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Not One, But Two!

Chapter 205
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Chapter 205

When she saw the serious look on Greg's face, Abigail felt a little depressed as well.

Five years ago, she told herself that she would live for no one else but herself and her children, but now, just

because she had fallen for him, she had to go through all this?

The inexplicable frustration gradually twisted her face into something unpleasant.

"Let's go."

She turned and headed out, leading the way, but he held her back by the wrist.

"No matter what happens, you're not allowed to dump me."

When such a masculine and dominant man actually gazed at her with such puppy eyes, it suddenly made her heart

a little softer.

"Greg Buckley, you're the dark emperor. Can you please not act like a wuss?"

"How am I a wuss? I'm afraid of losing you. Honey, no matter what my mom says, you shouldn't dump me. Anyway,

I'm clinging to you. If you dump me, I'll sit outside your door every day and follow you wherever you go, even if you

go into a ladies' washroom. Just try me if you don't believe me."

Initially, he spoke pathetically, but in the end, he returned to his original self as he spoke with a trace of roguish


She couldn't help the annoyed chuckle that bubbled up as she declared, "Greg, you're such a pest. You know that?"

"Oh, did you just realize it now? Too bad that it's too late. You can forget about leaving once you've agreed to be

with me!"

He held her hand tightly, interlaced his fingers with hers, and started striding out of the establishment.

Even though he was smiling, Abigail knew that he didn't have a clue in his heart.

They climbed into the car, and Greg didn't say anything while she was reticent. Just like that, all the way, they

reached Valerie's place, where the butler was already waiting outside.

The butler quickly went to greet him when he saw Greg.

"You're back, Master Greg? Please come in, Dr. Kain."

The butler was considered composed, and his attitude toward Abigail was still the same. Meanwhile, Greg was silent

as he brought her through the doors, and at that moment, Valerie was trimming her plants.

"Mom, we're back. What's up? Why do you want us to make a trip back? Where are the kids?"

Greg preemptively asked the children to come out so they could remind Valerie that Abigail had given birth to two

adorable children for the Buckley Family. He also hoped that she wouldn't care about Abigail's past for the children's


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However, how could Valerie not know what her son was planning?

So, she didn't reply to him and merely turned to the butler and instructed, "Brew some tea for Dr. Kain."


When the butler left, the other servants retreated far away, leaving only Abigail, Greg, and Valerie in the living


Valeria glanced at Abigail and said curtly. "Take a seat."

After so many years, Abigail had never been this nervous, even when facing a complicated surgery. As she cared

about Greg and this relationship, she cared about Valerie's attitude.

At the moment, she was unclear about Valerie's attitude, so she kept silent and took a seat at the side obediently,

and when Greg wanted to lean over, Valerie smacked him with a fly swatter.

"A grown man like you leaning on a woman all day as though you have no bones. Don't you have any image at all?

Sit properly."

Although her words seemed like nothing, Abigail learned from them that she was unhappy with her.

In the past, Valerie couldn't wait for Greg to cling to her, but she just said that he had no image at all; to say that

there was no other meaning behind her words, Abigail wouldn't believe it no matter what.

However, she was quiet, sitting there with a neutral stance while Greg frowned but still took his seat properly. After

all, the person in front of him was his mother, who had been through hardships to bring him up, and he didn't want

things to turn sour between them.

"What are you doing, Mom? You'll scare my wife if you're so strict suddenly."

His words brought a knot between Valerie's brows for a second before she said in a low voice, "Dr. Kain, I heard

some things today, and I would like to ask you if they're true."

"Please go on."

Abigail knew that she had to face the music, so she accepted it despite her nervousness.

In a relationship, fate was necessary, even more so for mutual respect. So, even though she liked Greg, if she had

to compromise herself because she liked him, Abigail felt she might not want to do that.

A gleam flashed past Valerie's eye at her neutral attitude, and she coughed once before saying, "I heard that you

came from Hitman Island."

"Yes, and I wonder what else you would like to know, Old Madam Buckley?" she answered honestly.

The past, which she couldn't change, had already happened, so there was nothing she should hide.

On the other hand, it seemed like Valerie wasn't expecting her to answer so directly, and she frowned unwittingly.

"The female assassins from Hitman Island have to go through a special task as their final exam before graduation.

Did you go through the same, Dr. Kain?"

"Mom!" As her question was too direct, Greg couldn't help but spring up and say, "No matter how Abigail was

before, she's my wife from now, and she's the only one for me."

"Shut up!"

Suddenly, Valerie blew her top and even hit him once more with the fly swatter.

