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No.1 Supreme Warrior by Moneto

Chapter 651-700
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Chapter 651

Besides, his restaurant made losses every day, and he himself felt that he needed to shut it down soon.

So long as jackie did not try to blackmail him of more than ten million dollars, everything would be fine

and dandy!

“Alright, then. Just get out of here!”

jackie waved his hand and took out a White-Sand cigarette, lighting it slowly.

“Okay, okay. I’ll scram!”

The boss of the restaurant immediately darted out of the place as if he would die within the next second

of remaining there.

“Big Bro, thank you so much. We wouldn’t know what to do if it weren’t for you!”

Tiger looked at jackie after the boss left, his eyes red. “And my wife would probably have been bullied by

those vagrants if you hadn’t come over with me.”

Tiger was feeling extremely lucky—lucky that he had thought of jackie and managed to bring him here.

Otherwise, he would not have been able to beat those guys.

Furthermore, that man called Brother Luca would probably have taken advantage of his wife.

“Just call me if you need anything!” jackie chuckled.

“Let’s go, Big Bro. Let’s go drink a few rounds!”

Tiger flashed a straightforward smile. “You just made someone give me more than nine hundred

thousand dollars this time. I’ve yet to recover from the shock!”

“Don’t sweat it. Just go and open your business in peace. They won’t cause you any more trouble!”

jackie took a drag from his cigarette before he added, “On the contrary, I’m the one who’ll be causing

them trouble tomorrow. I need to see if they’ve learned their lesson so I’m not going for a drink. I need to

return home. It’s getting late.”

“All right then. Let’s drink sometime soon!” Tiger nodded, seeing jackie off as the latter drove away.

“Tiger, this Big Bro of yours is amazing! He’s not any regular veteran, is he?”

Tiger’s wife could not help but comment after jackie left. “His fighting prowess and aura aren’t like a

regular person’s!”

“He saved the Goddess of War’s life before, and he’s pretty good friends with her. He wouldn’t be so

fearless before the people from Kingston Hall otherwise!”

Tiger smiled. “I never expected that he would become such a man in five years. I heard that he was

promoted to the rank of Head Commander. But to me, he’ll always be better than a God of War!”


His wife immediately scanned their surroundings, fearful. “Don’t say such things. How can you spew

such nonsense? Saying that he’s stronger than a God of War? What if a God of War heard you? They

wouldn’t be happy, and they’re so terrifying. People practically worship the ground they stand upon. Your

Bro is strong, but he can’t compare to a God of War!”

“All right. I get it. Let’s go. I don’t think we’ll be getting much business tonight. Let’s close up shop and go

back home to see Dad and Mom and our son!

“We’ll wait until tomorrow when there aren’t any rascals disturbing us. I believe our business will start to

pick up!” Tiger clenched his fist, speaking confidently.

jackie quickly drove back to the villa.

After he parked the car, he noticed a Volkswagen parked right beside him.

A small smile lit up jackie’s face as he studied the new car. It seemed that Ben had truly grown up. This

was a good thing to him.

However, he also believed that Ben had suffered plenty of emotional trauma. jackie would not forgive

what Ivan and Xena had done so easily.

He wanted to let them know that everything they had done today was incredibly and utterly foolish.

Chapter 652

“Daddy, Daddy. Come here. Look at this. See what I’ve got…”

Kylie ran over to jackie as soon as he entered the villa’s living room, squealing with that cute, angelic

voice of hers.

jackie’s heart immediately melted at the sound of that voice and at the sight of those doe eyes.

He instantly crouched down to heft Kylie up, planting a kiss on her cheek. “Good job! My little girl’s got a


“That’s right. The teacher said I was a good student!”

Kylie’s smile was bright and innocent, happiness laced into its curve.

“Oh? Of course, my daughter would be the smartest, most responsible kid in class!”

jackie carried Kylie up the stairs. “Right. Kylie, would you like a reward? Tell me. I’ll give you one!”

“Okay. Bring me and Mommy to the aquarium on Saturday!” Kylie asked, staring at jackie in anticipation

after thinking about it for a moment.

“Sounds good. We’ll bring you there on Saturday!”

jackie only put Kylie down once they were on the upper floor.

He returned to his room. Only then did he notice that Selena had already returned home from work and

was taking a shower.

On the bedside table, there was a poster.

Embarrassment clinched jackie when he noticed the poster. This was the advertisement that someone

else had helped put up, no? It seemed that Selena already knew about the whole thing.

He sat down for a few minutes. Selena walked out of the bathroom, dressed in casual clothing. A hint of

warmth graced her lips when she saw jackie. “You really want to send ripples across the entire city, don’t

you now? How much money did you spend to advertise it so extensively? It seems like you wouldn’t

have achieved such a result if you didn’t spend at least ten million dollars. Your mom will be worried

about your finances. Again.”

jackie grinned in embarrassment. “My dear, I just want your birthday to be known throughout the entire

city so that you’ll have some fine memories. However, I didn’t do the advertisements. I don’t like being so


Selena was surprised when she heard that. “No way. They would’ve had to spend a lot of money. The

advertisements are everywhere. So much so that I’m embarrassed to go out. My colleagues are even

discussing coming over during my birthday.”

Her brows furrowed after she pondered for a while. “Strange. Who would spend that much money to

advertise the both of us if it’s not you? Isn’t this just a waste of money? What benefit would they


jackie could not help but give a wan smile looking at Selena’s beautifully arched brows. “Think about it,

dear. Not many people know about this, and not many were around either when I made the declaration.

Who do you think it is?”

Naturally, Selena, being the sharp woman she was, immediately reacted when jackie prompted her. “No

way. Xena? But why would she do this? Especially when Ivan had just been sorely beaten up by us. Why

would she do this with Ivan?”

“They still think that I’ve been poisoned. The poison is expected to manifest on your birthday, and they

want to watch the show. Do you get it?” jackie spoke lightly as he chuckled.

Selena finally understood. “Right. They don’t know that you’ve been cured. Ivan—that son of a b*tch! He

really wants everyone to watch you die on my birthday, eh? I never expected him to be so wicked!”

jackie nodded. “It’s good that they helped advertise the event though. We don’t have to do it ourselves

anymore. The news will circulate throughout the entire city very quickly.”

