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No.1 Supreme Warrior by Moneto

chapter 1856-1860
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Chapter 1856

In the morning, Jackie was afraid that the people of the Nine Armies would find out that he was creating

pills, so he just cultivated himself in the room, sitting cross-legged, trying to stabilize his cultivation


The chi pool in his body was far larger than before and it has been helping Jackie to slowly increase his

cultivation level. He managed to stabilize himself at his cultivation level. He had probably reached the

intermediate stage of the seventh grade ultimate god realm and was very close to reaching the

advanced stage.

After cultivating for a while, Jackie opened his eyes and realized that it was already in the afternoon. A

small smile played on his lips. “Judging from my cultivation speed, I just need to cultivate during the

day for five or six days at most, and I’ll break into the eighth-grade ultimate god realm without even

using a pill. Then I should probably be able to create third-grade premium pills. Once I have third-grade

premium pills, I’ll stabilize my cultivation level and break into the first-grade soul-penetrating realm

before the elections.”

Jackie was well aware that if he managed to create third-grade premium pills as a third-grade premium

alchemist, he would be able to bribe the other fortress masters to garner votes, and he should be able

to become the clan master.

However, he could not be at the seventh grade ultimate god realm. He needed to break into the first-

grade soul-penetrating realm in order to make everyone else truly submit to him.

Furthermore, once he broke into the first grade soul-penetrating realm, he believed that it would be

easier to kill those third grade soul-penetrating realm fighters.


Jackie quickly thought of something else and hurriedly took out his martial arts techniques book.

He had only roughly gone through the martial arts techniques at the beginning of the book. Once he

learned the methods to break into the ultimate god realm and the soul-penetrating realm, he had

started to quickly cultivate himself without reading the rest of the book.

After all, Nash and the others had also obtained the same martial arts techniques. Some only managed

to get cultivation techniques of the ultimate god realm, and those who were better knew the techniques

of the soul-penetrating realm.

That was why Jackie had always thought that the soul-penetrating realm was the highest cultivation

level and did not think too much about it.


Now he only knew that there was actually a stronger cultivation level after that—the nirvana realm.

He immediately flipped to the middle of the martial arts techniques notes and studied the words

carefully. He suddenly took a sharp intake of breath. It turned out that after the ninth-grade ultimate god

realm, there was truly a method written toward the end of the notes that showed methods to break into

the first-grade nirvana realm.

“My God. This martial arts technique book is truly something else. It looks like I’ve really hit the


As Jackie spoke, he gulped and continued to flip through the notes.

He did not think that he would be even more surprised the more he continued reading. Until the very

end, he had no way to calm himself to cultivate.

He rested for one or two hours, and the sky darkened. Only then did Jackie calm down and prepare to

research the method to create third-grade premium pills.

This time, Jackie was researching a third grade premium pill. Naturally, it would be more difficult to

create than a third-grade intermediate pill.

However, he chose one of the easier techniques given. Besides, he had been reading about it lately, so

he had some sense of it already

At first, when Selena had been hit by the curse, he had been truly worried. He lacked alchemy methods

and ingredients, after all.


He did not think that there would be plenty of third-grade and even fourth-grade elementary spirited

grass in the forest. Furthermore, he had obtained plenty of alchemy formulas. This gave him the

chance to continuously practice alchemy and improve himself.

No matter if it was people from the White family, the Cabello family, or even the families that had good

relations with him, they would all automatically pass any ingredients that were suitable for alchemy to

Jackie. This enabled Jackie to practice alchemy, and also provide him with a good supply of alchemy


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Chapter 1857

Furthermore, only with sufficient alchemy ingredients and going through many failures in performing

alchemy, one could only improve oneself and become an even higher-grade alchemist, creating even

higher-grade pills.

Jackie flipped his palm and took out an assortment of alchemy ingredients. Then he took out his

alchemy stove and began to create pills.

Time passed by very fast. Throughout the night, Jackie tried to create the pills five times.

