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No.1 Supreme Warrior by Moneto

Chapter 351 – 400
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Chapter 351

“No way. Young Master Wilson is a grown man, and a man must always keep his word, no?” jackie

spoke without sparing the other man’s shame, grinning.

“That’s right. Unless you admit that you’re not a man but a eunuch or a woman, we won’t let this slide!”

The satisfied Tanya also chimed in, her arms folded across her chest when she heard their defiance.

“Young Master Wilson, you only made the bet with jackie because you thought that he was new at this,

and therefore not well-versed with gambling rocks. Aren’t you ashamed now that you’ve lost to a rookie?

Furthermore, you refuse to acknowledge your debt now that you’ve lost. It wouldn’t be very nice if word

got out, right? Why are you such a sore loser?” This time, it was Yvonne who stepped forward and

sneered at Wilson.

The bodyguards dared not make a single noise anymore. The Drake family was one of the most eminent

aristocratic families; they were in no position to threaten or bully Tanya Drake. It was almost like signing

their death certificates.

“Who said that I was a sore loser?” Young Master Wilson clenched his teeth. “I admit defeat!” he


Shock rippled through the crowd. They never expected Young Master Wilson to give in so easily.

However, it was still the natural course of action. The people who stood before him were not any ordinary

folk, but were of the Drake family. He could not afford to stand against them.

Their bodyguard, on the other hand, was extremely bold to stand up and confront Young Master Wilson.

Did the young man not fear that the young master would hold a grudge against him?

No one expected Young Master Wilson to smile. “Still, I’ve had some knee pain due to rheumatism these

two days,” he said. “How about I get my bodyguard to do it for me?”

“No.” jackie did not even bother to give it a second thought. “Don’t tell me that you’re going to send your

bodyguard as your substitute when you get married?” he teased, a grin on his face as he did.

“You…” Young Master Wilson was so furious that all the color was drained from his face. He hated jackie

so much that he wanted to tell his own bodyguards to beat him until he turned black and blue.

It was only jackie’s luck that Tanya and Yvonne were next to him; he had no choice but to stay his hand.

“You really got some nerve, punk,” he said. “You dare not spare my reputation?”

“You lose, you pay up—that’s the only logic I follow. Am I wrong? Let’s say that I’m the one who lost

today and I told you that I was joking, I don’t think that you’d let me off the hook!” jackie was not

intimidated in the slightest as he held the young master’s glare. He had a fiery aura not many possessed

in them.

Yvonne was also stunned by the sight. This man had so much masculinity in him. Any other bodyguard

from the Drake family would have submitted a long time ago. After all, as a mere bodyguard, one would

always worry that others would slowly begin to take revenge on them. jackie refused to budge, and

Yvonne and Tanya stood beside him. Young Master Wilson was backed into a corner.

He quickly formulated an escape plan. “What about this? I’ll give you 2 million dollars, and we’ll forget

that this ever happened,” he offered.

“2 million?” jackie was stunned. “Young Master Wilson, aren’t you undervaluing yourself? I never knew

that your reputation was worth so little!”

The corners of Young Master Wilson’s mouth twitched. This little punk was seriously overstepping his


He thought about it again before he spoke again, “How about this then? The gem that I found is worth at

least 7 or 8 million dollars. How about I give it to you?”

At this, Tanya and Yvonne could not help but look at jackie. If he let Young Master Wilson get away this

time, then not only would he not earn a target on his back, but he would get 7 or 8 million dollars. It was

a hefty sum of money.

They assumed that jackie would agree to this deal. Any other person would have snapped it up a long

time ago.

“7 or 8 million is nothing to me. Give me a billion, and then we’ll talk!”

Chapter 352

“1 billion!”

Many from the crowd inhaled sharply when they heard this. This bodyguard was just pushing it at this

point. Was he aware of how much money 1 billion was? He had guts to be asking for 1 billion!

Furthermore, Young Master Wilson had kindly offered the gemstone he had just bought, valued at

around 7 or 8 million dollars; that was a pretty good deal on its own. How much could a mere bodyguard

earn anyway? He spoke as though he had plenty of money.

“1 billion? Aren’t you just being obnoxious? Why don’t you go and steal it yourself?” Young Master

Wilson stared at him as though he was a madman, a contemptuous smile slowly forming on his lips. “Oh,

I know why you need so much money now,” he said. “You’ve been thinking about it till it drove you nuts,

didn’t you? Your dearest Grandfather Taylor’s 70th birthday is fast approaching, and you’ll be chased out

of the Taylors if you can’t fork out the 40 million you promised. Also, you’d have to break up with Selena

Taylor, right?”

“No way. This guy is Selena Taylor’s husband?”

“Mmhmm. I heard that he’s a military vet—a war hero. I think he was the one who saved the day during

the incident at the zoo!”

Murmurs began to circulate among the crowd.

“This guy is the definition of a true man, and he’s not too bad of a person either. He risked his life at the

frontlines so that we can live peaceful lives. My son, on the other hand, never made it back…”

Lamenting, an old man from the crowd sighed as he recalled his son who had perished at the frontlines.

jackie glanced toward the old man before looking at the gemstone right before Young Master Wilson.

“Fine. I’ll let you have a bit of dignity today.” jackie took the gemstone from him. “I’ll take the gemstone so

that you don’t have to kneel down and bark like a dog.”

“As if you’d dare do something like that!” Young Master Wilson’’s bodyguard immediately snarled, full of


Yvonne wanted so badly to see Young Master Wilson bark like a dog and thought that jackie would be

firm in the idea, but she never expected that he would be convinced so easily. Needless to say, she was

unsatisfied with the outcome.