Chapter 653

Selena did not know whether to laugh or cry. Ivan and Xena would probably stab themselves in the

throat if they knew what jackie was thinking right now. Of course, they probably would not have

advertised the event just like that if they had known that jackie cured himself of the poison.

“But this is just my birthday. No need to kick up such a fuss over this. That advertisement probably

caused a real shock for everyone, claiming that the bash will be the ultimate talk of the town for years to

come. They even made a countdown. My God, we’ll probably be the butt of plenty of jokes if the party is

too…normal!” Selena voiced her concerns after she thought about it.

“It’s not just expensive food that will make the event grand.”

jackie wrapped his arms around Selena, giving her a warm smile. “Don’t worry. Just relax. Trust me to

handle this!”


Selena pursed her flushed lips, then spoke bashfully. “Go and take a shower. We’ll go down to eat after

that. They’re making the prawn that you like.”

“You really know me well. You already know what I like to eat only after a month of my return!”

jackie studied the beauty before him. He could not help but place a gentle kiss on her lips.

“Daddy kissed Mommy. I’m going to have younger brothers and sisters!”

They were not aware that Kylie had slyly opened the door and poked her head inside the room. She

clapped a hand over her mouth and chuckled when she saw this.


Selena jumped from shock and immediately shoved jackie away, rolling her eyes at him flirtatiously.

“Seriously? Why didn’t you close the door?”

jackie gave her a bitter smile. “I never thought that our little girl would come in at this time.”

“Let’s go down, Kylie. Don’t speak such nonsense, too! You’re more than enough for us.”

Selena walked over and carried Kylie, ready to head down with her cheeks colored red.

“You can’t do this, dear. We need another child. Kylie will be lonely otherwise!” jackie quickly reminded

her after he realized it. As for Selena, who had already walked to the door, the tips of ears were already

flaring pink.

He did not expect her to cast a bashful glance over her shoulder after she stepped out of the room. She

gave him a look that was not unlike a teenage girl experiencing her first love. “Fine. If you can cause a

stir throughout the city during my birthday and make me feel like I’m the happiest woman in the world, I’ll

agree to have another child. But that won’t happen if you don’t make me feel super, super touched, and


“I guarantee you’ll be satisfied!”

jackie burst into laughter. He knew that Selena was already satisfied with their lives now. She was

teasing him on purpose.

After he finished showering and eating, jackie hugged Selena to sleep.

At this moment, a group of vagrants arrived before the headquarters of the Green Sky Hall. “Sir, you

have to help us! Brother–brother Luca has been beaten up, so badly that his balls have been destroyed

and his face rearranged. He’s in the hospital now!” a man threw himself at the feet of a middle-aged

man, pleading pitifully.

The corners of the middle-aged man’s mouth twitched slightly when he heard that. “F*ck. What’s with all

the commotion today? Spit it out! What happened?”

Chapter 654

The leader of the Green Sky Hall spiraled further into a bad mood.

That afternoon, he found out that Flynn had been hospitalized after being beaten up. One of his legs had

been broken so badly, it needed to be amputated.

He was still contemplating what he should do tomorrow—if he should just let the whole incident slide for

that bodyguard of the Drake family. He did not expect his subordinates to come crawling to him again.

“Tell me what happened. Why was Luca beaten?” the middle-aged man spoke slowly after having

remained silent for a few seconds.

The other man finally narrated everything that had happened. After he finished, he said, “I don’t know if

that fellow was making empty threats, but he said he’d bring trouble to the Green Sky Hall tomorrow

morning! He wants us to compensate every bit of that fifty thousand dollars!”


The middle-aged man was extremely angry. He slammed his hand on the table beside him and with a

sharp crack, the table splintered into pieces.

He stood up and spoke furiously, “Does he think that the people of Green Sky Hall are such pushovers?

We’ve already given nine hundred and fifty thousand dollars. What more does he want? Jeez. That

bodyguard from this morning knows the Goddess of War, and he’s a son-in-law of the second-class

aristocrats, the Taylor family. Who’s this b*stard now? Don’t tell me he knows Gods of War too!”

The man kneeling on the floor furrowed his brows. “We’re not sure, but at any rate, he quickly fought us

once he came. He probably doesn’t know any Gods of War!”

“Alright. Leave for now. I’d like to see if he comes tomorrow!”

The middle-aged man quickly took a few thousands worth of cash and thrust it to his subordinate. “Buy a

few gifts and visit Luca tomorrow. Don’t worry about everything here. We’ll see if that punk shows his

face. If he does, I’ll be sure to break both his legs!”

“Yes, sir! Thank you, sir!”

The men nodded and hurriedly left.

After they left, an elder that was sitting to the side finally stood up. “Master, what should we do? Will

those two fellows actually show up? I think they probably just made the threat to scare our men.”

The leader of the Green Sky Hall was called Hector Zaborowski. He went silent for a few moments

before speaking, “For the fellow who wants fifty thousand dollars, we’ll take his word with a grain of salt.

We’ll just kill him if he comes! He was only able to defeat more than a dozen men because Luca and the

others were never strong to begin with. With the two of us old pros, we’ll definitely beat him to death!”

Hector paused for a while before continuing with a leisurely tone, “But the man called jackie won’t be as

easy to handle, I’m afraid. The Gods of War will probably give us trouble if we off-ed him just like that. On

the other hand, the Green Sky Hall would lose its reputation if we just answered to his every beck and

call like a lapdog!”

The elder nodded. He thought about it for a while before adding, “Why don’t we do this, Master? We’ll

give him a test. It’ll also be a way for us to lose face gracefully. It won’t be embarrassing if word gets out,

right? Or we could test his strength. He might serve us some purpose if he’s truly strong!”

Hector’s eyes brightened as he heard the suggestion. He smacked the side of his head. “You’re right!

Why didn’t I think of that?” he exclaimed. “I heard that the fellow was a Head Commander. He’s definitely

strong. More importantly, he has contacts. It’d be fantastic if he used them for the sake of the Green Sky


“By the way, I’ve noticed quite a few leaflets circulating the city today, advertising the birthday party this

fellow is going to throw for his wife. He even claims that it’ll cause a stir throughout the entire city.”

The elder quickly thought of something else.

Chapter 655

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“Really? He must have spent a lot of money. Does he really have that much money to splash around? Or

perhaps the old master of the Taylor family will be giving him money to celebrate Young Miss Taylor’s


Hector frowned. “Probably not. He said that it’d be shameful to use the Taylor family’s money. Besides,

he’s just a son-in-law. No one would be so nice to someone like that.”

