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No.1 Supreme Warrior by Moneto

Chapter 1351-1400
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Chapter 1351

jackie put away the sword in his hand, then flew down, and took down the rings of those guys.

At this time, Daniella also flew over, and then smiled sweetly at jackie, “Such a good thing, you actually

do not hesitate? She was giving herself to you, how could you not like it?”

It must be said that just now, jackie’s performance made Daniella really satisfied. The man she had her

eye on was really good, and was actually able to withstand such a temptation.

jackie smiled, and then said, “Such a woman, in front of my eyes, is just skin without any soul. And it’s

the first time I’ve seen her, how could I like her?”

“Let’s go, let’s go inside the cave and see what loot we got from them!” Daniella smiled, and was about to

fly towards the cave.

However, jackie smiled bitterly: “Let’s not go to the cave, these people’s corpses are here. later if there

are people passing by, they are more likely to find us, then people would know that these people were

killed by me, that’s not good either.! Although this time the competition rules that death is acceptable, if

the Trevino family finds out, it would not be good!”

“That’s true! I’m afraid they would hate you in the future!” Daniella smiled, “Let’s go, let’s find another

place to rest!”

After looking for a while, they finally found a small cave a few miles away and set up camp there.

After getting everything ready for the night, jackie took out the storage rings he had previously obtained

from Leann, Hugh and others, and then took out all the contents inside.

There was nothing good in the ring of other Trevino family members, but in Hugh’s ring, jackie

unexpectedly found a red token, and several black tokens, and of course, the middle-grade sword. And

several spirited grasses.

What jackie didn’t expect was that Leann’s ring contained a low-grade spirit weapon sword, several

spirited grasses and a few tokens.

“The harvest this time is really not so big. But there is actually a red token, which is equal to a hundred

black tokens!”

jackie piled all the trophies in front of him after looking at them, he stood up.

“Yeah, this means that red tokens have gradually appeared. After all, we have also gone a pretty far

distance into the forest!”

Daniella sat aside, propped her head with both hands, and held that delicate face. Looking at jackie with

shining eyes.

jackie was a little embarrassed as Daniella looked at him adoringly. He simply took out a first-grade high-

level spirit grass, and a few other materials, and took out the alchemy furnace.

“No? You want to refine pills? You should sit here and talk with me!” Daniella pouted as she unhappily

watched jackie take out his materials.

“I have never obtained first-rank high-grade spirited grass before, so I have never refined a first-rank

high-grade pill. Now that I have the ingredients, I plan to try it. If I can refine it successfully, I will give it to

you!” jackie smiled lightly, then said to Daniella.

“Give me the first grade premium pill? This is very precious!” When Daniella heard this, her heart

suddenly became sweet.

“Think about it carefully, I haven’t given you any gift yet, just treat it as a gift for you!”

jackie looked at the young beauty in front of him, and waved his palm, the alchemy furnace was floating

in the air, and the aura on his palm surged. With a wave of his hand, a small flame flew out and started to

preheat the alchemy furnace.

Chapter 1352

A small flame began to pulsate under the alchemy furnace. After only a moment, jackie had already

preheated the alchemy furnace, making him seem experienced.

Because jackie wanted to refine his alchemy, Daniella didn’t dare to bother him, she sat quietly to the

side, earnestly admiring jackie’s serious appearance while he was practicing alchemy.

jackie soon threw a strain of material directly into the alchemy furnace, controlled the fire with his mental

power, and began to extract the juice little by little.

After a while, jackie threw another plant in, quietly feeling the changes, and continued to extract the

medicinal juice.

A little bit of time passed and after a while, jackie had already thrown all the materials into the pill

furnace, and on his forehead, thin beads of perspiration began to form.

Looking at how focused jackie was, Daniella’s mouth could not help but show a sweet smile, it seems

that watching jackie’s alchemy was also the best kind of enjoyment.

Soon, all the medicinal juices of the materials were extracted, all of which were done skillfully.

Not long after, jackie reached the most important step in alchemy, forming the pill.

jackie’s mental power kept controlling the flames, and the concoction kept tumbling in it, getting smaller

and more solid.

“Got it!” Suddenly, jackie lifted up with one hand, and a small pill flew up and floated in front of him, and

the corner of jackie’s mouth also showed a satisfied smile.

“Did you succeed? My God, you actually succeeded for the first time!”