She then looked at the icy lavender jadeite. “ jackie, you said that you’d give this to me after you’ve cut it

open,” she told him. “You sure you won’t regret it?”

The crowd became hyperattentive when they heard this. This gem was worth around 20 to 30 million.

Was jackie really going to give it to her? Of course, it would make jackie less trustworthy should he

choose to eat his words, but most would understand him. Many of them would choose to do so, too. It

was a matter of 20 to 30 million dollars, after all!

Yvonne merely wanted to see his response; she had no intention of claiming it as her own property. After

all, she had only forked out 300 thousand, yet this gem was worth over a hundred times more than that.

More importantly, she had advised jackie to not choose this rock. How could she have a say in anything


“I will never go back on my word,” he replied unhesitatingly, and it was an unexpected reply. “Anyone

who knows me knows that I’m a man of my word.”

After he said that, he walked toward the old man. “Your son died on the battlefield?”

The old man nodded his head, a bitter smile on his face. “That’s right. I have a son and a daughter. My

son had enlisted himself in the army, but who would’ve known that I’d never see him again. Now, it’s just

me and my daughter, living our lives.” He released a tired sigh; red began to rim his eyes. “Still, my son

was a hero because he died on the battlefield. How can we live in such peace without their sacrifices? I

believe that those of you who were in the military would understand this!”

Unexpectedly, jackie thrust the gemstone toward the old man. “I can’t do much for you, but this gem is

worth a few million. Take this as my offering of thanks.”

“What?” The crowd was stunned when they saw this, and hearts were touched at that moment. What a

gift to give, from a former soldier to a martyr’s family.

“Young man, this…this is too precious. I can’t accept this!”

Chapter 353

The old man’s eyes reddened even further; warmth began to tingle in his chest.

“You have to accept this. This is a token of my appreciation—and it contains the hearts of all the soldiers

of our country,” jackie insisted, earnest and solemn in his persuasion.

“A—Alright. Thank you very, very much!” The old man’s eyes turned glassy. He slowly took the gemstone

from jackie’s hands.

“It contains the hearts of all the soldiers in our country? Hmph. You think too highly of yourself now. Even

a general wouldn’t spew such flowery nonsense!” Michael, who stood by the side, smiled a cruel smile

when he heard this. “Talking as though you were a god of war!” he scoffed to himself.

“Thank…thank you!” The old man wanted to get onto his knees, but jackie stopped him.

The old man quickly went to a nearby store to exchange the jadeite for money. So long as it was sold for

a slightly cheaper price, plenty of brokers were willing to buy such gemstones.

“How generous of you, giving something worth 7 to 8 million away just like that. Why didn’t you keep it for

yourself? If you gave it to Grandfather Taylor, the Taylors wouldn’t trouble you so much since its value is

almost 10 million. Well, almost… But it’s better than not being able to fork out anything when his birthday

comes along!” Michael smirked as he came face-to-face with jackie.

“You don’t have to sweat yourself over this matter. Nonetheless, I’m letting you off with a warning: Don’t

even think about having my woman. You might regret everything otherwise—and it’d be too late then.”

jackie stared at the other man. He did not even see Michael as a menace.

“Interesting. Are you threatening me?” Young Master Wilson burst into laughter. “That’s right—she’s your

woman now. But if you can’t bring out the promised 40 million during the old man’s 70th birthday, you’ll

be kicked out of the Taylor family.” Michael clicked his tongue. “You’ll be forced to divorce her, and if

she’s divorced, then isn’t she free to do as she pleases? She won’t be your woman then.”

“Just wait and see!” jackie could not be bothered with the other man. He turned toward Tanya. “Miss

Tanya, should we continue shopping or go back now?” he spoke, falling back into his bodyguard posture.

“Let’s go back. We can’t lug such a big gemstone around with us. Besides, someone is really eager to go

back and properly inspect the stone at home!” Tanya smiled and glanced at Yvonne. Yvonne adored

gambling rocks, and she loved jadeite even more.

“Let’s go back. jackie, carry this back to the car. It’s way too heavy for me!” Yvonne cast jackie a brilliant

smile. This man had given her such a valuable item. She no longer cared about yesterday’s incident.

jackie easily hefted the gemstone, and the three walked towards the car.

It was only then when Yvonne looked as though something just came to mind when they were halfway to

the car. “ jackie, are you really going to give such a precious object to me?” she said, expression

unreadable. “Don’t tell me that you like me and want to be on my good side? I told you that I’m not the

least bit interested in a married man such as yourself. Don’t get any ideas!”

Chapter 354

jackie felt slightly bashful. Yvonne was under the impression that she was every man’s object of desire.

Now that he thought about it, his actions were rather questionable. Would anybody else just give away

something worth 20 to 30 million? Furthermore, Yvonne was good-looking, and she had a nice figure. He

had accidentally caught sight of that figure yesterday too, so she probably suspected he had some

unsavory intentions towards her and wanted to get on her good side by giving her such a present. It was

certainly a plausible theory.

jackie gave a wry smile. “Don’t worry, I’m not having any wild ideas about you,” he assured. “You paid for

this, and I already said that I’d give this to you no matter what came out while you were paying. I don’t go

back on my word as a man.” He paused for a while here before continuing, “Just take it as an apology for

yesterday’s accident, if you’re genuinely that uncomfortable with taking it.”

In truth, he had not really done anything wrong yesterday. In fact, she did not close the door and walked

straight out of the bathroom as she was. Nonetheless, she was a woman. jackie still felt slightly

apologetic for that.