“Mmhmm. Let’s just prepare for tomorrow first!”

The elder spoke after a moment of contemplation. “If he comes alone and acts rudely, it’s possible for us

to kill him off. No one can pinpoint the murder to us if the body disappears. If we say that he never came,

the Gods of War wouldn’t just destroy the entire gang for his sake.”

Hector nodded. “You’re right. That man saved the Goddess of War, but he was probably a doctor in the

army so it was his duty to save lives. Besides, the Goddess of War boosted his reputation aplenty during

Old Man Taylor’s birthday party. She doesn’t owe him anything anymore. If we do kill him and pretend to

not know anything, the most the Goddess of War will probably do is to pretend to interrogate us!”

The next day, a group of people waited in the huge garden right after the Green Sky Hall’s entrance.

They wanted to see if the bodyguard from the Drake family and the man who bellowed about coming to

claim the 50 thousand dollars would actually come.

jackie parked the car at the entrance. He walked straight in when he noticed that there was no one there.

Two muscled bodies immediately blocked him after he took a few steps into the garden.

One of them spoke in a rumbly, intimidating voice, “Are you the son-in-law from the Taylor family?”

jackie nodded. “Get out of my way. I came here to talk with your master. I don’t want to waste my time

with you!”

“Quite crude, eh?”

The other man clenched his fists. “You can’t just see the master of the Green Sky Hall whenever you

like,” he said viciously. “You’ll have to follow our procedures if you want to see him. Defeat the both of us

first. Only then, do you have the right to see him!”

Hector and a number of the Green Sky Hall’s men watched the exchange from a distance. Quite a few of

them had frosty smiles creeping up their lips. They wanted to see how strong this son-in-law from the

Taylor family was.

After all, these two were not just any muscle-bound fighters, but they were two excellent fighters from the

Green Sky Hall. Even some Head Commanders could not match up to them. Furthermore, it was two

against one.

That was why they thought it would be difficult for jackie to take them on if he did not have the strength of

a major, in the least.

jackie flashed a cold smile, not giving a sh*t about them. “What a load of rules and regulations! Since I

have to follow them, let’s go!”

After he said that, he gently slapped a hand on the other man’s stomach, the movement a blur.

It looked like a casual slap. Yet, that huge man was flung backward, his limbs flailing. He flew for a few

good meters before he finally crashed onto the ground. Blood spurted out of his mouth and his

expression was contorted.


The other man was already throwing a punch at jackie. jackie was fast—terrifyingly fast. However, during

the exact moment he attacked the other man, a gigantic fist came straight towards his head.

Chapter 656

When he saw his opponent making a move, jackie quickly threw his fist forward. It suddenly collided

against the other man’s fist.

For a moment, there was only silence that followed a dull thud. Then, that big man flew backward as

well, just like his comrade.

He flew quite a few steps back, his feet drawing beneath him a long, thin line on the ground before finally

coming to a forceful halt. The big man gurgled and spat, fresh blood dribbling out of the corner of his



Two big men walked over. They clapped their fists into their palms simultaneously after looking at jackie,

bowing slightly. Then, they parted to the side.

At this moment, Hector also stood up, clapping his hands while walking forward with the people gathered

behind him. “You’re pretty good. I never expected that the son-in-law from the Taylor family would be so

frighteningly powerful!”

“Master Zaborowski. I heard that your first name is Hector, right?”

jackie laughed and said, “It seems like you had planned to cower me into submission first, eh?”

The corners of Hector’s mouth twitched slightly. He stopped a few meters away from jackie. “I was

merely being courteous. What do you mean I was trying to cower you into submission? My subordinates

have long heard of your fighting prowess, so they wished to test their strength against yours. Now, all of

you are comrades forged through the way of the fist!”

jackie laughed aloud again. “What a way to make friends. Thank goodness I’m strong enough. I would’ve

probably been beaten to death if I were a terrible fighter. I have to pay compliments to your way of

thinking, though—testing me first to judge the situation. Not bad!”

When they heard this, Hector and the elder beside him exchanged a glance. Both of their expressions

had soured. This guy was far cleverer than their expectations, seeing right through their scheme in such

a short time.

“No way. You’ve misunderstood us, kiddo. Our subordinates really just wanted to spar with you!” the old

man stood up and told jackie, smiling.

“Really? But they both told me that according to the rules here, I don’t have the right to talk to their

master unless I defeated them.”

jackie sneered inwardly, casting a glance toward the two men from earlier.

“Ahem. We just wanted to spar with you, dear sir. We only said that because we were worried you’d

refuse us!” they quickly reacted and explained, chuckling. The two men were not idiots.

“All right. Speak, Mr. jackie. What business do you have with us here today?”

Hector maintained his smile as he looked at jackie, giving off the aura of someone engulfed in a fresh

spring breeze.

jackie smiled. It seemed that Hector was a wolf clothed in sheepskin. Although he had a serene, kindly

expression now, he must have stained his hands aplenty behind the scenes.

He spoke immediately, “Of course, I came here for business so I won’t dilly-dally any longer. You all

probably know this as well—that I was the one who beat up the person who pretended to be blind

yesterday. They secretly took pictures of a lot of ladies! I want to settle this matter today!”

Chapter 657

Hector still plastered a smile on his face when he heard that. “I thought it was something serious. I heard

that the memory card had already been destroyed by you. So, isn’t the matter settled already? What

more do you want from us?”

He paused for a while here, before continuing with a smile, “I know. You want some money from us to

compensate for your losses, right? It’s normal for one to think like that. I completely understand! Tell me,

how much do you want?”

jackie replied immediately, “I don’t want money for this issue. My request is simple. Don’t repeat this.

Destroy any backups you have. Understand?”

The corners of Hector’s mouth twitched. “Are you threatening me?”

“I won’t investigate any further. I’m sure that you know full well I’m threatening all of you here. If you don’t

destroy the backups and continue doing all this in the future, I’ll make sure that the Green Sky Hall would

be completely obliterated if I catch wind of it!”

jackie chuckled. He was not frightened in the least, standing there with his shoulders squared and

radiating an aura of utter solemnity.

“What a mouth you have on you! I’ll teach you a lesson!”

