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No.1 Supreme Warrior by Moneto

chapter 1861-1865
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Chapter 1861

Soon after, Josh narrated the whole situation to both clan masters from head to toe.

“I truly did not see that coming! How could someone break through so fast in such a short time? That

brat must have picked up some kind of treasure, some really rare and precious treasure!”

Master Loador’s face was full of emotions. After thinking about it for a brief moment, he then said, “We

must get rid of that brat! If we allow him to live, he’ll definitely bring trouble to the Alliance Guard one


“Yes! You’re right! If this brat is not killed, there will be endless problems coming to us!”

Master Loador nodded along with great affirmation

“Sirs, I…”


“Josh’s face turned odd as he listened to the two clan masters. “I came today to inform you of the

situation so that you can go to the remaining big clans to hold a meeting to discuss this matter! Also, I

would like to propose something!”

“Oh? What is it?”

Master Loador and Master Mazkenzie looked at Josh with interest after hearing his words.

A bitter smile hung on Josh’s face. “Since so many people from the abandoned world came in this time,

it’s truly abominable! But on the whole, they suffered great casualties and the number was reduced

from six hundred thousand to around two hundred thousand people. Besides, the Bloodshed Clan has

sacrificed eighty to ninety thousand disciples, plus those casualties from the Nine Armies, there were

around 130 thousand people who have died!”


Josh paused for a short moment then boldly spelled out his thoughts. “I think there is no drastic

increase in the overall population of this place, perhaps the increase is only around 70 to 80 thousand

people, and most of them are not strong fighters. Hence, why don’t we just forget about it?”

“Forget it?”

Master Loador’s face instantly turned unsightly and huffed angrily, “Josh Wallman, my dear Josh! Are

you dumb? They intruded into our territory and struck at us! How can we forget about it just like that?

Besides, we, the Alliance Guard, are never afraid of the Anti-Alliance Guard! Don’t you forget that we

are always the ones who are far stronger and powerful than them!”

Josh was startled at Master Loador’s anger; he immediately explained, “Master Loador, that’s not what

I mean! What I want to propose is that since the population did not increase much, maybe we could

negotiate with the Anti-Alliance Guard and request them to compensate us for some losses. In this

way, we won’t lose our face and superiority. After all, we can’t just pretend things didn’t happen!”

Josh halted again and then continued, “Besides, if we go into war, the loss will be too great, even if we

win the battle!”

This time, Master Mackenzie interrupted, his tone cold, “Master Josh, your way of thinking is not

feasible at all! Even though we don’t ask for a full-scale battle, some small-scale battles are

unavoidable! After all, the Bloodshed Clan sacrificed a lot for the honor of the Alliance Guard! So, no

matter what, we have to at least ask for compensation from them! And the compensation can’t be only

some cheap cultivation resources!”

Master Loador chimed in, “All right, all right! We’ll need to bring this matter to other clan masters as the

two of us have no absolute right to decide on our own. We need a meeting with the other four great

clans to decide the next step! But I believe that the other clan masters will not compromise as well.

Your task today is completed. You may leave now!”

Chapter 1862

Josh soon left the hall with his people and flew back to his clan.

When they had flown some distance away, the First Elder of the Sword King Clan came forward and

asked, “Master, what were you thinking back there? Why did you try to persuade them to let the

outsiders go? You knew clearly that these six clans of the Alliance Guard care about their image and

reputation more than anything else! What more now that the small clan-Bloodshed Clan-under their

wings was eliminated just like that. How could they let it go?”


The second elder also approached Josh and said, “That’s right, Master. They may feel upset about it

and may not respect you anymore in the future. Our task is only to inform them of the situation and not

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suggest an idea, because, in the end, they will hold a meeting to decide what is next, right?”

Josh then smiled helplessly. “You don’t understand, do you? That brat, Jackie, is too powerful. It’s fine if

they manage to get rid of him this time, but what if they don’t? They will anger the other party and

problems will arise!”

“Is that possible? These big clans have a lot of fighters with the ninth-grade strength of the soul-

penetrating realm! Could they still be afraid of him?”

The First Elder showed an expression of disbelief; he even felt that Josh was a coward! How could

Josh be afraid of a brat who was only in the seventh-grade ultimate god realm?

“Hmm. It’s true that they have a lot of ninth-grade soul-penetrating level fighters in their clans, but their

combat ability is more or less the same.

Josh chuckled again. “Jackie, however, is different. If he does not die, he will be able to break through

very quickly within one or two years. By that time, if he becomes a sixth- or seventh-grade soul-

penetrating level fighter, I don’t think anyone can defeat him anymore. If he then breaks through to the

ninth grade of the soul penetrating realm, his power would be even more unimaginable!” He added.

The Second Elder laughed unconcernedly. “Master, in my opinion, you overthink the situation; you

believe too much in that brat’s talent! That brat is able to improve so fast because he had gotten some

kind of magic pill in the forest or maybe some miraculous holy water or fruit that he found somewhere

in the forest! Besides, they were stuck in their martial cultivation in the abandoned world for too long,

when they suddenly found this place, naturally, they would be able to improve quickly!”

