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No.1 Supreme Warrior by Moneto

Chapter 1501-1550
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Chapter 1501

Xavier gave a bitter smile. He was well aware of the extent of his talent and thought that he did not have

much hope during his current lifetime. Besides,

Even if jackie was an alchemist,

He could not bear to waste his given pills.

“Every person should have goals. Otherwise, what difference would there be between us and salted

fish? Don’t you think so, everyone?”

jackie looked at the crowd, speaking while chuckling.

“Yes. Haha!”

Everyone laughed. All of their futures were full of hope.

“You’ve given the pills to everyone. Now, what are you going to use to cultivate yourself? Didn’t you say

that you were going to break into the peak of true god status before going to the Cabello family’s estate?”

Nash looked at jackie and smiled bitterly.

“Don’t worry, Dad. I have a bit of time, no? I’ll create a few more pills today and tomorrow. Then I’ll try to

make a breakthrough. I’ve decided that it’s fine even if I fail this time. I can try again next time!”

jackie gave a wan smile and asked everyone again, “Oh, right. I don’t think there’s any more news, right?

If there isn’t, everybody should work hard with the remaining time we have. For those who can break into

another level, quickly make your breakthroughs. The danger zones are extremely dangerous. All those

who are in the True God Realm must go except for two or three who will remain behind to look after the

White family.”

“Don’t worry, Young Master. We’ll definitely work hard to cultivate ourselves!”

Yolanda and the others answered excitedly.

After everyone dissipated, jackie accompanied his wife and child for the afternoon. At night, he finally

began to quiet himself down to create pills.

Before, he had obtained plenty of martial resources and alchemy materials from the competition. Then,

he killed the six elders from the Skies Pavilion, and he obtained even more goodies. That was why jackie

had picked out plenty of alchemy resources to put into his martial ring. If he were not pressed for time, he

could create even more pills, helping everyone to cultivate themselves.

“It’s a pity that there are too few alchemists in the White family. The alchemists that the First Elder spoke

of are those outside the Four Ancient Clans. After all, we don’t usually interact with the Four Ancient

Clans and don’t bring them up in our conversations.

“There must be quite a few alchemists among the Four Ancient Clans!”

jackie thought about it and muttered to himself, then he took out a bunch of second grade intermediate

alchemy materials and started to create the pills.

He worked for three straight days to create over ten second grade intermediate pills. The more familiar

one was with creating pills, the higher the success rate of creating them.

However, jackie still felt hapless. He was aware that the alchemy methods he knew were few. He only

had two methods to create second grade intermediate pills. He has been using the same method and did

not have the time to try and practice the other method. After all, it was good enough that he increased

the chances of successfully creating the pills.

He rested for two days, then he told Selena that he wanted to isolate himself and cultivate his level, as

he intended to break into the next level.

Meanwhile, throughout the one month, Selena had also greatly increased her martial level. She was

already a seventh -grade grandmaster. The rate at which she had improved was tremendous.

As for Ben, he had reached the level of a third-grade grandmaster. For him, it was satisfactory progress.

Of course, jackie did not expect Kylie to be a prodigy. She had been a third-grade martial artist before,

and now she was a sixth-grade martial artist. The little girl still went to school every day, and would only

train herself when she had free time.

Chapter 1502

Two days before they were to set out for the Cabello family’s estate, Nash and a handful of elders were

anxiously waiting at the gates.

They all wanted to know if jackie could make it, with him needing to practice alchemy and trying to make

a breakthrough within such a short time.

Furthermore, if he was not out any sooner, they would not be able to make it on time. After all, the

Cabello family estate was some distance away from the White family estate.

At long last, while anxiety was seizing them, the doors slowly crept open. jackie walked out.

“Young Master Jack, you’re finally out. Have you managed t o make a breakthrough?”

The First Elder, Titus, and the others all stared at jackie in anticipation. They all knew that jackie had

fearsome fighting prowess. If jackie could break into the peak of the true god status, then they truly had

nothing to fear.

As everyone’s eyes were pinned on him, jackie nodded his head slightly. “Haha. Don’t worry. I did it!”

As jackie spoke, he slowly released the aura within his body, allowing it to seep into the atmosphere.

“My goodness. Such a powerful aura! Is this truly the aura of someone at the peak of True God Realm?

Why do I feel like it’s the strength of ten fighters at the peak of the True God Realm?”

When jackie released his aura, the crowd was shocked.

“That fellow is a strange one. We even thought that we could beat him in the beginning!”

Liah and Martin exchanged a glance, not knowing whether to laugh or cry. They still remembered how

they previously tried to fight jackie for the position of house heir.

It was as though it had just happened yesterday. jackie was now on a whole other level – one they could

not hope to reach.

Even though they made great progress and trained hard, the gap between them and jackie was growing

wider and wider.

“Forget it. Now he could probably beat a hundred of me!”

Yule did not know whether to laugh or cry. “I even thought that I would be the one to help him in the

beginning. Who knew that he would be so much stronger than I am. What a great hidden talent!”

“This is fantastic. Haha. Absolutely fantastic. The White family is blessed!”

Nash and the other Elders knew that while jackie was still at the advanced stage of the true god status,

he managed to kill six fighters at the peak of the true god status alone.

Now, jackie has broken through to another level. Even if he did not transform into a dragon, he could

easily beat the old fighters at the peak of their true god status.

More importantly, now the Second Elder and the Third Elder were also at the peak of the true god status.

The White family had gained five fighters at the peak of the true god status in a short span of time. In

other words, they had nothing to be afraid of anymore.

“Oh, right. Young Master Jack, while you were busy practicing alchemy and cultivating yourself these few

days, you probably don’t know that Patronum Yolanda has made a breakthrough after using your pill.

She’s now at the advanced stage of the true god status. We’ve already promoted her to an Elder!”

Titus took a step forward and spoke to Jack, chuckling, “As of the other six who received your pills, two

of them also made breakthroughs, and they’ve been promoted to the Elder status. The other four had

just broken into the intermediate stage of True God Realm, and their powers are not stable yet, so they

have yet to use your pill to make another breakthrough!”

“Haha. Good, good. That’s good news!”

jackie laughed when he heard this. He was delighted. Now the White family was truly getting stronger.