An old woman stood up. “Care for a round with me?”

Wrinkles were etched all over the old woman’s face, but there was a perceptible sharpness in her eyes.

She looked to be in very good spirits.

jackie sensed that this old woman was probably a lot stronger than the two men from earlier.

However, he flashed a wan smile toward the old woman who was leaning against a cane. “No way. You

look like you’re seventy or eighty years old. Won’t I be a laughingstock if I hurt you? They’ll say that I

bullied a granny.”

“Don’t worry. We definitely won’t say that you bullied her!” one of the men from earlier laughed aloud.

“That’s right. She’s one of our best fighters. No average person can match her strength. You? Bully her?

It’d be a miracle if you can last ten hits from her!” another middle-aged woman also laughed from the

side. jackie’s words made her feel as though she had just heard the joke of the century,

“Don’t worry, sonny boy. I won’t hold a grudge against you if you do have the strength to beat me to


After the old lady said that, she turned toward Hector who was behind her. “Master Hector, take this as a

personal grudge between me and him. It’ll be my bad luck if he kills me. There won’t be any grudges

between him and the Green Sky Hall. Is that possible?”

“All right!” Hector agreed with her, nodding after pondering the proposal for a few seconds.

From the looks of it, the old woman was going to fight with a killing intent, which was why she would

probably use her full strength for the fight. She would not have told Hector all of that otherwise.

Meanwhile, Hector’s goal was the same. If she could not kill jackie because he was too strong for her, he

would treat it as a mere spar and a personal grudge. It would not have anything to do with the Green Sky


However, if jackie was not strong enough and was killed by her, she would probably destroy every bit of

evidence that he had been here, leaving no trace for anyone to find him.

“All right. You can fight me with peace of mind now, boy. Let’s see if you have the strength to kill this old

granny here!”

The old woman clutched onto her cane, the light in her eyes dimming dangerously.

Chapter 658

“I know you want to kill me, but I won’t let you!”

jackie flashed a cold smile when he heard that. If this old woman from the Green Sky Hall did not act too

brashly, he would not destroy her straight away either.

After all, Kingston Hall was behind the Green Sky Hall.

It was not because jackie was afraid of Kingston Hall. Tanya, Yvonne, and Sharon knew about the

incident today. It would create a huge hoo-hah if Kingston Hall was completely destroyed. Many people

would probably doubt his identity.

He would not be able to live the peaceful life that he had now.

After all, Kingston Hall was the most powerful underground organization in Eastfield and the strongest

among the gangs. They did not fear the presence of the Drake family at all.

“Really? You’re speaking as though you can kill when and wherever you please!”

The old woman felt like she was being belittled. She was just old, but her strength was unmatched by a

regular person.

She took one step forward. The cane in her hands suddenly whipped toward jackie in a vicious arc; a

frosty, murderous intent filled her eyes.

It looked like a normal ebony cane, but at that moment, it resembled a sharpened sword, slashing

forward at a blinding speed. With that sudden thrust, jackie did not have an inkling of doubt that a normal

person would already have a hole carved into their chest.

That was because jackie had heard the subtle echo of a supersonic boom from that thrust.

“So fast!”

jackie was shocked. He really did not expect the old woman to be so dexterous. If he had not gone to

war, he would have been completely terrified by her.

“Hmph. Scared now, aren’t you? Is your life flashing before your eyes? Don’t underestimate me just

because I’m old. Those two huge goons from before can’t match my strength!”

Delight crept over the old woman’s expression when she heard jackie gasp.

The tip of her cane was extremely sharp. jackie did not have the time to dodge.

Yet at this moment, jackie dazzled her eyes. His entire body seemed to meld into the shadows as he

sidestepped her attack in a flash. He appeared right beside her.

“No way. You dodged that?”

The old woman took a sharp breath. She was utterly stupefied. She suspected that she must have

imagined it.

She knew that jackie was strong after having watched him defeat those two men without breaking a

sweat. However, she never expected him to be far stronger than she had imagined.

She seriously suspected that only a King of War could have that kind of speed, based on the fighting

strength within the military ranks.

jackie dodged the attack. The old woman’s cane pierced straight into a wooden pillar behind him.

This was a small pavilion that was held up by four wooden pillars.

No one expected that such a huge pillar would have a hole carved straight through it. The cane had

struck through the entire pillar.

“That cane is made out of fantastic stuff!”

jackie gave a wan smile when he saw that.


The old woman was so frustrated that she missed her mark. She felt embarrassed.

She released a huff and jerked her arm. That wooden pillar crumbled, allowing her to loosen her cane

from the hole.

The pillar held for three seconds, then it toppled onto the ground in a resounding crash. The entire

pavilion went down with it.

At that moment, the old woman attacked jackie again.

However, jackie did not dodge her attack this time. Instead, he grabbed the cane with a quick sweep of

his arm, and a powerful force rippled along the length of the cane.

The old woman did not reveal a sliver of panic when jackie caught her cane. She still believed that jackie

was not as strong as her.

Chapter 659

Nonetheless, she never thought that the force from that causal sweep of jackie’s arm could be so deadly

and powerful that it ruptured the end of the cane she was holding. The incredible force streaked through

her hand, causing it to tremble uncontrollably as she struggled to hold the cane.


The old woman stumbled back a few steps and her right hand was trembling unruly. She gazed at jackie

with her eyes full of terror and respect at the same time.

jackie’s strength was impressive and his speed was as fast as lightning. She even sensed that jackie

was having fun with her and that he must not have shown his true strength—the powerful strength that

was hidden perfectly.

“Hmmm? What now? Giving up?” jackie flashed her a small smile and said in an indifferent voice.

“Jesus Christ! Isn’t this kiddo too powerful? He’s even able to take away Elder Castellano’s cane!” a

spectator from the crowd could not hold back a loud gasp. The battle between jackie and Elder

Castellano was truly eye-opening.

“No way! Don’t tell me Elder Castellano can’t defeat this retired soldier?”

Some of them had their foreheads pressed together as they expressed their doubts.

After all, they had never seen Elder Castellano defeated in a fight before.

The corners of the old woman’s mouth twitched involuntarily. At the same time, she was hesitant to admit

defeat. If she surrendered now, she would surely become a laughingstock in front of the Green Sky Hall.

If she tried again—harder and fiercer—there might be hope for her to win.