Yvonne’s cheeks immediately flamed when she heard his words. She did not know why the incident from

yesterday suddenly crossed her mind. In addition, she felt like she was naked when jackie looked at her

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at this moment. It embarrassed her to no end.

She rolled her eyes at him. “What do you mean you don’t have any ideas about me? Am I that ugly?”

jackie quickly cleared his throat and decided to be blunt. “You are good-looking, but I have a wife, and I

think she’s more beautiful than you are. I certainly won’t have any wild ideas!”

“You…” Yvonne was so angry that she stamped her foot. What did he mean, saying that she was good-

looking yet was less beautiful than his wife? He really had a foot in his mouth. Could he not even attempt

to sweet-talk a girl? Besides, she was far younger than Selena, and she had a voluptuous body. How

could that woman ever compare to her?

“Hold on. Why is your face turning red, Yvonne? What did jackie do to you yesterday?” Tanya was quick

to notice something, and she asked as soon as she detected something off.

“Oh, it’s nothing!” Yvonne suddenly panicked. She did not know to speak of something like this.

She often wore sexy clothing, and even her skirts were too revealing sometimes, yet she was a

conservative girl in personality. She had never been in a relationship and had never even held a boy’s

hand before.

“But I think there’s something going on between you too!” Tanya stared at them, suspicious.

Of course, jackie and Yvonne’s lips were sealed. She could not do anything but give up. Soon enough,

they arrived back at the Drake family’s residence. In a car parked on the opposite side of the street, Luca

and the other bodyguards noticed jackie had returned.

“He’s back. Brother Luca, it’s pretty late now. That punk will probably get off from work soon. Our

opportunity comes the moment he leaves work!” a bodyguard spoke.

“That’s right. We must catch this b*stard!” Luca nodded his head. “Our young miss wouldn’t be in such a

dire state now if he hadn’t fed her crotons!”

They never thought that after a short while, they would see jackie driving a car out all by himself.

“That b*stard actually drives a Porsche. It’s pretty early for him to leave work. It’s only 4:30 now, and he’s

already out!” Seeing this, Luca immediately set the plan into motion. “Come on, let’s follow him,” he

spoke. “We’ll think about catching him later once we stop his car.”

In an instance, the George family’s bodyguards—numbering over 10—went down at the same time,

walking toward jackie.

Chapter 355

“I’m barred at the gates the moment I come out. Seems like you’ve waited for me for a long time!”

jackie’s lips twisted into a mirthless smile as he got down from the car.

“Ahem. I hope you don’t mind, but you’re coming along with us today.” Luca chuckled, cutting straight to

the chase.

“Really? Where to?” jackie asked.

“The George family’s residence. You fed our young miss crotons, so you have no choice but to come

along with us. Not a single one of your family members will be spared if anything happens to the young

miss!” Luca looked at jackie. He knew the punk was probably a skilled fighter; jackie would not have

been recruited as a bodyguard for the Drake family otherwise.

However, they had numbers on their side, and they were the guards of the George family, thus they did

not tremble before jackie.

“That’s a normal response,” came jackie’s reply, but his forehead creased soon after. “What do you

mean? You’ve already taken my family?”

“Hmph. What do you think, punk?” One of the bodyguards chuckled. “We’re just missing you and your

wife, but never mind your wife. She’s a manager in the Drake family’s company, after all. You’re more


“You dare to take my family? How bold of you.” jackie’s expression darkened. A sudden chill swept over

the area.

“Look, we don’t want to raise a hand against them either, punk. Just come along with us quietly.” The

bodyguard thought that they were in complete control of the situation and grinned at jackie. It was clear

he did not think anything of the other man.

“It’s in your best interest that my family be left unharmed. It won’t just be you who’ll accompany them to

the grave otherwise—and even after I’m done with all the Georges, the bodies still won’t be enough!”

jackie’s features hardened; his fingers curled into fists.

“Hmph. We talked nicely to you. You think you’re some sort of big shot now?”

“Seems like you’ll seriously look down on us bodyguards of the Georges if we don’t teach you a lesson.”

“Of course, the Drakes are more powerful than the Georges in terms of financial and material wealth, but

no one said that the Georges’ bodyguards can’t rival the Drakes’ bodyguards!”

Two or three men circled jackie, prepared to pummel him. Alas, they had no chance to strike first when

jackie lashed out. His fists flew, and in a flash, the three bodyguards were on the floor, spitting blood.

“Vermin like you don’t even deserve to put yourself on the same pedestal as me.” jackie icily glared at

the men writhing on the floor and moaning in pain. He bore the indisputable aura of someone high above


Luca was completely stunned in his spot. jackie moved too fast; he did not manage to get a good look

and his subordinates were already on the floor. Someone like this was way too terrifying. In a moment,

all his confidence from earlier deserted him.

“I’ll go to George family’s residence, but you’re not going to hold me down!” jackie waved at Luca and the

other bodyguards.

At this moment, Luca’s phone rang.

He quickly picked up the call. “Luca, have you and your guards done anything yet?” came Mr. George’s

voice from the other end of the line. “ jackie is a miracle doctor. Our daughter is completely fine now, and

she’s in good spirits. Plus, she genuinely lost 15 kilos. You have to invite jackie and his wife over nicely.

They’re our esteemed guests!” he spoke.

“Oh, that’s right,” the patriarch added. “Our butler has already booked a hotel—the six-star Dynasty


The corners of Luca’s mouth began to twitch furiously when he heard all of this. Why could he not have

called one or two minutes earlier? Now, jackie did not seem too happy.

Chapter 356

“Brother Luca, what do we do? Seems like the b*stard is super strong!” One of the George family’s

bodyguards asked Luca right after he hung up. It was obvious that what jackie did just then had sparked

fear in them.