“Humph. We don’t have to lie low anymore! I’ll just punch whoever dares to look down on the White


Chapter 1503

“Of course. Haha. Especially the Lagorio family. We’ll wipe them out if they dare to create trouble for us.

Let’s see if they dare to come for us!”

The First Elder also burst into laughter. Everybody hates the Lagorio family, especially Lily Lagorio. Even

after she had done unspeakable crimes, she still dared to declare that she was going to take revenge.

Furthermore, not only did she not repent, she even tried to use the Skies Pavilion to kill the White family.

The last time, if not for the fact that jackie had a serious trump card on him, the three of them would

probably be killed by the six fighters. If the three of them were dead, the Lagorio family would probably

not spare a single White family member.

“Those in the true god status and the demi-god status can all go. But we still need to leave eight people

of the true god status behind, and more than ten people of the demi-god status. They’ll be guarding the

White family estate!”

jackie said after he thought about it.

Soon, jackie chose those who were to stay behind. He even made Lancelot stay behind, even if he had

just broken into the peak of the true god status. That way, the other families would not dare to trespass

their territory so easily.

“Sorry to trouble you, Third Elder. If you all stay back, you can look after the White family estate and

have some time to stabilize your marital level!”

jackie patted Lancelot’s shoulder and gave the order.

“All right. Master, you and Young Master jackie can head out without a worry. Leave the White family

estate to us!

Lancelot nodded his head. “We will be waiting for the good news you’ll bring us!”

“Let’s go!”

jackie quickly increased the size of his flying sword, and all the fighters from the White family flew onto it.

This time, the fighters were not just from the White main family, but also the branch families. In total, they

had about twenty thousand people. It was a force to be reckoned with.

The remaining twenty thousand people were of lower cultivation levels or were assigned to look after the

White family estate, so they stayed behind.

As a first-class family, the number of troops they had was astounding.


At Jack’s telepathic command, the flying sword zoomed forward.

At that moment, in the Cabello family, Helena came before Daniella. “Third sister, you’ve managed to

make great progress in cultivating yourself. Now you’re already at the intermediate stage of the true god

status. It seems that you’ve not been slacking off all day!”

“Didn’t you make a breakthrough as well? You’re at the peak of the true god status already. Stop making

me jealous!”

Daniella looked at Helena, and could not help but roll her eyes before speaking

“Heh. I’ve been at the advanced stage of true god status for a long time now. I barely managed to

succeed this time with the pill that jackie gave!”

Helena gave a bitter smile. “But you’ve managed to improve so quickly,” she said. “Besides, I’ve never

seen you work so hard to cultivate yourself before!

“Of course. I’ll only be dragging him down if I don’t work hard.”

As Daniella spoke, her cheeks began to flush, and her voice grew smaller. It was evident that she was


Chapter 1504

“Oh, so you’re working so hard because of that fella. I must say that the power of love is amazing!”

Helena looked at Daniella, and could not help but tease her, “Oh, right, The person you like is probably

coming tomorrow. How do you feel now? Are you nervous? Excited?”

Daniella grew even shyer when her big sister teased her like that. She lowered her gaze and ducked her

head. “Of course. Can’t I be excited and nervous at the same time? I wonder if he’ll be happy to see that

I’ve made a breakthrough!”

“Heh. You’re already in a relationship with him. You just haven’t made the official announcement yet. Of

course, he’ll be happy that you’ve made a breakthrough!”

Helena smiled, admiration welling in her heart. She was happy for her third sister, who was able to find

such an incredible man. However, she did not know why a tinge of envy twinged her chest as well.

“What relationship? You are the one in a relationship with him. Everyone has acknowledged you! Who

knows when we can finally reveal our relationship?”

Daniella pursed her lips, sitting down under a stone pavilion. “Sister Selena is pretty nice to me, and

jackie told me that Selena has accepted me. I’m happy because of that. But now I’m worried about how I

should break this to Kylie.

“Kylie? Doesn’t she like you? She was sad to see you leave. It shouldn’t be a problem!”

After Helena gave it some thought, she could not help but ask, “oh, right. Since you came back, you’ve

been training till yesterday. Are you sure you haven’t forgotten anything?”

Daniella looked at Helena and said, smiling, “I didn’t forget. I promised jackie that I would give some

Bone Marrow Cleansing Water to his parents. Heh. I’ll go in a while! I didn’t go earlier not because I was

busy, but because I was afraid that Father and the others would catch me. With the other families coming

soon, they’ll be busy arranging the family estate and preparing to receive guests. Then they won’t have

the time to care about the Cleansing Water!”

She did not think that Helena would give her a grin, then take out a small bottle and thrust it toward her.

“What’s this?”

Daniella was confused when she saw it.

“Open it up and see. Then you’ll know.”

Helena rolled her eyes at her sister.

Daniella took a look and took a sharp intake of breath. “My God. This-this is enough for ten people. Big

Sister, you stole it for me? Thank you! But someone will definitely tell because you took so much. What if

Father finds out?”

Daniella was extremely excited. After she thought about it, she added, “Oh, right. If Father finds out, just

say that it was me. Heh. Thank you, Big Sis. I love you so much!”

As she spoke, Daniella kept the bottle, then she hugged Helena and jumped elatedly.

“Don’t-don’t! I didn’t give this to you. It’s Father!”

Chapter 1505

Helena rolled her eyes at Daniella. “I told Father that you promised to give some Bone Marrow Cleansing

Water to the White family,” she said. “The idea of stealing didn’t sit right with me, even though it’s our

own family possession. That’s why I told Father. I didn’t think that he would agree to it so easily. He even

said that because we haven’t received news that Master White had been killed, it means that the White

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family members have managed to fend off an attack. We can’t look down on the White family any longer,

and we should establish good relations with them!”

“So it was Father who gave this. How nice of him. I even thought that he would be furious once he found

out. I didn’t think that he would give so much Bone Marrow Cleansing Water too!

Daniella was even happier. She was as excited as a child who had just gotten candy.

“Heh. Father said that jackie helped us to kill the First Young Master Hunt and saved so many of our

people, so we must maintain a good relationship between our families. He-he even advised me…”

As she spoke, Helena’s expression grew bashful. She was embarrassed to speak any further.