Unfortunately, not a single attempt was successful.

However, Jackie had predicted this.

Successfully creating pills was a very difficult matter but it was fortunate that Jackie had improved a lot

during the night. He was very satisfied with his progress.

The days trickled past, and Jackie went out for a walk during the day before returning to his room to

cultivate. During the night, he would calm himself down to create pills.

On the sixth night, Jackie finally succeeded when he was creating the second pill.

“I’ve got it. I’ve finally got it. This is great!”

Jackie’s features were etched with excitement as he looked at the pill in his hand, a herbal fragrance

emanating from it. He was one day late compared to his predictions, but he succeeded.

The pill could even be considered effective for someone in the first-grade souls penetrating realm.

There was at least a chance for them to break into the second grade soul-penetrating realm.

However, if one wanted to make better breakthroughs and obtain better results, then one needed the

fourth-grade pill, which would drive people mad as they clamored after it.

“I’m already a third-grade premium alchemist after not more than two months. The highest cultivation

level is the ninth grade soul-penetrating realm. So long as I become a fourth-grade alchemist and have

a high cultivation level, I don’t believe that I can’t dispel the curse on Selena’s body!”

Jackie was extremely excited when he thought about how he was one step closer to dispelling the

curse on Selena.

“Phew. It’s still early. Let’s try a bit more. Once I succeed the first time, it’ll be a lot easier to create pills

the next few times. I’ll just create these pills for these two days then. Thank goodness there are enough

ingredients. Otherwise, I’ll probably have to get someone to help me find them!”

Jackie released a long sigh and carefully kept the pill, then he continued to create more pills.

As he was a lot more familiar with the process, Jackie attempted to create four more pills next. Then

dawn broke over the sky..

Meanwhile, Jackie had only successfully created one pill out of the four. In addition to the previous pill,

he had two pills now.

“I need to prepare at least ten pills. At least one pill should be given to the eight fortress masters, and I

need to keep one each for myself and the First Fortress Master. I lack another eight pills. In another

three days, I should be able to create them!”

Jackie made mental calculations and was very confident.

Chapter 1858

“This is great. This is great. I’ve finally made a breakthrough!”

Just as Jackie was preparing to go out and take a walk, Selena ran over happily.

“Really? That’s wonderful. Then are you at the intermediate stage of True God Realm now, Dear?”

Jackie was also delighted when he saw Selena’s excitement.

It was evident that Selena had been smiling a lot less after a curse was put on her, and there was

always a melancholic air around her.

However, Jackie’s alchemy skills and cultivation level were rapidly improving. It seemed that Selena

was a lot more confident, and she had been smiling a lot more lately now.

“How has your alchemy practice been, Dear? Have you improved? I saw that you’ve been practicing

alchemy every night lately. You must be tired. You should take some time to rest and strike a proper

balance between work and rest, okay?”

Selena looked at Jackie, worried.

“See, Dear!”

Jackie flipped his palm and took out a pill, thrusting it before Selena.

Her eyes suddenly brightened. “My goodness. This has such a thick fragrance. Looks like you’ve been

successful. Are you a third-grade premium alchemist now?”

Selena was even more excited when she saw that Jackie had succeeded. This meant that Jackie was

getting closer to becoming a fourth-grade intermediate alchemist. As long as he collected sufficient

ingredients, he would only lack that one treasure of the Crystal Cloud Clan. If he obtained that treasure,

her curse could truly be dispelled.

“Yes. Don’t worry, Dear. I’ll become a fourth-grade alchemist as soon as possible so I’ll be able to

create the pill for you!”

Jackie took Selena’s hands and added, smiling, “Then I’ll quickly break into the ninth-grade soul-

penetrating realm, and everyone will fear my fighting skills. I believe that the people of the Crystal

Cloud will definitely give me their clan treasure under these circumstances!”