Luca exhaled a heavy sigh and approached jackie. He bowed ever so slightly. “My apologies, Miracle

Doctor White. It’s all a misunderstanding,” he apologized. “Our master just called us and said that the

young miss is doing very well. In fact, she lost a total of 15 kilos today. He specially said that he’d be

treating you and your family to dinner. We’ve already booked the hotel.”

The remaining bodyguards also started to bow when they heard this. “We apologize, Miracle Doctor

White!” they cried toward jackie.

jackie was stunned; their attitudes changed entirely in the blink of an eye. More importantly, so many

people were watching them. Being called ‘Miracle Doctor White’ attracted a little too much attention than

what he would like.

He could do nothing but smile. “It’s fine so long as my family isn’t hurt. Don’t call me a miracle doctor—

I’m not one in the first place. I just saw that your young miss was a little overweight and helped her to

lose it.”

The crowd was taken aback. This man spoke of it so easily. Help her lose weight? If Sharon George

could lose weight that easily, the issue would not have dragged on to this day. She had seen so many

doctors, so many dieticians. Every single one decided that her obesity was an incurable disease.

After he mulled over his thoughts, Luca asked, “Miracle Doctor White…no. Mr. White, will there be any

complications if she loses that much weight in such a short time? Will it affect the young miss’s health?”

“Don’t worry; there won’t be any complications. Furthermore, she won’t go back to her initial weight, and

her skin will be supple and healthy!” jackie spoke confidently.

“Oh. That’s great then!” Luca heaved an internal sigh of relief. “Before, we had invited so-called

professionals to help our young miss lose weight. Unfortunately, not only was it difficult for her to lose two

or three kilos, but she’d even gain over 10 kilos a few days after that.”

“Despite all that, you kidnapped my family. I can’t forgive you just because you’re treating us to dinner.

Your master will have to apologize to my family and ask them for forgiveness!” jackie said earnestly after

he thought about it.

“Don’t worry, don’t worry. Our master will surely apologize. We’re reasonable people,” Luca assured him.

Besides, he did this because he was worried about the young miss’s health—if any complications will

occur. Only then did he temporarily kidnap your relatives. I assure you we didn’t lay a finger on them. We

just let them rest in the Georges’ residence!”

He noticed that jackie was definitely not a run-of-the-mill bodyguard. He was too quick on his feet. He

probably would not last more than three seconds if he had fought the man instead. Besides, so many

dieticians and doctors could not cure the young miss, yet jackie had helped Sharon lose 15 kilos just like

that. If he was not a miracle doctor, what was he? This man was so skilled at both fighting and medicine.

He was anything but normal.

It was then when Luca made a mental note: He would tell the master privately that jackie White could

never be crossed once they returned. In fact, it would be best if they could establish a good relationship

with him.

“All right, I’ll let you guys off the hook this once and go over to have dinner. I want to have a good look

and see if you’ve bullied my family.” jackie agreed after he gave it some thought.

“No way! Of course not!” Luca nearly collapsed in relief. Not one scratch was inflicted on Fiona or the

rest of them before he came to the Drake family’s residence. He hoped that the master and the rest of

the guards did not raise a finger against them during his absence.

jackie was just a bodyguard, but with his level of skill in his fists, the Georges would incur a bitter victory

if they fought… That was assuming they could win.

Chapter 357

Carefully planning, Luca then commanded the other two bodyguards, “You two! Go pick up Miss Selena

from her company. You must be respectful and treat her well, do you understand?”

At this moment, jackie thought of his precious daughter. “Oh, right. You didn’t take away my daughter,

Kylie, right?” he spoke. “If she’s terrified because of you, you’d land yourself in serious trouble.”

After all, Kylie was only a little over four years old; he did not want her to be frightened and traumatized

at such an innocent age.

“Well, when we went to your house, we didn’t see any little girl, so we didn’t…” Luca wiped the cold

sweat on his forehead once more. Thankfully, they did not take the daughter away as she went to school.

Otherwise, this unassailable yet mysterious man before him would be infuriated.

Although the George family was puissant, it was certainly not a good idea to give jackie the hump.

“Alright, I’ll pick up my daughter first before going to the George family’s residence,” jackie decided

before going back into his car.

Without further ado, Luca quickly commanded his subordinates to make way for jackie. “Hurry up and

move the car. Make way for Mr. White!”

Meanwhile, in the George family’s residence, Sharon no longer had an upset stomach, and she did not

want to visit the toilet again. It seemed that the efficacy of the pill had completely worn off, and Sharon

was lively once more. The greatest outcome from everything that had happened was that Sharon had

lost more than 15 kilograms, and she weighed only around 90 kilograms at this moment. If they had not

seen it for themselves, Mr. and Mrs. George would hardly believe it.

The girl before them turned into an alluring and comely young lady. This was their daughter!

The clothes on Sharon were obviously bigger and looser now as she drastically lost so much weight. She

took a shower and found herself some old skirt that she used to wear when she was slimmer back then

to change into.

“Wow. Now that Miss Sharon has lost so much weight, her features are delicate and sharp. She looks

very charming. If this continues tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, Miss Sharon would be stunningly

beautiful!” Fiona’s praises for Sharon gushed right out of her mouth as she looked at her. Internally,

however, she sighed in relief.

The head of George, on the other hand, felt apologetic toward Fiona and the others. “I’m truly sorry,

everyone. I especially didn’t expect that jackie, a veteran, could be so skilled in the medical area.” He

paused and then continued, “I hope you can forgive me for what I did today.”

