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Not One, But Two!

Chapter 157
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Chapter 157

"Ouch!" Greg didn't hold back and he kicked Jonathan hard. Instantly, Jonathan fell to the ground with his face

plastered to the floor.

Emma was pained to see that, and she forgot about her fears and leaped forward to help him up.

"Jonathan, are you alright?"

"Get away from me!"

Jonathan had never experienced such humiliation before but that person there was his uncle, a man who hardly

anyone in Harrion dared to cross, so he could only vent his anger on Emma.

Suddenly, Emma didn't catch herself in time and she was shoved to the ground by Jonathan. Her palms instantly

were bruised.

Ever since Jonathan was discovered in Emma's bed, Sasha was quite clear on his behavior toward Emma. Right

now, the older woman saw his mistreatment of Emma, and she was significantly displeased.

"Jonathan, be a man and direct your anger at the person involved! Don't you dare vent on Emma! Don't assume

that you can just bully her because you come from the exalted Fraser Family! It won't look good for either of us if I

make a fuss of things!"

Sasha had been quite pleased to have Jonathan as her son-in-law five years ago, but for the past five years, he had

no intention of signing the marriage papers with Emma, so Sasha had harbored resentment since ages ago. After

all, five years of a woman's time was precious.

Emma had steadfastly waited for Jonathan for the past five years but right now, he seemed to have his eyes set on

Abigail. A few days ago, Victoria had even turned up here to insult them. In fact, Sasha was now kind of reluctant to

let Emma marry Jonathan. After all, if the man treated her like dirt, what was the point of marrying into their


Sasha wasn't a kind person, but she treated Emma very well and she would never allow her daughter to be bullied

and humiliated.

Meanwhile, Jonathan had never expected that Sasha, who usually flattered him, would dare to say such words to

him. At that moment, he was angered beyond words. They must all be doing this on purpose! They're purposely

trying to humiliate me in front of Abigail!

Jonathan angrily tried to speak up, but Greg suddenly voiced out calmly, "Jonathan, you've dragged your

engagement with Emma for five years now. It's time for you to sign the marriage papers. After all, a woman's youth

is precious and everyone in Harrion knows that she's yours. Both of you aren't young anymore, so I'll find time to

speak to Victoria and discuss the wedding date. Besides, as the future groom, I'm sure that you wouldn't renege on

your words and break off the engagement, right?"

Greg's words caused Jonathan to suddenly lift his head and stare at Greg aghast.

Jonathan evidently was aware of his mom and grandmother's attitude toward Greg, so if the latter actually went

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and talked to Jonathan's mother about his engagement with Emma, then she definitely would no longer object to it

despite her dislike of the bride.

"Uncle Greg, this is my affair, so you shouldn't interfere," Jonathan said through clenched teeth.

Why does it have to be Uncle Greg of all people? Why does he have to go after Abigail and fight with me for her


In the past, no matter what Greg wanted their family to do, they had no complaints and did everything as he

instructed. However, over the past few years, Greg had not actually provided as much help to them as the public


The Frasers were able to get to their position today with some of Greg's help, but it was mostly due to Jonathan and

his father's efforts. Who gave him the right to interfere in my life?!

Abigail was my girlfriend from the start and there are plenty of women out there, so why does he have to go

against me?! He's just being disrespectful to Mom! Just because she's an adopted daughter, he thinks that she's just

their servant, huh?! That's why he assumes that we should follow whatever the Buckleys say?! And now he even

wants to meddle in my marriage. He's forcing me to marry Emma so that I'll no longer have a chance to go after

Abigail! He's going way overboard!

Just then, there was a burst of anger that welled up within Jonathan and it coursed through his body.

However, Greg paid no heed to Jonathan's current ferocious expression. The former merely turned to speak to

Abigail. "Let's go. Let's head home now."

"Okay," Greg had already helped Abigail fulfill her promise to Philip.

Meanwhile, Abigail couldn't contain her dislike toward Emma and Sasha, so she had no intentions of staying on any


Subsequently, Greg took her hands in his and led her out of the house.

As Abigail looked at the bustling street outside, she was preoccupied with her thoughts about Philip's words from


She had always felt that there must have been a reason for her mother's abandonment all these years and she was

finally told the truth today.

She was supposed to be a product of love for her parents but because of Philip's presence, she had become an

abandoned child that no one cared about. If one asked if she felt angry about this, then she reckoned that she

should feel angry but right now, she didn't have the energy to do so.

"What's wrong? What did Philip say to you? You seem quite upset about it."

Greg drove the car and brought Abigail to a slightly secluded park before pulling over.

She didn't hide anything from him and repeated everything that Philip had told her.

"Do you think that I should hate him for all that he did?"

Greg leaned back on the chair and spoke up calmly. "Well, it's quite hard to say. If you want to harbor hatred then

so be it. You don't have to care about the feud between the older generation."

"But the fact is, he did use his own blood to save my biological father's life."

At the same time, Abigail looked outside and said in a soft voice, "Although my mother did pay the price, she should

have realized this from the moment she sought Philip's help to save my father, right? After all, Philip nearly died in

order to save my father. Philip has such an obsessive personality, so he would obviously do anything to get what he

wants. As for my mother, since she agreed to marry Philip thus even if she was truly in love with my father, she

should have been mindful of her identity."

