to the Vermillion Gang's base for now."

"All right." A few people immediately followed Lu Zhe and went through areas not covered by CCTV. After all, they were former members of one of the biggest gangs in Beijing, so they were very familiar with the city's areas.




Meanwhile, after they had been having fun at the amusement park for most of the day, Shen Qing invited Feng Xian'er to her house.

However, when they arrived there, Qin Ming and Charlotte were also at the Shen House and chatting with Yang Li.

In fact, Yang Li didn't want to accompany them to talk, but she had no other choice, especially since her husband was still busy with his friends. As for Shen Lu, she asked Qing Mo to lock him up in his room, for she didn't want her son to suddenly reveal her secret relationship with Chen Li to them.

Qin Ming's eyes lit up as he looked at Feng Xian'er, and he didn't notice his eyes turning red. 'Hehe, this girl is still as beautiful as ever, and I want to enjoy her body.'

'I didn't expect to find a human with such delicious blood; I want to capture her right now and suck her blood.' Charlotte muttered to herself as she licked her own lips.

They immediately used their hypnosis on Feng Xian'er without thinking twice, but they were shocked because it didn't work on her. 'What the fuck! Why can't I hypnotize this woman?'

Sensing that, Feng Xian'er's eyes turned crimson, and she looked at them with a faint smile. 'So, they really are vampires, huh?'

Even so, Qin Ming and Charlotte shivered at Feng Xian'er's smile, and they felt a chill run down their spines after seeing her eyes. 'What happened? Why do I feel so afraid of an ordinary woman like her?'

'This woman named Charlotte is quite pretty, but she is not worthy of being by my husband's side.' Feng Xian'er muttered inwardly as she carried Xing Bao'er, who had fallen asleep from exhaustion to Shen Qing's room.

On the other hand, Shen Qing asked her lover. "What are you doing in my house?"


"Stop it." Shen Qing directly interrupted Qin Ming. "Since you already have that woman by your side, you do not need to come to see me again. Oh, I've also decided to end our relationship from today, and both of you can leave this house right now."



Shen Qing directly doused Qin Ming with water using her superpower, causing his body to become drenched. She then pointed towards the exit and shouted at them. "Get out! Otherwise, I really will attack you right now."

Yang Li then said to him. "Qin Ming, you better not anger Qing'er, and you can take your lover and? leave our house."

Qin Ming didn't answer them immediately, and he tried to hypnotize the two women, but he couldn't do anything to them, for Feng Xian'er had already enveloped them in her Qi to guard against their actions. 'What the hell is going on here? Why can't I hypnotize them too?'

Without saying anything to the two women, Qin Ming pulled Charlotte and led her out of the Shen House, but he kept turning to Shen Qing. 'These two bitches! How dare they treat me like this! I'll definitely make them regret it later!'

After the two disappeared from their sight, Yang Li asked her daughter. "Are you sure about ending your relationship with Qin Ming, Qing'er?"

"Yes, Mom." Shen Qing nodded to her. "Back in the amusement park, I talked a lot with Xian'er and decided to end my relationship with Qin Ming."

"Does that mean you have decided to be with Mo Xie?" Yang Li asked with a smile, but she was still worried that her daughter would find out about her relationship with Chen Li.

Sheng Qing shook her head. "Even though I'm already very close to Mo Xie, I still need more time to accept him, especially since he has two new wives now."

"Huh?" Yang Li was surprised to hear that. "Do you know the identities of his two new wives?"

"Not yet." Shen Qing replied with a shake of her head. "Xian'er didn't want to tell me their identity, and she asked me to ask Mo Xie directly."

"I see." Yang Li nodded in understanding, but she felt very curious about the identities of Chen Li's two new wives. "All right, you can go to your room and accompany Xian'er and Bao'er."

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"En." Shen Qing nodded and immediately went to her room.

However, when Shen Qing entered the room, Feng Xian'er immediately told her. "I'll take care of something, so I'll leave Bao'er with you, but I'll pick her up later."

"Huh?" Sheng Qing directly asked her. "Where are you going, Xian'er?"

"You will find out later." After she said that, Feng Xian'er opened Sheng Qing's bedroom window and flew out of her room.

Sheng Qing was shocked to see that, she ran towards the window and looked up at the night sky, but she could no longer find Feng Xian'er. "How can she fly like that? Could she have another superpower besides her fire superpower?"

Sheng Qing sighed and shook her head; she then changed clothes, laid beside Xing Bao'er, and hugged her.





Qin Ming hit a tree as he cursed. "Those two damn bitches!"

"Hey, I feel something is wrong with that crimson-haired woman; I don't understand how she can be immune to my hypnosis." Charlotte suddenly asked him.

Qin Ming turned to her and said to her. "Not only that woman, but Shen Qing and Yang Li are also immune to my hypnosis."

Charlotte frowned upon hearing that. "Do you think that crimson-haired woman is protecting them from us? But how could she do that?"

"I don't know." Qin Ming shook his head at her. "As I recall, Feng Xian'er only has a fire superpower, so I don't understand how she could do it either."

However, Qin Ming's eyes suddenly widened, and Charlotte asked him in confusion. "What happened? Why are you suddenly in shock like this?"

"Are you curious about how I thwarted your hypnosis on us?" Feng Xian'er casually asked them.

- To Be Continued -