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Not One, But Two!

Chapter 137
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Chapter 137

It didn't take long for the cars to drive past each other. Only several seconds passed during that interval.

There was a trace of fury in Jonathan's eyes when he saw Abigail and Greg driving away from within his own car.

That woman really is inseparable from Uncle Greg.

Thinking back to the concern and appreciation Abigail showed him five years ago and comparing that with the

disdain she had for him now, it left a sour feeling in his heart. Emma and her mother are too incompetent. Didn't

they not use any repressive actions to suppress Abigail?

Just as he was pondering over this, he saw Alissa skipping out of a nearby villa while humming a song along the way.

His eyes narrowed suddenly at the sight. This kid is living here?

Quickly taking out his phone, he took a picture and sent it to Emma.

'This is the b*stard child that Abigail gave birth to five years ago. She is currently living in this location.' He shared

the location with Emma. I've already paved the way for Emma and the others. As for what they will do… All I need

to do is wait for the news.

His car slowly drove past Alissa's side.

The young girl was completely oblivious to the fact that she was being watched. She was rapturously breathing in

the fresh air around her, relishing in the taste of freedom.

On the other hand, Abigail and Greg were ignorant of what had happened back there. When the two of them

arrived home, Greg tried to follow Abigail inside, only to be blocked at the door by Abigail.

"Don't go in. Teal is supposed to have a medicinal bath. It's not convenient for you to enter."

His expression became gloomy. "If you knew it was going to be inconvenient, then why did you bring her home?

You're chasing your husband out for the sake of an outsider like her. Doesn't your conscience hurt?"

Abigail felt that his words were not quite right. My husband? Is he sure he is my husband?

The corners of her mouth involuntarily lifted slightly. "I'm just taking my job seriously. As you know, I'm a doctor. I

can't just let a patient die in front of me."

Upon hearing these words, there was nothing else he could say to dissuade her. After all, there were many doctors

around him; both Gillian and Cody were doctors. Saving lives and healing the sick seemed to be their life's calling.

Every one of them was particularly devoted and respectful toward human life—except for Genevieve.

Greg looked at Abigail helplessly and said, "Even so, you still have to take the time to eat with me every day."

"Okay." Abigail initially thought that she would need to spend considerable effort just to convince him otherwise.

Therefore, she was a little stunned to receive such a direct response from him out of the blue.

"Did you just say okay?"

"Do you want me to say it's not?" She found him very cute and adorable in this state.

"No. It's great." He scratched the back of his head. "By the way, my mother has returned. She mentioned that you

can go over whenever you're free to give her a checkup."

"Okay. I'll go over there tomorrow." Now that she was in a relationship with him, she was not sure how she was

supposed to interact with Valerie. Nevertheless, she was familiar with the relationship between a doctor and a


He was a little reluctant to leave. I wish I could stay with her every single minute of the day. It had been many years

since he last experienced this kind of feeling. He felt like an eighteen-year-old greenhorn again. His entire head was

filled with her.

She suddenly noticed the way he was looking at her with twinkling eyes and how he was refusing to leave. Thus, she

instantly understood what he wanted. Oh, this man!

Taking a step forward, she circled her arms around his neck. Her warm breath made him subconsciously wrap his

arm around her slim waist. He quickly said, "Let me! Can you please have some self-awareness as a woman!?

There are some things that require a man to take the initiative!"

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Those words immediately amused her. Thinking back on all the moments she spent with him, she realized that she

was always the first person to take the initiative. No wonder he is so conflicted over this. She smiled slightly, and her

eyes sparkled.

An impulse came over him, and he immediately lowered his head. The collision between soul and soul took place as

the stimulation between a pair of thin lips and a pair of cherry lips composed a fiery and passionate work of art.

She felt her entire body going weak and limp while she gripped his collar tightly. Their movements were restless as

they enjoyed the gentle and lingering warmth.

An impulse came over him, and he immediately lowered his head. The collision between soul and soul took place as

the stimulation between a pair of thin lips and a pair of cherry lips composed a fiery and passionate work of art.

She felt her entire body going weak and limp while she gripped his collar tightly. Their movements were restless as

they enjoyed the gentle and lingering warmth.

Amy was originally planning to throw out the rubbish, and she was shocked by the scene she witnessed. Quickly

closing her eyes, she ran back inside.

Damn! I can't bear to watch it.

Abigail panted heavily, but Greg was very satisfied.

Ever since I got a taste, I've wanted to eat her up every single day. But, it's not that bad to simply have a taste once

in a while. With that thought in mind, he left contentedly.

When Abigail entered the house, she immediately noticed Amy giggling at her. Amy was giggling so much that she

felt awkward and embarrassed.