“Advised you? What did he advise you?”

Daniella frowned. Judging from her big sister’s behavior, it seemed that! It was a touchy subject.

“He advised me to get closer to jackie and see if we can make our relationship a real one. So that our

families will be related. This will greatly benefit the Cabello family because jackie has great talent, and

the White family will only grow stronger. That’s why…”

As Helena spoke, she bit her lower lip and glanced at Daniella.

Daniella was furious when she heard this. “I’m so mad. Why would Father think of that?” she said,

clenching her teeth. “He agreed that you two were a fake couple. Why is he doing this? Seriously…”

Here, she looked at her big sister again and spoke, “You. What did you tell him then? Big Sis, don’t tell

me that you agreed to his suggestion? Don’t tell me that you’ve fallen for Jack? My God. He’s too

amazing. You’ll definitely like him, That’s definitely the case. What should I do? He’s my boyfriend. Sis,

you can’t just snatch my boyfriend away. We have a connection!”

Daniella truly flew into a panic. After all, her sister was just as pretty as she was. She was cute and doe-

eyed but her sister was matured and aloof. What if jackie liked women of her type? What if the two truly

developed feelings for each other after fake dating for a while? Then what should she do?

“Me? I didn’t know how to answer him, so I told him that I was just putting up an act with Jack. I told him

that there’s no chemistry between us so that he’ll stop getting wild ideas!”

Helena smiled and added, “I even told Father that you seem to have taken an interest in Jack. And

you’ve known him longer, so you must have fallen for him!”

“Really? What did Father say?”

Daniella’s eyes brightened when she heard this, her expression pinched in anticipation.

“Father was surprised. He said that if jackie liked you as well, a relationship could grow from there. But

feelings can only develop in their natural course. Our parents won’t bother with what happens between


After Helena said that, she jabbed Daniella’s forehead with a finger. “You were so panicky. Have you

calmed down now?”

“Heh. I’m all right now. I was afraid that Father would disagree because relationships between our

families were not great before. With this, I can finally put my mind at rest!”

Daniella chuckled, her heart dancing with joy. Since Jack’s wife had no objections, and her parents

agreed, then she would definitely become the second mistress of the White family!

Chapter 1506

“But the First and Second Young Masters of the Hunt family died not too long ago. The Hunt family

members are probably trying to find out who it was who killed them. Now is really not the time for me to

announce my breakup with Jack!”

Helena pondered on the matter for a while before speaking her mind.

When she heard this, Daniella also scrunched her brows together. She thought for a while before

replying, “That doesn’t matter. At any rate, Second Young Master Hunt won’t be disturbing you anymore.

Heh. As time goes by, people will start to forget about this. If anyone asks you, just say that the two of

you broke up because of irreconcilable differences!”

“You’re just waiting for our fake dating gambit to be over so that you can be with Jack, right?”

Helena rolled her eyes at Daniella, then said in a joking manner, “Seriously. Maybe I should keep him to

myself. Your boyfriend is a fine Specimen, after all!”

“Big Sis, you-you. If you do that, I’ll be absolutely livid!”

Daniella stamped her foot, acting cute before her elder sister.

“Heh. I was just joking. I wanted to see how you would react!”

Helena answered, chuckling.

Time passed by quickly. The next morning, the Cabello family began to stir into excitement.

Soon, some second-class and third-class family members arrived.

The second-class and third-class families were going all out this time. They had brought people of the

true god and demi-god status along.

Although few fighters were at the peak of True God Realm among these families, those at the advanced

or intermediate stage of the true god status still looked forward to finding the method to break into the

ultimate god status.

After all, if they found an object that would help them, they would be able to use it one day in the future. It

was an unparalleled treasure, something that everybody had their eyes on.

“Ah. The second-class and third class families are here to join the fun. Seriously…”

The First Elder of the Cabello family could not help but heave a sigh when he saw that many people

were starting to gather in a huge plaza halfway up the Cabello family’s mountain.

He did not think that even though the Hunt family restored the ancient summoning circle and organized

the competition for the younger generation, it would be jackie and the others who won the fame,

discovering a clue that might lead them to the ultimate god realm.

Now that he thought about it, he felt pathetic. He had toiled away all those years for nothing

“Let’s go. We can head down now. There are plenty of people there. The Second Elder and the others

are welcoming guests there!”

Alejandro smiled and said, “Of course the aristocratic families would come. Who wouldn’t be interested in

a matter as big as the ultimate god realm? But they brought so many people here. Plenty will die in the

danger zones as well. We have no choice though. We can’t just stop them, can we?”

“Heh. That’s true!”

The First Elder chuckled, flying down along with Alejandro. “The White family is amazing. We still haven’t

heard of anything from them. Unless the Cloud Sky Sect did not send anyone to attack them after the

wedding, while they were heading back to their estate?”

Chapter 1507

“Indeed, it’s strange. There’s been no news from Cloud Sky Sect as well. Logically speaking, Lily Lagorio

must have married their master to attack the White family. Even an idiot would figure that out!”

Alejandro furrowed his brows. The two quickly flew down the mountain.

Not long after, the other seven first-class families slowly arrived.

When Master Hunt spotted jackie and the others, his expression darkened. He had the urge to skin

jackie alive.

“Master White, I didn’t think that your son would be so capable. It isn’t an exaggeration to call him a

master, right?

Old Master Hunt commented after seeing Nash.

“Heh. I don’t know what you mean, Old Master Hunt!”

Nash chuckled after he heard that. Before, he would have been worried by the old man’s words. Now

though, he had no reason to fear the Hunt family.

“Oh, it’s nothing. We just heard rumors that your son killed both of my grandsons!”

Old Master Hunt gave a frosty smile. “With that fighting power, your son is truly the Number One Genius

among the younger generation. Who else has the right to that title?”

When he heard this, Nash did not think that it was anything out of the ordinary. After all, plenty of people

knew what had happened. Although the Tudor Family and the Cabello family members had promised

that they would not speak of it, there were far too many people in the two families. Coupled with the

White family members, someone might have accidentally leaked the information while they were idly

chatting among themselves.