Daniella saw it, her eyes lit up, and ran over: “Our family’s First Elder is a master of alchemy, however,

he has never succeeded on the first try. He basically has to fail several times before he can succeed.”

“Huh!” jackie exhaled heavily and took the pill over and looked at it carefully: “It’s not bad, I got lucky that

it succeeded, but it’s not very good, it’s pretty average!”

“It’s pretty good that it succeeded, and you still think it’s not good enough?”

Daniella gave jackie a blank look: “Had you failed, these materials really would have gone to waste!”

jackie nodded, and then gently put the pill into Daniella’s palm, “This is for you. You have a good talent. I

heard that you are just lazy. I hope to help you break through to the middle stage of the True God Realm


“Well! Thank you then!” Daniella laughed sweetly, her eyes narrowing to a slit, and then said, “I’ll practise

at night when I have the time, and when my cultivation base is stable, I’ll use this pill of yours to try and


After finishing speaking, Daniella put the pill away, and then gently leaned her head on jackie’s shoulder,

” jackie, you are too kind to me!”

The two quietly looked at the moonlight outside the cave, and after a short rest, the sky lit up again.

The two quickly flew out of the cave and set off again.

In the morning, the two went very swiftly, they flew a short distance into the forest again before

encountering a few monsters on the road, but they were not particularly powerful, and were quickly dealt

with by jackie.

However, the yields were not great. Only two black tokens and two first-grade intermediate spirit grasses

were found that morning.

In the afternoon, a terrible roar rang again not far in front of the two, which sounded very intense.

Chapter 1353

“It appears that there are a lot of people up ahead in battle!”

Daniella frowned: “Let’s go on and take a look, just in case there are people from our family!”

jackie nodded, and followed Daniella, flying in the direction that the sound came from.

After flying for a while, they actually saw that a dozen young people from the Cabello family were

surrounded on a patch of grass.Surrounding them were more than 20 people from the Lagorio family and

a dozen from the Hunt family masters, looking hatefully at them.

On the ground, there were already seven or eight masters from the Cabello family lying down, no longer


“Damn it, these Lagorio family people are really shameless, they actually joined forces with the Hunt

family to kill our people!” Daniella turned red with anger.

“Your second sister is also there!” jackie smiled helplessly as he looked from afar.

The scene in front of him was not beyond his expectation, the Lagorio family’s people, who were now on

bad terms with the White family, had started to curry favor with the Hunt family’s people.

And the people of the Hunt family, obviously because of jackie and Helena’s affairs, had resentment

towards both the White family and the Cabello family.

Therefore, it was entirely reasonable for the other party to take action against the Cabello family.

“My sister’s arm seems to be injured. Damn it There are two masters in the middle-stage of the True God

Realm in the Hunt family. One of the Lagorio family’s masters in the middle-stage of the True God realm

was also there. Even having taken into consideration my second sister’s ability, she is still no match for

the three of them combined.”

Daniella soon discovered that Venus also had an additional wound on her arm, and blood flowed out

from there, staining her sleeves red.

At this time, the fighting stopped temporarily, and the group of people outside looked at them with a

smirk, as if the people inside had become trapped like turtles in an urn.

“Listen to me everyone. All of these Cabello family members must be killed, but keep this Venus alive!”

There was a man in the middle stage of True God Real from the Hunt family who said to everyone, “After

all, the second young master has ordered that at that time, should we get an opportunity to catch this

Venus or Daniella, when we meet him and hand these two to him, we will be richly rewarded.”

“Sure enough, this Second Young Master is truly outstanding, having thought out exactly what needed to

be done and having you all execute his wishes.”

A man from the Lagorio family laughed playfully.

“Haha, yes, there are a lot of masters here, and there are also two top masters in the True God Realm. If

they are dead, I’m afraid the Hunt family will be very angry.”

However, at this time, not far behind him, jackie’s voice slowly rang.

“Second Miss, it is Third Miss, and the Young Master of the White Family! Great, the young master of the

White Family seems to be in the middle stage of the True God Realm, and the Third Young Lady has

also reached the True God Realm. Are we saved?”

There was a young woman from the Cabello family. After seeing jackie, her eyes lit up and she said to

Venus on the side.

Venus was delighted after seeing that it was indeed jackie. She knew that jackie had a flying sword that

was very fast. Even if he couldn’t beat them, everyone would only be able to jump on top of jackie’s flying

sword. At that time, it should not be difficult to escape, at least not everyone will die here.

