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No.1 Supreme Warrior by Moneto

chapter 1801-1805
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Chapter 1801

“That’s right. Jackie is now already at the fourth-grade ultimate god-level. If he breaks into another

three more grades, he’ll be at seventh-grade ultimate god level. I think it shouldn’t be a problem for him

to kill a ninth-grade ultimate god level fighter according to his insane fighting skill. It’ll be great if he can

even kill the master of the Bloodshed Clan!”

Titus was also extremely excited.

“All right. Everyone, seize the chance to cultivate yourself. Make a breakthrough tonight!”

Jackie nodded his head. They used the entire afternoon to fly deeper into the forest, afraid that the

Bloodshed Clan people would find them. After they managed to put more distance between them and

the disciples of the Bloodshed Clan, Jackie chose a well-hidden cave for the night.

After he said that, everyone took out the third-grade intermediate pills, popped them into their mouths,

and swallowed them.

The third-grade intermediate pills here evidently contained more power than the third-grade elementary

pills previously. This filled Jackie’s heart with anticipation.


The following few days, the flow of his internal body helped the Chi to be absorbed more efficiently.

Although he had not broken into the fifth-grade ultimate god level, his cultivation level was not too far

away from it.

That was why Jackie managed to make a breakthrough in a single attempt after cultivating himself for

not more than an hour.

“This is great. Although my cultivation level isn’t that much higher than theirs, the speed of my

cultivation has always been faster than theirs. From the looks of it, it shouldn’t be a problem to break

into the seventh-grade ultimate god-level!”

When Jackie thought about the plenty of energy left within the pill that has not been used, he was even

more excited.


Time trickled past. Soon, the sky began to brighten once more.

In the end, Jackie was the first to finish using an entire pill. Furthermore, he did not just break into the

seventh-grade ultimate god level, he had also completely stabilized in this cultivation level. He had

probably reached the intermediate stage of the seventh-grade ultimate god-level, at least.

“This is great!”

Jackie clenched his fists, sensing the immense strength that suddenly increased in his body. He

released an internal sigh of relief. Now he truly had the strength to protect himself before the fighters of

the Bloodshed Clan.

“Bloodshed Clan, from today onward, I, Jackie White, am no longer afraid of your disciples who have

high cultivation levels. Even if it’s a few seventh-grade ultimate god-level disciples, we will dare to fight

them head-on!”

Jackie looked at the remaining few people. They were still cultivating themselves, so he simply sat to

the side and kept watch for them.

Fortunately, nobody had invaded the area the entire night, and no one had noticed this place. Now that

he had made the breakthrough, there was not much to be afraid of.

However, Jackie did not remain idle when he sat down. Instead, he carefully studied the pill remedy of

third-grade premium pills.

After all, it would be even harder to successfully create third-grade premium pills. Jackie prepared to

create some of the easier pills. This way, relatively speaking, he would become a third-grade premium

alchemist faster.


“This is great. I’m in the fifth-grade ultimate god-level!”

Not long after Jackie began his research, Melody stood up happily. It was evident that she had

successfully broken into the fifth-grade ultimate god-level after using Jackie’s pill. The increase in

strength made her very excited.

Chapter 1802

“Haha. This is great. I’m at the sixth-grade ultimate god-level now!”

After a while, Alejandro stood up, excitement filled his expression. It had to be said that the third-grade

intermediate pills were treasures to those at the ultimate god-level. It was possible that even the

Bloodshed Clan could not produce something like this.

Otherwise, there was no way that only one person was in the soul-penetrating level in the Bloodshed


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Jackie and the others continued to wait for around an hour. Only then did Nash, Kenneth and the

others slowly begin to make their breakthroughs. Like Alejandro, they broke into the sixth-grade

ultimate god-level.

“This is great. We have five sixth-grade ultimate god-level fighters and one fifth grade. Besides, Jackie

is already in the seventh-grade ultimate god-level now. Haha. We don’t have many people, but our

fighting power is pretty good! So long as their Elders don’t come in together and we don’t run into a

huge troop of theirs, it shouldn’t be a problem!”