That was why so long as the Hunt family investigated and observed intently-perhaps even catching and

interrogating a few Tudor or Cabello family members—they would certainly find a few rumors.

“No way! The young master of the White family killed them? My God. His talent is amazing.”

The Trevino family members took a sharp intake of breath after they heard this. They were evidently


However, after Master Trevino and his Elders recollected themselves, hatred sprang in their hearts once


They had allied with the Lagorio and Hunt families at first, ready to take down the masters from the other

families. That way, they would obtain benefits, and the Hunt family’s position would be solidified.

They did not expect the two young masters of the Hunt family would be killed during the competition.

Meanwhile, the three families had sent over four hundred masters, and only a few dozen of them had

emerged alive. It was a colossal loss.

If jackie had killed the two young masters of the Hunt family, he had no way to clear himself of a

connection to the other masters of the families.

“All right. I had suspected that Helena and jackie had worked together to do this. You even told us to stop

making baseless accusations, since there’s no evidence. Nash White, it seems like Old Master Hunt and

the others have found something. How are you going to defend yourself?”

The master of the Lagorio family, Trenton, was delighted when he heard this. He immediately stood up

and glared at Nash.

Joel was embarrassed by the incident that had happened to Cloud Sky Sect. If a word that six of their

fighters at the peak of the true god status had died, their position would definitely plummet. Until now, the

Cloud Sky Sect has yet to declare anything. Even Trenton did not know what was happening in Cloud

Sky Sect.

Now, aside from the White family, only the Cloud Sky Sect knew that they had suffered such a great loss.

The other families and Ancient Clans had no idea of that incident. They still assumed that the Cloud Sky

Sect had plenty of fighters among their ranks.

“Heh. I had no idea. Besides, it doesn’t matter who killed them?”

Nash chuckled and shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly.

Chapter 1508

“Does it matter who killed them? Nash White, they were Master Hunt’s sons, two master sons! They’re

now dead! And you think that it’s not a big deal?”

An elder of the Hunt family stepped forward and snarled at Nash; his tone was full of malice and hatred,

and his face was so red as though he was burning with anger. How could this old fella before him speak

In such a nonchalant tone? Did the old fella forget the status of the Hunt family in this martial world?

Another elder of the Hunt family chimed in and sneered, “Nash White, it looks like you’re unaware of the

power of the Hunt family, aren’t you? Let me tell you, another Elder In the Hunt family has broken

through to the peak of True God Realm lately!”

The elder raised his head higher as he bragged; his face was full of pride as though the Hunt family had

conquered the world. After all, the strength of a family depended on the number of elite fighters one had.

There was an addition of strength at the peak of True God Realm in the Hunt family, the top position of

the Hunt family among the hidden families was definitely more stable than before.

“What? Another one? The Hunt family is really something!”

“Yes, that is so cool! It’s only been a while! The Hunt family is very talented in training people, and the

other hidden families like us can’t even be on par with them!”

“Five, tsk tsk tsk. They have five elite fighters at the peak of True God Realm! Other first class families

only have two or three, right?”

Animated discussions soon arose among the people of second-class and third-class families upon

hearing the news. All of a sudden, the Hunt family was once again under the spotlight.

“Haha, Mr. Elder of the Hunt family, you look so proud of the mentioned elder. Hmmm. The elder that

broke through to the peak stage of True God Realm…is you, right?”

jackie noticed the prideful look on the other party and pointed it out nonchalantly. “I don’t think there’s

anything wrong with what my father said. No matter how many elite fighters at the peak stage of True

God Realm the Hunt family had, it has nothing to do with the White family. Secondly, they were indeed

killed by me, but so what? At the beginning of the competition, didn’t you, the Hunt family, say that life or

death didn’t matter in the competition?”

“Oh my goodness! It was only a rumor that he killed them. But today he actually admitted the deed!”

Some people gasped at the fact that jackie admitted to the killing deed. jackie was bold and dauntless.

“This brat actually dares to admit it? So the rumor is true! But isn’t he afraid of death?”

Helena and Daniella exchanged glances; both of them were rendered speechless.

The old man of the Hunt family trembled with rage; his resentment grew inside him like a tumor. The

death of his two beloved grandsons had been a pain in his heart.

In the past few weeks, he even secretly sent people to investigate and inquire about the death of his

grandsons, and until three days ago, only did they learn that the one who killed his grandsons was jackie

White. The newly learned information made them want to tear jackie apart with their own hands.

The Hunt family members did not expect that jackie would actually dare to admit his deed in front of


“Haha! Great! It’s so great!”

Old Master Hunt was so angry that he burst into laughter instead. “Master White, this son of yours is not

only a talented master, but he is also the most courageous man in the world! He admitted his deed and is

not afraid to offend our Hunt family at all. Such courage, I don’t think anyone else in this world possesses

the courage he has!”

Chapter 1509

“Old Master Hunt, I don’t think there’s a problem with what my son has said. Previously in the

competition, the life or death rule was repeatedly stressed by the Hunt family too. All we did was follow

this rule. Hmmm. Don’t tell me you want to shove all the blame onto my son and avenge your grandsons,


Nash smiled gently while responding to the Old Master Hunt. If the same thing happened back in the

time before jackie appeared in his life, he would not dare to speak up so confidently in front of the Hunt


“Heh, what are you all talking about here?”

Before the Old Master Hunt could say further, Alejandro immediately stepped in and mediated the

situation. “The tournament has long passed, and many sons of families died in that tournament; they

were the pearls of families.

However, the principal topic for today is to discuss how to venture into the Seven Dangers and to find a

way to break through to the ultimate god realm, right? Those are the things we should be discussing!”

“Master Cabello is right. Let’s not fight over this matter, alright?”

Karima-the head of the Tudor Family-stepped up and voiced out as well. “I’m actually worried about one

thing, it’s about the daughter of the Lagorio family. She married the master of Cloud Sky Sect, and I

wonder if she told them about the Seven Dangers and the ultimate god realm.”

Everyone stared at Trenton upon hearing Shelby’s words.

Although the Hunt family members were angry, it was not a good idea to strike jackie then so they could

only swallow their rage and bury the hatred in their hearts for the time being. When the opportunity

comes, they would behead jackie to avenge the young masters of the Hunt family.

