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No.1 Supreme Warrior by Moneto

chapter 1901-1905
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Chapter 1901

The fighters who attacked the Nine Armies were all eliminated. Those who managed to escape were

nothing but lowly minions. What would be Master Loador’s and Master Mackenzie’s expressions once

they heard the news?

At that moment, Master Loador and Master Mackenzie were having drinks together in the Alliance

Guard’s base camp. They had received news of the victory and how Pavilion Billow Cloud was left with

no survivors. It was good news for the Alliance Guard as if a clan stronger than the Nine Armies were

eliminated, it was logical for them to think that they were able to eliminate the Nine Armies too.

After picturing Jackie White dying at their hands, Master Loador could not help but laugh gleefully. He

raised his glass and clinked against Master Mackenzie’s.

“What did I say? That brat would surely die at our hands. There was no need to worry after all. He’s

only at the ultimate god level. No matter how strong he is, he will never win against someone from the

soul-penetrating level,” said Master Loador in a breezy manner.

Master Mackenzie nodded his head in agreement. “I couldn’t agree more! They were truly making a

fuss out of nothing. I don’t care how much of a talented master he is. He is a useless junk in my eyes

as long as he doesn’t advance.”

The two of them laughed at what they had just said. After a while, Master Mackenzie suddenly asked,

Why is there still no news about the Nine Armies? What’s taking them so long? Do you think they’ve

run into some kind of problem?”


Master Loador shook his head at Master Mackenzie.” You should have more faith. They have probably

met with some obstruction hence the delay in the news. But even so, I’m sure the obstruction is nothing

they couldn’t handle so don’t worry.“

Master Mackenzie gently put down his glass and said with resignation in his voice, “It’s not that I want

to worry but I cannot get rid of this sudden anxious feeling.”

Master Loador knitted his brows together, disapproving of how Master Mackenzie was making a big

deal out of a small matter. “Enough! There’s no need to get your knickers in a twist. I’ve already

specially instructed the men from Blood Stalwart Pavilion to make sure Jackie White is eliminated from

the face of this earth!”

He then drank two big gulps from his glass and his cheeks started to flush red. “The Nine Armies are

small fries compared to the Pavilion Billow Cloud and need I remind you that we’ve managed to

eliminate the latter? So don’t worry!”


Master Mackenzie nodded his head and chastised himself for needlessly worrying even though his

heart was anxiously beating against his chest.

Suddenly, the sound of footsteps could be heard and a small-eyed disciple crashed in. It was evident

something big had happened based on his panicked look. Master Loador furiously slammed down his

glass on the octagonal table. “How dare you behave like this? What happened?!” he shouted angrily.

The small-eyed disciple dared not raise his head. His eyes were filled with panic and he gulped before

answering, “We have received news that most of the men who were sent to take out the Nine Armies

didn’t make it back. Only one or two thousand of them managed to escape the slaughter.”

Upon hearing the news, both Master Loador and Master Mackenzie’s expressions turned ugly.

Especially Master Loador’s, the shock caused his eyes to widen greatly. He slammed his hand on the

table and roared furiously, “What did you just say?!”

Chapter 1902

The news struck them down like lightning. Mere moments ago, they were still in a pre-celebratory mood

and now it felt like they were being drenched with a bucket of ice-cold water. This must be a joke!

Master Loador stared at the trembling disciple kneeling on the ground. “Tell me again what exactly

happened? How could the Nine Armies be so strong?” His voice, shaky and cold.

The disciple was so frightened that his words started to run over each other. He was clearly aware that

he would not be able to leave this secret room alive if he angered the two men in front of him. He

managed to get his words out, confirming to both Master Loader and Master Mackenzie that what they

had heard the first time was right. That they were not hallucinating after all

It was only normal for them to be livid with rage to discover that all their strongest men had been killed

and they were only left with lowly minions. “Get out!” Although the order was said in a raging tone, it

was like heavenly music to the frightened disciple’s ear. He felt liberated and left the room without

looking back.

Master Loador’s face turned black with rage and if one looked closely, one could see he was trembling

all over. Master Mackenzie knitted his brow together and felt vindicated of the anxiety he felt before.

“It’s just as I feared. How could we not receive any news about the Nine Armies when it had been a

while since we heard about the Pavilion Billow Cloud? And yet you told me not to worry. What do you

have to say for yourself now?”