“Kiddo, it’s either you or me in the coffin today!”

With her teeth gritted tightly, the old woman charged toward jackie again at lighting speed, switching

positions several times in the hopes of trying to confuse and get close to jackie.

“Your cane’s in my hand. I must say, you’re quite bold to come at me without any weapon!”

jackie sneered frostily. With the cane in his hand, he swung it at his opponent before she could even

come near him as though he was using the cane to beat a dog. The cane hit the old woman’s arms and

thighs several times in a row.

“Ouch! Ow!” The old woman jumped from the pain as if she were a monkey in the circus. Her body

curled slightly.

“You win! You win!”

Finally, she yelled her defeat. Every movement sent ripples of pain through the old woman’s arms and


jackie stopped at last. The old granny scanned her body and there were many fresh and insidious

bruises caused by the strokes of the cane. Although jackie did not use too much force, and all the

injuries were merely bruises on the surface, the pain was searing and indescribable.

“Now, do you think I’m able to kill you?” jackie stared at the old woman without any remorse but a faint

yet callous smile on his face.

The old woman felt even more embarrassed. For the first time in her life, she felt that she had been

beaten until she could not even counterattack. She lifted her head, staring straight into jackie’s eyes, her

voice cold, “Give me back my cane! I know I’m not your opponent at all. Kiddo, you’re young yet


“I don’t think it has anything to do with age!” jackie chortled as he threw the cane away casually. It landed

right in front of the other party.

“Ahem! Mr. jackie, a moment ago you mentioned that as long as we deleted all the backups and we

ceased this business immediately, you’d leave us alone?”

Hector, blending in with the other spectators on the side, was stunned by jackie’s strength. jackie’s

combat prowess was truly astounding! Now, Hector had no other choice, but to put on the warmest smile

on his face so that he could look amiable in front of jackie.

“Yup, that’s right!” jackie bobbed his head.

“Alright! I admire you a lot. It’s a deal then!”

Hector immediately agreed to his demand. There was no other way after all. Besides, he did not want to

make a big fuss about it. Although there was Kingston Hall behind them, if jackie was truly pissed off, it

was highly possible that today would be their last day on the earth.

Moreover, jackie was not just a ‘good’ fighter, but the finest and the greatest. Even if Kingston Hall knew

about the episode, they would not dare to provoke him, too, given that his fighting prowess was that

outstanding. Even if Kingston Hall were to win in a fight with jackie, the losses would be acute and


“Hmmm. Well. That’s all, then!”

jackie smiled lightly and then continued, “Now, let’s talk about another thing!”

Chapter 660

Hector had assumed that it would be enough if he agreed to jackie’s demand and that the other man

would think about leaving them alone.

He truly never expected jackie to bring up another issue.

jackie observed the people around him and noticed that the men that had followed Brother Luca from

yesterday were not around. He surmised that they had gone to the hospital to see their injured comrade.

“What’s wrong? Don’t tell me that you want money, after all?” Hector spoke with a cold smile.

“I really am going to ask for money!”

jackie chuckled. “Your men owe me fifty thousand dollars. They couldn’t even cough up a million

yesterday. How shameful!”

“You beat up Brother Luca, too?”

Hector’s expression darkened. He nearly fainted from anger. He had been thinking that he was truly

unlucky today, to have met such a tough, fearless warrior. He planned to properly torture the fellow who

had bullied Luca, ensuring his death.

He never thought that jackie was the same man who Brother Luca and the others had provoked. When it

rained, it truly poured. They provoked the same fellow on both occasions.

“That’s right. Isn’t it a coincidence?”

jackie flashed a cold smile. “Not only do you have to give me fifty thousand dollars, but you’ll also have to

order your subordinates to not give my brother any trouble. I won’t settle for cash otherwise!”

“Aren’t you pushing it, jackie?”

Hector flashed a bitter smile. “You wanted a million dollars, so my subordinates scrounged everything

they had in their pockets to pay you nine hundred and fifty thousand dollars. Do you really have to ask

for the remaining fifty thousand?”

jackie’s expression was nonchalant. “What a stupid question. Just pay the amount that we agreed upon.”

“Fine. I’ll just take this as a stroke of misfortune!”

Hector’s expression hardened and he was displeased, but he nodded at the middle-aged woman beside

him anyway.

The woman walked towards jackie and took out her phone. “Give me your bank account number. I’ll

transfer the money immediately.”

“Now we’re talking!”

jackie did not hesitate to give his account number to her.

What he did not expect was immediately receiving a notification from the bank after he gave his account


“So fast?” jackie frowned and looked at her.

“I haven’t even keyed in the amount yet!”

The woman stared at him, perplexed.

jackie opened the message and was taken aback. After he read it, he realized that it was a bank transfer

of more than 170 billion dollars.

“Oh, it was from someone else!”

jackie flashed a pained smile, finally responding. He had asked Skyler to help get rid of the Xenos family

in Sky City and to sell off the assets and shares that they had. They donated some of the profit and

divided the rest between themselves, 50-50.

He never thought that there would be so much money left even after dividing the portion.


The middle-aged woman furrowed her brow, suspicion twinging in her. It could not be a coincidence,

right? Unless this guy was merely playing dumb?

However, it had nothing to do with her. She keyed in the PIN and quickly transferred 50 thousand dollars

to jackie’s account.

At this moment, jackie’s phone rang.

Chapter 661

jackie switched his focus to his phone. ‘Skyler Celestino’ appeared on the screen.

“Hey, Skyler Celestino!” jackie uttered casually after picking up the call.

“yeah! According to the ratio you told me, you’ll be getting a hundred and seventy billion dollars for your

part. You should’ve received it by now, right? What a steal. Not only did I fix my itch to fight, but I also

made a big profit out of it.” Skyler’s manly voice rang from the phone.

“Yup, I got the money. I’ve got some errands to run, so I’ll hang up now!” jackie ended the call in the next


The woman before him was standing nearby, and Skyler’s voice was not particularly soft on the other

end of the call as well. jackie was not sure if the other party had heard any part of the conversation.

