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No.1 Supreme Warrior by Moneto

Chapter 1695
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Chapter 1695

“You’re right. There shouldn’t be any problem! You guys are damn lucky! No one had been able to find

this place, so none had come in before! There used to be a lot of people guarding this place, but later

on, the number kept reducing. There used to be strong fighters of the soul-penetrating realm guarding

the entrance!”

The young girl giggled before continuing, “But, years after years, after realizing that no one was able to

find the entrance, nobody cared about guarding it anymore! So, those who are sent to guard the

entrance are normally those of lower cultivation levels. You’re lucky in this sense, otherwise, you’d be

dead within a day after coming in here! Besides, it is because no one cared, the entrance formation

was not well-maintained, so when you came in, you did not enter through the top of the hill but the

bottom. The location of the entrance was offset!”

“I see. Hmm. We were truly fortunate that day! If it was in the past, the entrance guardians who were

those people of soulpenetrating level, we would immediately turn into dead meat right after appearing

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on the top of the hill!”

The crowd gasped at the newly learned information, shared by the young lady. Their hearts pounded

and they were trembling inside.

“So yeah! You guys are truly lucky! And some of you are even luckier to be able to break into the

ultimate god realm in such a short time after entering this place!”

The girl smiled but soon she felt that something was off. “Wait. Something’s off. If you’re from the

outside world, you will be at the peak of True God Realm at most! And there are not many true god

peak level fighters among you guys, right? Also, those seven stone balls were placed in dangerous

places on purpose to prevent any of you from finding them! But…but how did you people find the seven

stone balls? Given that there are not many strong fighters among you!” The girl frowned as she laid out

her thoughts.


“Miss, we are not the only ones who had entered this place, in fact, there were almost four hundred

thousand from the outside land and another hundred thousand or so from the outside sea territory that

had sneaked in. I’m afraid that around five to six hundred thousand people have entered this place!”

jackie spoke, a bitter smile appeared on his face.


When these words came out of jackie’s mouth, the young girl immediately gasped; she was truly

startled by jackie’s words.

She swallowed her saliva hard before she said incredulously, “No. Freaking. Way. Are you sure you’re

not joking? Five to six hundred thousand people had entered this place? Oh my goodness! There are

too many of you, I can’t help you guys! You should get out of here immediately! Otherwise, once the

Alliance Guard finds out, you will all be dead!”


“No way! We won’t leave this place. We’ve come here with great difficulty, even if we are to die here,

we won’t go back! Spirited grasses and resources are rare outside, and without high-grade spirited

grasses, how can we continue to train and improve?”

An old man from the Cabello family immediately stepped forward and interrupted

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“He’s right! Also, there’re so many of us here. It won’t be easy for them to capture us all! We can move

and act separately!”

Apparently, Alejandro had no intention of returning to the outside world. They had worked so hard to

get here. Asking them to leave this place right now was more difficult than killing themselves.

“I’ll definitely return to our world. Fernando is still waiting outside for me to treat him. But definitely not


A bitter smile crept onto jackie’s face as he spoke.

“You said almost six hundred thousand people had come in, where are the others? You guys went your

separate ways after entering, right? This forest is huge, and there are many monster beasts, plus you

guys will rob each other! So, I don’t know how many of you will be able to stay alive till the day you

leave this place!”

The young lady stared at jackie and the others, biting her rosy-pink bottom lip as she spoke.