The First Elder, too, nodded his head in agreement. “Yes, the Second Elder is right! That brat must

have found some precious treasure, and that’s why he was able to improve so quickly and achieve

what he has right now. But then, if he wants to break through to the next level in the future, I don’t think

it will be easy for them! And Master Josh has already informed Master Loador and Master Mackenzie

of the situation. Two Masters will definitely bring it to other clan masters, and they will certainly find

ways to destroy that brat! He then will have no chance to grow!”

Josh sighed again, “I hope I’m only overthinking it. Anyway, our clan should keep a low profile, and try

not to offend that brat in any way in the future. We would rather offend the Anti-Alliance Guard than that

brat, got it?”

“Got it!”

Although the First Elder and the Second Elder of the Sword King Clan had some reluctance harbored

in their hearts, they could only nod their heads in agreement.

Daniella could not express how happy she was in her heart after knowing that Jackie and Selena were

going to accompany her on a shopping trip in the evening.

The afternoon came quickly. Daniella took a nice and warm bath and changed into a beautiful dress.

Currently, Helena, Venus, and Daniella had trained hard and had broken through to the first-grade

ultimate god realm these few days. The Cabello family and the Nine ·Armies were bursting with joy

upon hearing the news.

Especially the First Fortress Master, Austin, he was extremely elated when he saw that all these people

who came from the abandoned world were cultivating and training incredibly hard after they

experienced a tough battle. One after another broke through from the peak stage of True God Realm

into the first-grade ultimate god realm. He could hardly contain his happiness that he constantly had a

smile on him now.

After all, if there are more people with ultimate god-level strength, the overall combat power would be

increased tremendously.

“There is a lot of good and delicious food on this street! This street was already quite lively before, and

after our people came in, it is even more lively! Moreover, a lot of people are trading here, opening their

stalls on the street and trading materials!”

While the trio was shopping, Daniella smilingly introduced the street to Jackie.

“Really? Haha! Then we should stroll for a while, then find a restaurant and have a good feast!”

Jackie laughed after hearing this.

Chapter 1863

Many people had an envious look in their eyes when they looked at Jackie, Selena, and Daniella.

After all, how could they not envy him when two beautiful women were accompanying him on this

shopping trip.

After the three of them finished their meal, Daniella went back reluctantly.

“Didn’t you see the reluctant look on Daniella’s face? I think you should spend the night in her room!”

After they returned to their room, Selena rolled her eyes at Jackie and said helplessly.

Selena, “Honey, I keep feeling that there’s something wrong with Daniella but I can’t pinpoint what it is!”

“What’s wrong?” Selena was puzzled.

“I can’t make it out. Anyways, when I held her hand during the shopping trip today, she would blush so

badly. She is as shy as a virgin maiden and I feel that something is wrong!” Jackie thought about it

before saying his suspicion out loud.

“You are overthinking it. Isn’t it normal for a girl to be shy? On top of that, you don’t hold her hands

frequently in the past so it’s natural for her to be shy!” Selena was speechless and continued speaking.

“You really think that she wouldn’t be shy after sleeping with you once?”

Jackie smiled bitterly as he spoke. “Maybe I’m overthinking it. I only feel that she gives me a vibe that

she’s still a young girl. It’s normal for girls to be shy but she’s overly shy. The most crucial point was

both of us were drunk that night and although we woke up on the same bed, I could not remember if

anything happened that night. I’m growing suspicious right now that nothing actually happened

between the both of us!”

“That isn’t possible. Women pay a lot of importance to their virtual. How would she lie to you about

something like this? On top of that, isn’t Miss Daniella a nice girl? I feel that she’s quite a nice person!

She’s beautiful and is considerate toward you. When we were in the forest waiting for you on the

mountain top, she was genuinely worried about you!” Selena rolled her eyes at Jackie. “All right, rest

earlier and don’t overthink things!”

“Alright!” Jackie nodded and looked at Selena who was beside him. He picked her up in a princess hug

before striding toward the side of the bed.

“What are you doing?” Selena was surprised as it was unexpected.

“Let’s have a second child!” Jackie said happily.

Chapter 1864

Jackie continued cultivating pills after resting for a day.

Just as he expected, he finally had ten third-grade premium pills with him after three days.

As for his fighting prowess, he was only one step away from achieving the eighth-grade ultimate god


He trained for one whole day and broke through into the eighth-grade ultimate god realm first. After

stabilizing his realm, he directly used the third-grade premium pill and trained in retreat.

After retreating for three to four days, the time for the election of a sect master had grown closer and


Austin did not waste his time. He also planned to have a chat with Jackie and pretended to ask for

some suggestions for this new sect.

