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Not One, But Two!

Chapter 68
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Chapter 68

After she hung up, Greg frowned. He had been thinking of breaking up with Genevieve a lot recently. He knew she

didn't care about him, and that was why he didn't want to drag it out, but he never thought she would hang up. So

she doesn't want to cut me off just yet.

Greg thought that she would eventually become his after she gave him her first time, and he thought patience

would give him what he wanted. but now, he realized that he was just a tool for her to keep Cody in check. She kept

him around just to use him, and that realization was depressing.

He was a proud man, but he lost his dignity all because of a woman, and it depressed him. She'll try to come up

with another way to get a spot at the event. He took a deep breath and texted Cody, 'Genevieve wants that

academic event slot. Tell your wife to be on the lookout.'

'Thanks for telling.' Cody answered quickly.

Greg felt a bit heavy and dark. This pointless relationship should be ended soon. For some reason, he wanted to


But just after he lit a cigarette, a fair hand appeared and took his cigarette away before dousing it in the sink. "The

kitchen is a place for food, not cigarettes."

Abigail had come in. After she stubbed out his cigarette, she put on the apron and said, "You go out. I'll handle the


She put the vegetables on the chopping board and cut them up. Her hands were fair and slender, and even cutting

up vegetables looked like art when she did it.

Greg paused for a moment. Aside from him and his maids, no other people had ever been in it. With Abigail's

addition, the kitchen felt a little cramped.

"Well, go on. Don't just stand there." She looked up. When she noticed that he was still here, she chased him out.

Her hands were cool, and Greg felt it through his shirt. It made him pause. "I'll do it." He looked at her chest. She

really thinks she's fine, huh?

She said softly, "I saw you on the phone. It must be urgent, isn't it? You can attend to your work. I'll do the cooking. I

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know what the girls like the most."

So this is why she came in. He looked at her. Genevieve never cooked, so I learned how to cook for her, but she has

always taken it for granted. She has never helped me in the kitchen, nor has she ever praised me.

He knew he shouldn't compare her to Abigail, but he just couldn't help it. And then he realized that he too needed

someone to be concerned about him. He too needed someone to help him. Even though it was something as simple

as helping him cook, it was enough to make him excited.

Abigail noticed the look he was giving her, and she coughed. "Are you worried? Think I might poison the meal?"

"No." He smiled, and it cheered him up a lot. "I'll go to smoke. Thanks for your help." Greg thought he really needed

to get some fresh air.

Abigail answered softly, "Smoking's not great for your health, unless you want to die faster."

The corner of Greg's lips twitched. He just thought Abigail was kind of cute, but now he wanted to stitch her mouth

shut again.

Abigail didn't care what he was thinking. She had reminded him of what to do, but it was up to him to decide what

he would do in the end.

He left the kitchen, and without his presence around, Abigail felt a lot more comfortable. She quickly prepped the

vegetables and sauteed them, making lunch.

Greg didn't go far. He was going to smoke on the balcony, but he was reminded of what Abigail told him, so he

didn't light his cigarette, and for the first time in his life, he twirled it between his fingers. As he watched Abigail

cook, he thought, She'll be a good wife and mother. Wait, what am I thinking? He smiled. I must be mad. He shook

his head, and since Troy was calling him about work, he went to the study right away.

He didn't come back down even after Abigail was done cooking.

Valerie came with the kids, and when she saw the table of food, she smiled. "Looks like I'm eating well today."

"Mommy's a great cook!" Alissa said proudly, as if she was the one who cooked the dishes.

Arianna, however, sat beside her sister and grandmother quietly.

Abigail looked in the direction of the study, and she hesitated, wondering if she should call Greg over.

Valerie noticed that, and she smiled. "I'm not really young anymore. Abbie, get that kid down for lunch."

"Sure." Abigail nodded and went upstairs, then she knocked on the study's door.

"Come in," Greg said. She paused for a moment, but she went in eventually.

"Lunch is ready."

Abigail noticed that he was having an online conference, so she took a step back. She wasn't related to Greg, so

appearing before the top brass of his company wasn't great.

When Greg saw what she did, he frowned. Genevive used to come into his study too, and no matter what he was

doing, she'd come over and sit on his lap, demanding that he drop everything he was doing and spend some time

with her. She didn't mind revealing herself to the top brass.

Greg used to like that. He thought it was her way of telling the world that he was her boyfriend. However, she was

also that brazen when she went and harassed Cody. When the top brass who saw her before met Greg again, the

look in their eyes was different. They wouldn't say anything in front of him out of fear, but they would gossip.

Abigail was different. She knew the boundaries, and she left after she notified him. Greg squinted. It was nice of her

to do that, but he felt annoyed for some reason. I don't mind you showing yourself in front of them, but what did

you mean by that? Trying to stay away from me? His mood soured.

The top brass heard it when Abigail came to tell Greg it was time for lunch. They noticed him looking at her, and he

spaced out. They were trying to figure out who that woman was to him.

One of the managers mustered up his courage and said, "Why don't we talk about it later in the afternoon, sir?"

And that finally brought Greg's attention back.

"We'll continue at one." Greg cut the connection and went downstairs.

The kids looked excited. Greg watched as they interacted with Abigail and Valerie, and he felt warm and fuzzy. It

had been a while since he had lunch with his family. "Are you ready, kids?"

The kids were happy that Greg came downstairs.

"Daddy, I thought you were going to cook for me." Alissa pouted, looking unhappy.

Greg quickly pushed a plate of salad and a bowl of porridge to her. "I made these."

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"Really?" Alissa looked at her mother.

Abigail nodded with a smile.

"I want them all. Daddy made these, after all." She picked her bowl up and ate happily.

Arianna ate quietly, but she felt happy, and the lunch went well.

It had been a while since Abigail felt like this. Never thought I'd feel like I'm at home at Buckley Residence. And then

she stopped for a moment. Wait. At home? There's no way I'd get married to him. At this thought, she stared down,

and her mood doured. "Girls, I bought a house beside your father's place. You can come to my place or stay at his

place every night. It's your choice."

Alissa quickly said, "Can't we all stay at Daddy's place?"

"I like being at my own place," she told them, since it was hard to explain otherwise.

Alissa looked like she was in a dilemma.

"Let them stay at my place. Allie's still weak, so I'll keep an eye on her. You get some rest." Greg didn't want to bring

Abigail's wound up in front of the kids.

Abigail gave it some thought. Her wound indeed hurt, and she was tired. Her kids would be fine with their father, so

she nodded. "Sure."

Abigail was about to clear the table, but Valerie stopped her, "Oh no you don't. You get some rest. You're not a

robot. Allie's fine now, so you don't have to worry. Aria, you come with me, alright? Let your mother rest."

"Sure." Arianna nodded.

Abigail felt crestfallen seeing that her kids didn't need her anymore. Her wound was throbbing, so she had to leave

lest the kids knew she was hurt. When she went back to her place, she noticed that Stanley was still around, much

to her surprise. "Uncle? You're still here? Do you have something to tell me? Is it about Mom?" Whenever she

thought about the scene at Greg's home earlier, it bolstered her desire to find her mother. I don't care what kind of

situation she's in right now.

Stanley paused for a moment, and his eyes glinted. He wanted to say something, but he hesitated, to Abigail's slight

annoyance. She frowned.