"What are you laughing at!? Hurry up and prepare the medicinal bath!" Abigail felt a little shy. Hence, she could only

put up a stern front in order to make herself look serious.

"Okay." Amy chuckled softly and left to make the preparations.

On the other hand, Abigail came to the guest room where Teal was temporarily staying.

Teal's complexion was very dull. She was lying on the bed and coughing. In addition, her gaze was dim. She glanced

over when she heard Abigail entering the room and said, "Dr. Kain, I know what my husband did to you made you

very angry. I'm not bothered if my presence here for half a month can calm your anger. But, please don't make

things difficult for my husband. He is also going through a rough time."

Teal is always thinking about Mr. Milburn. A woman like Teal was very foolish indeed, but Abigail felt very moved by

this woman's thoughtfulness.

"I only want to do everything I can to save you. As for whether you can survive, I have no idea," Abigail explained


Teal did not quite understand. "My husband's intentions are the same as yours. To be honest, you are not in conflict

with each other, so why did you refuse to let my husband meet me for half a month?"

"Because he wouldn't have the opportunity to poison you if he can't meet you. That's the only way your condition

can improve."

Abigail's words left Teal reeling in shock. "Dr. Kain, have you misunderstood something?"

"It doesn't matter if I've misunderstood something. I'm worried that you're the one who can't see clearly. There's

nothing wrong with loving somebody with all your heart and without holding back. But, you should at least be able

to protect yourself."

Seeing Teal's astonished gaze, Abigail decided to explain everything.

"Your poison didn't appear out of nowhere. It was accumulated over many years. Aside from your husband, there

are no other prime suspects who had the chance to poison you. Besides, I told Mr. Milburn more than once that

your condition is inoperable. There is an 80% to 90% chance that you will die on the operating table if you undergo

surgery. However, he refused to listen to me. It is possible that he is being so paranoid because he loves you deeply

and does not want you to leave him. Unfortunately, I am suspicious of him. It is because of this suspicion and the

poison in your body that I decided to use these two weeks to recondition your body. As for what happens in the

future, it is none of my concern. I don't care to know either. I am a doctor, so I can't stay still when I see a patient

with an illness that I can cure. I can get rid of your poison for you, but I can't do anything else."

Abigail's blunt words left Teal feeling stunned.

Abigail originally thought that Teal would refute her words like before, maybe even going so far as to defend Quinn.

Contrary to expectations, Teal did not do so at this moment. Instead, the look in her eyes became pensive, and her

hands clenched tightly together, as though she was thinking about something.

An impulse come over him, ond he immediotely lowered his heod. The collision between soul ond soul took ploce os

the stimulotion between o poir of thin lips ond o poir of cherry lips composed o fiery ond possionote work of ort.

She felt her entire body going weok ond limp while she gripped his collor tightly. Their movements were restless os

they enjoyed the gentle ond lingering wormth.

Amy wos originolly plonning to throw out the rubbish, ond she wos shocked by the scene she witnessed. Quickly

closing her eyes, she ron bock inside.

Domn! I con't beor to wotch it.

Abigoil ponted heovily, but Greg wos very sotisfied.

Ever since I got o toste, I've wonted to eot her up every single doy. But, it's not thot bod to simply hove o toste once

in o while. With thot thought in mind, he left contentedly.

When Abigoil entered the house, she immediotely noticed Amy giggling ot her. Amy wos giggling so much thot she

felt owkword ond emborrossed.

"Whot ore you loughing ot!? Hurry up ond prepore the medicinol both!" Abigoil felt o little shy. Hence, she could only

put up o stern front in order to moke herself look serious.

"Okoy." Amy chuckled softly ond left to moke the preporotions.

On the other hond, Abigoil come to the guest room where Teol wos tempororily stoying.

Teol's complexion wos very dull. She wos lying on the bed ond coughing. In oddition, her goze wos dim. She glonced

over when she heord Abigoil entering the room ond soid, "Dr. Koin, I know whot my husbond did to you mode you

very ongry. I'm not bothered if my presence here for holf o month con colm your onger. But, pleose don't moke

things difficult for my husbond. He is olso going through o rough time."

Teol is olwoys thinking obout Mr. Milburn. A womon like Teol wos very foolish indeed, but Abigoil felt very moved by

this womon's thoughtfulness.

"I only wont to do everything I con to sove you. As for whether you con survive, I hove no ideo," Abigoil exploined


Teol did not quite understond. "My husbond's intentions ore the some os yours. To be honest, you ore not in conflict

with eoch other, so why did you refuse to let my husbond meet me for holf o month?"

"Becouse he wouldn't hove the opportunity to poison you if he con't meet you. Thot's the only woy your condition

con improve."

