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Not One, But Two!

Chapter 250
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Chapter 250

Despite feeling that Abigail wasn't as bad as she previously thought, it still couldn't change the fact that it would be

challenging for Emma to restore their relationship. Furthermore, Abigail told Emma that she didn't mind not having

her as a sister.

However, that wasn't the case when Emma thought about Philip. Although he was someone who had a selfish

nature, he was still the one who watched Emma grow up into the young lady she was today. Therefore, Emma was

still feeling pretty much attached to him, considering their father-daughter relationship. That feeling of attachment

was stronger, especially now that Emma couldn't locate Sasha's whereabouts. Thinking it was awkward for her to

stay in the Reeve Residence, deep down, she still wished to be with Philip if they could bail him out of jail.

Meanwhile, Abigail couldn't care less about Emma's thoughts. At this moment, the only thing she couldn't figure out

was the reason behind Philip's reluctance to be bailed out of jail. However, she decided to give up after she thought

hard about it for a while. Screw this sh*t! Why do I even try to keep thinking about it? I'll find out the reason later,


After hanging up the phone, Abigail made her way into the house, and what came into her sight impressed her a

little. She saw that Greg had already cleaned everything up for her.

Looking around her surroundings, she hummed in satisfaction and couldn't help but think to herself. This man is

getting more and more attractive.

Seeing Abigail enter the house, Greg asked, "Would you like to change your clothes first?" He knew there would be

a pungent odor that lingered on her body resulting from her doing some cooking in the kitchen moments ago.

Without uttering anything, Abigail simply nodded and went to the bedroom.

Later, she changed into a comfortable set of casual wear. After looking at herself in the mirror, only then did she

realize that the outfit that she chose actually looked like it matched Greg's. In an instant, slight traces of shyness

crawled up onto her cheeks, causing her to blush.

Meanwhile, it was obvious that Greg, too, had noticed that they had coincidentally matched their outfits. Therefore,

he couldn't hold himself back from letting out a hearty laugh.

"Sweetheart, you're getting more and more beautiful."

Upon hearing that, Abigail yelled, "Scram!" Despite the word 'scram' sounding harsh, she was actually smiling when

she yelled that to Greg. Once the two finished getting ready, they headed straight out.

Moments later, they arrived at the Reeves Residence, and they saw Emma was already waiting by the entrance.

Emma was stunned when she saw Greg tagged along. However, she simply sat in the back passenger seat without

saying much.

Just like everyone else in Harrion, Emma learned about Jonathan's incident that took place in the Food Hall on the

Internet. Like a shot, her consciousness was awakened when she saw Jonathan's discomfited look.

I can't believe I have been in love with such a man for five years. Doubting herself for the choice she had made in

the past, Emma couldn't help but feel worthless for herself. However, she also knew that the only person who could

uproot the Fraser Family from Harrion overnight was the man in front of her, Greg Buckley.

Silently taking a glance at Greg and Abigail, Emma thought, Who exactly gave me the courage to provoke Abigail in

the first place when even the Fraser Family is so vulnerable in front of Greg?!

As she thought of that, she felt a cold sweat running down her forehead. Finally, she came to realize the reason for

her being able to do bad things toward Abigail without facing the same consequences as the Fraser Family. It's not

that I'm more powerful than Abigail, but it turns out that it's her who wasn't bothered about me at all.

The more she thought about it, the more she felt bad inside. Since it was pointless for her to take the initiative to be

nice to Abigail now as the latter didn't care at all, Emma was really clueless about what else she could do to ease up

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the awkward situation between her and Abigail.

In the meantime, both Greg and Abigail felt that the atmosphere in the car had gotten a little depressed and

awkward due to Emma joining them.

Trying to ease up this negative feeling, Abigail took out her phone and wanted to scroll through her TikTok.

However, Greg immediately snatched her phone away.

"What are you doing?" Abigail asked with slight disgruntlement, feeling unhappy with Greg's action.

Even so, Greg was calm when faced with Abigail's current wrath. He simply answered her faintly, "It's not good for

your eyes to look at your phone in a car. Aren't you a doctor? How can you have no clue about this?"

Since what Greg said were the same words Abigail said to Alissa whenever she educated her about the bad effect

of playing with her phone in the car. Never once would it cross her mind that Greg would use these words to

reprimand her like she was a child today.

Even though she was quite speechless at Greg's actions and reasoning, she still uttered, "I'm an adult. I have

nothing to do, and I'm bored. So I might as well play with my phone."

"In that case, look at the scenery. Harrion's scenery is quite beautiful, so I'm sure you'll enjoy it."

As soon as these words escaped Greg's lips, Abigail instantly knew that he wouldn't give the phone back to her.