“Hey, don’t look at me like that! I don’t know either!”

Panic surged through Trenton when he noticed that all gazes were on him. His face was ashen, and his

throat tightened.

It was because he knew the truth, that his daughter had not only told the Cloud Sky Sect about the

ultimate god realm, but she also told the other three ancient clans!

If the people of these hidden families knew that Lily was the snitch and even used the information to

exchange for training materials and resources, they would not be happy with the Lagorios. Even worse,

they might target the Lagorio family in the future.

“You don’t know? Stop pretending! You’re Lily’s father and you claim that you don’t know anything about

it? Don’t tell me she never tells you anything at all!”

Shelby stepped toward Trenton and stared straight at him.” But I was informed that your daughter visited

the Divine King Sect before she married the master of Cloud Sky Sect. What’s more interesting is that

some time ago, a group of people from the Divine King Sect explored two sites of the Seven Dangers!

How do you think those men found out about the Seven Danger?”

“Master Lagorio, you must give us an explanation regarding this!”

Nash’s face sank to the deepest as he spoke. None of the hidden families had spread the news, instead,

they worked hard to train and prepare themselves sufficiently before discussing how to go to the lands of

the Seven Dangers.

The news that the Tudor Family had found out was like a bomb.

“Master Lagorio, did your daughter really spill such important information to the ancient clans? I had

doubts before that she would tell the Cloud Sky Sect, but after listening to Master Tudor’s findings, it

seems like your daughter has told all the ancient clans about the Seven Dangers and ultimate god realm!

Humph! Now all four ancient clans know about it, right? Sigh! I wonder if the other three ancient clans

have made a move to the Seven Dangers yet.”

Old Master Hunt was running on sheer anger; he stared deadly at Trenton with malice and hatred written

on his face.” The four ancient clans are very powerful! They might act first to get to the Seven Dangers

and find the way to break through to the ultimate god realm! And what if they won’t tell us after they’ve

figured it out? Then what? Are we, the shadow families, going to be trampled under their feet for the rest

of our lives, and never be able to rise?”

Numerous pairs of eyes focused on Trenton that he was mute with horror. His legs were wobbling in fear,

and his face went white.

Nonetheless, he wiped the sweat on his forehead and tried to tamp down the panic within him. “Ladies

and gentlemen, I really don’t know anything about this at all! Lily never tells me about her plan, and even

when she wanted to marry that old man, I tried to stop but to no avail! She simply doesn’t listen to me.

So, about the four ancient clans and the ultimate god realm, I truly don’t know anything!”

Chapter 1510

Trenton knew very well in his heart that he could not admit that his daughter told the four ancient clans

about the Seven Dangers. If these hidden families knew about it, they would blame the Lagorio family,

and that would be a huge problem for the Lagorio family.

Old Master Hunt sank into deep thought with a solemn expression on his face. “It doesn’t matter who

snitched. We’re here today to discuss how we should approach the Seven Dangers. Each of the places

in the Seven Dangers is extremely hazardous and risky, none of us have been there before, not to

mention the deepest site of the Seven Dangers. We don’t know the situation there, and even if each

shadow family sent one elite master and joined forces together, I still think it’d be dangerous!” He

expressed his thoughts and opinion about the plan.

“I wonder what the seven bright spots on the map mean… Hmmm… Moreover, if the four ancient clans

have already sent men out to explore the Seven Dangers, we’re not sure which of the Seven Dangers

they’ve been and if they put their men there to guard the place.”

The head of a second-class family spoke his mind after giving the matter some thoughts.

“In the past, the ancient clans, perhaps, would not make a move against our people of hidden families.

But now the situation has changed, it involves some clues about the ultimate god level. Thus, if our men

meet their people in any of the Seven Dangers, I’m afraid that they’ll strike at us for the sake of treasure

and clues. This would be the most worrying problem of all!”

The head of the Tudor Family had her brows puckered together as she spoke. If it was not because of

the sudden intervention from the four ancient clans, the hidden families only had to divide the forces

equally and send their men out to all the Seven dangers; there would be no problem with such a plan.

All of a sudden, at this time, in the distance, a large crowd of men in black was seen gliding through the

wide sky.

“Everyone, look! Why is there a group of people heading in our direction? Are there any other families

coming to the meeting?”

Someone noticed the situation and immediately exclaimed.

“No, there shouldn’t be anyone else! The eight first-class shadow families are all here. There are at least

forty thousand people in that crowd that is coming over, right? It can’t be any family!”

Quentin’s face sank into the deepest, with a sense of foreboding.

“It’s people from the Cloud Sky Sect! Damn it! Why are they here?”

Alejandro soon recognized the other party; he cursed at the situation and his face turned unsightly.

Dread and irritation gnawed within the other heads of families as well; all their expressions were solemn

and unsightly. Although they knew that they were right about Lily snitching on them, telling everything to

the people from Cloud Sky Sect, they were still upset when they saw the other party appear.

“Wow! There are quite a lot of people here!

Joel Collins commented as he and his men stopped in the sky, not too far from the square where the

hidden families gathered. They looked at the crowd from above.

“Hey, my lovely son-in-law, what brings you here?

Trenton immediately felt relieved and somewhat confident at the arrival of Joel. He immediately

approached Joel with the gentlest smile on his face.

“Greetings, Master Lagorio. I heard from your daughter that you guys have some clues about the

ultimate god realm, saying that it is related to the Seven Dangers. How could I not come for such

important information?”

Joel replied, chuckling.

“Lily Lagorio, that woman didn’t come along? Is she afraid of us bashing and criticizing her?”

Out of everyone’s expectation, jackie stood out at this moment and asked Joel directly. His arms clasped

in front of his chest and stared at Joel as though he was the master and Joel was his servant.

“My goodness, did I hear it wrong? This brat is so bold! How could he talk to the Master of Cloud Sky

Sect in that manner?”

Chapter 1511

Some people in the crowd gasped at the situation, worrying for Jack.

“Why didn’t the head of the White family remind his son of his manners? Aren’t they afraid that Master

Collins would get angry and kill his son on the spot? Even worse, Master Collins might end the entire

White family!

