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No.1 Supreme Warrior by Moneto

chapter 1891-1895
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Chapter 1891

Kieran then explained, “Sky Dull City is not a very big city, but it’s a pretty famous one.”

“You’re saying that there are alchemists there?”

Jackie was taken aback. He quickly thought of something and immediately asked Kieran.

“Sky Dull City is famous because the people in that lake city all advocate alchemy,” Kieran said,

smiling. “Furthermore, that’s a place where alchemists frequently go to trade. There’ll be people going

there to sell or buy materials used in alchemy, including alchemy stoves and even alchemy formulae.

People sell those there!”

“There’s actually a place like that? Why didn’t you say so earlier?”

Jackie was excited after he heard that.


Kieran quickly explained, “Master, I only found out that you were an alchemist yesterday. Besides, we

were so busy yesterday as we had just finished battling the enemy and I was busy cleaning up the

spoils of war. I didn’t have the time to tell you about this either. However, most of the people in Sky Dull

City are first-grade elementary alchemists or those who wish to learn alchemy. It’s very rare to have

second-grade alchemists!”

Jackie pondered for a moment before asking, “Oh, right. What about the bigger sects? Do they have

alchemists too?”

“Of course they do,” Kieran immediately replied.” But there’s not many of them. Usually, it’s considered

good if they have a third-grade elementary alchemist. There are very few third grade intermediate

alchemists, and I don’t think there is a single third-grade premium alchemist. This is because even in

bigger sects, there aren’t many in the soul-penetrating realm who are interested in alchemy. Of course,

even fewer people from the ultimate god realm are interested!”

Kevin nodded his head. “If there are third-grade premium alchemists in the sect, then there’ll be many

people who are in the first or second-grade soul-penetrating realm. If many people wish to break into

the fifth or sixth-grade soul-penetrating realm, they need a fourth-grade alchemist. Otherwise, they can

only slowly cultivate themselves over time!


Kieran nodded his head and told Jackie, “It’s extremely rare to find an alchemical master like you,

Master. If you’re able to make a breakthrough and become a fourth-grade elementary alchemist,

Master, I guarantee that you’ll be the very first fourth -grade alchemist in the world, and there’ll be no

one stronger than you. Of course, you’re very strong now too. That’s why the Vice-master has

completely submitted to you!”

“All right. Then let’s visit Sky Dull City. At any rate, we’ll probably be able to arrive there by noon if we

go now, and we’ll see if we can select people to come to our sect in the afternoon. We’ll have to hurry

back the next morning. We don’t have much time. If we were to spend one day, let’s make it a fruitful

day. We need to seize the moment!”

After Jackie made the decision, he flipped his palm and threw his sword into the sky. The flying sword

then turned bigger and the three hopped onto it.

The flying sword was already fast, to begin with, and now that Jackie’s cultivation level had increased,

it was even faster now.

At first, Jackie had estimated that they would only get there by noon. He did not expect to arrive at the

entrance of Sky Dull City in two hours.

“Your weapon’s flying speed is amazing, Master. I didn’t think we would arrive so quickly!”

The three jumped down from the flying sword, and Kieran said excitedly, “I’ve also wanted to come

here long ago, but I had no purpose to do so, that’s why I didn’t. I really didn’t think that I would actually

come here with you today, Master, as the First Elder of the Nine Gods clan!”

Chapter 1892

“I never thought that there would actually be a place like this! This is practically a paradise for us,


Kevin looked at the modest-sized fortress, excitement was etched onto his expression.


When the three walked to the entrance of the city, they saw many people selling their wares at the


“Second-grade elementary sky dragon grass-no need to use spirited grass to exchange for it. You only

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need a hundred premium spirited stones!”

A fatty began to hawk his wares as he sat cross legged on the ground.

“Seriously? Using a hundred premium-grade spirited stones to buy a single stalk of sky dragon grass?

Aren’t you just ripping people off? You’re being a little too greedy, Brother.”

Here, a few people also walked over, and one of them began to nag and scold the fatty.

The fatty just gave a wan smile. “You have no idea that this is a thousand years old, Brother,” he said.

“It may be of a lower grade, but it’s not easy to find such spirited grass either. I think something a

thousand years old would be worth that price, no?”

“A thousand years? That sounds about right if it’s truly a thousand years. It’s easy to find sky dragon

grass that’s over a hundred years old, but it’s not easy to find one that is a thousand years old!

The people nodded their heads and said.

Of course, there were people selling weapons, and they also were promoting their wares. The area

grew busy.

After Jackie thought about it, he asked Kieran, “First Elder, let’s go and recruit people to learn alchemy.

How should we go about it?”

“There are not many people here, Master, and it’s a little more chaotic as anyone sells anything,”

Kieran said, smiling. “If you want to recruit alchemists, there’s a designated plaza in the middle of the

city. We just need to place a plate there and explain which sect we’re from and that we’re recruiting

disciples who have talent in alchemy.”

Here, Kieran spoke confidently, “Don’t worry. Some casual trainers who wish to learn alchemy, naturally

wish to join a sect, all so that there’ll be someone to teach them alchemy and that they’ll improve their

alchemy. That’s why since we’re here, we’ll definitely be able to recruit many people!”