Master Loador took a deep breath as his eyelids kept twitching. He still could not believe what was

happening. “There must be some mysteriously strong person helping them. How else could our men be

slaughtered so easily? It is simply illogical. Think about it, out of the men we’ve sent, there were two

third-grade soul-penetrating level fighters and three first-grade soul-penetrating level fighters!”

His confidence was not without basis as the fighters he sent were enough to eliminate the Nine Armies

many times over and yet these five fighters were all dead. He was unwilling to accept that fact.

Master Mackenzie knitted his brow again as confusion clouded him, but he was slightly calmer than

Master Loador. He then said, “No matter what, we have to accept that all our most powerful men had

died at the hands of that brat. I’ve already told you that brat is no ordinary person.”

Upon hearing that, Master Loador raised his head and gave out a snort of disagreement. “Why do you

keep on praising him? Don’t you realize that he is only of the ultimate god level? No matter how

talented he is, it’s impossible for him to win against someone from the soul-penetrating level.”

Though what Master Loador said was not without its merit, Master Mackenzie’s correctly intuit that the

reason for their heavy losses in battle had to do with Jackie White. “Don’t be so quick to refute me.

Much time had passed since he was of the ultimate god level perhaps he had already reached the soul

penetrating level.”

Upon hearing this, Master Loador went back to sit down on the table again. “So what if he did reach the

soul-penetrating level? I bet he would still be at the bottom rung of the level.” Master Mackenzie had

given up explaining as he realized nothing he said could turn around Master Loador’s biases against

Jackie White. He was well aware that Jackie White would not be able to overturn the battle with his

talents alone.

The seriousness of the problem dawned on him and there was no use arguing further with Master

Loador. He walked to the table and took up his glass again.

Chapter 1903

Master Mackenzie stared coldly at the empty glass.” I don’t care what you think about Jackie White.

I’ve already made up my mind to do everything in my power to stop him from advancing further.”

Master Loador knitted his brow and glanced sideways at Master Mackenzie. “Are you saying that you’ll

personally handle him?”

Master Mackenzie nodded his head without any hesitation. “You should save your breath trying to talk

me out of it with your baseless logic. That brat is not the same puny insect that we can easily squash

under our feet. He’s more like a tiger now, though still nothing we can’t handle.”

Master Loador turned around and stared at Master Mackenzie with a grave expression. Master

Mackenzie did not bother looking back at him and continued on saying, “If we don’t do something about

him, it’ll be our heads rolling on the ground next. Thus, he should be prevented from advancing further

at all costs. We would need to gather all the Alliance Guard’s power to take down the Nine Armies even

if others might think we’re making something out of nothing.”

The high death toll of so many skilled fighters had sounded an alarm bell in Master Mackenzie’s mind.

He took a deep breath and shouted at the guards outside of the door, “Send the message to all of the

higher-level-ups of the Alliance Guard to gather in the meeting room!”

The tension in the meeting room was palpable and it was so quiet that one could hear a pin drop. The

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

higher-level-ups had already received reports from their disciples about the Nine Armies’ situation

before they gathered. Their expressions all tuned grave when they received the news. Alathic Hackford

of the Wind Cloud Pavilion, one of the six great clans, was so incensed that his beard curled up unto

itself. He could not believe that the Nine Armies were able to eliminate all their skilled fighters.

Master Mackenzie went straight to the point and told them all about his thinking. Master Hackford

frowned upon hearing his plan for he did not fully agree with it. “So your plan is for us to leave our base

camp and head toward the Nine Armies? Isn’t this a bit too much?” Though he was similarly furious

about all the dead fighters, he did not think they needed to leave where they were and fight to the death

at the enemy’s location.

Upon hearing the question, Master Mackenzie rested his cold gaze on Master Hackford. “Too much?

How could you ask this under these dire circumstances? The fighters we sent out were the best of the

best, yet look at how they’ve ended up! Even if we send out stronger fighters now they would no doubt

be slaughtered too!”

Master Hackford’s lips twitched at the reply but did not say anything in the end. Throughout this, Master

Loador sat quietly at the head of the table with knitted brows. Nobody had any idea what was going on

in his mind for he did not refute or agree to anything Master Mackenzie said, choosing to remain

neutral. However, everyone present could sense the anger seething beneath his skin.