A family head of a third-class family was surprised at how bold jackie was and exclaimed the same

thoughts as the others.

Although everyone felt upset at what Lily had done-snitching on them, they certainly did not dare to spill

such things to Joel, the sect master of Cloud Sky Sect

However, what the crowd did not know was that the other party knew what jackie got up his sleeve when

jackie and the other two attended Lily and Joel’s marriage ceremony at the Cloud Sky Sect. If jackie did

not reveal his hidden card, the other party would have long killed jackie and the other two. And if the

three of them had died, the existence of the White family would be impacted grievously—the White might

become extinct.

When jackie thought about the day the Cloud Sky Sect sent out six elite fighters to besiege and kill the

three of them, raw anger flowed through him like lava.

“Jack, you do have courage, don’t you? Do you know who he is? He is the Master of the Cloud Sky Sect!

You’re merely a young master, a junior! How dare you speak to Master Joel in such a tone, what a rude

lad you are! I think you’re looking down on our Master Joel of the Cloud Sky Sect and being disrespectful

to him!”

Happiness bloomed inside Trenton; he had not been able to find an opportunity for his son-in-law to

make a move against the White family, but jackie dug the grave for himself. If the Master of the Cloud

Sky Sect could strike at jackie right then and there to kill him, would not that be awesome?

Was it not jackie digging his own grave right now? Such a good opportunity to eliminate jackie was too

rare to come by!

Sure enough, Joel’s face instantly turned dull and solemn; he felt that jackie was being disrespectful

toward him.

However, he soon understood why jackie would talk to him in that manner; it must be due to jackie and

the other two having encountered the six corpses of the elders from the Cloud Sky Sect that day and

guessed that they were sent to assassinate jackie and the group.

But, this brat had no evidence about the assassination at all, how could he speak to him in such a

disrespectful manner? Was he not looking for death? Such a good opportunity was presented in front of

Joel; Naturally he would not miss it.

“Brat, you do have guts, don’t you? You don’t even try to respect an elder like me. How dare you call Lily

‘that woman’! She is my ninth wife and she’s older than you! Don’t you even understand the basics of

being respectful toward the elders?” Joel smiled coldly and stared at jackie angrily.

“Well, she is that woman’ in my eyes. What to do? Humph! That woman was bent on causing trouble and

eliminating my White family, why do I have to be respectful to her?”

jackie snorted coldly in return. “You humiliated my father at your wedding, and I haven’t forgotten about

that matter yet. Now, old man, tell me, do you think you deserve my respect? Do you think I’m afraid of

you?” jackie added.

“Master Collins, I have some doubts. On the day of your wedding, when we were on our way home, we

encountered six elite elders from Cloud Sky Sect! Hehe, it can’t be that they were trying to protect us

while sending us off, right? No such coincidence, right? Cloud Sky Sect has several elite fighters at peak

stages of true god status, and we actually met six of them!”

Nash stepped in and supported Jack. He looked at Joel with an icy-cold smile plastered on his face.

“What? The Cloud Sky Sect made a move against the people from the hidden families? It’s so

abominable! How could they break the tacit agreement that has been in place?”

Shelby immediately took a stance at Nash’s side and said with a surprised expression. “In that case,

didn’t the Cloud Sky Sect break the silent agreement and did not at all respect the hidden families and

the agreement? If they can strike at the White family, meaning they would strike at any of the hidden

families in the future! Which of our families can resist their attack by then?” She added agitatedly.

“Master Tudor is right! What a shameless act! The White family went to their wedding to give blessings,

but the Cloud Sky Sect actually repaid the blessing with evils by sending people to assassinate them on

their way back home? What logic is that? How abominable!”

The people of other families huffed and expressed their opinions in anger. The crowd was taking the side

of the White family.

“What the hell? Something like that happened?”

Some of the White family members who were still unaware of the episode were feeling shocked, at the

same time, furious about the newly learned information. Their faces turned unsightly. After all, only

several elders of the White family knew about that incident.

Chapter 1512 “Young man, don’t accuse us without any proof!”

An old man from the Cloud Sky Sect immediately stood out and defended loudly. “We learned that a

terrifying monster beast was appearing in that forest, so we sent our people to kill it. This is to prevent

the beast from entering the village or town nearby and harm the innocent people there! But we did not

expect that the beast was that powerful and had extremely sharp claws! It killed all the six elders of the

Cloud Sky Sect!”

“No way! There is such a powerful monster beast in that forest?”

“My goodness! Six elders! Those who can become elders of the Cloud Sky Sect must have broken

through to the peak stage of True God Realm! With such combat strength and prowess, they were killed

by the beast?”

Many people gasped upon hearing the words. They were shocked by this news.

“Monster beast?”

jackie and Nash exchanged glances and their expressions turned strange. The Cloud Sky Sect did not

believe that their elders were killed by the three of the White family, and they thought that the six elders

had encountered some powerful monster and were killed by it!

But their reasoning was not completely wrong, after all, jackie did transform into a green dragon. He

used his sharp claws to grab and crush the elders, and some were even crushed into meat paste.

Looking at the wounds of the corpses, it was reasonable and logical for the Cloud Sky Sect to think that it

was the work of some kind of powerful beast!

As expected, at this time, another elder of the Cloud Sky Sect stepped forward and chimed in, “Humph!

You just happened to pass by the scene and encountered the corpses of the elders. How dare you

accuse us based on that? You’re simply slandering the Cloud Sky Sect!”

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“Nash White, your son is being disrespectful toward us; he did not at all put the Cloud Sky Sect in his

eyes! Never mind that he humiliated my ninth wife, he actually dares to slander our clan!” Joel was

furious. “Today, I’ll teach you and your son a good lesson!”

Seeing that majority of the crowd seemed to believe his words, Joel was actually happy inside. He then

took a huge step toward Nash, emitting his high and mighty aura to pressure him.

A terrifying sense of oppression came right at Nash as Joel released his domineering aura.

“What an overwhelming tension! He’s truly a veteran in the peak stage of True God Realm. Although

their marital status stops at the peak stage of True God Realm. in terms of releasing a sense of tension

and pressure, they are truly good at that. Their mighty aura will only get stronger and stronger!”