Kenneth spoke with an excited expression. They all quickly exited the cave.

“Father. It’s already the third day. Shouldn’t we do something now?”

At that moment, in the Lavigne family estate, Hendrick came before his father and looked at Kye with

an earnest expression. “Father, please go and ask our fortress master to get everyone to discuss this.

Two days and two nights have already passed. It’s evident that the fighting sounds from the forest have

greatly decreased. Shouldn’t we make a move already? There’s probably not many left of the people

who came in here. Besides, the disciples of the Bloodshed Clan must have suffered great losses!”

“What are you panicking about? The First Fortress Master did say that we would only move out after

waiting for three or four days and he emphasized that we needed to wait for his signal. I’m only an

Elder of one of the Nine Armies. I don’t want to be aggrieved like that either, but I have no choice!”

Kye smiled helplessly. “Let’s wait a bit more. If we don’t move out today, we’ll probably do so tomorrow.

After all, the people from Pavilion Billow Cloud would probably have arrived already if we don’t move

out by tomorrow!”

“We can’t wait any longer. If we do, Helena and her sister will probably be dead…”

Hendrick was in a state of panic yet he could not do anything.

“Sh*t. Why do you keep talking about Helena? How good-looking can the woman be to make you keep

pining after her the whole day?”

Kye was furious and glared at his son. “You better cultivate yourself properly. Don’t you know that

cultivators cannot be trapped by their feelings?”

Hendrick opened his mouth, but in the end, he just walked out, at a loss of what to say.

When he arrived at a sect outside the fortress, Arthur and the others were already waiting there.

“How did it go, Young Master Hendrick?”

Arthur immediately stepped forward and asked when he saw Hendrick coming.

Hendrick shook his head. “No good. My father told me to wait for the First Fortress Master’s signal. Oh,

right. What about your grandfather? From your expression, it looks like it didn’t work either!”

Arthur nodded his head. “That’s right. No way about it though. My grandpa’s a stubborn goat and said

that we should wait. Ah. Seriously. It’s already been three days. It’s obvious that the fighting noises in

there are dying down. Why aren’t we making a move yet? Are they trying to stress us to death!”

“Then just wait. Why are you all so anxious? We’ve just waited for three days, and the sky has only just

brightened. It’s possible that the First Fortress Master hasn’t even gotten up yet. Don’t worry. Maybe

we can move out after waiting another two hours!”

Skye spoke in a dark tone, evidently displeased. “Besides, we’re only doing it for show even if the Nine

Armies move out now. Did you really think that the First Fortress Master and the others would actually

give their all? Even if we gave our all, Helena and the others would have been dead long ago. Such a

long time has passed. Hehe. Their corpses have probably been eaten by the monsters already!”

Chapter 1803

“What nonsense are you spewing, Skye? I’ll punch you if another word like that comes out of your


Arthur, who was already in a bad mood, was so furious that he clenched his fists when he heard Sky’s


“Seriously. Why don’t you go and punch the fighters from the Bloodshed Clan? What kind of a man are

you, thinking of punching a woman like me even when you didn’t kill your enemies? You’ve got the


Skye also did not expect Arthur to say something like that to her. As she spoke, her eyes reddened,

and she felt so aggrieved that she nearly cried.

“Ah. Stop fighting. What about this? Let’s go see the First Fortress Master right now and speak to him

and see if it’ll work out?”

Hendrick suggested after thinking about it.

“That’s right. My grandfather and your father don’t dare to stand up on their own because they’re afraid

of offending the First Fortress Master.”

Arthur’s eyes immediately brightened. “But we’re not afraid. We’re insignificant shrimps, so we’re not

afraid of offending the First Fortress Master. Let’s go and ask him straight away. If he agrees, that’d be


“Big Brother, Young Master Arthur, don’t be so rash!”