While the Alliance Guard was busy discussing how to mount an attack on the Nine Armies, the

atmosphere at the Nine Gods Clan was the total opposite. The large group of alchemists brought back

by Jackie White had created a seemingly-infinite number of pills in just a few days. Thanks to the pills,

the combined power of the Nine Gods Clan had drastically increased. Many of the ultimate god level

fighters had leveled up to the soul-penetrating status. It seemed like Lady Luck was smiling down on

them as things got better and better.

In the end, Master Zeller and Master Yarbrough decided to stay with the Nine Gods Clan.

Chapter 1904

All the elders of Alliance Guard decided to join the battle against the Nine Gods Clan for the Clan

association had already become a pain in the *ss to them. Never in history had a Clan association

progressed as fast as the Nine Gods Clan had.

Jackie White had been working tirelessly without rest ever since he broke through and successfully

leveled up to a fourth-grade elementary alchemist. He continuously created pills which he consumed to

increase his cultivation level.

In the short span of seven days, he had advanced to the ninth-grade soul-penetrating level from the

seventh-grade soul-penetrating level. The ninth grade soul-penetrating level was this world’s glass

ceiling in power rankings and most of the great Clan association’s masters held the same status.

After reaching the ninth-grade soul-penetrating level, Jackie White subconsciously clenched his fist and

felt an overbearing power flowing from the tips of his fingers. The current Jackie White was confident to

go head-to-head against a second or third-grade nirvana level fighter. It was a shame that no fighter

held the nirvana status which meant he was the strongest in the world of Daxia.

He looked forward to the battle against the Alliance Guard and just when he was daydreaming about it,

a panic-stricken Kevin Cabello rushed in with big steps. Once he saw Jackie White, his eyes lit up as if

he had found his savior. “We have received reports that a large group of fighters had gathered outside

of Nine Gods Clan. They did not even bother to control their aura which judging by the feel of it, they

plan to wipe all of us out!

Kevin Cabello’s expression blanched even more after delivering the news but he was shocked when he

saw the playful smile creeping up on Jackie’s face.’ How could he still smile at times like this? Shouldn’t

the master be worried about the impending ambush? ‘he wondered to himself.

“There’s no cause for worry. It’s not the first time they have done this kind of thing. They’ll surely go

back with their tails between their legs again. Just like the last time,” said Jackie White serenely. Each

word of his dripped with confidence.

Kevin Cabello took a deep breath but was still not comforted by his master’s words. “I understand that

there’s a lot of things that can be solved with the master’s current power but this is not one of them for

the disciple who came back with the news and recognized some of the attackers.”

“And who may they be?” asked Jackie with a raised eyebrow.

Kevin Cabello took another deep breath as if fearing what he was going to say next would be enough

to send Jackie White into shock. “The disciple spotted the leaders of the Alliance Guard-Master Loador,

Master Mackenzie, and even Master Hackford! All of them had left their base camp for ours!

He collapsed to the ground like a deflated balloon as He had taken his all to report the dire news. The

combined combat power of the enemies, not to mention the few ninth-grade soul-penetrating level

fighters, could raze any armies to the ground. Though he was confident at Jackie’s ability, he still felt

despair at the impending massacre by the Alliance Guard

He thought that Jackie would realize the direness of the situation when he explained everything to him

but he was surprised when he saw the playful smile still lingering on Jackie’s face. It was as if he had

never said anything at all.

Chapter 1905

Kevin was rendered speechless by Jackie. All he could do was stare at his master.

“Go and report what you’ve just told me to Master Yarbrough, Master Zeller, and the rest of the Clan

associations. Tell them to get ready for the last battle,” ordered Jackie calmly.

Upon hearing that, Kevin felt suffocating as If he had swallowed three live flies as this last battle would

determine the survival of the Nine Gods Clan. The calmer Jackie White was the more anxious Kevin


He did not waste any time in spreading the news. Jackie White looked up at the sky above him and

though it seemed calm, he could smell a thunderstorm approaching.

“What? The Alliance Guard left their base camp? It looks like they’re betting everything on this last


“Oh my God. What should we do? Can we win this battle?”

