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No.1 Supreme Warrior by Moneto

Chapter 4051
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Their actions were basically the equivalent of trampling all over his dignity.

Mitchell did not want to endure it anymore. "I'm going over right now! I'll use my results to slap both of them in the


After he said that, he walked right over to one of the Black Paths. Mitchell was quite furious and went over with a

storm over his head.

Haversham scoffed and said, "This guy is truly stubborn. He actually went over! We already said it just now, but

those who think they're better than they actually are will always pay the price. A warrior like him should've just been

smart about it and picked a lower difficulty. The higher difficulties were prepared for people like us. Trying to

challenge them will only end up in death!"

Haversham looked down on warriors who were not as strong as him the most.

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He detested them trying to pick higher difficulties because it was like a commoner insisting on joining an event

meant for nobles.

It was completely out of place!

At that moment, Mitchell could no longer hear what was being said behind him. He had only one thought in mind,

which was to use his skills to slap them in the face!

Of the nine Black Paths, seven were being used. Only two of them were empty. Mitchell walked to one of those that

was not in use and was seriously looking at the nine crystals in front of him.

Every Black Path had nine crystals neatly displayed. It represented nine difficulties. One just needed to inject their

energy into the difficulty they choose.

Mitchell looked at the fourth crystal and hesitated for a moment before he looked at the third one. In the end, he

injected his energy into the fourth crystal.

When the fourth crystal lit up, the Black Path was officially opened.

Mitchell took a deep breath, and his steps were a bit heavy, but he still walked up the Black Path with resolve.

When he stood in the middle of the Black Path, the whole place was suddenly shrouded in mist. The mist covered

the whole Black Path, obstructing all sight.

After seeing that, Lourain sighed helplessly. He had a conflicted look on his face.

"This challenge really is a test of human character. Every time a challenger steps in, they will be surrounded by

mist. Everyone else will have their view obstructed, so no one knows how difficult the challenges actually are. All

they can do is evaluate the difficulty based on who successfully completed the challenges before this..."

The fact that the mist obstructed all sight really did make it a test of character.

No one knew what the actual difficulty was, and what they would face. No one knew what sort of difficult challenges

were being attempted by the challengers in the fog.

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However, the rewards were plain for all to see, and the difficulty was up to the participant.

The most testing thing was the fact that the participants would be given tokens based on their total scores in the

White Abyss, and be sent to the corresponding training areas.

Everyone wanted to enter even better training areas, but the better the training area, the more points were


If they wanted a lot of points, then they would need to choose the harder difficulties. With those conditions in place,

the participants were all in incredibly difficult positions.

Everyone looked at the Black Path with conflicted expressions. Their rationality was clashing with their inner


Lourain clenched his teeth. "Jack, what difficulty do you think I should choose?"

Jack turned to look at Lourain, thinking about it for a moment before saying, "The second difficulty level would

already be risky."

Lourain managed to get one point in the Three Energy Space.

On the Path of Fate, Lionel's sudden attack caused Lourain to get no points at all. The lowest token needed three

points, which was why Jack asked Lourain to choose the second difficulty.