“Oh, it’s all forgiven. You’ve already invited us to a six-star hotel for a luxurious dinner. How can we be so

unforgiving?” Xena responded with a smile. This was the George family, a first-class aristocrat family!

She would be set for life if she could get connected with a member or two of the family.

“Dinner is a must.” Master George relented with a bitter smile. He then spoke again in a worried tone,

“I’m concerned about jackie; that he’ll be unhappy about it. After all, he didn’t ask for a penny from my

daughter, and yet he gave her such a magical pill to help my daughter lose weight.”

“It’s nothing at all. Don’t be preoccupied. He listens to me, and he wouldn’t be angry if I asked him not to.

Besides, is there any parent on this earth who doesn’t care about their children? Mr. and Mrs. George

are only afraid of bad things happening to Miss Sharon.” The smile on Fiona’s face was only a facade;

she was deathly afraid initially.

“Hmmm. We’ll be going out to dinner in a while, and it might not be convenient for you to travel here and

there, given that you don’t have a car. We have lots of cars in our garage, and some of them are just

staying in the garage for nothing. How about you pick two of them?” Master George placated after

mulling over his thoughts.

“These two cars represent my sincere apologies. What do you think?”

“Um… Uh. Mr. George, you’re too polite and benevolent to us! It happened that my son and his girlfriend,

Xena, both have driving licenses but don’t have a car! Thank you so much!“ Fiona gushed with

excitement, her eyes brightened in an instant.

Chapter 358

In a blink of an eye, Fiona and the others standing before one of the George family’s garages.

When the heavy metal door was lifted, they found themselves face-to-face with opulent and sumptuous

branded cars: Bentley, Porsche, Ferrari, and even Rolls-Royce. Besides, some of them were rare and of

limited edition. Each of them bore an imperial and illustrious aura like a prideful ruler.

“Ma, can… Can I pick one as well? Is it mine after I pick it?” Xena was a little agitated; she never

anticipated that her blessings would come so soon. She suddenly found herself touched with her

decision of dating Ben. Him as a back-up was indeed her best decision ever.

Nevertheless, Fiona countered, “How could you think like that? A moment ago, you were saying you’re

just Ben’s girlfriend, and not a Taylor yet. For the time being, this car doesn’t belong to you, but you can

drive it since you’re Ben’s girlfriend.”

“ jackie and sister Selena both have their own cars. Only Ben and I have driving licenses without cars.

Ma, can’t you just give it to me?”

The bitter feeling of remorse hung over her head at that moment. After all, she was desperately cutting

ties with the Taylors to save herself a while ago. How would she even know jackie could truly help

Sharon lose weight? She bet Fiona would not want to give her the car anymore because of what


As expected, Fiona flashed a small smile and said, “You can use the car, but the car is mine, and the

other one belongs to Ben. You can drive my car now for the time being as I wait for the moment I’d get

my driving license, and I’ll use it then. By that time, you could use Ben’s. It’s more than enough for you to

share one with him.”

Xena swallowed down her tears of bitter disappointment. She could only smile bitterly at this moment.

“Alright then. We’re a family anyway, so it doesn’t matter who owns the cars.”

“It’s good that you understand it.” Fiona chuckled. “Pick a car.”

“Master George, can we pick this…this Rolls-Royce?” Ben had been staring at a raven black Rolls-

Royce for the longest time, and he felt giddy.

“Absolutely!” Master George smiled. “This is my apologies for inviting you to my place forcibly. As long as

you’re willing to forgive me for my rudeness and don’t speak ill of me in front of jackie. You can pick

whichever you desire!”

“Wonderful! Master George, you truly deserve to be patriarch of the George family. How generous, how

benevolent!” Ben could barely conceal his soaring excitement. He immediately pointed at one car. “This

is it! I pick this!”

“For the other one, we’ll pick Rolls-Royce as well!” Xena exclaimed, an obvious tremble in her voice. If

she got to drive a Rolls-Royce, it would immediately increase her social status. Just the thought of it sent

shivers of excitement throughout her being.

Master George guffawed. “Not a problem! Let me get you the keys right now.” He soon got the keys to

both cars and handed them over.

“This is amazing. We can now drive such good cars, too! This is fancier and much more expensive than

your sister and brother-in-law’s car!” Xena gushed uncontrollably.

“Master George, don’t you worry. My son-in-law is nothing but skillful in treating people. He treated my

husband’s leg, and he’s now fully recovered!” Fiona chuckled while praising jackie in front of Master


Fiona’s words shocked the George family. A short while ago, when they threatened to kill Fiona and the

others, Fiona tried her very best to shove all the blames and responsibilities onto jackie. Not only did she

not acknowledge jackie as her son-in-law, but she insisted jackie was an outsider.

Now that Fiona saw opportunities and benefits, she changed her attitude, calling jackie her dear son-in-

law unabashedly.

Chapter 359

“Really? I’d like to meet this son-in-law of yours then!” Master George flashed a small smile before he

continued, “Both of you, drive the cars out of the garage and park them at the main gate. You can drive

to the Dynasty Hotel for dinner in a while.”

“Alright, we’ll do that!” Ben and Xena—whose every cell in their body was screaming excitedly not long

ago—could not wait any longer to test out the cars. They drove the cars and parked them at the main


After a short while, Luca returned to the George family’s residence with a few wounded men. Upon their

return, Luca made his injured men get medical treatment before presenting himself before Master


Luca called Master George to come aside and whispered to him, “Sir, you didn’t harm Fiona and the

others after we left the residence, did you? jackie has threatened us, saying that if we touched a single

strand of hair of his family, he won’t go easy on us!”

“Hmph. This young man is rather adamant and braze. How dare he not put the George family in his

eyes!” After hearing what Luca had reported, Master George began to sneer.

