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Not One, But Two!

Chapter 219
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Chapter 219

How did it feel like to miss someone?

Abigail didn't know about it until now. It was like an invisible string that sometimes shackled and tightened one's

heart, in which the throbbing pain conjured memories in one's mind.

Abigail grabbed the tomatoes and suddenly thought of the tomato egg prepared by Greg. The flashback was so

vivid that she could even recall his expression back then.

She felt somewhat resigned and frustrated with herself and was about to switch them to other ingredients when

Charlotte's voice resounded behind her.

"Thinking about Greg?"

"Stop spouting nonsense, please." Abigail, who was caught red-handed, wasn't sure what she should do with the

tomatoes in her hand now. "What would you like to have? Are tomatoes alright for you?"

"I'm fine with anything. I'm a simple woman," said Charlotte casually as her eyes were fixated upon Abigail with an

ambiguous gaze. "Tell me, why are you suddenly dating Greg when you've been single for five years? Not to

mention the fact that you've obtained the custody right to your kids? Look at Hugh, who's been by your side for five

years. He's handsome and capable. He's not that bad compared to Greg, but why have you chosen Greg?"

"And what's wrong with Greg?" Abigail took out another two eggs after cleaning the tomatoes.

Her simple question made Charlotte answer solemnly. "He's not one simple man, and he's not what you think he is.

Although everyone on Hitman Island has to treat him with respect, they will not let him get away from it, even if

he's the leader of Night Assassino. Besides, even the best hacker failed to pry his background."

Abigail was stunned, for she had not considered doing a background check on Greg. Not even once. However, she

now wondered if she should do it since Charlotte had brought it up. "Why the background check?"

"Don't you think that something's off? Old Madam Buckley has looked after him since he was a child, but we

couldn't find out who his father was. Old Madam Buckley has her marriage hidden well, too; even though she's

divorced, there's no gist of her ex-husband's identity. Greg lives in the Gray Territory, but can you believe that he

seldom does illicit affairs? Suppose a mafia boss can be the leader of Night Assassino without any illegal

involvement. In that case, it is either that he has a powerful backer or he's powerful enough to take the position. In

fact, he would be so powerful that no one could track back the traces of his deeds. Otherwise, he must've

destroyed every evidence."

Charlotte was like a wake-up call that knocked Abigail to her senses because she didn't think that much. Greg was

simply the person she liked and nothing more. She didn't care about his identity.

"Don't pry further if it's a waste of time. We'll know when the time comes."

"Do I have to remind you of the consequences of going against Hitman Island? You're going to get yourself

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assassinated for a mere man! So, what if you have Shadow to protect you? They can't possibly keep you safe all the

time. I do not doubt your skills, but once the never-ending chase starts, you won't get to live a peaceful life. Do you

hear me? Can you even guarantee your children's safety? Abigail Kain, you've never been the one who makes rash

decisions, but why now? Why are you being so careless?"

Noticing Charlotte's concern and worries, Abigail smiled. She's still the same—cold on the outside but warm on the


"And you're smiling right now? I guess that's the only thing you've learned in the past five years." Charlotte was

evidently vexed.

Abigail popped a piece of ham into Charlotte's mouth. "I know that you're worried about me."

"Who's worried about you? Get your facts right, girl," denied Charlotte as she began munching the piece of meat,

albeit disapproving of Abigail's action of feeding her suddenly.

Abigail comforted, "I'll deal with Hitman Island. At most, I will just ruin them and turn everything into ashes."

"Stop the big talk, please." Charlotte left the kitchen after having said everything that she should.

Did Greg use some kind of spell on her? Is that why she can't get over him?

If Charlotte were in Abigail's shoes, she wouldn't hesitate to leave that man. Besides, she would've done a thorough

background check on Greg before getting affiliated with him in order to prevent any unwanted predicament.

But she is really in danger. What should I do? Charlotte was at her wit's end.

In the meantime, Abigail was quite laid-back about the whole situation and was reminded of something thanks to

her friend.

If Hitman Island had ordered Charlotte, their best assassin, to oust her, more assassins would be pursuing her in the

future. Although she wasn't afraid of the incessant assassination, she had to reconsider her kids' safety. Obliterating

the island was a mere joke, but she had an idea of how to handle the situation.

While she was doing all the thinking in her head, her hands didn't stop. Soon, she served the dishes on the dining

table. "Enjoy."

When Charlotte looked at the appetizing dishes, she couldn't help the sincere praise from blurting out, "I never

knew that you're a good cook."

"There are so many things you don't know about me. Why don't you stay here and find them out one by one by


Charlotte was nonplussed. "Have you fallen for me?"

"I've liked you since long ago."

Charlotte was shocked by the sudden 'confession'. "Are you perhaps bisexual?"