All the disciples of the Nine Gods Clan started to panic once they had received the news. Kevin

realized that only Jackie was able to stay calm throughout the whole ordeal. Though everyone was

aware that they had leveled up, they knew that they were still no match against the Alliance Guard.

However, they knew that they did not have a choice but to do their best in the upcoming battle.

As the right-hand man of Jackie, Kevin had to do something to motivate everyone. Thus, he found

himself standing on a high platform, giving a rousing speech to the disciples standing below.” Heed my

every word! Our clan master has advanced to the ninth-grade soul-penetrating level and though the

enemies have the same level fighters within them, they are still no match for our master!”

He only said that to assuage the fear in the disciples’ hearts. In actual fact, he was uncertain whether

Jackie would be able to take on many ninth-grade soul-penetrating status fighters by himself. No matter

what, it was obvious his speech had achieved its intended effect. During the last ambush, Jackie easily

eliminated two third-grade souls penetrating level fighters so it was no wonder to the disciples, he was

an unassailable divine God!

The Alliance Guard had reached the gates of the Nine Gods Clan as soon as Kevin had finished his

speech. Leading the troops were three ninth-grade soul-penetrating level skilled fighters-Master

Loador, Master Mackenzie, and Master Hackford Their force was like a tsunami blanketing a small

island, suffocating those around them.

As soon as Jackie noticed them approaching, he flew up into the air and stood eye to eye with them,

eager to begin the battle. All the First Elders of the Nine Gods Clan, Master Zeller, and Master

Yarbrough had finished their preparation for the battle that would end all the battles with the Alliance


When Master Mackenzie laid his eyes on Jackie, he realized that the latter had already reached the

same ninth-grade soul-penetrating level as him and his face immediately darkened. As for Master

Loador, he finally realized how naïve he had been to see Jackie as nothing more than an insect that he

could easily squash. The insect had truly become a sea monster!

Master Loador took a deep breath and rested his majestic gaze on Jackie White. If this gaze had

rested on any other ordinary person, they would have no doubt shrank and slinked away but the

current Jackie was no ordinary person. The gaze did not even cause a ripple in his heart. In fact, it

pleased him that he could calmly stare back at Master Loador and the rest of the men.


Chapter 1901

The fighters who attacked the Nine Armies were all eliminated. Those who managed to escape were

nothing but lowly minions. What would be Master Loador’s and Master Mackenzie’s expressions once

they heard the news?

At that moment, Master Loador and Master Mackenzie were having drinks together in the Alliance

Guard’s base camp. They had received news of the victory and how Pavilion Billow Cloud was left with

no survivors. It was good news for the Alliance Guard as if a clan stronger than the Nine Armies were

eliminated, it was logical for them to think that they were able to eliminate the Nine Armies too.

After picturing Jackie White dying at their hands, Master Loador could not help but laugh gleefully. He

raised his glass and clinked against Master Mackenzie’s.

“What did I say? That brat would surely die at our hands. There was no need to worry after all. He’s

only at the ultimate god level. No matter how strong he is, he will never win against someone from the

soul-penetrating level,” said Master Loador in a breezy manner.

Master Mackenzie nodded his head in agreement. “I couldn’t agree more! They were truly making a

fuss out of nothing. I don’t care how much of a talented master he is. He is a useless junk in my eyes

as long as he doesn’t advance.”

The two of them laughed at what they had just said. After a while, Master Mackenzie suddenly asked,

Why is there still no news about the Nine Armies? What’s taking them so long? Do you think they’ve

run into some kind of problem?”


Master Loador shook his head at Master Mackenzie.” You should have more faith. They have probably

met with some obstruction hence the delay in the news. But even so, I’m sure the obstruction is nothing

they couldn’t handle so don’t worry.“

Master Mackenzie gently put down his glass and said with resignation in his voice, “It’s not that I want

to worry but I cannot get rid of this sudden anxious feeling.”

Master Loador knitted his brows together, disapproving of how Master Mackenzie was making a big

deal out of a small matter. “Enough! There’s no need to get your knickers in a twist. I’ve already

specially instructed the men from Blood Stalwart Pavilion to make sure Jackie White is eliminated from

the face of this earth!”

He then drank two big gulps from his glass and his cheeks started to flush red. “The Nine Armies are

small fries compared to the Pavilion Billow Cloud and need I remind you that we’ve managed to

eliminate the latter? So don’t worry!”


