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Not One, But Two!

Chapter 251
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Chapter 251

"You've crossed the line, Abigail! He is still your father at the end of the day! How can you be so indifferent? Are you

still human?!"

Emma was stunned for a moment before she reacted. Alongside the pressure she had felt for the past few days,

Abigail's attitude added fuel to the flame. As such, Emma couldn't hold her temper any longer.

However, Abigail did not find it strange.

"Indifferent? There is still hope as long as they're alive. Also, we still have no idea what is actually going on."

After saying that, she turned around and left.

Emma froze in her spot.

What? What did Abigail mean by what she just said?

For the first time, Emma felt that she didn't have the brain capacity to understand it. All this while, she always

thought that she was smart. However, after thinking back on all the things she had done that weren't very clever,

she finally kept her mouth shut.

She was keen on following up with Abigail to see what she meant, and the two quickly walked out of prison.

By then, the ambulance had already whizzed over. It seemed like something really happened to Philip.

Just as Abigail was about to call Greg, Philip was pushed out in a stretcher, and the blood on his body glared under

the sunlight.

Seeing this, Emma immediately burst into tears.

"Dad, are you okay? This is Emma. Open your eyes and look at me!"

At that instant, she rushed over but was stopped by someone.

Philip's face was drained of all color. As he struggled to open his eyes after hearing her voice, he was met with

Abigail's cold eyes that looked at him, not with concern but pensively.

However, he felt slightly relieved when he heard Emma's cries.

Although she was a little naive and had been spoiled by Sasha, Emma was more filial to him.

He was quickly pushed into the ambulance while Emma and Abigail were brought into another car following behind.

Although Abigail did not understand what Philip meant by his gaze just now, a strange feeling bubbled inside her.

Once Emma and Abigail entered the car, their phones were temporarily confiscated as the staff was worried that

they might contact the outside world for help.

Because of this, Abigail wasn't able to inform Greg.

All this while, Emma was busy crying her heart out. Although her sadness was understandable, it was also irritating

for those around her.

Abigail's cold gaze slowly moved to her, and this pressured Emma. Immediately, she sniffled and stopped wailing.

When they arrived at the hospital, it was already filled with police. Philip was pushed into the operating theater

while Abigail and Emma were told to wait outside.

At this moment, Abigail was actually a little worried after seeing the condition that Philip was in.

The clock ticked away by the minute, and Emma was about to faint from anxiousness when the medical staff finally

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wheeled Philip out.

Although his wounds were patched up, his face was still frighteningly pale.

"Doctor, how is he?"

There was no point expecting Emma to ask anything at this moment.

When the doctor noticed Abigail's calm appearance, he hurriedly said, "It's not that serious. Fortunately, it narrowly

missed his heart. However, he has lost a lot of blood and would require adequate rest."

These words were also directed to the people from the prison.

With his situation, he couldn't be sent back to prison right away. Instead, he was pushed into a ward with police

officers by the door.

Abigail and Emma were cleared to visit him.

Emma burst into tears as soon as she stepped into the ward and did not dare to touch Philip, seemingly afraid that

she would break him.

Since Abigail was a doctor, she could tell that he was severely injured. However, she found the entire incident

rather strange, right from the very beginning when Philip was thrown into jail to him not wanting to leave, as well as

the fight that caused him his serious injury.

Other people might sometimes lose control of their temper, but not him.

The old man had been through the ups and downs of the business world for many years; how could he not control

his temper?

Moreover, when Greg first found out about his situation, he revealed that he had the intention of saving him. With

Philip's schemes, even if he came out poor, he would still make a comeback after a few years as long as he had the

capital. Why didn't he leave, though?

What on earth was going on here?

Could it be…

Abigail narrowed her eyes slightly, a little annoyed by Emma's cries.

"I'll throw you out if you keep crying!"

Abigail was losing her patience.

At that, Emma abruptly stopped crying and shot Abigail a dissatisfied look. Then, she immediately thought about

Philip's current situation and lowered her head. She was a typical bully who preyed on the weak, after all.

Meanwhile, Abigail couldn't be bothered by Emma. In order to verify her assumption, she walked forward, intending

to examine his wounds before her sister stopped her.

"What are you doing? Dad just got out of the operating room, and you're not wearing any aseptic gloves. What if

you get him infected? I know you're a doctor, but this isn't your place. Can you not disturb him?"

The way Emma cared for Philip somewhat moved Abigail.

This was what a real father-daughter relationship looked like. Unlike her, she was only grateful that he gave her life

and cared for her; there was nothing more than that.

Under Emma's gaze, Abigail had no choice but to withdraw her hands.

