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Not One, But Two!

Chapter 51
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Chapter 51

Since Greg couldn't contact Abigail, he decided to hurry over to the air stewardess' staff quarters. When he saw

Arianna, her tiny figure was curled up in a corner as she played with her phone. He felt his heart aching for the

young child. "Mr. Buckley?" The air stewardess was shocked to see Greg there, and she was about to greet him

when Greg walked past her to carry Arianna into his arms.

"Daddy will bring you home now, Arianna," he uttered. Arianna lifted her head when she smelled a familiar scent in

the air. The young girl beamed as she wrapped her arms around Greg's neck. "You're here, Daddy!"

"Yeah. Let's go home," he uttered. He felt like his insides were about to melt when he heard Arianna's soft voice and

saw her tiny hands. After carrying her out of the office, he brought Arianna back to the car. "Have you had dinner?"

he asked.

"Not yet," Arianna uttered before sticking her tongue out. "Oh no, Mommy didn't eat dinner either. I don't think she

has the time for it." Greg couldn't help but feel angry when he saw how much Arianna still cared about Abigail.

However, he tried his best to control himself in front of his daughter. "What do you feel like eating? I'll bring you

there," Greg uttered.

"Anything's fine." Arianna scrunched up her face—she was clearly worried about Abigail. Greg couldn't stand seeing

his daughter that way, so he let out a sigh. "I'll remind her to have her dinner in a while."

"Thanks, Daddy. But I don't think Mommy has the time to eat as she's rushing over to conduct a surgery," Arianna

said. The young girl knew that Hugh's injuries had to be serious since Alissa had phoned Abigail. Abigail would have

to save Hugh before anything else.

Greg was rather puzzled when he heard Arianna's words. "Has your mother always worked so hard?" he asked


"Yeah. Mommy has always been working really hard because she wants to let us grow up in a good environment. I

wish I were older so that I could help Mommy a little." Arianna's words made Greg's chest hurt even more.

"I'll be around from now on, and I'll make sure you live the best life ever." he uttered.

"Does that include Mommy too?" Arianna gazed at him hopefully. Greg didn't know how to feel about it.Abigail and

I? I don't think so,he thought. "Let's go eat something for now." He quickly changed the topic.

Arianna was a sensitive child—she wasn't as loud and straightforward as Alissa was. Arianna could sense that both

her parents were avoiding the issue of being together with one another.Is it really impossible for them to get back

together?Arianna felt rather dejected.

Greg didn't know how to comfort his daughter when he saw the look in her eyes, so he simply focused on driving

them to Swanson Hut. "Let's go get something to eat, okay, Arianna?" The young girl nodded when she saw how

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badly Greg was trying to please her. She felt the need to conceal the sadness in her.

Meanwhile, Abigail turned her phone on the moment she landed in Rorea and got off the plane. Abigail felt much

better after she received Arianna's text informing her that Greg had picked her up. Abigail didn't have much to

worry about as long as Greg had managed to find Arianna.

After that, Abigail hurried over to the location that Alissa had sent her. Hugh had already fainted after losing too

much blood. The doctor on duty was standing around with a pale face, and the doctor looked as if he had just found

his savior when Abigail arrived. "Dr. Kain, Mr. Romero's leg suffered a comminuted fracture, and there's a huge stab

wound on his back. His vital signs are really low. I really tried my best."

Abigail took a deep breath when she heard about Hugh's serious injuries. Alissa, on the other hand, was drowning in

her tears as she sat by one side. "Hand it over to me," Abigail uttered as she patted the doctor's back. "You can

send Alissa out and prepare a warm bath for her. Make sure she eats something. You guys can start a fire and cook

me something too. I'll eat after I'm done with the surgery," Abigail ordered.

Alissa felt a little more secure after hearing her mother's words. "Mommy, is Papa—"

"As long as I'm here, the grim reaper will have to come back another day. Calm down and take some deep breaths,

Alissa. I want you to listen to me," Abigail said.

"Okay." Alissa nodded as she began to calm herself down. The doctor brought Alissa out while Abigail turned to look

at Hugh, who was unconscious. She wasn't too optimistic about his condition. Hugh had been stepping between the

lines of life and death too frequently in the past few years, and she had always been the one to make sure he


However, his wounds were too serious this time, and her hands were trembling as she prepared for surgery. She

took a deep breath and forced herself to calm down.I'm a doctor. My hands can't shake during surgery.

After she managed to calm herself down, she finally started checking his injuries. His injuries were so severe that

she was too shocked to breathe for a moment. Abigail started to focus on the surgery.

Once Alissa stepped out of the room, she began to do as her mother had told her to. The warm bath helped to

calm her nerves down. Abigail was the best surgeon in the world, and she had saved a lot of people in the past, so

Alissa was sure that she would manage to help Hugh. The young girl prayed in her heart before she quietly had her

meal. Then, she followed her mother's orders to start a fire before cooking some porridge for her mother.

The doctor had offered to help Alissa out, but Alissa stopped the doctor. Alissa had been a strong girl ever since she

was young, and Hugh had trained her in martial arts for a long while, but that didn't mean that she wasn't capable

of preparing some simple meals. While Alissa left the rice to cook in the pot, she occasionally turned to gaze in the

direction of the operation theater.