Ella could not watch on any longer. “You might as well be slapping the First Fortress Master in the face

if you go and see him like this,” she tried to advise them. “Skye is right. It’s possible that the First

Fortress Master has not even woken up yet. If all of you go and see him at this hour, he might not even

take action today because he’s unhappy that all of you created a ruckus, even if he had intentions to

save them. It would be an even greater loss if the First Fortress Master is displeased!”

Arthur and Hendrick exchanged a glance and shut their mouths up. They both knew that what Ella said,

made sense.

“Quick, look there! Lots of people have come! Looks like they’re from the Bloodshed Clan!”

Yet at this moment, a little fatty stood up and spoke, pointing to the front.

Everyone immediately looked over, and they all took a sharp intake of breath. Before them was indeed

a group of people who were flying over. There were probably about ten thousand people.

“They’re really from the Bloodshed Clan. My God, we haven’t even created trouble for them, and

they’ve come here on their own?”

Hendrick was stunned, and he huffed.

“Let’s go, let’s go! We need to quickly report this to everyone. Don’t tell me that the Bloodshed Clan is

initiating a battle?”

Skye was frightened. If the Bloodshed Clan was intending to create trouble for them, then the Nine

Armies would truly be defeated, as they were caught off guard.

“They came at the right time. Since they’re here, the First Fortress Master and the others have no way

to play dumb. They can only grit their teeth and take action. Otherwise, how would they explain

everything to the Pavilion Billow Cloud and the other forces from the Anti-Alliance Guard?”

Arthur was delighted and took off into the air. He flew to a bell tower before the fortress master and hit

the ancient bell with all his strength.

“What’s going on? I didn’t give the orders to move out? Who dares to hit the bell!”

Just as the First Fortress Master was drinking tea languidly in his room, he immediately stood up when

he heard the bell, speaking with a confused expression.

Chapter 1804

“First Fortress Master, First Fortress Master! Are we getting ready to head out?”

Just as Austin’s words rang out, a few Elders rushed in and looked at him.

His face darkened. “I did not give the orders. I don’t know who rang the gathering bell either! Let’s go

and take a look!”

After he said that, Austin led everyone, flying toward a square.

The people from the other fortresses also took into the sky after they heard the bell, heading toward the

largest square in front of the largest fortress.

“Looks like people are coming. It’s the Bloodshed Clan!”

Everyone saw what was going on after the First Fortress Master and the others arrived at the square

The First Fortress’s expression darkened after he saw this. He had intended to move out a little later

and lead people to save others. This way, they would not have to make huge sacrifices, and the people

from the Pavilion Billow Cloud would arrive soon enough.

Yet before he could move out, he did not expect that the people from the Bloodshed Clan actually led

people over on their own.

“First Fortress Master, why-why are they here? This Bloodshed Clan is seriously underestimating us.

We didn’t even head into their territory, and yet they came to ours!”

An old man immediately told Austin.

“That’s right. They’re underestimating us!”

Austin flew upward in a flash, quickly standing in the air right before the other party.

“Haha. Long time no see, First Fortress Master Drago!”

Edward laughed and glared at Austin.

“What is the meaning of this, Edward? Why did you bring your people here? Don’t tell me you intend to

invade the Nine Armies? I don’t think we’ve offended you lately!”

Austin also glared at the other man; his aura was just as fierce as the others.

“Why am I here?”

Edward was stunned. “First Fortress Master, you really know how to play dumb. You don’t know why

I’m here? Hmph. You shielded those people who came from the abandoned world, helping them to kill

disciples from our clan. And you dare ask me why I’m here?”

Austin frowned. “What are you saying? What people from the abandoned world? I have no idea of what

you’re talking about. The people from the Nine Armies have been keeping to their territories lately.

What do you mean they’re helping to kill disciples from your clan? I have no idea what you’re talking


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“I think we should just battle them, First Fortress Master. They’ve already arrived at our doorstep and

aren’t giving us face at all. We shouldn’t wait around any longer!”