Soon, visitation time was over, and the two of them were ushered out. Emma, who wanted to stay and take care of

Philip, was directly dragged out by Abigail.

"Let me go! That's my father! Even if you don't care about him, I do. Abigail, I know you have Mr. Buckley to

support you now, and you look down on us. But no matter what, he gave us our lives. Now that he is like this, even if

you don't want to stay, can't I stay and take care of him?"

"No," said Abigail, intuitively refusing the woman.

Emma was finally getting her life together; Abigail did not want Philip to hurt Emma and send her spiraling once


Although it was a wild guess, Abigail felt it wasn't very far off.

Emma, who was unaware of Abigail's good intentions, cursed along the way. Abigail took out her scalpel when she

couldn't bear it anymore, and Emma finally kept quiet. Despite that, she was a lot less warm to Abigail in

comparison to the past two days.

When the two got out of the hospital, they saw Greg waiting by the entrance with cigarette butts scattered on the

floor next to the car. Immediately, displeasure flashed across Abigail's eyes.

"Don't be around me if you want to die young. I don't want to be a widow yet."

Her cold voice startled him. Then, he followed her gaze to the cigarette butts on the floor and quickly put out the

one in his hand.

"I was just a little sleepy, so I was trying to stay awake. I won't do it again."

He only had two to three hours of sleep last night, and he was here to accompany her now. Naturally, he would be

a little tired, so Abigail's anger subsided as well.

"You shouldn't rely on others to remind you to take care of your body. I can't be by your side all the time. I've

already made plans to be with you forever. If you die earlier than me, I will not be a widow for you. Let me tell you

this—I'll find someone younger and better looking than you. I—"

Before she could finish talking, Greg pulled her in and planted a kiss on her lips.

This woman was really ruthless. He was still alive, yet she was already thinking of finding someone else.

How dare she!

Meanwhile, this scene riled Emma up.


How shameless!

She turned her head angrily as rage built up in her heart.

Their father's life was on the line, yet all Abigail cared about was being in love. How unfilial of her!

Although Emma was furious, she secretly stole glances at the couple nonetheless.

Weren't they being a little too passionate?

They were in public, after all!

When she and Jonathan were together, he seldom kissed her even if it was just the both of them, let alone in public.

Instead, he would get straight down to business. Now that she thought about it, she was like a dish in the restaurant

he ordered to devour.

Looking at Greg and Abigail now, she suddenly felt a little envious.

This was true love.

Upon this realization, discomfort filled Emma up.

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When Greg finally pulled away, Abigail rolled her eyes.

"Don't think you can use this trick on me every time. I meant what I said."


He sighed helplessly.

Regardless of how fierce she was, he had no choice but to spoil her.

Then, he reached out to open the door on the passenger side for her.

She glanced at Emma, who was standing by the side of the road with her head down, and wondered what the

woman was thinking about before calling out in a low voice, "Are you just going to stand there? Get in the car."


Emma did not dare to be presumptuous with Greg by Abigail's side. Now, she could only rely on Abigail to give her a

place to stay, or she would be homeless. Hence, even if Emma was unhappy with Abigail, she could only hold it in

for now.

Seeing how she got into the car quietly, Greg said curtly, "You should be more aware next time. You don't need

Abigail to point out your every step. You're already in your twenties, so you can search for the things you don't

know online. Google is a great tool, after all. My wife is very busy, and she doesn't have that much time to teach

you every single thing."

Although his voice wasn't loud, it still frightened her.

"I understand, Mr. Buckley."

This made her a little restless.

When Abigail saw this, she tugged at Greg's sleeve and said, "Enough, don't scare her already. She's been through a

lot today."

As soon as he heard her speak, his voice softened.

"What in the world happened? Why did you end up at the hospital?"

Abigail explained the situation to him and added, "I keep feeling that something is off."


Greg did not say much.

Emma froze in her place when she heard what Abigail said and immediately pricked up her ears.

Since Abigail never intended to hide it from Emma, she sorted out her thoughts and said, "Philip has been through

the ups and downs of the business world for many years. Even if Jonathan had double-crossed him and caused the

Kain Family to go bankrupt, it shouldn't be a problem for him to make a comeback with his abilities. Besides, I even

used your connection to get to him. Logically speaking, he could've left the prison and asked me for some money to

rebuild his empire. However, he didn't do any of that."

"Hm, go on."

Greg tapped on the steering wheel as he cruised down the road.

Behind them, Emma was stunned to hear Abigail say all these.

However, she was right. Emma wouldn't have thought of this if Abigail didn't bring this up. Based on her

understanding of her father, he would've done such a thing. According to Abigail, she was willing to give their father

some money so that he could start over again, so why didn't he leave?