At this time, Hector approached the two and uttered, “ jackie, I heard that you’re a bodyguard of the

Drake family, right?”

jackie had already outstretched his leg and was about to leave the place. He did not expect such a

question to pop out of Hector’s mouth. He nodded in conformity with the question, “Yes, what’s the


“I heard that they pay you twenty million dollars a month. I find that you’re a gifted talent, after watching

you and my men trying out each other. I really admire you for your skills!” Hector answered with a gentle


“That’s right! Master Hector is right! jackie, we’ve heard your big name a long time ago. Your talent will

be gone into the drain if you continue to stay with the Drake family,” the elder—who was standing next to

Hector—leaned forward and echoed.

“I’d pay you a hundred million a month, how about that? Work with me and help me expand Sky Green

Hall. I truly believe that if we work together, it’d be impossible for the Sky Green Hall not to grow in the


Hector stretched out his finger, gesturing the number ‘one’. His expression turned solemn and firm.

“A hundred million dollars. It’s indeed quite a lot!”

jackie’s pallor remained calm and plain. “However, I don’t want to work with snobs like you. Forget it! Just

coming to this place has wasted a lot of my precious time. I need to go to the Drakes to work now!”

In the next second, jackie strode toward the gate without turning his head once.

Hector’s right index finger was still mid-air. He stayed frozen as though the conversation was a deadly

lightning bolt that struck his brain. Many have said that if one person was offered double of what he was

earning, that person would take it without thinking twice. He, himself, had offered jackie five times his

previous salary, and yet this punk did not even blink an eye and walked away.

Moreover, the look in his eyes and the tone of his voice were filled with disdain and contempt, as if 100

million dollars was nothing but stacks of waste paper in his eyes.

“What the f*ck? Is this brat an idiot? He turned down a hundred million a month? I swear that there’s no

salary higher than this in Eastfield!”

A guy could not help but sigh at the scene before him. If he were offered such a salary, even if it were not

100 million per month but per year, he would be smiling all year long, even when he was sleeping.

“Yeah! What an idiot! He must be an idiot!” another guy chimed in, laughing aloud. “A hundred million a

month, and he just walked away? Instead, he went to work for a job of twenty million a month. What’s

wrong with this brat?”

“Perhaps this punk’s drooling over Miss Tanya or Miss Yvonne. After all, the only thing this guy doesn’t

lack is money. Since he’s not short of money, he’s probably after the two beauties! That must be the


Another man was hypothesizing the situation. He narrowed his eyes and scratched his chin.

The middle-aged woman from before gazed at Hector before slowly opening her mouth, “Master Hector,

when jackie answered his phone a while ago, I think I heard something!”

“Oh? Really? You were standing very close to him just now, what did you hear?”

Hector was no fool. He believed in his subordinates. If his people took the initiative to come forward to

report something, that something must be valuable and worth taking note of.

“The person who called jackie, I think his name is Skyler Celestino. I vaguely heard the other party

mentioning that a hundred seventy billion dollars was transferred to jackie’s account. He asked jackie if

he had received it,” the middle-aged woman said hesitantly, her face scrunched up.

Chapter 662

“Skyler Celestino?”

“One hundred and seventy-eight billion dollars?”

The crowd present at the scene was completely dumbfounded. Terror streaked through the space. These

two pieces of information were overly shocking.

“Are you sure you heard it right? Skyler Celestino? Doesn’t this name belong to Skyler, the King of War?

That’s the eight-star King of War!”

The elder was paralyzed to the spot, the terrifying surprise holding him in a tightening grip. He only

managed to regain his words after a few minutes.

“There’s only one King of War with the name Skyler Celestino!”

The middle-aged woman had a blank look in her eyes as though she was dwelling in a haze of

confusion, yet to recover from the news.

“If it really was Skyler Celestino, the King of War, why did he give jackie so much money? More than a

hundred seventy billion dollars! Are you sure you heard the number correctly? Why did he give that

b*stard so much money?”

The sudden shock caused Hector’s muscles to tense up. Only prominent families could produce that

amount of money after they had sold all their properties.

Nobody at the scene could understand why a King of War—an eight-star King of War—would give so

much money to an adopted son-in-law.

The elder suddenly thought of something and immediately rushed into the house. He took a poster and

ran out again. He breathed out heavily, “Master Hector, look! Look at the poster! That guy promised to

make his wife’s birthday the grandest event that would shake the entirety of Eastfield. Could he have

borrowed money from the King of War so that he could host the greatest birthday party for his wife?”

Thoughts were running wild inside the elder’s brain. This was the only possibility that he could think of.

Other than this, no other suppositions could explain this situation anymore.

Nonetheless, after hearing the words that he had spewed, he started to doubt his own assumption. If that

was really the case, 170 billion dollars was too much, was it not?

“Hmmm, spending a hundred million is enough to hold the grandest birthday party in Eastfield, right? A

hundred and seventy billion dollars, how’s that possible? Besides, a King of War wouldn’t have lent out

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such a huge amount of money, right? And I truly doubt that a King of War who had just returned from the

army would be able to fork out that much money in the first place, right?”

After giving some thought to the shocking news, Hector finally said to the middle-aged woman, “Hawa,

you must’ve heard it wrong. Yup. You heard it wrongly.”

“Did I? But I thought that’s what the other person on the phone said!”

“Oh! Now I see it!”

Suddenly, the elder clapped his hands together after realizing something. “Damn! I think we’ve been

fooled by him!”

“Huh? What do you mean?”

Everyone at the scene turned their attention towards the elder, scratching their heads, not knowing why.

“That fool must’ve made someone else make that call on purpose and pretended that Skyler Celestino

was the caller! All the contents in that call must’ve been staged and rehearsed!”

The elder’s mood lifted and his eyes were full of wisdom. “He did it because he was afraid of offending

the great power behind us—the Kingston Hall. This shows that he’s afraid of Kingston Hall and that he

doesn’t want to create trouble. Therefore, he pretends to be close with Skyler Celestino, the King of War.

However, the biggest mistake that he made was the amount of money. That sum of money is so

unrealistic that it exposed his sneaky plan!”

Chapter 663 “That mothercker is really fcking smart! We were almost fooled by him!” one of the injured

bulky men slapped his thigh and shouted.

“This man is more cunning than a fox!” a middle-aged man chimed in, wearing a bitter smile. He then

continued, “He’s afraid that we might continue looking for trouble and just let him off temporarily. That’s

why he kept this wild card in his hand, so he could leave the place. Otherwise, how could the call be so

coincidental? How could the call come in right as we were about to transfer the money to him?”