Several people from the White family had obviously felt the overwhelming tension emitted by Joel. They

could not help but worry for Nash.

Joel flashed in an instant, clenched his fist, and bolted straight at Nash. Apparently, he wanted to give

Nash a good beating, so that these hidden families would recognize the mighty majesty of the four

ancient clans! The ancient clans must not be trampled on nor be desecrated at all!

“Come at me!”

However, at this time, jackie jumped and appeared in front of Nash in a flash. He, too, clenched his fist

and blasted straight ahead at Joel.

“Brat, are you looking for death? Do you think you’re worthy of being my opponent?”

Joel’s fury sprang to life when he saw that jackie came forward for his father.

In his eyes, jackie was at most a junior, a rising star among the younger generation. Even if he was an

elite fighter in the intermediate stage or even late stage of True God Realm, Jack’s overall strength and

power were still inferior to his! So when jackie dashed out for his father, jackie had indirectly insulted

Joel, implying that Joel was on the same level with him!


Just as Joel’s last syllabus of words fell, two huge fists collided, and a deafening sound of collision rang

out. Waves of Chi energy emitted from the blast, shaking the ground.


What happened in the next second had everyone completely dumbfounded. jackie stood firmly in place,

while Joel was blown away by Jack’s fist.

“No f*cking way!”

Almost everyone cried out in shock. their eyes were widened as large as saucers and their jaws dropped

to the ground. The fighting outcome before them was completely beyond their expectation.

Chapter 1513 Was it not jackie that was supposed to be blasted away? How did it turn out to be the high

and mighty Master Collins of the Cloud Sky Sect?


What was truly out of everyone’s expectation was that the Master of Cloud Sky Sect was thrown a

hundred feet away before he could stabilize himself on the ground. However, he could not resist the

power but spurted out a mouthful of fresh blood, and his face immediately went white.

“No freaking way! He’s injured!”

Daniella of the Cabello family and the others were shocked and dumbfounded. Before that, when they

saw that jackie spoke to Joel in an impolite manner, they were truly worried for Jack.

And when Joel charged toward Nash and jackie rushed out to block the attack, Daniella was so scared

that she almost fainted. She could not imagine how worried she was. jackie tried to fight against Master

Collin’s attack, was he not looking for death?

But now, the scene before her eyes told otherwise!

“Jack, this brat, he’s more powerful than Master Collins?”

Alejandro was even more frightened and could not control but swallowed hard. He then turned to Nash

and asked, “Master White, you, he… Your son…which martial status is he at now? Don’t tell me he broke

through again!”

Alejandro’s voice was trembling as he expressed his doubts to Nash. Who was Joel? He was one of the

top fighters in the peak stage of True God Realm! He could even resist against two or three fighters with

the strength of the peak stage of True God Realm if they were to join forces together.

Nonetheless, such a powerful existence was actually blasted away by Jack!

“No! Impossible! There’s no way he’s stronger than me!”

Joel was even more bewildered at the fact. All of this felt so unreal to him; he pinched his thigh harshly,

only then he learned that the pinch pained him. So, it meant all of this was real!

“To be honest, my son has broken through to the peak of True God Realm a few days ago!”

Nash smiled nonchalantly at Alejandro and responded in a gentle tone.

“Wow! Jack! You broke through to the next stage too fast!”

Daniella could no longer hold back her excitement and gazed at jackie with a face full of adoration, as

though jackie was some priceless jewelry. Sunshine flooded her soul, and she could barely conceal it

within her. Jack, the man that she adored deeply, did not at all let her down. He was the perfect man.

“Haha! Brother Jack, you’re so cool! You’re really awesome!”

Rufus laughed out loud as he came over to Jack. He looked at jackie with excitement present in his


“Master Collin, what’s the matter? Do you still want to fight with us? Haha! You said it yourself that the

Cloud Sky Sect has already suffered losses; six elite fighters of the peak stage of True God Realm died!

Indeed, Cloud Sky Sect is powerful and deeply rooted, but our White family is not afraid of you!”

Kenneth was even prouder of the White family that he annoyed Joel with a smug look on his face. Jack’s

attack had truly shocked everyone there; he made the White family proud, and the status of the White

family would definitely increase after the great collision of punches just


Besides, the status of the White family would be different in the eyes of these hidden families from now



Anger stirred within Joel that he was almost choking on his rage However, when he thought about Jack’s

massive power and strength just now, his heart pounded frantically

At that point in time, he truly did not dare to fight jackie again. What if he lost if he were to fight jackie

again? Then the reputation of the Cloud Sky Sect and the image of Master Collin would be flushed down

the drain.

He felt that his martial techniques would definitely be more powerful than Jack, and if he used his full

strength to fight, his chance to win was higher, but what if he lost? There were many spectators in front

of them. Watching him lose to Jack, how humiliating would that be?

After giving the matter some thought, he huffed, “Humph! I underestimated you a moment ago. Do you

really think that you can be my opponent? I came here today to discuss important matters and not to

fight! So, for the time being, I’d not haggle over you!”

Chapter 1514 When Joel spilled the sentence, his tone was arrogant and domineering, not emitting the

slightest sense of weakness.

Moreover, most people of the Cloud Sky Sect also thought that their sect master was careless,

underestimated Jack, and did not use his full strength. That was why jackie managed to hurt him.

The people of the Cloud Sky Sect had absolute trust and confidence in Master Collins’s fighting prowess.

The crowd consisting of people from the hidden families was not stupid. A high and mighty person like

Master Collins of the Cloud Sky Sect was injured by Jack, moreover, he did not want to pursue further!

That had obviously implied that Joel was afraid of Jack’s strength to some extent. From these behaviors

of Joel, the crowd understood that Jack’s strength and combat prowess were crazily strong.

“Master Hunt, the situation tells us more about young masters’ death. This proves that our young

masters were indeed killed by this fella!”

An elder from the Hunt family leaned toward Quentin and whispered into his ear softly.

“You’re right. His combat power is far stronger than what we expected, and it is certainly stronger than

his current martial level!”

Quentin nodded in agreement. He learned that jackie possessed an ultimate-grade spiritual weapon and

that weapon had aided in increasing Jack’s overall combat prowess.