Selena’s heart was filled with warmth. After she thought about it, she told Jackie, “Oh, right. Recently, I

noticed that Arthur and Hendrick seem to be going after Helena and Venus. They frequently come over

to visit them when they’re free. If that’s the case, young Daniella will be bored as she can only cultivate

on her own. She’s also too embarrassed to follow them out in fear of becoming a third wheel!”

“You’re saying?”

Jackie frowned, asking lightly.

Selena rolled her eyes at him. “You’re already a couple with her, and she’ll be my little sister in the

future. You’ve not been slowing down all this while. I think that your fake relationship with Helena has

happened such a long time ago, and everyone knows about it. If you’re free, you should go over and

accompany Daniella, okay?”

Jackie did not think that Selena would be so discerning and mature. He gave a bitter smile and said, “If

that’s the case, I won’t have time to spend with you either. How about this? I’ll rest for a while, and I

won’t practice alchemy tonight. In the afternoon, I’ll accompany you and Daniella to go out. Who knows

if there are good places to see around the Nine Armies!”

“Okay. Hehe. You’d better rest for a while. I’ll go and visit Daniella and tell her about this. She’ll

definitely be happy once she knows!”

Selena was extremely delighted. She turned around and ran toward the outside.

Yet just as she turned around, Jackie tugged on her hand and dragged her back, holding her in place.

“What are you doing?”

Selena’s face reddened as she felt embarrassed.

Chapter 1859

Jackie lowered his head and planted a kiss deep onto Selena’s rosy-pink lips. “It’s been a long time

since I’ve kissed you!” He said.

After a brief moment, Selena pushed Jackie away. “I have a big black spot on my face. It’s ugly! Don’t

you mind it?” Her voice sounded embarrassed.

Jackie chuckled at Selena’s words. “In my heart, you’re the prettiest woman. You’ve also given me

such a wonderful daughter! I couldn’t be happier right now!”

“Really? I… Actually, I thought of having another son with you in the future!”

Selena pursed her red lips and her face was full of happiness.

“Hahaha! I like that idea!”

Jackie laughed aloud.

At this moment, Josh Wallman-the master of the Sword King Clan-brought the elders of the clan over to

visit the master of the Crystal Cloud Clan.

“I, Josh Wallman, as the head of the Sword King Clan, together with the Elders of the Sword King Clan,

have come here to meet the head of the Crystal Cloud Clan!”

Josh and his men arrived in front of a group of disciples, who were patrolling around the Crystal Cloud

Clan, and bowed to the disciples respectfully, and spilled his intention of visiting the place.

“Oh. You’re the head of the Sword King Clan!”

A female disciple of the Crystal Cloud Clan looked at the other party before laughing, “I’m really sorry.

You came at the wrong time. Our Master is having an important discussion with another Master of a

prominent clan, so I think it’s better not to disturb them at this moment. Why don’t I take you to the

square over there to rest for a while? I’ll bring you to meet our Master when their meeting is over.”

Although the Sword King Clan was not considered a prominent and famous clan, it was considered an

influential clan among those smaller clans. Therefore the female disciple was still pretty polite while

speaking to Josh, after all, he was a clan master.

Josh paused for a moment before saying, “To be honest, if it was nothing important, I would not have

come all the way here! Since there is another clan master of a prominent clan, I should go and meet

both of them! The matter is huge and problematic, naturally, it would be better if more influential clan

masters knew about it!”

An elder of the Sword King Clan stepped forward and spoke, “Yes, little girl. Master Wallman is right

about the matter! The world here is going to undergo a drastic change because of this matter! And I’m

afraid that our lives will no longer be as peaceful and harmonious as before!”

Hearing how serious the matter was, the female disciple then replied, “My bad. I did not know it would

be such an important matter. Well then, I’ll take you to our master but I hope that the matter you have in

hand is indeed urgent and crucial. Otherwise, my master will punish me!”

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“Haha! Don’t worry. Your master will not punish you! I can assure you of that!”

Josh chuckled aloud. Then they followed the female disciple and flew toward a palace.

Soon, the group arrived at the palace. The palace was tall, grand, and carried a majestic aura.