As for the other party wanting to capture her alive, it was but a dream. She has already decided. Instead

of being defiled by the fat man Chet, it would be better to commit suicide.

Chapter 1354

“Damn, that brat from the White family is here!”

There was a young man from the Hunt family who after seeing jackie, his face sank: “I heard that the

combat effectiveness of this kid appears to be very good!”

“It is indeed a bit troublesome!”

Among them, the man in the middle of the true gods of the Hunt family, called Oswald Hunt, couldn’t help

frowning after he saw jackie.

However, he quickly smiled coldly and said: “It is indeed a little trickier, but there are many of us. Now

that Venus and the other Cabello family members are already injured, even if they join forces they would

not be our opponent either. It’s just that we’re probably going to suffer a lot of losses!”

“You’re really quite confident!”

jackie flipped his palm and took out the black sword, and then injected his aura into it.

“This kid’s sword fluctuations are great!”

Someone quickly discovered the special sword in jackie’s hand, and his face sank slightly, and said to

the two strong men of the Hunt family.

“Damn, this guy’s sword seems to be an Ultimate Grade Spiritual Weapon. Only our Master has one of

these things. This kid actually has such a treasure!”

Oswald’s expression was extremely gloomy. With a flick of his palm he took out his lower-grade spiritual

weapon and held it tightly in his hands.

Originally, it appeared to be a very good lower-grade spirit weapon, but now when it was held in the palm

of his hand, Oswald actually didn’t feel too good when facing jackie and his weapon.

“Don’t be afraid, the people of the Lagorio family will attack these people of the Cabello family. Our

people of the Hunt family will first join forces to besiege this kid surnamed White. As long as you kill this

kid, then, the weapon in his hand will be ours. That’s it!”

The other man in the middle of the True God Realm looked at the sword in jackie’s hand, and his eyes

were full of fire. If this thing was taken, his combat power can be increased by a lot.

When Oswald heard it, his eyes also brightened. Although this time, I am afraid that he will pay a heavy

price, but as long as he can kill jackie, it will be worth it.

Seeing the two of them, jackie couldn’t help but sneer, with their level of cultivation, they still wanted to

rob him of this treasure! This is looking down on him!

“The idea is good, but let’s see if you have the ability to execute it!”

jackie smiled coldly, and slashed out several sword auras in a row.


The people of the Cabello family rushed together at the people of the Lagorio family again, while the

people of the Hunt family all retreated and wanted to fight jackie.

“Second sister, I’ll help you!”

Daniella flashed and rushed out to help Venus.

Terrifying sounds of fighting resounded once again. Several members of the Hunt family who faced

jackie’s random attacks of sword aura, without even having the opportunity to resist, were directly


“Chaotic Sword Slash!”

“Chain Slash!” The two who were in the middle-stage of the True God Realm used two first-grade martial


They all thought that jackie had merely used an ordinary attack, and that since they were using martial

arts, it would be very easy to defend his attack and even try to injure him in response.

However, what they didn’t expect was that jackie’s sword aura was so fast, and that the power of that

attack was even more than they had expected, destroying their slashing attacks in mere moments.

“No way, this kid hasn’t even used martial arts yet, just…”

Chapter 1355

Oswald’s face sank. The fiery look in his eyes that longed for the best spirit weapon had long ceased to

exist, and instead, it was a solemn color that was never seen before.

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At this moment, he felt the horror of jackie and the terrifying ability of the man in front of him.

“Hehe, I won’t accompany you to play slowly, I’m afraid that many of the Cabello family will die!”

jackie smiled, and once again poured aura into the sword in his hand. The fluctuations on the sword

were a bit more stronger than it was before.

“Flame Slash!”

jackie stepped out, and suddenly slashed out with a sword, and a terrifying slash went straight to


On top of this slash was a faint heat, as if it was a fireball, carrying an incomparably hot aura, and shot

towards Oswald in a flash.

“Damn, what kind of martial skill is this? Second-rank advanced?”

Feeling the terrifying nature of jackie’s attack, Oswald turned pale with fright, and didn’t know what to do

for a while.

“Knife Slash!”

He immediately used his most powerful attack, but unfortunately, it was of no use at all. jackie’s slash

instantly destroyed his attack, and the remaining sword aura landed on him.

Blood splashed, and Oswald’s body was split in two by jackie’s slash. He also fell directly from the air

and instantly died.