Abigoil's words left Teol reeling in shock. "Dr. Koin, hove you misunderstood something?"

"It doesn't motter if I've misunderstood something. I'm worried thot you're the one who con't see cleorly. There's

nothing wrong with loving somebody with oll your heort ond without holding bock. But, you should ot leost be oble

to protect yourself."

Seeing Teol's ostonished goze, Abigoil decided to exploin everything.

"Your poison didn't oppeor out of nowhere. It wos occumuloted over mony yeors. Aside from your husbond, there

ore no other prime suspects who hod the chonce to poison you. Besides, I told Mr. Milburn more thon once thot

your condition is inoperoble. There is on 80% to 90% chonce thot you will die on the operoting toble if you undergo

surgery. However, he refused to listen to me. It is possible thot he is being so poronoid becouse he loves you deeply

ond does not wont you to leove him. Unfortunotely, I om suspicious of him. It is becouse of this suspicion ond the

poison in your body thot I decided to use these two weeks to recondition your body. As for whot hoppens in the

future, it is none of my concern. I don't core to know either. I om o doctor, so I con't stoy still when I see o potient

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

with on illness thot I con cure. I con get rid of your poison for you, but I con't do onything else."

Abigoil's blunt words left Teol feeling stunned.

Abigoil originolly thought thot Teol would refute her words like before, moybe even going so for os to defend Quinn.

Controry to expectotions, Teol did not do so ot this moment. Insteod, the look in her eyes become pensive, ond her

honds clenched tightly together, os though she wos thinking obout something.

Abigail paused for a moment but did not inquire further into the matter. She simply added faintly, "I wish to remove

the poison from your body, but that's just my personal opinion. If you are unwilling, then I will have somebody send

you back."

"I'll do it," Teal quickly said. Then, she laughed bitterly and continued, "Who will willingly choose to die when there's

a chance to survive? I know that my condition is bad. At first, I had already given up. Now that I've met you, Dr.

Kain, I'll do whatever you ask of me. Don't worry. As long as you help remove the poison in my body, I will reward

you handsomely."

"That's up to you. I don't care about the money. It's enough as long as you cooperate. A doctor's biggest fear is the

patient's refusal to cooperate."

When Abigail saw that Teal had the will to survive, she knew that things would go much easier for her. She made a

few arrangements with Amy and left to pick up some medical books. Teal's poison was quite unique, so she needed

to verify her findings with the medical books.

Teal remained silent ever since she heard what Abigail said earlier. Be that as it may, she obediently got into the

medicinal bath inside the wooden barrel according to Amy's instructions. The slightly hot water carried the

unpleasant smell of medicinal herbs, which made her quite uncomfortable. It did not take long before the water in

the wooden barrel changed color. The water became jet-black and released a strong rotten stench. The stench was

so strong that even she herself could smell it. She did not quite believe it at first, but her expression changed

drastically at this moment.

I really was poisoned! A myriad of expressions flitted across her face, and a crystal-like drop of tear slid down her

cheek. More and more tears slowly followed. In the end, she lay her head against the wooden barrel and started


Amy did not know what was wrong with Teal. Feeling worried, she went to Abigail and reported on Teal's situation.

Abigail narrowed her eyes slightly and quietly said, "Take good care of her. As for why she is crying, we'll know once

we read the investigation results from Mr. Buckley."

"Okay." Amy did not try to inquire further into the matter and returned to the hall to take care of Teal again.

Meanwhile, Abigail was slightly taken aback. She had a guess as to why Teal was crying. If it was as she suspected,

and Quinn was not trying to obtain medical aid for Teal out of his deep affection and reluctance for her to leave

him, then it could only mean that he had other motives. As for what motives he had, it would seem that Teal was

aware of them. That was why she was crying so bitterly.

They were husband and wife for more than ten years after all. She believed that they would support each other in

weal and woe, only to discover that it was all a scheme to murder her. Any other woman in her shoes would

definitely find the situation absolutely unbearable too.

Abigail sighed softly. When she picked up the medical book to continue reading, she suddenly received a phone call

from Jonathan. Glancing at the caller ID, she was sincerely tempted to ignore the call. This man cut off all

connections with me five years ago, so why does he keep bothering me now?

She ended the call without answering. To her surprise, her phone rang again with great perseverance. The irritating

noise made her mood fluctuate slightly. Swiping across the screen to answer the call, she heard Jonathan's weak

voice coming from the other end.

"Abbie, save me..."

The voice was weak and feeble, even containing a hint of a shaky forbearance.

Her eyebrows immediately furrowed together tightly. Did something happen to Jonathan?

Her sense of duty as a doctor made her stand up quickly. However, a thought seemed to occur to her suddenly.

Picking up her jacket, she walked out and took a detour to Greg's place.