“My Master, the Master of the Sword King Clan and his elders have come to visit you, saying that

there’s something urgent and crucial!”

The female disciple took a few steps forward and reported loudly.

One of the old men, with a frown, stood up and looked at Josh and his elders, before turning to the

female disciple and ordering, “Alright. Leave now!”

“Master Loador, Master Mackenzie! It’s so great to know that both of you are here! I have something

urgent to report and I hope we can discuss it!”

Josh stepped forward and greeted them with á fist-to-palm salute.

Chapter 1860

“Hmmm. Spill it! I’m curious to know what urgent matter brought you and your elders all the way here

from your clan. It must be something important!”

Master Loador was none other than the Master of the Crystal Cloud Clan. He looked at Josh with a

smile on his face.

Josh, with a solemn face, answered his question, “Something big has happened! The Bloodshed Clan

found out that a number of people who are from the abandoned world have entered this place about

two months ago. It’s not just one or two, but around six hundred thousand people!”

“Around six hundred thousand people?”

When the two great clan masters heard this, they gasped aloud. How could they have imagined that so

many people would have entered from the abandoned world?

“You’re not serious, right? So many of them have actually come in?”

Master Loader asked Josh after giving the matter some thoughts. “By the way, since the Bloodshed

Clan discovered their existence, didn’t they do something about them? There are too many of them!

We can’t just let these people come in and take our resources! It’s not easy to break through to the

next level now, and there isn’t a lot of fourth-grade spirited grass, to begin with, so how can we allow so

many people in here!”

Josh responded immediately, “The Bloodshed Clan did do something. In fact, they immediately sent

people to surround the forest and besiege the outsiders!”

Master Loador and Master Mackenzie immediately breathed out a huge sigh of relief upon listening to

Josh’s words. Since the Bloodshed Clan had already sent people to besiege the outsiders, they should

not worry that much. After all, it should be very easy for the Bloodshed Clan to wipe out those

outsiders, not to mention those outsiders are scattered around the forest and were not powerful in

small groups.

However, what the two clan masters did not expect was when Josh continued his unfinished sentence.

“However, before Bloodshed Clan found them out and could actually do something, those outsiders

were already in here for almost two months, so many of them have made breakthroughs. The

Bloodshed Clan had actually suffered a great loss from the battle with them!”

“Oh, the Bloodshed Clan is a small clan and there are not many disciples with ultimate god level. Most

of them are still in the demi-god realm and true god realm. So, it’s normal to suffer some losses!”

Master Loador laughed and thought that Josh had come to intercede for the Bloodshed Clan in order to

claim the credit.

He then immediately added, “Don’t worry! They have made a great contribution to the Alliance Guard

and they should be rewarded, though they have lost many disciples. We will definitely reward the

Bloodshed Clan! We’ll grant them some cultivation resources and help their disciples to improve their

martial level!”

“Sigh!” Nonetheless, Josh replied Master Loador with a sigh. “No reward is needed for the Bloodshed

Clan right now. There are a few talented masters among the six hundred thousand outsiders, and they

broke through quite fast. Although the Bloodshed Clan did their best to kill these people, they lost many

strong disciples as well. Some disciples at the seventh-grade ultimate god realm were even killed!”

“What the f*ck? Disciples at the seventh grade ultimate god realm were killed?”

Master Mackenzie took a sharp intake of breath upon hearing the news. Soon, he thought of something

else and immediately said with certainty on his face, “Then it must be the people of the Nine Armies

who have killed them, right? The Bloodshed Clan may have offended the Nine Armies because of this.”

However, Josh shook his head. “No. The Nine Armies did not send out aid to those outsiders at first.

Among those talented outsiders, there was a crazily talented master and he had broken through to the

seventh-grade ultimate god realm! At that time, the Bloodshed Clan also thought that the Nine Armies

had sent aid to them. So, in a fit of anger, the Bloodshed Clan struck at the Nine Armies…”
