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Not One, But Two!

Chapter 28
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Chapter 28

"Hey, little girl. Are you alone?" A few delinquents came up to Alissa. The one in the lead had yellow hair, and he

seemed arrogant.

"Don't come any closer! I-I'm scared!" Alissa was trembling in fear, and she took a step back. When she saw an

alleyway nearby, she ran into it.

"Is she stupid, boss? She ran into a cul de sac! The girl looks like a doll. If we sell her off, we can make a lot of

money," one of the lackeys said.

The leader said smugly, "Just our luck. That is one sweet deal. See if anyone's looking for their missing kid. Wormy,

come with me. We'll knock her out and take her with us."

"Sure, boss."

The leader and Wormy went into the alleyway.

They thought Alissa would be crying in a corner, but instead she unwrapped a lollipop and popped it into her mouth.

When she saw them, she grumbled, "Man, you guys are slow. You're taller than me, but you're slower than a snail.

Hey, you wanna catch me? I'm right here!"

Alissa's weird behavior stunned the punk. "Well, aren't you an interesting one? Come with me, or you… Ow!"

Before he could finish, Alissa picked a stone up and hurled it at his chin. It hit him right where she wanted.

The punk screamed in agony. "I'll kill you!" Angered, he quickly went up and tried to catch her.

She crouched and slipped through his underarm, then she turned around and kicked him on his buttocks.

The punk felt as if his spine was going to break. "Don't just stand there! Get her! Kill her!"

The lackeys quickly surrounded Alissa, and the girl's eyes shone. She hadn't had a chance to train herself ever since

she came to Harrion, but now some idiots were giving her this chance, so naturally, she wouldn't let it go.

She stepped on Wormy and leaped further up into the air, then she pounced at another lackey. Alissa was as agile

as a monkey, but her attacks were swift and hard enough to make the delinquents cry.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

When Greg and Troy came, they saw the little girl trashing all four punks at once. Troy had been summoned last

minute, and when he saw how hard Alissa was punching, he gasped. Wow, she's one hard-hitting girl.

Greg was petrified. He finally understood why Abigail said he should be worried about the bad guys. Even he felt

sorry for the punks when he saw the state they were in.

Alissa ended the fight quickly. She turned around and straightened out her cap, her lollipop still in her mouth. The

fight wasn't satisfying enough for her though. "And you call yourselves tough? Get back to training, punks! If I see

you again, I'm going to kick your arse, get it?"

She swung her fists, and the punks ran away in terror. Alissa turned around in disdain, but when she saw Greg and

Troy staring at her, she blanched. Oh no, Daddy saw me. Will he hate me now? Today is my last day here. I should

have held it in.

The horrified look on Alissa's face melted Greg's heart, and for some reason, he wanted to hug her.

But Alissa interpreted it wrongly. Oh no. He's going to yell at me. She remembered her routine every time her

mother flew into a rage, so she closed her eyes and fell back down, pretending that she was dead.

"Alissa!" Greg was shocked, and he quickly went to hold the girl. He checked to see if there were any injuries, and

he looked at Troy, who was still looking dazed. Greg growled, "Don't just stand there. Take her to the hospital!"

Troy quickly drove to the hospital.

"Alissa, are you alright? You're scaring me! Alissa!" Greg took the girl to a hospital in a hurry. "Doctor, you have to

help her. See if she's hurt."

Greg's worried look was making the medical staff nervous, and Alissa was sent to the ER.

Abigail had no idea her daughter got herself in trouble again. She could have slept for three days straight if she

could, but she woke up at dusk, and her stomach was rumbling.

She got up and straightened her clothes out before she looked at her phone. There were no texts from her girl, but

she wasn't worried. She went down to get dinner, but then she saw two familiar faces. She frowned, and she tried

to leave.

Sasha's eyes were sharp, however. She still recognized Abigail immediately after five years. "Hold it right there,

Abigail!" she screeched, and it caught everyone's attention.

