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No.1 Supreme Warrior by Moneto

Chapter 3990
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A burly man with a short-sleeved shirt that exposed both his arms said with a worried look on his face, "Forget it! No

one can guarantee there won't be any problems this time. I don't want to end up getting dragged into it!"

A skinny man next to him shook his head and said, "You can't just say that. Didn't those people work so hard all for

the sake of opening the Radiant Hall? There are definitely a lot of amazing things inside. This time, it's different

from the Toman Battlefield..."

"We didn't know much about the Toman Battlefield, but everyone knows about the Radiant Hall. Those people can't

possibly pull any tricks in the Radiant Hall. On top of that, we're all already on the defensive, we won't be used by

those people anymore. If they try to continue causing trouble, they'll definitely pay the price!"

The skinny man seemed incredibly sure of himself as he spoke.

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His eyes were filled with anger and hatred. Even though he did not sign up to join the Toman Battlefield, two of his

fellow disciples that he was close to did. Both of them had died inside, and the skinny man put all his anger and

hatred on the warriors at the peak.

If they had not schemed and pulled what they did, his fellow disciples would not have died inside.

The burly man frowned, clearly not agreeing with what was said.

He frowned as he thought for a long time before he said, "Those amazing things inside aren't meant for us. The

Radiant Hall has an even higher rate of death. When the Radiant Hall opened a few hundred years ago, everyone

rushed inside without a care in the world. Of those who entered, only sixty percent made it out alive. Forty percent

of them died inside. It's already an incredibly high rate of death..."

"Most of those who entered were quite strong as well. Even though some immediately jumped and became

warriors at the peak, it's in the far minority. Even if one in a thousand managed to do it, it would be quite an

impressive number. I might be a bit skilled, but Iwon't delude myself into thinking that fate would be on my side and

that all those amazing things will be mine!"

As the burly man spoke, it was obvious that he was a very rational person.

Jack nodded in appreciation when he heard that.

It seemed like there were those with a clear mind. Only those who had a clear understanding of themselves could

survive to the end.

Danger might go hand in hand with opportunity, and someone as careful as him would lose out on a lot of chances,

but one still needed to be alive to face those dangers. Some people felt like they were destined to be great, and

would throw their lives into anything despite the risks. That was how people died.

The skinny man frowned when he heard those words.

He had to admit that the burly man definitely made sense. However, the skinny man still wanted to give it a try.

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The burly man immediately knew that the skinny man was hesitant, but would not change his mind in the end.

The burly man sighed in exasperation.

He reached out and patted the skinny man on the arm, "I know you'll enter no matter what I say. There's just

something I can't understand. You clearly know it's going to be very dangerous, and you could very well lose your

life, so why do you insist on jumping in head first?"

The skinny man sighed helplessly as he sipped some tea.

His face was a bit pale, but his expression was firm, "Because I'm not happy with being ordinary."

There was no special reason. Just those words alone were enough to get many to risk their lives.

It was for that reason, that unwillingness to just be ordinary, and an unwillingness to let go of any chances in front

of them, that they were willing to risk any kind of danger. The path of a warrior had always been one that defied