“If it’s not because he managed to treat my daughter’s strange obesity, I’ll make him know that no one

can cross the George family!” Master George subsequently scoffed. “Us being a first-class aristocratic

family isn’t a joke!”

How dare this punk threaten the George family. Was he not a little too bold? Was the George family that

easy to be threatened?

However, the last thing he expected was Luca, the head bodyguard, tried to persuade him, “Sir, jackie

White is no ordinary man. He can heal young miss’s condition, which shows that he possessed good

medical skills. Moreover, his combat ability is superior that no bodyguards hired by the Drake family can

compare to him!”

“What do you mean? Is he that strong?” Master George’s feature turned solemn in an instant after

hearing Luca’s exaggerated claims on jackie.

“Yes, Sir! He’s so strong that even three or four of our men wouldn’t be able to defeat him. It’ll only take

him a second to knock them down and not a single chance for them to counterattack. Frankly speaking,

even I can’t do it at such a speed, Sir. I believe he’s stronger than I am!” Luca’s face hardened as he

spoke. There were not many people who acquired better combat skill than he did in this Eastfield.

“What a strong man! It looks like the Drakes have recruited another skilled bodyguard!” After hearing it,

Master George quickly thought of something that made his heart skip a beat. “Wait, what? Did you say

that you and your men have already fought jackie?” Master George questioned. “I’m afraid that he’ll be

very upset since you’ve done it. After all, to Sharon, jackie is her savior that helped her lose weight and

to start anew. It was a really bad move for us to go against jackie!”

“Sir, the main reason is that your phone call came a little too late. If you’ve called one minute later, I’d be

lying on the ground as well!” Luca showed a bitter smile and continued, “Nonetheless, jackie White isn’t

an unforgiving person. He has the domineering and generous aura that a soldier should have. I can

completely concur with this. He said as long as we didn’t do anything to harm his family, apologize to his

family, and they’re willing to forgive us, then it’s fine for him. Otherwise…” Luca paused for a second and

then carried on, with a worried tone. “Otherwise, he’ll dig our graves.”

“What?” The uneasiness washed over Master George; he stood frozen upon hearing it. “Isn’t this punk

being too arrogant? How strong is he that he could say such words!” Master George was rendered

speechless for a good while before his lips could eventually part again. He thanked his lucky stars that

he did not harm Fiona and the others; he even made an effort to apologize for it! At the same time, he

doubted jackie’s ability to defeat the George family on his own.

Chapter 360

At the same time the conversation between Master George and Luca ended, Selena arrived at George’s

mansion in her car. She parked the car in the yard and got out of the car right after.

Selena still had her professional attire since she had just gotten off of work. Her aura made her look

capable and responsible.

“Is this jackie’s wife? jackie is lucky to have her as his wife! Can you see how outstanding she is?”

Some from the George family exclaimed when Selena came into view.

“Pa, Ma, are you alright?” Selena came to Fiona and Andrew and took a good look at them. She then

asked, “What happened? Why did the George family invite us to dinner out of a sudden?”

“Hey, it’s okay. Nothing happened!”

Fiona answered with a smile. “Didn’t jackie help Miss Sharon to lose weight? Now that Miss Sharon has

successfully lost around 15 kilograms, Master George is so delighted that he invited us to dinner! It’s his

way of expressing his gratitude to us. Not only that, but he also showed us his garage and had us pick

two of his cars as gifts!”

Fiona pulled Selena to the two Rolls-Royce as she spoke, “What do you think about these two cars,

Selena? Look, these are so new. All their cars look very new; I guess they barely use them. It’s a waste

to see those cars parked in the garage and not using them. He asked us to pick, so of course we’d have

to pick the most lavish ones!”

Selena was dumbfounded at her words. These were Rolls-Royce, for God’s sake!” She smiled wryly and

sighed. “Ma, you really know how to help yourself and choose whatever you like.”

“Of course! They’re all luxury cars, and they asked me to choose two of them. Why shouldn’t I? Besides,

we didn’t get them by stealing or snatching. This a gift from the George family. Why shouldn’t we take it?

We’re not fools.” Fiona’s face looked as though it was beaming. “Your brother and Xena will use these

cars, and after I get my driving license, I’ll be driving it!” Fiona said to Selena.

“Xena?” She immediately turned her head and looked to the other side upon hearing her mother’s words.

Only then did she realize that Xena jackieson—this liar—was strolling with her brother in the garden on

the other side.

Selena’s face darkened in an instant. “Why is she here? Ma, didn’t you tell Ben what had happened that

day? Why didn’t he break up with her?”

“Selena, you know how much Ben loves Xena. Do you think it’s possible for him to ask for a breakup?

Moreover, Xena already explained that it was only a misunderstanding. Both times that she planned the

robberies were for her vanity. She showed off in front of her drinking-buddies and was eavesdropped by

the other party over a drinking session. In fact, she didn’t initiate the collaboration with the other party!”

Fiona replied in an awkward tone.

Selena was rendered speechless for a moment. “Ma, how could you believe in what she said?” she

spoke once she found her voice. “Didn’t jackie already explain that Xena was given a portion after the

robberies? Her ultimate intention is the money; the Taylors’ money!”

Alas, these words made Fiona upset. She shot Selena a fiery glare and rebuked, “If she was really after

our money, why was she still with us when we’re not wealthy and have nothing at all? Hasn’t she been

loyal to your brother all the while? Besides, jackie didn’t like Xena in the first place! We can’t completely

believe in what he had told us, can we?”

“Still, the Motorbike Robbers told us the same!” Selena was unconvinced of her mother’s opinion. She

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always felt that there was more to Xena than what she let on; that she was not a good woman.