“This is weird. Miss Selena, why do we seldom see Jackie leaving the house? Isn’t he too

hardworking?” When he arrived at the yard, Austin smiled bitterly and asked when he did not see


“First Fortress Master, Jackie realized the importance of increasing his fighting prowess after the fight

with the Bloodshed Clan. He’s not the only one as I see that almost everybody is busy training recently,

looking forward to having some breakthrough in their fighting prowess. After all, isn’t it possible that the

Alliance Guard would cause us trouble after a period of time? It’s definitely best for everybody to

increase their fighting prowess!” Selena smiled bitterly and explained.

Austin looked at Selena’s near-perfect body before glancing at the black spot on her face. He could not

help but say, “Miss Selena, you are such a beauty. It’s a pity that you’ve been cursed with this spell

from the Bloodshed Clan. It is extremely difficult to lift spells and I’m afraid that you don’t have much

time left!”

Selena smiled and said, “It’s true that I don’t have much time left with only eight to nine months left.

However, I believe that my husband will work hard and he will definitely think of a way to help me!”

“All right, then I shall leave first!” Although Austin felt that Selena was imagining things, he still left with

a smile on his face.

After he walked some distance away, Austin smiled coldly and said, “Haha… He’s training hard at this

moment. Does he plan to fight with me for the position of sect master? A person who’s in the seventh

grade ultimate god realm… So what even if you worked hard and breakthrough into the eighth-grade

ultimate god level? It wouldn’t be good to have low fighting prowess no matter how high your combat

power is. After all, this is greatly related to the honor of a sect. On top of that, how is it possible that the

Nine Armies’ fortress masters, members with a fighting prowess of fifth-grade ultimate god level and

above, would choose you, an outsider?”

After he finished speaking, Austin left confidently.

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However, he had no idea that Jackie had started breaking through into the first grade soul-penetrating

level not long after he left.

Jackie did not expect to experience a wave of dizziness when he was breaking through. His fighting

prowess and his entire soul seemed to have entered a pitch-black void.

In this void area, light balls of different colors flew past him one after another.

‘What are these light balls? Why do they seem like they are waiting for me to capture them?! Jackie

frowned. He had never imagined entering this mysterious space once again.

After he thought about it, he immediately stretched out his hand and grabbed onto one of the red-color

light balls.

That red-color light ball seemed to have a stronger vibration and gave him a different feeling compared

to the other balls.

Jackie instantly caught the light ball and he immediately felt a burning sensation on his hand.

However, Jackie did not let go and continued grabbing the light ball tightly.

Chapter 1865

After the light ball struggled for two to three seconds, it stopped struggling and rushed into Jackie’s


At this moment, the space started vibrating and seemed to be leaving.

Jackie took a look before stretching out his hand speedily and instantly caught a blue color light ball.

The light ball also struggled twice before it stopped. It then directly entered Jackie’s body and the

scene completely collapsed. Jackie discovered this and left the space.

Jackie opened his eyes and immediately checked his body. He discovered two different energy

fluctuations in the center of his body.

Certainly, his fighting prowess also broke through into the first-stage souls penetrating level at this


Jackie immediately activated one of the powers and displayed it through his veins. He discovered that

a small spark appeared in his palm and as he continued to maneuver his power, the spark grew bigger

before turning into a fireball.

‘Oh my god, this is not formed by the concentration of chi and this is like a real item! On top of that, the

fluctuation of power is so strong. I can control it as I wish and it would be extremely powerful to attack

with this!’ Jackie felt the fireball in his hand carefully and was slightly excited. It seems like he obtained

some special abilities after he entered the soul penetrating level.

However, he was suspicious as to why Austin from the Nine Armies did not use this power when he

was fighting with Edward and the others? After all, they were also in the soul-penetrating level, and all

of them in this level should have such powers?

Jackie could not understand this after thinking about it for some time. With a thought, the power

dispersed and the fireball in his palm disappeared.

At this moment, a thin layer of sweat appeared on his forehead.

He was slightly stunned as the consumption of mental power to control this level of power was so much

stronger, incomparable to controlling chi.

“Tsk, tsk… It seems extremely difficult to control this thing!” Jackie sighed while maneuvering the power

of the other light ball.

Soon, layers of ice crystals appeared on his palm and they increased as he maneuvered the power.

‘One of them is fire and the other is ice?’ Jackie frowned and was slightly excited. He never expected

that the light balls in that space represented different powers and that he caught two light balls at the

same time, giving him two different powers.

‘No way, it might be that I’ve just broken through, my mental power can’t stand such depletion!’ Jackie

soon felt dizzy and was surprised. He felt slightly relaxed with the change of his thoughts and stopped

the formation of the ice.

After he thought about it carefully, he discovered that they were five days away from choosing a sect

master and Jackie was not in a hurry. He took a bath and rested for the afternoon.

It was evening when he arrived at the yard.

Selena was delighted when she saw Jackie walking out and said to him, “You spend so many days

training once you start training. How was it? Have you broken through into the eighth-grade ultimate

god realm?”

“Eighth-grade ultimate god realm?” Jackie smiled indifferently before replying to Selena. “I’m already in

the First-grade soul-penetrating realm!”