Master Mackenzie nodded his head and chastised himself for needlessly worrying even though his

heart was anxiously beating against his chest.

Suddenly, the sound of footsteps could be heard and a small-eyed disciple crashed in. It was evident

something big had happened based on his panicked look. Master Loador furiously slammed down his

glass on the octagonal table. “How dare you behave like this? What happened?!” he shouted angrily.

The small-eyed disciple dared not raise his head. His eyes were filled with panic and he gulped before

answering, “We have received news that most of the men who were sent to take out the Nine Armies

didn’t make it back. Only one or two thousand of them managed to escape the slaughter.”

Upon hearing the news, both Master Loador and Master Mackenzie’s expressions turned ugly.

Especially Master Loador’s, the shock caused his eyes to widen greatly. He slammed his hand on the

table and roared furiously, “What did you just say?!”

Chapter 1902

The news struck them down like lightning. Mere moments ago, they were still in a pre-celebratory mood

and now it felt like they were being drenched with a bucket of ice-cold water. This must be a joke!

Master Loador stared at the trembling disciple kneeling on the ground. “Tell me again what exactly

happened? How could the Nine Armies be so strong?” His voice, shaky and cold.

The disciple was so frightened that his words started to run over each other. He was clearly aware that

he would not be able to leave this secret room alive if he angered the two men in front of him. He

managed to get his words out, confirming to both Master Loader and Master Mackenzie that what they

had heard the first time was right. That they were not hallucinating after all

It was only normal for them to be livid with rage to discover that all their strongest men had been killed

and they were only left with lowly minions. “Get out!” Although the order was said in a raging tone, it

was like heavenly music to the frightened disciple’s ear. He felt liberated and left the room without

looking back.

Master Loador’s face turned black with rage and if one looked closely, one could see he was trembling

all over. Master Mackenzie knitted his brow together and felt vindicated of the anxiety he felt before.

“It’s just as I feared. How could we not receive any news about the Nine Armies when it had been a

while since we heard about the Pavilion Billow Cloud? And yet you told me not to worry. What do you

have to say for yourself now?”


Master Loador took a deep breath as his eyelids kept twitching. He still could not believe what was

happening. “There must be some mysteriously strong person helping them. How else could our men be

slaughtered so easily? It is simply illogical. Think about it, out of the men we’ve sent, there were two

third-grade soul-penetrating level fighters and three first-grade soul-penetrating level fighters!”

His confidence was not without basis as the fighters he sent were enough to eliminate the Nine Armies

many times over and yet these five fighters were all dead. He was unwilling to accept that fact.

Master Mackenzie knitted his brow again as confusion clouded him, but he was slightly calmer than

Master Loador. He then said, “No matter what, we have to accept that all our most powerful men had

died at the hands of that brat. I’ve already told you that brat is no ordinary person.”

Upon hearing that, Master Loador raised his head and gave out a snort of disagreement. “Why do you

keep on praising him? Don’t you realize that he is only of the ultimate god level? No matter how

talented he is, it’s impossible for him to win against someone from the soul-penetrating level.”

Though what Master Loador said was not without its merit, Master Mackenzie’s correctly intuit that the

reason for their heavy losses in battle had to do with Jackie White. “Don’t be so quick to refute me.

Much time had passed since he was of the ultimate god level perhaps he had already reached the soul

penetrating level.”

Upon hearing this, Master Loador went back to sit down on the table again. “So what if he did reach the

soul-penetrating level? I bet he would still be at the bottom rung of the level.” Master Mackenzie had

given up explaining as he realized nothing he said could turn around Master Loador’s biases against

Jackie White. He was well aware that Jackie White would not be able to overturn the battle with his

talents alone.

The seriousness of the problem dawned on him and there was no use arguing further with Master

Loador. He walked to the table and took up his glass again.

Chapter 1903

Master Mackenzie stared coldly at the empty glass.” I don’t care what you think about Jackie White.

I’ve already made up my mind to do everything in my power to stop him from advancing further.”

Master Loador knitted his brow and glanced sideways at Master Mackenzie. “Are you saying that you’ll

personally handle him?”