Jackie released an internal sigh of relief after he heard this. They all walked toward the plaza in the

middle of the city.

After a while, they came to the plaza in the middle of the city and found a plate, writing their overall

circumstances onto it. Then they sat down beneath a willow tree.

After they sat down, Jackie carefully observed his surroundings. Only then did he realize that there

were truly plenty of people who were recruiting others to learn alchemy.

Soon, a young woman walked over and stopped before Jackie and the others.

“The Nine Gods clan? When recruiting people to learn alchemy, it’s best if you have some experience

In alchemy yourself. It’ll be best if you’re a first grade or second-grade alchemist!”

Chapter 1893

The girl looked at the words on the plate and could not help but frown. “Why haven’t I heard of this

sect? The Nine Gods clan? Don’t tell me that it’s not even a third-class sect?”

Kevin quickly stood up when he saw that a person had finally come by. “Our sect was established not

too long ago, young lady,” he introduced. “We just established ourselves yesterday, but don’t you think

that such a sect is more attractive, with its potential to grow?”

The girl’s expression twisted into disdain when she heard this. “I may be a casual trainer, but I’m

already a first-grade premium alchemist. I have good talent in alchemy, so forget about a new clan like

you. I intend to find someone who’s at least a third-grade elementary alchemist to teach me. Only an

alchemist like that would be able to nurture me!”

Kevin’s eyes brightened when he heard this. “Our sect would be perfect for you then, young lady,” he

said, chuckling, “I may not be a third-grade alchemist, but I’m getting there soon. I’m just a few steps


Before Kevin could finish his sentence, the girl cut in impatiently, “Don’t you know of the saying, ‘a

millimeter missed is a kilometer gone? If you aren’t a third grade elementary alchemist yet, then you’re

far from it. There are plenty of people who are second -grade premium alchemists, but there aren’t

many who are third-grade. I can even become a master like this!

Kevin saw that she was about to leave and immediately stepped forward to stop her. “I haven’t finished

yet, young lady. No need to be in a rush,” he said. “I may not be a third-grade alchemist, but our master

is. He’s not just a third-grade alchemist—he’s a third-grade premium alchemist!”

“Your master is an alchemist? Who? Why haven’t I heard of this? Which sect’s master would also be an


The girl seemed to be interested after she heard this, and she stopped to ask him.

Kevin then looked at Jackie and gave a warm smile.” This is our master. He’s young and handsome,

and he has a high cultivation level. Furthermore, he has excellent talent in alchemy. He’s going to

become a fourth-grade alchemist sooner or later!”

Suddenly, the girl’s words attracted a few people,

“No way. There are scammer sects like this? That’s terrible. Are they pretending to be third-grade

premium alchemists to trick us into joining before getting us to make pills for them? It’ll be too late by

the time we realize. We might not even be able to escape then!”

A man began to make speculations.

“It’s not trustworthy information. I’ve never heard of the Nine Gods clan either. Who would dare to join

such an insignificant sect? Who knows how terrible it’ll be there!

Another middle-aged woman also shook her head.” You should seek out reputable clans to join.

Otherwise, if you join and can’t learn a single thing, or if you fight them once there’s animosity, you

would be in danger!”


It was evident that Kevin was in a difficult position. He furrowed his brows, not knowing what to do.

Jackie saw that more and more people had gathered, he then gave a cold smile and said, “Why don’t

we try this? I’ll give a demonstration and create a third grade premium pill. After watching me, you can

consider if you wish to join our can. Of course, it’s best if you know some of the basics. Those who can

create first-grade or second-grade elementary pills are best!

After saying that, Jackie flipped his palm and took out his alchemy stove and materials.

Chapter 1894

Once Jackie’s words rang out, many eyes wandered toward his direction immediately. Sky Dull City

was a haven for alchemists, and there were plenty of alchemists gathered here.

Even if the people who came here were not alchemists, they still knew plenty about the trade. Now that

someone was calling himself a third-grade premium alchemist, everyone was practically sneering upon


Did he take them as uneducated idiots? Who were the third-grade premium alchemists? Not even two

of them could be found in the entire Sky Dull City. Even if they were complete bullies, one must always

treat third-grade premium alchemists with courtesy.

After all, third-grade premium alchemists could create pills that would help those in the soul penetrating

realm. Alchemy was a respected profession in the cultivation world, and a third grade premium

alchemist was the crème of the crop.

The people surrounded Jackie tightly in a flash, all their eyes pinned onto him.

There were even some who began discussing in a loud voice. A middle-aged man with a little goatee

spoke to Jackie, “Did you eat some kind of crack, boy? Do you think that we don’t know anything? You

say you’re a third-grade premium alchemist, and you think that we’ll believe you after putting up a little

sign to recruit disciples? Which third grade premium alchemist doesn’t go through years of practice?

They wouldn’t be as young as you.”

These words incited the surrounding people to agree, and a few added on, “Don’t shoot yourself in the

foot and become a laughing stock. Don’t think that you can just create a pill, call it a third-grade

premium pill and we’ll believe you!”