Abigail frowned, but she didn't entertain Sasha. However, she didn't go far before Philip came to stop her, and he

did not look happy.

It reminded Abigail of the abuse she suffered under Philip's hand, and she took a step back.

"You just came back, and look what you did, you d*mn girl! Get Emma out right now!" Philip said. His voice wasn't

loud, but it was imperious.

Sasha came over as well, and she said angrily, "You can't do that, Abigail! You crossed Greg five years ago, and if it

weren't for Emma helping you out, who knows what would have happened to us? And now you got her arrested

right after you came back? What do you want? She's your sister!"

"She helped me out? From what I know, Greg has been helping you out after he saw the ring. She couldn't keep him

around, and that's her own fault. Maybe she's just not charming enough. Besides, Emma came to take my stuff, and

that's why she got arrested. Why are you telling me to free her?" Abigail asked coldly.

Philip gripped her hand and dragged her out. "I don't care what your reason is. Get Emma out, or I'll beat you up!"

Some father you are. Abigail had known for years that her family was hopeless, but her father's demanding attitude

was still laughable. She looked at him coldly. "Let me go." She stopped in her tracks.

Philip never expected her retaliation, and it caught him off guard. He almost fell down, and it angered him. "You

d*mn girl! Do as I say! I am your father!" He tried to drag her with him, but this time, it was as if Abigail was

anchored to something, and he couldn't take her with him.

"Look at her, Phil. We haven't seen her for five years, and now she's disobeying us. Well, she is the best doctor in

the world now. I heard she operated on Greg's mother, but she's still not awake yet. I wonder if that'll drag the

family down with her. If it wasn't for Jonathan being Emma's boyfriend, we wouldn't even be living this well. And

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

that's what Abigail wants." Sasha suddenly started crying, and she looked pitiful.

Philip was furious that Abigail made Sasha cry. "Now you're asking for it, you d*mn girl! Have you forgotten my

lessons?" He raised his fist and hurled it at Abigail.

If the hit were to connect, Abigail would be seriously hurt. Philip's cruel action finally got on Abigail's nerves. She

kept telling herself to not argue with scum like Philip, but he went too far. Just before he hit her, Abigail attacked.

A sickening crunch was heard, and Philip howled in agony, for Abigail had dislocated his arm.

Sasha's cries stopped abruptly, and she stared at Abigail in disbelief. She thought she was seeing things, but Philip

was holding his arm in agony.

"How dare you do this to me, you d*mn girl? This is a transgression!" Philip was drenched in sweat, and he was

shocked that Abigail managed to dislocate his arm with one hand. How dare she? Where did she even learn this?

Abigail looked at them coldly. "You remember how you treated me five years ago, right? And I remember the kind

of life I've led since I was a kid. You abandoned me five years ago, so don't play the victim here. We are not family.

Philip, Sasha, here's a warning. I am in a very bad mood right now, so don't cross me. Make me snap, and I might

just snap your neck in return. Oh, but if you want to see Emma, I don't mind sending you to the detention center

right away." She shot them a dangerous look and left.

Sasha wanted to stop her, but she was scared. She was just a coward after all. She held Philip's good arm and kept

crying. "What about Emma? You're her father. Do something. Emma's just a girl. She can't take it in there. If

Jonathan comes back and finds out what happened to her, he might dump her. You know what that means."

Philip knew that meant his business would go down the drain. Without the Frasers' support, he would no longer be a

part of the upper society, and climbing back up the ladder would be hard. The mere thought of that fate

overpowered his pain, and he stopped Abigail again.

"What? Want me to dislocate your other arm? I'm not a pushover. Not any longer." Abigail sneered, her eyes devoid

of any emotions.

Philip could see from her eyes that she was not kidding. She's no longer the same girl. He was angry, but he

couldn't act on it. "Let Emma go, and I'll tell you how your mother died."

Abigail stopped in her tracks.