Master Mackenzie nodded his head without any hesitation. “You should save your breath trying to talk

me out of it with your baseless logic. That brat is not the same puny insect that we can easily squash

under our feet. He’s more like a tiger now, though still nothing we can’t handle.”

Master Loador turned around and stared at Master Mackenzie with a grave expression. Master

Mackenzie did not bother looking back at him and continued on saying, “If we don’t do something about

him, it’ll be our heads rolling on the ground next. Thus, he should be prevented from advancing further

at all costs. We would need to gather all the Alliance Guard’s power to take down the Nine Armies even

if others might think we’re making something out of nothing.”

The high death toll of so many skilled fighters had sounded an alarm bell in Master Mackenzie’s mind.

He took a deep breath and shouted at the guards outside of the door, “Send the message to all of the

higher-level-ups of the Alliance Guard to gather in the meeting room!”

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

The tension in the meeting room was palpable and it was so quiet that one could hear a pin drop. The

higher-level-ups had already received reports from their disciples about the Nine Armies’ situation

before they gathered. Their expressions all tuned grave when they received the news. Alathic Hackford

of the Wind Cloud Pavilion, one of the six great clans, was so incensed that his beard curled up unto

itself. He could not believe that the Nine Armies were able to eliminate all their skilled fighters.

Master Mackenzie went straight to the point and told them all about his thinking. Master Hackford

frowned upon hearing his plan for he did not fully agree with it. “So your plan is for us to leave our base

camp and head toward the Nine Armies? Isn’t this a bit too much?” Though he was similarly furious

about all the dead fighters, he did not think they needed to leave where they were and fight to the death

at the enemy’s location.

Upon hearing the question, Master Mackenzie rested his cold gaze on Master Hackford. “Too much?

How could you ask this under these dire circumstances? The fighters we sent out were the best of the

best, yet look at how they’ve ended up! Even if we send out stronger fighters now they would no doubt

be slaughtered too!”

Master Hackford’s lips twitched at the reply but did not say anything in the end. Throughout this, Master

Loador sat quietly at the head of the table with knitted brows. Nobody had any idea what was going on

in his mind for he did not refute or agree to anything Master Mackenzie said, choosing to remain

neutral. However, everyone present could sense the anger seething beneath his skin.

While the Alliance Guard was busy discussing how to mount an attack on the Nine Armies, the

atmosphere at the Nine Gods Clan was the total opposite. The large group of alchemists brought back

by Jackie White had created a seemingly-infinite number of pills in just a few days. Thanks to the pills,

the combined power of the Nine Gods Clan had drastically increased. Many of the ultimate god level

fighters had leveled up to the soul-penetrating status. It seemed like Lady Luck was smiling down on

them as things got better and better.

In the end, Master Zeller and Master Yarbrough decided to stay with the Nine Gods Clan.

Chapter 1904

All the elders of Alliance Guard decided to join the battle against the Nine Gods Clan for the Clan

association had already become a pain in the *ss to them. Never in history had a Clan association

progressed as fast as the Nine Gods Clan had.

Jackie White had been working tirelessly without rest ever since he broke through and successfully

leveled up to a fourth-grade elementary alchemist. He continuously created pills which he consumed to

increase his cultivation level.

In the short span of seven days, he had advanced to the ninth-grade soul-penetrating level from the

seventh-grade soul-penetrating level. The ninth grade soul-penetrating level was this world’s glass

ceiling in power rankings and most of the great Clan association’s masters held the same status.

After reaching the ninth-grade soul-penetrating level, Jackie White subconsciously clenched his fist and

felt an overbearing power flowing from the tips of his fingers. The current Jackie White was confident to

go head-to-head against a second or third-grade nirvana level fighter. It was a shame that no fighter

held the nirvana status which meant he was the strongest in the world of Daxia.

He looked forward to the battle against the Alliance Guard and just when he was daydreaming about it,

a panic-stricken Kevin Cabello rushed in with big steps. Once he saw Jackie White, his eyes lit up as if

he had found his savior. “We have received reports that a large group of fighters had gathered outside

of Nine Gods Clan. They did not even bother to control their aura which judging by the feel of it, they

plan to wipe all of us out!

Kevin Cabello’s expression blanched even more after delivering the news but he was shocked when he

saw the playful smile creeping up on Jackie’s face.’ How could he still smile at times like this? Shouldn’t

the master be worried about the impending ambush? ‘he wondered to himself.