"What are you talking about, Charlotte? Do you need a punch to knock some sense into your head?" Abigail knew

that she could never get through to Charlotte, whose reasoning was quite peculiar.

Charlotte shrugged as she replied nonchalantly, "Let me eat before you punch me."

Then, she started to dig in. Her brow raised instinctively as the food had set her taste buds tingling. She reckoned

that none of the restaurants would be able to make the same delicious taste.

At the same time, the chef watched her devour the dishes, which easily lightened her mood. Charlotte was one of

the few friends that Abigail had. Thus, even if she were planning to annihilate Hitman Island, she would never allow

Charlotte to return to that hideous place.

"Charlotte, just stay with me. Leave the matter to me. I can guarantee you that no one will find out about your


Charlotte, who was halfway through her meal, paused momentarily before letting out a bitter smile. "There's gonna

be traces left as long as I've lived there. How can you let everyone forget about a living person? What about those

records, even if they suffered from memory loss? You're too naive, Abigail. My life had never been the same as it

was after I graduated from college, and everything is recorded. They will send the records to the police the

moment I plan on leaving the island. Are you trying to have me killed?"

Had Charlotte never thought of leaving? No, she did.

Still, the island was a prison where killing was not uncommon. The moment she set foot there had marked the

beginning of the undoing of her life.

Therefore, she had to live as an emotionless assassin for the rest of her life. She was the syndicate's weapon, which

could do nothing other than rake in money for them.

It wasn't like she didn't give it a shot, either. She tried several times, yet the only thing she had received was an

agonizing punishment. She was glad that Abigail did not have to suffer such a tormenting experience.

Charlotte suddenly lost her appetite and put down her spoon. "I'm full."

Abigail asked, "Do you know King?"

"How can I possibly not know who the best hacker is? But he's a hard nut to crack. So, we can't hire him, no matter

how many times our instructor tries. Otherwise, we could've caught a whiff of Greg's background."

With a faint smile, Abigail spilled the beans. "King is me." She had been careful about her identity, but Charlotte was

someone that she could trust.

Charlotte riveted on the spot before bursting into laughter. "Abigail, I know that you're trying to comfort me, but

you don't have to go to lengths by saying that you're King. He's a legend, and you shouldn't say things like that. "

Since she had seen this coming, Abigail held her tongue and brought over her laptop instead. Her fingers began to

move swiftly as strings of codes began to fill the screen without any letup right in front of Charlotte's eyes. Even

Charlotte was deeply impressed by her speed.

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Before long, Abigail had successfully infiltrated Hitman Island's safety system, and Charlotte was all tensed up to

see 'Hitman Island' on the screen.

"What? Did you really—"

"Shh. Watch and learn." Abigail was searching for Charlotte's record.

As its name implied, Hitman Island was a ruthless place. After the higher-ups received the money, they would

nurture new assassins to assassinate the targets while keeping records of the assassins' movements and photos.

Once an assassin had betrayed or even had the intention of leaving, they could send the evidence to the police

easily, thanks to the convenience of the Internet. Thus, the assassin would ultimately be the wanted criminal


It was no wonder that many of them couldn't afford to leave the place as they were forced to stay.

Although Charlotte had only a few missions in the past few years, there were still records of them.

Baffled, Charlotte had never imagined herself to be able to see those confidential files with her own eyes. Even the

top-notch hackers would decline the request that required them to hack into Hitman Island's system, for they didn't

want to put their lives at stake.

Now that Abigail had shown her her records readily, Charlotte still couldn't believe her eyes. Instead, her face

blanched at the irrefutable evidence of her past murders.

Not only her course of actions and expressions were recorded, but the victims' identities were also specially labeled

as well. Therefore, a death row was inevitable once everything in the files was disclosed.

Charlotte sneered. "The higher-ups are so detailed with their job."

"I'll delete it, and you'll be free from now on." But, right when Abigail was about to press the 'delete' button,

Charlotte stopped her.

"Is it true that you're planning to destroy Hitman Island?" Charlotte stared at her intensely but couldn't read her

mind other than the determination in her eyes.

"Charlotte, what are you going to do?"

"We should atone for our sins. It's true that I killed those people."

"You were forced to!"

"But still, I killed them with my bare hands. And I admit that it's all my doing. Whether it's death row or lifetime

imprisonment, I don't care because it is my punishment. But this syndicate mustn't exist. More innocent people will

be trapped in this hell to be trained as assassins. I've seen new groups of people on the island, and they were

always disposed of into the sea. I thought I'd gotten used to it, but I now know that I'm not. That wasn't always the

case. So, tell me—are you going to obliterate Hitman Island?"

It had struck upon Charlotte that Abigail was not blurting only empty words. Abigail was King, hence the possibility

that she was able to root out the horrendous place once and for all rose significantly!