It was nearly two hours before Abigail completed the surgery. She cleaned all of Hugh's wounds before stepping out

of the theater. "Mommy!" Alissa ran up to her. Abigail was exhausted, but she still put on a smile as she patted

Alissa's head. "It's fine now."

"Come over and eat, Mommy." Alissa grabbed Abigail's hand, only to realize how cold her mother was. Alissa

hurriedly brought the warm porridge over to Abigail, and Abigail only nodded without saying much. She was too

tired to speak.

The doctor was able to take over the rest of the work, so Abigail sat down and ate some porridge. Her stomach felt

much better after that. All of a sudden, her phone began to ring. She picked it up to see that it was a short text

from Greg. 'Don't forget to eat before you get gastric.'

Abigail froze for a moment before she felt a warm feeling spreading across her chest. "Is anything the matter,

Mommy?" Alissa hadn't seen the contents of the text, but she thought that Abigail had to attend another surgery

when she saw Abigail stiffening for a moment. The young girl had to check up on her mother.

"It's nothing. I'd like to get some rest. Why don't you take a nap with me?" Abigail asked.

"But Papa…" Abigail protested.

"The doctor will take care of him. You're tired too, Alissa. You need some rest." Abigail knew that Hugh was both a

father and a teacher to Alissa, and she knew how worried Alissa was ever since Hugh was injured. However, she

also noticed the dark circles under Alissa's eyes. "Fine." Alissa no longer protested after that, and both mother and

daughter entered another room.

With Abigail's arms around her, Alissa soon fell into a deep sleep. Her breathing was slow and even. Abigail was

exhausted, yet her mind was abnormally active.It's not possible for Hugh to stay here after his horrible injury this

time,she thought. Abigail had contacted some of Hugh's men, so she hoped that they would hurry over to bring him

away soon.

Alissa began to burn up with a fever after sleeping for a while. Abigail knew that the young girl was probably

shocked by the whole incident, so she told the doctor to take care of Alissa while she headed to the nearest

pharmacy to get some medicine. As Abigail walked past one of the alleys, she noticed two men whispering to one


However, since she was in a different country, she didn't feel too curious about what was going on. She sped-walk

past them, but she happened to hear Greg's name right as she passed by them.Greg?She frowned as she

instinctively slowed her footsteps down. However, she only stopped at the turning in front as she was afraid the

men might notice her. Then, she quietly jumped over one of the walls before edging closer to listen to what those

two men were talking about.

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"What's going on? Weren't the chemicals added into Old Madam Buckley's IV drip? How is she still alive?" one of the

men growled in Rorean. The other person replied in a puzzled voice, "I'm not sure, either. I injected the chemicals

into the IV drip, and I nearly got caught doing it. However, I heard that Greg got the best surgeon in the world,

Abigail, to treat her. Could she have saved Old Madam Buckley?"

"It doesn't matter now. Since we can't get rid of Old Madam Buckley, we should focus on getting rid of Greg first. He

hasn't learned about the spy that we planted next to him, right?" the first man asked.

"No. But that person will only meet Greg tomorrow morning," the other man replied.

"We'll take action tomorrow morning, then." After the two men finished their conversation, they took a look around

them before they turned and parted ways to walk in different directions. Abigail narrowed her gaze as she

thought,Is someone going to attack Greg tomorrow?She felt nervous just thinking about it.

Although the man wasn't that great of a guy, he was still a father to Abigail's children. Furthermore, she owed Greg

one after what happened at Mortimer Village.I have to warn Greg about this.

Abigail pulled her phone out with the intention of calling Greg and telling him about what she heard. However, after

taking her phone out, she realized that she didn't know what to tell him.Should I say that I heard some stuff in an

alley? Should I tell him to be careful? Who should he be careful of? The person didn't mention any names, so how

should I tell him about it?She knitted her brows together.

In the end, she lowered her phone before hopping off the wall. Then, she walked over to the pharmacy nearby to

get some fever medication.

Alissa had a high fever, so Abigail stayed by her side for the whole night. Abigail tried to lower her temperature

physically, and Alissa's fever finally went down at 4.00AM. Hugh woke up at about the same time. When Hugh found

out that Abigail hadn't slept for the whole night, he felt sorry for the woman. "Hurry up and get some rest. I'll keep

an eye on Alissa. I'm so sorry for making you worried."

"You should be a little more careful since you know that I'd be worried about you. You got so badly injured while

Alissa's perfectly fine. You were trying to protect her, weren't you?" Abigail wasn't an idiot—she was aware of most

things even if she didn't voice out all the time.

Hugh simply let out a light-hearted laugh. "Is there anything wrong with protecting my own daughter? But I think

she was really shocked this time. It was my fault."

"You shouldn't bring her out next time, then. I've already spoken to your men, Hugh. They're probably coming soon.

Alissa can't fly back with me now, so I'll need you to take care of her for a while more," Abigail uttered.

Hugh frowned upon hearing her words. "You're leaving? Where are you going?"

"I have to return to Harrion. I have some urgent matters to attend to! Thank you!" After finishing her words, Abigail

planted a kiss on her daughter's head before she stood up and headed outside.

Hugh's gaze darkened for a moment.

"I want you to find out why she has to head back when she hasn't even slept the whole night."