“Damn it, Master Oswald is dead!” The other man in the middle of the True God Realm turned pale with

fright when he saw it. He slashed out with his sword and was about to escape.

However, jackie, also using a sword, easily destroyed his attack, and chased him in a flash. Using

another Flame Slash, jackie killed him easily.

Those other people of the Hunt Family, seeing that two strong people were dead, one by one, were even

more frightened and fled in all directions.


Venus and the others were almost killed by these people before. At this time, how could they plan to let

them go? They pursued them one by one, and quickly killed those people.

The guy in the middle of the True God Realm of the Lagorio family saw that the two strong men of the

Hunt family were beheaded, and naturally planned to escape. Unfortunately, under jackie’s pursuit, he

also failed to escape.

“Master jackie, thank you so much. You are really amazing. If it weren’t for you today, we would be


Several young women from the Cabello family flew over and looked at jackie with admiration. There was

a bit more enthusiasm in each of their eyes, as if a fan had seen their idol.

“Yeah, Master jackie, you are too powerful, I feel you are much stronger than the second lady!”

“No, why do I feel that Master jackie is much stronger than our eldest lady. earlier on he was using only

one sword aura and two people in the Middle Stage of the True God Realm were actually killed by him!”

“Master jackie, I love you to death, your fighting power is really powerful, I admire it too much.“

There were several Cabello family girls with looks of infatuation on their faces, and some even wanted to

confess to jackie directly.

Venus on the side was embarrassed in her heart. What’s the matter, she was too shocked.

Chapter 1356

“Cough cough, Sister, don’t be depressed, he is that powerful. Haha”

Seeing her second sister’s aggrieved face, Daniella smiled heartlessly. She knew very well in her heart

that the second sister and the eldest sister were both idolised by the younger generations in the Cabello

family. Now that the other Cabello family masters praised jackie so much and regarded jackie as an idol,

naturally, Second Sister was a little sour in her heart.

“Yeah, no way, they are indeed much better than me.”

Venus curled her lips, thought for a while, and said unconvincingly, “But well, it’s mainly because he has

an Ultimate Grade Spiritual Weapon, if I had an Ultimate Grade Weapon, then I may also not be inferior

to him!”

Unexpectedly, Venus’s words attracted Daniella’s eyes, “Legend has it that there was another kind of

treasure that was more powerful than a Spiritual Weapon, called a Spiritual Treasure, as mysterious as

the Ultimate God Realm, but unfortunately, no one has seen it, if anyone has a Spiritual Treasure, it

would be simply amazing!”

“Spiritual Treasure?”

This was the first time jackie has heard of such a thing, and he could not help but be startled since,

within these legends, there was the legend of Ultimate God, the legend of the Spiritual Treasure, and in

the Cabella First Elder’s ancient book, were spirited grass of the third and fourth grade, and even the

third-grade pill. All of this was definitely not a coincidence. jackie felt that this Ultimate God Stage must

have existed in the past.

“Hehe, if I really have a spiritual treasure, maybe even the eldest master of the Hunt family can be easily

beheaded, maybe even the Master of the Hunt family will have to give way to me.”

Venus said with a smile, her hands on her chest.

“Hey, how will we divide the spoils this time?” After Venus finished speaking, she looked at the corpses

on the ground, and then asked jackie.

When jackie heard this, he couldn’t help but frown. This time, several masters in the True God realm

were dead, and there were also a lot of demi-gods masters. There might be many tokens contained in

their rings.

However, although this time, it was because of his appearance that Venus and the others were saved, he

was still embarrassed to ask for it.

Moreover, the people of the Cabello family were already clearing the spoils.

What jackie did not expect was that he hadn’t spoken yet, but Daniella took a step forward, and then said

to Venus, “Second sister, the reason why you could win and survive this time round was because of

jackie. Let’s see, if there is a token in the rings, give it to him. Anyway, these rankings are just for

reputation, and their White family has never won a good ranking, right?”

Venus gave Daniella a vicious look, and secretly thought that this girl was really too… She turned her

elbow out before she was married. Once she married, would it turn out alright?

But when the thought of jackie really helping them, Venus nodded, “Yes, however many tokens there are

in the rings, give them all to him, after all, this is the second time he saved our Cabello family, as for the

spiritual herbs and weapons, we will split them 50-50 then!”

“Ahem, there are so many people, and if everyone gave the tokens to me, I’m afraid the White family

would truly be in contention this time around.”

jackie coughed awkwardly, then smiled modestly.