Therefore, she scolded out of frustration, "Wretched man." Although her voice wasn't loud, both Emma and Greg

could still hear her, considering the space in the car wasn't that spacious.

As Emma never thought that Abigail would dare to scold Greg, she was a little surprised.

Greg's status is much higher than Jonathan's, and even I have to speak cautiously in front of Jonathan, yet Abigail

acts so casually with Greg. At this moment, Emma was afraid that Greg would stop the car and ask Abigail to get

out of the car.

The reason for Emma to have such thoughts running in her mind was because she had experienced that when she

was on a date with Jonathan. He stopped the car halfway through the journey, asked her to get out of the car, and

let her walk all the way home by herself merely because she ranted about him a little. From then on, Emma dared

not to speak rudely to Jonathan.

With that in mind, Emma looked at Greg. Yet, she couldn't spot even a tint of anger on his face. Not only wasn't he

angry, but he said with a smile, "I'm your man."

Listening to Greg's words, Abigail paused slightly. Then, she comprehended the meaning behind his words. I scolded

him, saying he's a wretched man, and he said he's my man. So is he suggesting that I fancy a wretched man? Darn

it! I was tricked!

Thinking of that, Abigail directly raised her foot and kicked Greg's calf.

When Emma saw Abigail's action, she was immediately frightened to the point that she covered her mouth. At this

juncture, she was really afraid that Greg would get mad at Abigail. However, things once again didn't turn out as

she expected. Without dodging the attack, Greg asked in a ruffian manner, "Kicking me, huh? Won't your foot feel

pain? I'll still be the one who feels bad if your foot gets hurt from kicking me. So why bother doing that?"

"Shut up and drive properly!" Abigail scolded once again, and her head was in pain.

This wretched man is getting more and more lawless now. Despite feeling frustrated with Greg, Abigail still

involuntarily curled up the corners of her lips, making her look alluring.

"The vibe in the detention center isn't that good, so don't stay around for too long when you're in there later."

Even though there seemed to be nothing wrong with Greg's reminder, he actually had another intention in mind for

saying those words. In truth, he didn't want Abigail to get in touch and get close to Philip.

Philip is well-known to be a selfish person, possessing a nature like a sly old fox. He knows Abigail will inquire about

his news, yet he insists that he doesn't want to get bailed out of jail. In my opinion, he must be scheming something

sinister. Since I can't stop Abigail from visiting Philip, I can only remind her in this way.

"Got it. Man, you're getting bossier and bossier now."

Upon hearing that, Greg felt as if he was slightly pricked in his heart. "I'm being bossy because I'm worried about


"Don't worry. I can protect myself."

And thus, the atmosphere in the car gradually became harmonious and was no longer awkward, with the two

playfully bickering with each other. Not only that, they even completely forgot about Emma's existence in the car.

As for Emma, she didn't mind that her existence in the car was ignored by the two. In fact, she was fascinated by

their interactions. Emma was a little worried at first that Greg would be annoyed by Abigail, but Greg's reactions

somehow took her by surprise every time. Moreover, she could clearly feel Greg's love for Abigail.

That feeling was something she had never felt before when she was with Jonathan.

Once again, she doubted herself. So what have I been doing for the past five years?!

All these years, my so-called fiancé doesn't even care about me at all!

The feeling of love that I had presumed all these years was nothing but a mere joke.

Looking at the lovey-dovey scene displayed right in front of her, Emma suddenly felt very depressed and stuffy.

Oh, how I wish to get out of the car right now so badly!

Fortunately for Emma, the detention center wasn't far, and they soon arrived at their destination. The moment the

car came to a stop, Emma instantly got out, and her actions startled Greg and Abigail.

"What's wrong with her?"

"No clue." Abigail didn't think too much about Emma's sudden weird behavior. Unlike Emma, she got out of the car

slowly. Then, she turned and said to Greg, "Go find a place to chill out and have a cup of coffee or something. This

isn't a good place for you to stay and wait for us. Besides, he doesn't deserve your respect, so you don't have to

follow us in to see him."


Considering the fact that Greg didn't like Philip personally, he naturally didn't want to follow them when he heard

Abigail's words. Then, he remembered that there was a newly opened bbq smokehouse nearby, so he decided to

go over and have a taste of their food. I'll bring Abigail if their food tastes nice.

Thinking of this, Greg started the car engine and drove away.

After Abigail got out of the car, she saw Emma standing at the gate of the detention center. Upon seeing Emma's

hesitating look, she couldn't help but ask, "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing. I just think that you and Mr. Buckley have a really good relationship. Unlike you two, things were never

this harmonious between Jonathan and me during the five years we were together. Right now, I don't even know

what I've been insisting on and what I've been protecting within these years." Emma was really at a loss.

