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No.1 Supreme Warrior by Moneto

Chapter 1670
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Chapter 1670

jackie and the others found a considerably secluded cave. They dispatched several people outside to

patrol the surroundings while the rest hid in the cave. On the other hand, masters in the peak stage of

the true god-level started getting ready to try and break through into the ultimate god-level.

Nash initially wanted to make a copy of his martial art technique for jackie, but he did not expect jackie

to have another martial art technique with him..

jackie sat down with his legs crossed and looked at the martial art technique in detail.

The initial description of the martial art technique stated that it was extremely powerful and that

practicing this martial art technique would make one’ s body extremely strong. The body would be

continuously nourished by Chi, and Chi swirl that spun continuously would even appear in one’s body.

Even if a person was not training and slept, the swirl the person in absorbing the surrounding Chi.

The only flaw of this martial art technique was that normal people could not practice it; only those with

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stronger mental strength could. This was because the requirement for the control of mental strength

when coagulating such a small swirl was not easily achievable by normal people.

As jackie was eager to break through into the ultimate god-level, he did not read the contents written at

the back of this martial art technique before he started to practice it. Without him knowing it, the

technique was immensely powerful.


With a flip of his hand, he took a second-grade premium pill out and swallowed it. He then closed his

eyes and did what was written on the martial art technique. He slowly allowed the Chi coming from the

pill to move toward specific veins before traveling to the center of his abdomen.

jackie was very careful as he practiced the new martial art technique that was completely different from

the techniques he trained before. He was attentive as he led the Chi in his body in fear of making


The second-grade premium pill contained a high amount of power. jackie’s speed in leading the Chi

was relatively slow at the start, and it made him suffer a little as the power in his body was extremely

high. His face even blushed a crimson color from holding in the power.

Somebody soon noticed jackie’s complexion had turned bright red as his expression grew rigid. Many

drops of sweat started to drip down his forehead.” What happened to jackie? Is something wrong with

his martial art technique?”.


Daniella frowned at the sight of jackie in such a state.” How did this happen? He should’ve practiced

the martial art technique my father and the others practiced. After all, Victor Canmore had tried that

martial art technique before, meaning that it’s an impressive technique. Nobody knows if this martial art

technique that he’s training now would be difficult. I heard that some powerful martial art techniques are

really strong, but they’re also very complicated to train with and aren’t something normal people can


Selena bore a small frown at Daniella’s remark. She had heard that if some mistakes happened when

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practicing this martial art technique, it might wound a person or even regress a person’s fighting

prowess. Worst of all, that person might fall into psychosis and become an unconscious madman.

As time slowly passed by, however, jackie’s complexion slowly improved as he grew increasingly

familiar with the route to the vital veins. The traction of his Chi grew speedy as well and was a few

times faster compared to how it was previously.

Everybody grew relieved as they noticed jackie’s complexion returning to normal.

Time passed quickly, and before they noticed it, three days had gone by.

A small swirl had appeared in jackie’s abdomen, but it seemed to be slightly unstable, much to jackie’s

worry. He had to use his mental strength to assist the rotation of the swirl and made sure it maintained

its center of gravity.

Another day passed by and the swirl grew somewhat bigger. jackie slowly withdrew his mental strength

little by little and discovered that the swirl was still capable of rotating on its own. The swirl’s Chi had

unknowingly turned into a soft golden color.