Eventually, something bad would happen if Ben continued being with her.

“That was to frame her!” Stubbornly, Fiona was still taking Xena’s side. “Just let it pass! Perhaps Xena

has some difficulties that we don’t know. We can’t completely trust jackie’s one-sided words, after all. We

weren’t there when it all went down, right? Since your brother likes her so much, let everything that

happened in the past be buried. Let’s just pretend that nothing happened. If you’re still unhappy about it,

we’ll all take extra precautions in the future and observe her closely to see what kind of person she is.”

Selena could not find herself to say anything after that. Twice. They were robbed twice, yet they still let

the matter go. However, given that her mother took Xena’s side and her unbelievable younger brother’s

love for Xena, Selena could only concede.

Chapter 361

jackie and Kylie soon arrived at the George family’s residence main gate. He got out of the car and

glanced over his surroundings. His face sunk.

“My Miracle Doctor White! It’s so great to finally see you here!” Master George’s smile emerged in an

instant and came over to welcome jackie. He stretched out his hand to show his sincerity.

jackie placed Kylie at her feet before taking Master George’s hand. “Don’t have to call me a genius

doctor or what-so-ever. I’m not a miracle doctor. In this world, there’s only one person that is worth being

called a miracle doctor. This person is Ethan Hays!” jackie bore a small smile as he spoke. “ jackie will

do,” he added.

“Alright then. jackie, your medical skills are really excellent!” Master George commented after a brief

moment of thinking. “I’ve never met a doctor like you!”

jackie noticed that there was no sign of anger on his family’s faces. “It looks like my mother-in-law isn’t

upset at all,” jackie concluded.

Master George’s face flushed. He was embarrassed. “I was indeed reckless previously, and I have

apologized to them.”

“Yes, he’s right! It’s only a misunderstanding. After all, your medical skills are so good that we as your

family aren’t aware of it, let alone Master George!” Fiona approached jackie and interrupted their

conversation with a smile on her face. “Master George is very kind and generous! He even gifted us two

of his luxury cars! I’ve never met someone as benevolent as he is!”

jackie was speechless once more. It seemed like the two Rolls-Royce next to Fiona were compensation

from the George family. Therefore, it was no surprise that his mother-in-law’s mood was too good to be


At this point in time, Ben and Xena came over to the crowd. When Xena noticed jackie’s piercing stares

toward her, she instantly remembered jackie slaughtering the Motorbike Robbers. She was so frightened

that she lowered her head, afraid of meeting his gaze.

“Xena, what’s the matter? Feeling uneasy due to my presence here?” jackie smiled coldly. He spared her

life, but he never expected this liar would be this bold to stay by Ben’s side. This woman was a daredevil!

“Brother-in-law, what are you talking about? We’re a family. If you have anything else to say, let’s talk

about it later at home! Besides, Xena had come clean to Pa and Ma. It was just a misunderstanding!”

Ben stepped forward and defended Xena once he noticed the tense atmosphere between jackie and


“A misunderstanding?” jackie sneered. Were they saying that what he saw with his pair of eyes was only

a misunderstanding?

“Yeah! She was drunk and trying to show off in front of her drink-buddies that she found a rich boyfriend,

and…” Ben shrugged and glanced at Master George. “My dear brother-in-law, we’re at Master George’s

place. There’s a crowd here; it wouldn’t be nice to talk over this thing here.”

“Fine. I’ll give you face since you’re calling me brother-in-law today.” jackie nodded, showing a light

small. “But, I hope that you won’t regret your decision in the future.”

jackie knew it very well that when Ben called him brother-in-law, Ben was hoping jackie would not probe

further on the topic. Moreover, Fiona and Andrew had forgiven Xena. It would be oversensitive of him,

aiming at Xena on purpose.

Chapter 362

Xena heaved in relief when she knew jackie could not do anything to her, even if he was upset.

Ben and Fiona took her side and defended her. This left jackie no choice but to give up even if he wanted

to murder her. jackie was calculative, though; he did not poke her bubble of lies right then and there. It

seemed that this guy would be extremely difficult to deal with. Xena thought to herself that she had to be

careful in front of him in the future. Otherwise, she would be giving the game away.

“Let’s move. It’s getting late, and we’ve already made reservations at the hotel diner,” Master George

chortled and announced.

Right as Master George spoke, Sharon walked out of the house.

“ jackie, I just can’t thank you enough! The pill was so effective!” Sharon rushed to jackie when she

spotted him.

“Oh my goodness! She…” Selena clasped a hand over her mouth as she found it hard to believe her

eyes. “Miss Sharon has lost a lot of weight! You’re only around 80 to 85 kilograms now, right? You look

fitter now! If you lose another 15 kilograms tomorrow, you’ll look even better. Not only that, but judging by

your features, you’d be a very stunning lady after you lose weight!”

“Thank you for the compliment, Sis!” Sharon blushed. “If only I was half as good-looking as you after I

lost some weight.”

“You’ll look good, no doubt about it!” Selena managed to squeeze an awkward smile, even though she

had an internal battle when Sharon called her ‘Sis’. Last night when Sharon proposed to jackie, she

announced that if she ever got married to jackie, she would treat Selena like her dear sister. Of course,

Selena was older than Sharon by a few years. She was not sure if she was oversensitive about this


“The result is pretty good. Today’s just the first day, and the result is most obvious and effective on its

first day! The outcome will be a little less effective tomorrow, weaker on the day after that, and so on.”

jackie examined Sharon for a good while before adding, “However, after three days of treatment, you

should have an ordinary body type that a normal girl should be having. The extra flesh and fats on your

body are mostly accumulated toxins. Those fats shouldn’t be in your body.”