Knowing Jonathan's true colors, Abigail naturally knew he wouldn't treat others with sincerity. Besides, it was Emma

who was eager to hook up with Jonathan back then. Deep down, he despised women like Emma the most. For that

reason, he couldn't possibly treat her nicely.

Even so, Abigail kept quiet. She felt that she didn't have an obligation to teach Emma the meaning of love.

"Come on, let's go in." Abigail moved her feet and walked.

When Emma didn't get the reaction she was hoping for, she was stunned for a moment. Although she knew that

the broken sisterly bond between her and Abigail was irreparable, she was still feeling a little upset.

Can't Abigail be nice to me for once, considering I've already ended up like this?

However, such dissatisfaction had merely glimpsed in her mind for a while as she remembered the things Abigail

had done for her. Abigail could just let me seethe into this mess and not help me deal with everything in the first

place, but she didn't. For that, I think she's being kind enough to me.

I don't think I could act like Abigail and do what she did if our roles were reversed.

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At the sudden thought of that, she stayed frozen in place.

What's this? I actually know how to put myself in someone else's shoes now.

Thinking of that, Emma didn't know whether she should cry or laugh. However, she quickened her pace and

followed Abigail when she saw her back silhouette that was about to disappear out of her sight.

In the meantime, Abigail didn't even care what Emma was thinking in her mind. All she wanted to know was what

had occurred to Philip.

When the two of them arrived at the reception hall, Abigail mentioned Philip's name. Once the other party heard

the name, they asked Abigail and Emma to wait for a moment while they instructed someone to bring Philip over.

In contrast with Abigail's calming state, Emma was a little anxious. Out of her impatience, she accidentally blurted

out her frustration, "Abigail, why do they let us wait? Do they not know we're related to Mr. Buckley?"

Upon hearing that, Abigail glanced at her coldly. Despite not uttering anything, the coercion exuded by Abigail still

shivered Emma a little.

Knowing that she was left with nothing now, and Abigail and Greg were the reason she could visit Philip, Emma

immediately shut her mouth and stopped grumbling.

Needless to say, the disaster that struck the Kain Family this time changed Emma. She became a lot more mature

compared to the past. Although she didn't approach Abigail out of sincerity, she could at least know how to judge

the severity of a situation now. Likewise, she wouldn't behave like before and lashed out her anger naively. At the

very least, she knew how to forbear and suppress her frustration.

When Abigail saw the current Emma, she didn't know what to say either. However, she wasn't bothered at all.

Presently, she could care less about what Emma thought of her.

Then, the two waited for a while. Finally, someone came out, but it wasn't Philip. Instead, it was someone who

worked in the detention center.

"I'm sorry, Miss Kain. Something happened to Philip Kain."

"What do you mean?"

Upon hearing that, Abigail abruptly stood up. In the meantime, the panic in Emma was instantly unlocked, and she

immediately grabbed Abigail's hand. The force she exerted on her grip was so hard that it made Abigail frown


Hence, she ordered Emma with a cold voice. "Let go."

Only then did Emma snap back to her senses, and she hurriedly let go of Abigail. Sobbing a little, she asked, "What

happened to my dad?"

With that, the staff at the detention center quickly answered, "I don't know how it happened, but Philip was injured

with a fork. Someone directly pierced the fork into his chest with great force. We need to send him to the hospital

right now, so you two come along as well."

Like dropping a bombshell, Abigail's heart dropped with a 'thud' when she heard that. Meanwhile, Emma directly

broke down and burst into tears.

"Dad! Dad!" Emma bellowed in pain, and her voice was immensely ear-piercing. Perhaps she had put all her hopes

on Philip, so she instantly snapped when she heard that Philip was injured.

Nonetheless, it made sense for Emma to have such thoughts. After all, Emma grew up to be an extremely

pampered child. Now that her family faced disaster, not only did she have to receive maltreatment from Abigail,

but she had to learn how to take care of herself and do everything by herself. Initially, she thought that she would

be able to find a way to bail Philip out and escape from Abigail's oppression after she found him. However, her plan

was disrupted now that she heard something had happened to Philip. Therefore, it wasn't unusual for Emma to

break down like this at this moment.

However, in Abigail's perspective, Emma's sudden emotional outburst was useless at this moment.

"Shut up! Philip isn't dead yet, so why are you bursting into tears? Are you practicing how to cry for his funeral? Do

you not have any other capabilities besides crying?!"

The reprimanding words that escaped Abigail's lips were so blunt that they immediately silenced Emma on the spot.