"Oh!" Suddenly, Greg exclaimed loudly and Abigail was startled by his outburst.

"What's wrong?"

Greg slapped his thigh and asked, "Did you mention that your mother and Philip are still legally married?"

"I think so. Philip mentioned that they signed the marriage papers and they had a marriage certificate. They never

filed for divorce either."

Abigail wasn't quite sure why Greg asked that question, but she answered him dutifully.

Meanwhile, he smiled and mentioned, "Then what does that make Sasha? She's a home-wrecker, and that makes

Emma an illegitimate child too. Would you look at that! This mother-daughter duo is made up of a home-wrecker

and an illegitimate child and yet, how dare they behave so arrogantly and rudely in front of you, who's the actual

rightful daughter of the family? They must be out of their minds, huh?"

At that point, Abigail couldn't help grimacing. "Why do you always pay attention to the things that others don't

generally care about? I meant—"

"You don't have to tell me what you meant. Right now, the thing is that you're the rightful daughter of the family. As

for the two of them, one's a home-wrecker and the other's an illegitimate daughter, so how dare they blatantly

insult you? They must be delusional! Well, I won't let this slide. Since Philip didn't tell your mother about your true

identity, then you're still the rightful heir to the family fortune. Sasha and Emma won't be able to lay their hands on

a single penny!"

After Greg finished saying that, he started to tally up Philip's fortune in front of Abigail.

Meanwhile, Abigail looked at the man in front of her and she suddenly felt quite amused by him. Her low spirits

from knowing the truth about her identity were lifted after hearing his words.

Gosh, this man always seems to be able to come up with all sorts of nonsense, but he always does things by looking

at it from my perspective and doing it for my sake.

"Stop that. I'm not interested in their family fortune." She smiled as she spoke.

However, Greg shook his head and said, "It's alright to not be interested, but you should let the mother and

daughter duo think that you are."

"Why?" Abigail was slightly surprised.

He turned to her with a smile and commented, "Regarding that, it's because they've always stayed at the Kain

Residence. They think that everything belongs to them, which is why they are so keen on arranging Emma's

marriage. However, if they realize that you're actually the rightful daughter while they're worthless, guess what

they would be most concerned about?"

"What would that be?" Abigail couldn't quite wrap her head around things yet.

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At that point, Greg reached out and gently tweaked her on the forehead with a smile. "They would frantically try

and speed up the divorce process between Philip and your mom! Only after their divorce would Sasha be able to

ascend to her rightful position, and Emma would then be able to become a legitimate child."

"Philip won't agree to a divorce."

Abigail clearly remembered Philip's bigoted look. It had been so many years since then but up till today, he was still

very agitated when he spoke about her mother. Abigail knew then that he had her mother in his mind—be it from

love or unwillingness to let go—and he definitely wouldn't agree to a divorce.

If he actually cared about Sasha and Emma's feelings or their positions, he would have filed for a divorce ages ago.

At that point, Greg smiled sinisterly as he spoke. "Well then, this isn't something we should concern ourselves with.

If Sasha wants to become the actual Mrs. Kain, then she would naturally have to find a way to get Philip and Adeline

to go through a divorce. But you shouldn't be the one to instigate this."

As Greg looked at Abigail, there was a flash of distress in his eyes.

"You shouldn't have to bear the consequences for the things that Philip and your parents did. You didn't get to

control your birth and the life you had after that. Even if you aren't Philip's daughter, you shouldn't be the one to

have to reveal this to your mother. After all, she harbors hatred toward you to the extent that she doesn't even

want to recall that she had you before. That's why even if you've come to know your true identity, you've indeed

lived by Philip's side all these years so she wouldn't believe that you totally have no feelings for him. That's why the

only way forward would be for Sasha to tell Adeline about your past. That's the only way to evoke the guilt your

mom has toward you so that she will willingly bring you home with her." Greg was quite perceptive and he had

everything well thought out, but Abigail couldn't help feeling slightly sad.

"It's just a simple process of identifying my family. Do I actually have to scheme for this?"

"My sweetheart, this isn't being scheming. This is just to make sure that you get the respect and love that you

deserve. After all, you're the only one who's the most innocent in this matter. However, how have all those non-

innocent people been treating you all of these years?"

Greg never felt that he was a kind person, but he was definitely a very protective man. After all, Abigail was his


All of these years, she had suffered so much that she shouldn't have endured, so those who had hurt her had to pay

the price. It made no difference even if Abigail's biological parents were included in that list too.

Greg was aware not to take drastic measures because Abigail would be mindful of their relationship, but if her

parents planned to just randomly claim their daughter and bring her back, then they were pretty much being

wishful. I won't allow that! However, he kept these words to himself and he didn't mention them to Abigail.

Abigail knew that he was just doing everything for her sake, so she didn't object to it. Meanwhile, she suddenly

recalled something and said, "Philip seems to be quite unwell. When I left the room earlier, I think he had a medical


Greg wasn't aware of Abigail's current attitude toward Philip, so he merely replied calmly, "I know about his prior

medical condition."