After hearing everyone’s detailed analysis, Hector bobbed in agreement. That b*stard had almost

deceived him!

He turned his gaze to the elder and said, “Elder Ward, I’m thankful for your wit and wisdom. Fortunately,

he revealed himself by saying some ridiculous amount of money—a hundred seventy billion. If he had

said a hundred or two hundred million, we would’ve fallen for his trap.”

The sound of praise entered the elder’s ears and lifted his mood. With his hands behind his back, he

slowly said, “I can only comment that this fool has over bragged. His plan would’ve been perfect if the

sum of money was lesser. He would’ve scared the wits out of us! But, the more he tried to scare us away,

the more mistakes he made. It has become crystal clear that he’s actually afraid of us in his heart.” With

a prideful tone in his voice, he continued, “He didn’t come here today to stir up trouble. If he really

wanted to, he wouldn’t have been merciful to Elder Castellano and the two during the fight!”

“Yes, you’re right! This guy is as sly as a fox! Such a delicate plan!”

The old granny—Elder Castellano—nodded in agreement. “I only suffered surface injuries on my body.

This guy can control his strength and power very well. It seems that he truly is afraid. He must’ve come

today due to yesterday’s episode—he was showing off in front of Miss Tanya and Miss Yvonne,

pretending to be all tough and powerful. Hence, he mustered up the courage today to come to warn us

just to complete his bragging show. Secondly, he’s afraid that our men would continue to find trouble with

his brother—Tiger!”

“Yep!” Hector nodded to agree. “Anyway, judging from his combat prowess, I guess I’m not on par with

him. Plus, he’s clever and witty. He’s definitely not someone we should provoke. Let’s try not to offend



Elder Ward’s forehead creased, and after a moment of silence, he enunciated, “Master Hector, some of

the photos that we took are for several domestic websites, and some are for the overseas markets,

which are our primary market as well. If we were to follow what the brat had asked of us, we’ll make a lot

less profit and the other parties may not agree to it!”

“Yes. The loss will indeed be quite huge. I estimate at least a hundred million dollars would be lost in a


Hector clenched his fists firmly at the thought. “Dammit! This is a low-cost but high-yield business! Now,

it’s all ruined by the b*stard jackie. If we stopped it, the losses would be huge!”

“That’s right! If the parties who work with us in the overseas market don’t agree with it, I’m afraid that

they might create trouble for us. Besides, we’re not known by the authority and power behind them. It

would be fortunate for us if they let us compensate for their losses!”

Elder Ward’s face morphed into one of solemn soreness. “We can stop causing trouble for jackie’s

brother. As for the matter of not taking pictures, it’ll be a great loss for us!”

Hector flashed them a wan smile, his teeth gritted tightly. “But you saw it yourself, too. He is too powerful

for us to offend. None of our men can kill him! We’ll call it luck that he decided to spare our lives. Even I,

myself, am not his opponent, and I don’t think those skilled fighters from Kingston Hall are at the same

level as him! Our best bet is to do as we were told!”

Hector shut his mouth for a moment and then continued, “I’m the master of the Green Sky Hall. I can’t go

back on my own words! If word gets out that I’m an untrustworthy person, where should I hide then?”

The elder heaved a deep sigh. “This problem, hard to solve. What if you tried talking to someone from

Kingston Hall?”

Hector presented the elder with a dry smile in return. “That’s a no-no! My elder brother doesn’t like me

being involved in this business. I do it behind his back. So, you tell me, how can I talk to him about this?”

He remained silent for a while after he spoke, and then he uttered again, “We will trade the photos that

we took this month. After all, tomorrow’s the trading day. We’ll do the trading privately and jackie won’t

know of it. As for next month, let’s think about that next time!”

Chapter 664 Meanwhile, at the Drake’s residence…

Three beauties were casually strolling in the ample garden of the Drake’s residence.

Yvonne gazed at Tanya, wanting to ask something but she was afraid that her concern for jackie would

be too obvious. She feared that the two beauties before her would misunderstand her.

Nevertheless, worries and concerns for jackie had been growing uncontrollably within her all day.

She knew in her heart that the head of Green Sky Hall and the head of Kingston Hall were biological

brothers. The reason why Green Sky Hall managed to develop and expand so well and so fast was

because of the power behind them—the Kingston Hall.

Moreover, there were several top-notch fighters in Green Sky Hall, whom even Spectre from the Drake’s

family would think twice before picking a fight with them.

Therefore, dread and worry gnawed at her insides—she truly worried about jackie’s safety.

jackie should have come to work by now, yet he had not presented himself. Hemust have gone to do

what he had declared he would do.

Tanya could not help but keep her eyes on the entrance gate, her face plastered with disturbance.

“ jackie, why hasn’t he come to work yet?”

Sharon George, who was still chit-chatting about another topic, could no longer suppress the uneasiness

within her and blurted, “He must’ve gone to the Green Sky Hall! I don’t know if he can solve this matter!”

“I think not!”

Since Sharon had already mentioned jackie, Yvonne continued smoothly, “The men in Green Sky Hall

are not easy to deal with. They have a lot of good fighters that can’t be easily handled. They’re beyond

ordinary good fighters. Besides, Hector’s a smiling tiger—outwardly kind and benevolent, but inwardly

cruel and wicked. jackie’s a simple-headed person. He’s too straightforward and wouldn’t know when to

retreat and give face to the other party. I’m really afraid that…”

Tanya bobbed her head to show agreement. “The most crucial thing now is that jackie has gone to the

place. He’s not going to let them continue taking such photos. I know jackie, he’d want to solve this

problem now and forever, but he’s practically chopping off the other party’s financial resources.” Tanya

paused for a second and then continued, “Yesterday, I asked Pa about Green Sky Hall, and he told me

that the people in there aren’t only trading their photos to domestic websites, they’re also trading with

some powerful authorities overseas!”

When Sharon registered these analyses into her brain, she grew even more anxious. “You’re right!

Cutting off people’s source of money is like killing their entire family! Not to mention, this is their long-

existed business! Now that it’s been called off by jackie, how could the other party accept it? Green Sky

Hall is one son of a b*tch! How could they trade with overseas authorities! This is frustrating!”