Arthur immediately yelled as he squeezed between the crowd.

Yet Austin shot him a fierce glare. “Shut up,” he said. “A youth like you has no place in this


Chapter 1805

Arthur was speechless, but he could only shut his mouth.

“Hehe. Austin. You really know how to act in front of me. You’ve killed so many disciples from our clan,

and you still have the guts to deny it?”

Edward chuckled. “If you’re a man, battle us upfront,” he said. “The Bloodshed Clan is not afraid to fight

all of you. But you attacking us from the shadows is too much!”

Austin was speechless. “Master of the Bloodshed Clan, you’re seriously baselessly accusing me,” he

explained hastily. “I really don’t know about the people from the abandoned world you’re talking about

Unless people have invaded us again? How many have entered? If you didn’t say anything, we

wouldn’t have known about this at all. Have any of your disciples died? No way. Were there many who

have come in?”

Edward frowned when he heard this. He did not think that Austin would still play dumb around him at

this moment.

The First Elder from the Bloodshed Clan could not hold it in any longer. He took a step forward and

spoke in a vicious tone, “Austin, will you stop bl**dy pretending already? If not for your people, would

our second-grade and third-grade ultimate god-level disciples die? Even the fifthgrades have died!”

Here, he paused and clenched his teeth before continuing, “If your people were not involved, would my

own disciple, Simon, have died? Simon was a true master among the masters in the clan, and he was

at the seventh-grade ultimate god-level. From what I see, a fortress master has even entered the


“No, no. No way!”

Austin hurriedly spoke, “Take a look. All nine fortress masters of the Nine Armies are here. Even our

Elders are here. We truly did not send any fighters out!”

“That’s right. We wouldn’t have known anything if you did not come here today, Master of the

Bloodshed Clan. Oh, right. Are there many people who have come in? Why are there so many of you

here? If it weren’t a lot of people, it wouldn’t be necessary for you to muster such an army!”

One of the fortress masters of the Nine Armies spoke after he thought about it, “But never mind that we

did know about this matter. Since you said that people have come in from the abandoned world, we

can’t just ignore it anymore!”

“That’s right. How many of them have entered, Master of the Bloodshed Clan? Although the Nine

Armies have had no conflict with you before, we’re still the forces of the Anti-Alliance Guard, after all.

Since we know about this, we must interfere in the matter!”

Although Austin did not want to say something like this right now, the situation had escalated too far.

He could only steel himself and take action earlier.

Edward just wanted to lead a group of people to confront them. He even thought that Austin would not

dare to fight them, but he did not think that the other man’s words would be so sharp.

He thought for a while, his contemplations rapidly spinning in his head. After a while, he actually

smiled. “Haha. Seems like it was a misunderstanding! The people who invaded are from the

abandoned world, but there aren’t many of them. Just a few dozen. We’ve almost killed them all here,

but we lost many fighters in the process. We even thought that you had sent people to help them kill

us. Seems like it was a misunderstanding!”

“You-you’ve almost killed them all?”

Austin’s heart leaped in delight. It looked like Edward had the intention of giving him a way out to save

his face. It was great since something this good was happening.

“Of course. The people from your Anti-Alliance Guard took away those few that came in last time, and

as we were guarding the Alliance Guard, we did not look too hard into it. Since we found the few dozen

people who came in this time, we’ve almost killed them all. I hope that you won’t interfere anymore!”

Edward smiled. After all, they would suffer great losses if they truly fought the Nine Armies.

Furthermore, he did not bring many people over.

He intended to kill off everyone in the woods before coming over to face the people from the Nine


“Since there are only a few dozen people and you’ve already killed them, then-then forget about it.

They were just unlucky then!”

Austin released a helpless sigh. Then he asked on purpose, “Oh, right. Just now you mentioned that

the disciple of your First Elder has been killed too? And he was at the seventh-grade ultimate god-

level? Is this true?”