“That’s right! More than half of us here are alchemists. Maybe we’re not that well-versed in other

matters, but we can definitely tell the grade of a pill.”

It was evident that not a single person believed that the young, handsome man before them was a third

grade premium alchemist.

Jackie turned a deaf ear to all their questions. He took out all his alchemy materials and began to

create pills as everyone watched.

The first step to alchemy was to control the concoction’s temperature; this was a skill that every

alchemist must master first. Jackie’s technique was smooth, and he controlled the flame to a fine point

after pouring the ingredients into the stove. Every single stalk of spirited grass melted into the

concoction under the perfect temperature,

Most people could not perform this so smoothly. After all, upon a careful look, every spirited grass that

Jackie was using was third grade!

Someone could not help but cry out when he saw the spirited grass that Jackie was using, “My God!

Look! Amplified spirited grass! Thousand year corpse king flowers! Seven-color snow lotuses! This…

Don’t tell me he’s creating a third-grade premium pill, the god -transfiguring pill!”

The people had plenty of knowledge, and Jackie purposely chose one type of pill, so long as it was a

third-grade premium pill that all alchemists would know about

The formula for the god-transfiguring pill was not a secret. Everybody immediately understood which

type of pill he was going to create after they saw the spirited grass and spirited flowers he was using.

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“Is he serious!” The middle-aged man with a goatee spoke with a frown.

Everyone knew the formula to the god-transfiguring pill, however, knowledge was just knowledge. After

all, it was a third-grade premium pill. Other than alchemists who were third-grade premium and above,

no one else could create it.

“Don’t tell me he’s just doing it for show. After all, which self-respecting third-grade premium alchemist

would go on the streets to recruit disciples? If he was a true third-grade premium alchemist, he wouldn’t

be recruiting disciples on the streets-even if he just spread the word of intending to recruit disciples,

people would be flooding his house!

Chapter 1895

“It must be for show. The brat’s method of creating the concoction is real enough and he should be an

alchemist of a pretty high grade, but he’s definitely not a third-grade premium alchemist. If he were, he

would not be out on the streets. The man with the goatee straightened his neck out, sneering as he


The discussions went on endlessly, and they all entered Kevin and Kieran’s ears. They held

themselves back for the sake of the future.

However, the last sentence coming from the middle aged man with a goatee was spoken with a

condescending and mocking expression. It was not simply a discussion.

Kevin gave a cold harrumph and glared at the middle -aged man with a goatee. “Just because you

can’t do it doesn’t mean that others can’t. Just wait for the results to see if he succeeds or not. You

keep rattling off non-stop. Do you want a beating?”

He had been irritated by the man with the goatee long ago. He had been rambling on from the start,

and the more he spoke, the darker his tone was.

Goatee’s cultivation level was not as high as Kevin’s, as he was naturally not interested in cultivation

when he specialized in alchemy. However, he was still unafraid of Kevin. After all, this was Sky Dull

City, there were explicit rules where one could not resort to violence in the city. Otherwise, they would

be caught and punished by the law enforcers, banned from Sky Dull City forever.

The more Kevin tried to go against him, the more Goatee wanted to suppress him. He stroked his long

eyebrows and said, “Then let’s see what your so called master will be able to create!”

Jackie was not the least bit affected by whatever ruckus going around him. He had familiarized himself

with the formula to create the god-transfiguring pill long ago, and his movements did not contain an

ounce of hesitation as he created the concoction.

“He’s actually already at the third step; solidifying the pill! He did everything so easily to this step. Could

he truly be a third-grade premium alchemist?” the girl cried out in surprise.

As her words rang out, the surroundings suddenly quieted down. Everyone had been continuously

arguing among themselves, but they did not take notice of Jackie’s alchemy process. They did not think

that he would reach the third step so quickly and easily, and this was the most important step, to

solidify the pill.

The third step was to coagulate the herbal concoction so that it became a pill. No matter if he

succeeded or not, the young man’s abilities were not to be questioned to be able to reach this step in

creating the gods-transfiguring pill. He was a third grade elementary alchemist, at least.

Goatee tried to suppress the anxiety plucking his chest. After all, it was no small matter to offend a

third-grade premium alchemist. After all, he would still be in Sky Dull City in the future.

The word of a third-grade premium alchemist in Sky Dull City was practically law; getting rid of him

would be like stepping on an ant.

“It won’t happen! No way! No way! A third-grade premium alchemist would be worshipped in Sky Dull

City. Why would they be unknown? This person must be cheating us!” Goatee could not help but


“Jeez! He’s already created half the pill. From his technique, he should be able to create a whole pill

without using much time! He’s truly a third-grade premium alchemist!” The girl’s eyes sparkled as she

spoke with delight.

She had originally been looking for a third-grade elementary alchemist as a master. She had not even

dared to dream of getting a third-grade premium alchemist to become her master. After all, third grade

premium alchemists were rare even in Sky Dull City.

She did not think that she would run into a third grade premium alchemist who wanted to take her in

just by wandering the streets! She had truly hit the Jackiepot!
