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No.1 Supreme Warrior by Moneto

Chapter 4074
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Jack's words left the other side at a loss for words.

Dante paused for a long time before he coldly said, "Stop trying to argue! Let me ask you. Without my fellow

disciple, would you have been able to enter the Radiant Hall?! You clearly benefited, but you're trying to cause your

benefactors trouble! Are you sure you won't be punished for this?! Do you even have a heart?!"

When Jack heard that, he felt furious. It was not just Lourain who felt like it was absurd, he did too.

Dante was trying so hard to completely twist the truth, and he refused to budge at all.

The other participants were all absolutely furious as they listened.

At the moment, the crowd could not take it anymore and wanted to fight back. However, they found themselves

unable to say anything.

It was not because they were worried about offending Dante, but because they did not know what to say. They did

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not know where to start when attacking Dante's twisted logic.

Jack sneered, "Benefactor? Are you sure you're worthy of being called that? So many regular warriors died on the

Toman Battlefield due to your sinister plot. For the sake of Heartblood, you stopped at nothing."

"The schemes were not just on the Toman Battlefield, but elsewhere as well. You constantly plotted to kill regular

warriors. Killing others would not have been a huge matter, but you didn't just kill them. Before they died, you

made sure they suffered the most painful torture in their lives..."

"Only then would you have managed to gather the Heartblood. It was those regular warriors who opened the

Radiant Hall with their blood, but you're taking credit for that? Please, be clearer as well! The Radiant Hall was

opened to everyone, not because of you, but the rules of the Radiant Hall!"

After Jack said all of that, the crowd immediately agreed. Quite a few people started to curse in their excitement.

Originally, they had been afraid of Dante's skills and did not want to offend Dante. However, what Dante said earlier

had just been too harsh to handle. It was like a needle piercing into their hearts.

These people were not very high-ranking in their original worlds, but they did hold a certain position. They only

became regular warriors because the Whirling World was filled with talent. They had their own pride as well, it was

just that it had constantly been suppressed.

At that moment, the suppression was completely thrown away by Dante's words. They could no longer control


"He's right! Every warrior who entered the Whiring World could enter the Radiant Hall. That's the rule of the Radiant

Hall, and not yours! We'll never forget those shameless and despicable actions of yours! Do you really think we'll

just take it?"

"That's right! You're just crossing the line! How dare you say you're our benefactors?! You dogs! You used the lives

of my fellow disciples as stepping stones and did whatever you wanted to us, but you're calling yourselves our

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benefactors now?! You're just shameless and despicable dogs!"

"Dante, you should be thankful this is a restricted area. We're naturally no match for you alone, but if we work

together, you wouldn't be able to deal with the numbers!"

Dante's expression stiffened as he was cursed by everyone.

He looked at everyone in disgust, and he did not bother hiding the disdain in his eyes as he scoffed, "All of you

rotten pieces of trash are just trying to put on an act! You'd attack me? Do you think you're worthy?"

Even though the crowd was incredibly angry and wanted nothing more than to rip him apart, Dante acted like he

did not care at all.

In his heart, he looked down on all of them. In Dante's eyes, they were not even worthy of wiping his shoes.

Naturally, he would not be able to defeat them if they had the numbers, but Dante was no idiot.

Why did he need to give them that chance?

If they could work together, could he not find help as well?