Greg took the hit directly without dodging and said severely, "Mom, regardless of who told you about this, can you

just stop right now? Five years ago, Abigail was just a weak girl, so what could she do when the people from Hitman

Island abducted her? You're a woman as well. Why are you making things difficult for your fellow women?"

"I told you to shut up. Greg Buckley, do you take me for dead? Or do you think that you're independent now and

don't need to listen to me anymore?"

Clearly, Valerie was furious, but Greg said very firmly, "Mom, even if I'm independent, I'm still your son, and I'll keep

in mind how you brought me up. But I'm also an adult with my own thoughts and judgment, and I know better what

I want."

"What do you want? Do you even know?"

Seeing that Valerie and Greg were about to start an argument, Abigail opened her mouth calmly.

"Old Madam Buckley, what would you like to hear from me?"

Her words caught Valerie dumbfounded, but she could tell that Valerie was displeased judging from her nasty


"I want an honest answer."

"The honest answer is, I didn't graduate because I passed out halfway due to fatigue. Regarded as a corpse, I was

thrown into the sea as shark feed, but I was saved by someone against all odds," Abigail said composedly.

The knot between Valerie's brows tightened. "Such a coincidence? Hitman Island has always been strict. How could

they make such a mistake?"

From the sound of it, it was clear that she didn't believe what Abigail said.

So, she let out a light chuckle as she responded, "Look, Old Madam Buckley. What you want isn't the answer I said.

You already decided what kind of person I am from the beginning. So, what's the point for me to say more?"

With that attitude from her, it was starting to get embarrassing for Valerie, and her face turned even more sullen.

"Dr. Kain, what's that attitude of yours? Can't I even ask about it?"

"Is that asking? You're just calling me over to embarrass me so that I will know better and leave your son, isn't it?"

A sneer appeared on Abigail's face as she clearly hit the nail on the head regarding these wealthy women.

Albeit her displeasure, Valerie didn't utter a word, and nobody knew if it was implied silently that she agreed to

Abigail's words or if she just couldn't be bothered to speak with her anymore.

Since Valerie had this attitude, Abigail wouldn't allow herself to stay longer to be snubbed.

Out of the blue, she got to her feet and said indifferently, "Since you find me an eyesore, please get my daughters

out, and I'll leave with them."

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Instantly, panic struck Greg. "Abigail!"

If this continues, I'll become a swinging bachelor! he thought. Is she planning to dump me?

He immediately held Abigail's hand and shot Valerie an unhappy look as he said anxiously, "Mom, can you just stay

out of my affairs?"

"How can I do that when you're my son? Also, the girls are not here. I've already sent them to live elsewhere and

took some samples for a paternity test."

When the words left her mouth, Abigail was infuriated. Forget the fact that she was suspicious of her and even

suspected whether the children belonged to Greg. If that was the case, what else was left to be said?

"Where are my daughters?"

Abigail's face had turned entirely stone cold, and Greg could tell from one look that she was mad.

"Mom, what are you doing? Of course, I know they're my children. How can you have someone do a paternity test

on them? Are you muddleheaded?"

"Looks like you're muddleheaded. Did you fall for her badger trap? Aren't you clear about your own identity? People

are relying on you for their livelihoods! I won't stop you from being foolish and falling for a woman, but can Night

Assasino and Buckley Group take such a huge risk?"

Valerie's attitude right now explained everything, and Abigail's heart felt a little cold.

Honestly, she did carry some hopes with her before coming. At the end of the day, Valerie's attitude before this

gave her the impression that she was a gentle woman who might not believe Troy's one-sided story. But now, it

seemed like she had painted a perfect picture for herself.

Troy was Greg's friend for over a decade and had always been loyal to him and the Buckley Family. In contrast, she

was a woman who had appeared out of nowhere halfway, and she even brought two children with her. From one

glance, it was clear who was more important.

She was arrogant and overestimated herself, assuming that Valeria would treat this matter fairly because of her

character and medical skill. But alas, she was too naive in the end.

After a round of disappointment, Abigail peered at Greg. He was truly outstanding and treated her well, and he

even made her fall for him. But what would he do about Valerie's obstructions?

She didn't know about that because all she wanted now was to find her daughters and leave this place.

"Old Madam Buckley, where are my daughters?" she asked emotionlessly.

Valerie stared at her and had a complicated look in her eyes. "Once the results of the paternity tests are out, I'll tell

you where they are."

This answer immediately sparked her anger, and she couldn't hold back her temper any longer.

"Old Madam Buckley, do you really think that Harrion is under the Buckley's control? I don't want to have a fallout

with you, not because I'm afraid of you, but because I just don't want to make things difficult for Greg. Today, you

have detained my children for no reason. What do you think I should do, and what can I do?"