“Master Collins, spill it! Since you already knew that we intend to explore the Seven Dangers, we’ll not

hide it from you anymore. The main reason we didn’t share this information with you is because we are

not familiar with what’s in there ourselves. We only blindly plan it without any in-depth information, so we

can’t let you take the risk with us!”

Old Master Hunt explained to Joel with a faint smile hanging on his face.

That excuse of Old Master Hunt’ s was sensible and reasonable; it did not offend the mighty status of

Master Collins, and even seems to be for the sake of protecting him.

However, Joel was not stupid; he naturally knew the underlying meaning of Old Master Hunt’s


“Hmm. Thank you for your consideration. But for such a big thing, it’s worth it for the Cloud Sky Sect to

try too. Now, what’s next?” He decided not to argue with Old Master Hunt and thank him instead.

Several horizontal lines formed between Old Master Hunt’s brows when he was just about to share his

plan. “Sigh! I’m afraid it won’t be easy to arrange anything right now. Someone else is coming. Heh! It

looks like the Cloud Sky Sect is not the only one who knew about this!” he looked away to the far

distance as he spoke.

Joel wheeled his head and looked around, then his face suddenly went gloomy and solemn. “People

from the Flying Eagle Sect are coming this way, why are they here? Humph! Lily Lagorio, that woman

only knows how to create trouble! It looks like she told the other ancient clans as well!”

Anger welled up in his chest; he was upset that Lily told the other ancient clans about the matter; what

was worse, she did not inform him about it at all!

If Lily spared the other three ancient clans about Seven Dangers and only told him, the Cloud Sky Sect

would become the boss among the ancient clans! They would definitely have the leading advantage!

How could he possibly foresee that Lily had actually told the other ancient clans as well?

Trenton’s face fell; he stood aside and remained silent, pretending that he was unaware of everything.

A few moments later, the people of the Flying Eagle Sect arrived at the square. It was not surprising for

the Master of the Flying Eagle Sect to see that the people of Cloud Sky Sect were there too. Afterall Lily

married the Master of Cloud Sky Sect, it was only natural and logical for Lily to inform Joel about the

Seven Dangers.

“Hahaha! It’s lively here, isn’t it? I guess the people of the Supreme Clarity Sect and the Divine King Sect

will arrive in a moment, too!”

The Master of the Flying Eagle Sect laughed as he spoke. He was a middle-aged man who looked like

he was in his late 40 to early 50. “Shall we wait a little longer for them to arrive?” he added.

Chapter 1515 “The Supreme Clarity Sect will definitely come, but I’m not sure about the Divine King


Shelby sneered with a distant smile. “The Divine King Sect has already dispatched some elite fighters

into the Seven Dangers. I only found out about this a few days ago!”

The Master of the Flying Eagle Sect choked at the news; the corners of his mouth twitched involuntarily

several times. “Humph! The Divine King Sect, they’re too sneaky! Lily informed us about the date and the

venue of the meeting, saying that all families will gather in the Cabello estate before entering the Seven

Dangers. How could they just go ahead with their own plans?”

The master of the Flying Eagle Sect hesitated for quite a while, but in the end, he gave up a similar idea,

afraid of causing public anger. If he had known that the Divine King Sect had already acted, he would not

have hesitated and instantly sent out his men to explore the Seven Dangers!

After several minutes, the Master of the Supreme Clarity Sect also arrived with a large group of people.

“It looks like we’re not the latest! The Divine King Sect is not here yet!”

“Oh, they won’t come. They have already sent their men into the Seven Dangers. And I don’t know

what’s the latest situation there.”

The Master of Flying Eagle Sect said huffily. He was upset; he was very upset. If the Master of the Divine

King Sect had broken through to the ultimate god-level earlier than the other masters of the ancient

clans, then it would be a huge problem. The other three ancient clans would have to listen to him in the


Sure enough, when the Master of the Supreme Clarity Sect heard the news, her face sank, and raw rage

seared through her. “Master Whiteager, Harry Yeager, what an abominable man! He actually acted in

advance, huh? Seven Dangers are not some common forests or caves, aren’t they afraid that the Seven

Dangers are beyond their own ability? And in the end, the loss will be greater than gain!”

“I don’t think they are that bold to explore all seven places at the same time. Because then their strength

and power will be scattered, and the death rate will be higher!”

Joel scoffed indifferently. “I think they’ve gone on for some days, and if they have found the way to break

through to the ultimate god realm, it will be troublesome! And it will be more tedious and cumbersome if

several of them break through to the ultimate god realm! By that time, even though we are elite fighters

in the peak. Stage of True God Realm, in front of the Divine King Sect, we could only bow down!” he


The Master of the Supreme Clarity Sect carefully scanned through the men beside Joel, and said, “Joel,

what are your plans then? Also, I remember there are several elite martial artists with power of the peak

stage of true god level in your sect. Why are they not here today?” She asked in a skeptical god-level

tone and with her forehead puckered together. “Logically, this meeting is about finding a way to break

through to the ultimate god realm, and those who are already at the peak stage of the True God Realm

should be eager to know the way, right? Could it be that you have some other plans?” she added.

The words of the middle-aged woman stirred up some fear in the crowd. The people of the Flying Eagle

Sect exchanged glances, evaluating her words. All of them were afraid of the real reason for the Cloud

Sky Sect leaving so many elite fighters behind; they feared that the Cloud Sky Sect had another

arrangement. What if the elite fighters were sent to attack their sects? It would be a big headache for

them. After all, all families and sects had brought along all their elite fighters for the expedition to the

Seven Dangers!

“Dead. They’re dead!”

Joel initially did not plan to spread this news, but since the other sects had noticed the missing of his

elders, he had no choice but to explain. “They encountered a powerful monster beast and were killed by

it. What’s worse, I don’t even know what kind of monster beast it is!”

“What? No freaking way! What kind of monster beast could be so powerful that it actually killed all the six

elders who were at the peak of the true god level?”

The Master of the Supreme Clarity Sect was called Aureole Hoffman, a middle-aged woman. She

gasped at Joel’s words. If such a terrifying monster beast truly existed in this wor