“There’s no cause for worry. It’s not the first time they have done this kind of thing. They’ll surely go

back with their tails between their legs again. Just like the last time,” said Jackie White serenely. Each

word of his dripped with confidence.

Kevin Cabello took a deep breath but was still not comforted by his master’s words. “I understand that

there’s a lot of things that can be solved with the master’s current power but this is not one of them for

the disciple who came back with the news and recognized some of the attackers.”

“And who may they be?” asked Jackie with a raised eyebrow.

Kevin Cabello took another deep breath as if fearing what he was going to say next would be enough

to send Jackie White into shock. “The disciple spotted the leaders of the Alliance Guard-Master Loador,

Master Mackenzie, and even Master Hackford! All of them had left their base camp for ours!

He collapsed to the ground like a deflated balloon as He had taken his all to report the dire news. The

combined combat power of the enemies, not to mention the few ninth-grade soul-penetrating level

fighters, could raze any armies to the ground. Though he was confident at Jackie’s ability, he still felt

despair at the impending massacre by the Alliance Guard

He thought that Jackie would realize the direness of the situation when he explained everything to him

but he was surprised when he saw the playful smile still lingering on Jackie’s face. It was as if he had

never said anything at all.

Chapter 1905

Kevin was rendered speechless by Jackie. All he could do was stare at his master.

“Go and report what you’ve just told me to Master Yarbrough, Master Zeller, and the rest of the Clan

associations. Tell them to get ready for the last battle,” ordered Jackie calmly.

Upon hearing that, Kevin felt suffocating as If he had swallowed three live flies as this last battle would

determine the survival of the Nine Gods Clan. The calmer Jackie White was the more anxious Kevin


He did not waste any time in spreading the news. Jackie White looked up at the sky above him and

though it seemed calm, he could smell a thunderstorm approaching.

“What? The Alliance Guard left their base camp? It looks like they’re betting everything on this last


“Oh my God. What should we do? Can we win this battle?”

All the disciples of the Nine Gods Clan started to panic once they had received the news. Kevin

realized that only Jackie was able to stay calm throughout the whole ordeal. Though everyone was

aware that they had leveled up, they knew that they were still no match against the Alliance Guard.

However, they knew that they did not have a choice but to do their best in the upcoming battle.

As the right-hand man of Jackie, Kevin had to do something to motivate everyone. Thus, he found

himself standing on a high platform, giving a rousing speech to the disciples standing below.” Heed my

every word! Our clan master has advanced to the ninth-grade soul-penetrating level and though the

enemies have the same level fighters within them, they are still no match for our master!”

He only said that to assuage the fear in the disciples’ hearts. In actual fact, he was uncertain whether

Jackie would be able to take on many ninth-grade soul-penetrating status fighters by himself. No matter

what, it was obvious his speech had achieved its intended effect. During the last ambush, Jackie easily

eliminated two third-grade souls penetrating level fighters so it was no wonder to the disciples, he was

an unassailable divine God!

The Alliance Guard had reached the gates of the Nine Gods Clan as soon as Kevin had finished his

speech. Leading the troops were three ninth-grade soul-penetrating level skilled fighters-Master

Loador, Master Mackenzie, and Master Hackford Their force was like a tsunami blanketing a small

island, suffocating those around them.

As soon as Jackie noticed them approaching, he flew up into the air and stood eye to eye with them,

eager to begin the battle. All the First Elders of the Nine Gods Clan, Master Zeller, and Master

Yarbrough had finished their preparation for the battle that would end all the battles with the Alliance


When Master Mackenzie laid his eyes on Jackie, he realized that the latter had already reached the

same ninth-grade soul-penetrating level as him and his face immediately darkened. As for Master

Loador, he finally realized how naïve he had been to see Jackie as nothing more than an insect that he

could easily squash. The insect had truly become a sea monster!

Master Loador took a deep breath and rested his majestic gaze on Jackie White. If this gaze had

rested on any other ordinary person, they would have no doubt shrank and slinked away but the

current Jackie was no ordinary person. The gaze did not even cause a ripple in his heart. In fact, it

pleased him that he could calmly stare back at Master Loador and the rest of the men.