Tanya flashed a bitter smile. “Before, I didn’t know that the Green Sky Hall would do such a thing

underground. My Pa and the others only found out about it not long ago, too. There’s simply no way to

stop them. If Kingston Hall weren’t behind Green Sky Hall, we, the Drake family, would’ve taken action!

But with Kingston Hall behind everything, my Pa feels helpless, too!”

“No, no way! jackie’s in danger now! I…I have to go and save him!”

Sharon stomped anxiously. “I’ll bring some bodyguards as well as several top-notch fighters from the

George family! I must help him! He can’t die!”

“But, Sharon, jackie said he could solve it alone!”

Yvonne pulled Sharon back and added, “If you go there like this, aren’t you afraid that jackie might be


“But—but, it’s better than leaving him to die there, right? I’m really worried about him!”

Sharon was so frantic with fear, her face went white.

“Don’t worry. I believe in him!”

Tanya gained a little more confidence in jackie when she thought of the episode that happened outside

the city— jackie attended to the challenge in the woods and beheaded hundreds of men, some of whom

were very powerful.

Just as her last syllable dropped, a scarlet red Porsche 911 drifted into the gate and swiftly parked in a

parking space not far away.

“He’s back!”

At the sight of this, the corners of Tanya’s mouth curled upward, and she was relieved.

Chapter 665 “Finally!” Sharon and Yvonne exclaimed in unison, both heaving big sighs of relief.

Sharon gazed at Yvonne, her rosy pink lips slightly parted. She could no longer hold back and asked,

“Yvonne, you seem…you seem to be very very worried about him, too. Don’t tell me you like him, too?”

Sharon’s question startled Yvonne, causing her to choke. Her eyes flickered and her cheeks were

immediately kissed pink. She retorted instantly, “What? Impossible! That guy’s a pervert who drools over

beautiful ladies! I don’t like him at all, hmph!”

Lines appeared on Sharon’s forehead as her brows furrowed. “Impossible! If he’s a pervert, then why

didn’t he drool over me? I’ve got a great figure and I look good, too!”

“Hello, beauties! Looks like nothing’s bothering you and you’re in a good mood, admiring the beauty of

flowers,” jackie teased as he walked over to the three of them, a gentle and warm smile on his face.

When jackie appeared in front of them, Sharon—whose brain was seized by worries and panic just a few

seconds ago—instantly calmed down and her demeanor changed. She became somewhat reserved and

shy, putting on a casual face devoid of any worry for jackie at all.

“Green Sky Hall, did you really go there?” Tanya, on the other hand, asked aloud.

jackie nodded in response. “I’ve got the fifty thousand dollars! I’ll treat you ladies to lunch today!”

“Wait! What? What fifty thousand dollars?” Tanya questioned, looking puzzled. “Didn’t you say you were

going to talk to them about the photos? What’s this fifty thousand you’re talking about? Don’t tell me that

you let them off the hook for a mere fifty thousand dollars?”

“What? No way! I thought you’d at least fight them!”

Yvonne was as dumbfounded as Tanya. Why did jackie go to Green Sky Hall to make a fuss for fifty

thousand dollars? Even if his purpose was to blackmail them, 50 thousand dollars was too little, no?

“Oh, I almost forgot something! You don’t know what happened after I got off work yesterday. My closest

buddy, Tiger, came to me and told me that his restaurant….”

Remembering that the three had no knowledge about yesterday’s episode, he patiently narrated the

incident from stem to stern.

jackie shrugged once he finished telling the story. “Therefore, not only did I settle yesterday’s issue, but I

also collected what Green Sky Hall owed me yesterday—the fifty thousand dollars!”

“In that case, the people in Green Sky Hall are truly sly foxes! First, they tested your strength, and if you

weren’t strong enough, they would’ve ended you on the spot!”

“Little did they know that you’re not just powerful, but their secret weapons—the skilled Granny and two

big men—aren’t worthy opponents as well. Only when they knew they couldn’t beat you did they

surrender, just so their problem wouldn’t become worse!”

Cold sweat dripped down Yvonne’s forehead as she repeated the episode. Fortunately, jackie was a

strong combatant. His experience as a soldier in the past five years had not been in vain. Otherwise, he

would have been in a dangerous situation today!

“They’re not that smart. Such dirty tricks can’t escape me!”

jackie chuckled nonchalantly, and then continued, “But I have to say that Hector’s nothing but a smiling

tiger. He looks benevolent and kind on the outside, but inwardly, he’s full of dirty, cunning tricks. It’s not a

surprise that such a person can become the Master of Green Sky Hall!”

“What I’m worried about now is whether the other party will go back on their word. They only agreed to

your demand on the surface because you’re strong and hard to get rid of!”

Tanya frowned deeply after thinking about it. “His elder brother is the Master of Kingston Hall! What if he

tells his brother about this? We’re done for!”

Chapter 666 jackie arched his brow upon hearing Tanya’s concern. “I don’t think that’d be the case.

Hector’s the head of Green Sky Hall, after all. As the head of an infamous house, how can he just go

back on what he’s promised?”

Tanya, on the other hand, could not hold back from shooting jackie a sarcastic glance with her pair of big

beautiful eyes. “Indeed, he’s the head of the Green Sky Hall, but their real power is not what you see on

the surface. To the world, they’re all about opening spa and wellness centers, but under the surface, they

make a lot of deals with dirty trades. Should we really trust such a person?”

jackie bobbed his head in agreement at Tanya’s words. “Let’s see how it goes, then. If he doesn’t learn

his lesson, he’ll regret it later!”

“Alright, then. It’s pretty late now, let’s go shopping!” Tanya suggested tentatively.

jackie looked at the watch on his wrist—it was almost noon. After some contemplation, he proposed,

“Okay! I have fifty thousand dollars from the Green Sky Hall. Let me treat the three of you to a nice


“Thank you!” Tanya chortled. “Oh, right! I almost forgot! It’s payday and it’s your first time receiving your

pay. The financial department will transfer your salary to you no later than this afternoon!”

jackie looked unconcerned by Tanya’s utterance. “Really? If you hadn’t said anything, I would’ve almost

forgotten all about it.”

“What? It’s a salary of twenty million dollars a month! I bet this figure is the highest in the bodyguard

market! How could you not look forward to it nor show any excitement at all? Worse, you almost forgot

about it!”

Yvonne was tongue-tied. Even if jackie had a few million in his hand, a salary of 20 million would still be

considered a