“B—but I only left one pill now. My dad stomped the other pill.” Sharon’s brows furrowed in an instant as

she grumpily stared at her father.

Master George’s pallor was unsightly; he was embarrassed. How would he even know that the

insignificant tiny black sh*t would be a magical pill?

“Ahem! This is, in fact, my mistake. That tiny thing looks black and has a bad odor. It really looked like a

black sh*t! Furthermore, how could I possibly know that you, a veteran who just returned from the

military, know about diet and losing weight…” Master George let out another dry cough to cover up his

awkwardness. “ jackie, you still have this pill, right? Since the whole treatment required three pills, can

you give my daughter one more?”

jackie was still slightly annoyed that the George family kidnapped Fiona and the others away. If it was not

because they did not take Selena and Kylie away, jackie would have burst and been hostile from the


Now when he saw the other man asking for the pill with a bright smile on his face, jackie sneered, “Of

course I have the pill. However, as I’ve told Miss Sharon before, this medicine of mine is very costly, and

I gave her the first three pills as a gift! If you want another one, I won’t give it for free. You’ll have to buy


“What? This man is too much! How could he ask money for one tiny pill when our Master George has

invited them to a six-star hotel and even gave them two almost brand-new Rolls Royces!”

“I agree! He’s too much! How could he not give face to our Master George?”

Some of the Georges whispered among them, discussing and commenting over jackie’s behavior. Based

on their experience with others, jackie should be smiling and offering the pill to Master George to please

him, like the others! Never did they expect that this punk would ask Master George to pay for the


“ jackie, what nonsense are you talking about?” Fiona quickly interjected when she overheard the heated

discussion among the George family. She was afraid of offending them. Why was jackie unafraid of

displeasing them? The George family was a first-class aristocratic family, after all.

Chapter 363 Fiona stepped forward and glared at jackie. “It’s just a pill, jackie. Why did you ask for

money? Master George treated us well! He gave us two Rolls-Royces, too. What else do you want?”

“She’s right! jackie, aren’t you being too greedy and ignorant? Can’t you just give it to Master George

since he only needs one?” Xena snarled as she followed after Fiona.

This was the perfect opportunity and time to please the George family! Was he an idiot? How could he

ask for money and not consider the other party?

jackie did not budge in the slightest at their friendly reminder as though he was as deaf as a post.

He flashed an indifferent smile after a while and replied, “Those two Rolls-Royces are the compensation

from Master George for kidnapping you guys, while the money I asked for is for the pill. Two different

things. Besides, my medicine is expensive! If it’s not for the kind-hearted Miss Sharon, I wouldn’t sell it

even if you kneel and beg!”

This was the first time Master George met a person like jackie. Embarrassment washed over him in an

instant. Nonetheless, the George family was loaded. It would not be an issue as long as it could be

solved with money.

“It should be this way,” he replied with a small smile. “ jackie is right. I should pay for the medicine!”

Pausing for a moment, he then asked, “Tell me, how much is it?”

“It’s not a lot. 20 million will do. Great value for a great product.”

“20 million? Why don’t you steal or rob? It’s just a pill, and you asked for 20 million?” A woman from the

George family exclaimed angrily. She could not bear it anymore. This was blackmail in plain sight, not a

regular business!

“ jackie…” Even Selena showed slight annoyance at jackie’s answer. 20 million was too expensive for a

pill. Was jackie not afraid of upsetting them?

“Honey, you have to believe me! I’m not speaking nonsense!” jackie explained, showing a bitter smile.

“It doesn’t matter. 20 million it is, then!” Master George did not show any hint of hesitation. He then called

for his butler. “Butler, apply for a card and deposit 20 million in it. Sent it to the hotel once done. We’ll

make a move to the hotel for dinner first.”

“Yes, Sir!” The butler nodded and left the compartment along with a few bodyguards.

“W—what? Master George really paid for it?” Fiona swallowed hard. She initially thought that Master

George would be infuriated, but he did not. He even paid for the 20-million medicine. It was 20 million!

jackie took out a black pill and handed it to Sharon. “Miss Sharon, keep it well. Don’t let it stomped into

powder again this time!”

“Alright, don’t worry. I’ll keep it safe!” Sharon chuckled.

Not long after, they all arrived at the main door of the six-star Dynasty Hotel.

“F*ck! Isn’t that the George family? Should we go and say something nice to please them?” On the other

side, Ken Clark, who had just got off the car, whispered to Ivan Taylor who was next to him.

Ivan took a closer look, and his eyes widened into spheres as large as saucers that they almost fell out.

“Am I seeing things? T—That person looks like jackie White, the veteran, and that one looks like Selena

Taylor. Huh? What? The whole family is here! And why are they with the George family?”

Chapter 364 The George family, a first-class aristocratic family in Eastfield. Even a second-class

aristocratic family like the Clarks could not wait to please them! Of course, those like the Taylor family

were even more eager to make friends with them! Such an opportunity would not come easily.

Yet, there they were. Ken and Ivan saw jackie and his family walking together with the George family

toward the six-star hotel!

“This is weird. Under normal circumstances, many people would want to invite the George family over to

dinner so badly just to please them. These people might not even show up even if you sincerely invited


“Hmmm. Could it be that today jackie invited them to dinner?” Ken murmured as he stared at them from


“Impossible! This is a six-star hotel, and it’s very costly to consume here. Does that punk have the money

to spend in such a place? Moreover, it’d be a shame for the George family to dine at the regular table, so

he should at least get a private room and order fine liquor to please them, no? The cost will be at