“Master jackie, just accept it. You saved our lives. Could it be that our lives are not as good as these


Before Venus could speak, there was a young girl from the Cabello family who spoke up as she looked

at jackie with a smitten look on her face.

Chapter 1357

“Yes, especially since you saved Miss Venus, and you are a couple with Miss Helena. We are all a family,

so you don’t need to be too embarrassed!”

Another young girl, with big doe eyes, stared at jackie blinking, the corners of her mouth curved in a

seductive smile unconsciously as if she could not wait to pounce on jackie immediately.

Seeing that these girls, young masters of the Cabello family had all become unreserved, Venus was

speechless in her heart and glared at them fiercely, “What are you girls doing? Why are you all

surrounding jackie? Don’t forget, you are all ladies, don’t you know how to be more reserved?”

Seeing Venus was angry, the young women took a few steps away in anguish, but they still couldn’t help

stealing a peek from time to time to look at the handsome and powerful man in front of them.

Daniella didn’t think there was anything wrong. On the contrary, since so many talented girls liked jackie,

this only showed that Daniella’s choice was right and that she had a good eye.

After a while, everyone collected all the loot they got, and there were more than twenty black tokens, and

in addition to that, there were two white tokens.

“There are so many tokens, take it quickly, otherwise I can’t bear to part with it!”

Venus waved her hand, and those tokens flew up and floated in front of jackie, and then gave jackie a

blank look. The face that was already pretty was even more charming with this blank look.

jackie laughed and put all the tokens away.

“Well, for spirit grass, can I choose some for myself, because some spirit grass is more suitable for

alchemy! But don’t you worry, I will definitely not take more!”

jackie said after looking at the spirit grass.

“You are able to do alchemy?”

Venus was startled, and her red lips parted slightly. Alchemy was a skill, and it required people with

strong mental power, and the kind of fire attribute in their aura to have the opportunity to make alchemy.

Even then, other cultivators who could refine ordinary healing pills were already considered very good.

Then, alchemists were even rarer, they are a completely rare species. The Cabello family’s elder and the

Hunt family’s second young master are all good alchemists. It is precisely because of this that they have

become the objects of worship by many people.

Venus couldn’t think that jackie, a kid who came back from the common world, could actually practice


“Of course he can. He not only knows how to make alchemy, he is now also considered a first-grade

high-level alchemist!”

Daniella said of jackie, her face full of contentment, and when she turned her palm, she actually took out

the first grade premium pill that jackie gave her, and then swayed in front of her second sister, “Second

sister, look, this is what jackie refined, and he gave me a gift!”

“My goodness, a first grade premium pill! It is really a first grade premium pill! Such a pill is very useful

for people at the True God Realm. I would not expect that jackie would actually give such a precious

thing to the Third Lady after refining it!”

Several young people from the Cabello family looked at the pill in Daniella’s hand enviously. No wonder

the First Lady would fall for jackie so fast and would forcibly kiss him on the street, such an excellent

man, who would not be able to resist, it was simply too heartwarming.

Chapter 1358

Not to mention other people, even Venus, who looked at the pill in Daniella’s hand, was envious.

She looked at the pill in Daniella’s hand, and finally couldn’t help but yell at jackie, “Hmph, you are really



jackie frowned, wondering what the other party meant. Venus knew that he and Daniella were in a

romantic relationship, wasn’t it normal to give a pill to his girlfriend as a gift?

The other Cabello family members look at each other, their expressions a little confused. This was the

first time they’ve seen Venus speak to someone in such a coquettish tone.

“Of course, you and our eldest sister are lovers, and you gave Daniella a first grade premium pill. But,

don’t forget, I’m also your little sister!”

Venus snorted coldly, and actually pouted.

Daniella’s red lips slightly opened, and she didn’t expect her second sister who despite knowing her

relationship with jackie, would still talk so much nonsense and ask for a pill.

jackie didn’t expect that Venus would ask for the pill under the banner that her brother-in-law should take

care of his younger sister. He smiled bitterly, and then said, “No problem, I can give you the same pill. I

will be refining them when I am free in the evening!”

Upon hearing this, Venus smiled and said excitedly, “This is what you’ve said, so don’t regret it!”

“Well, if I, jackie White have spoken, then I will naturally keep my word!”

jackie nodded and heard the roar of a beast in the distance, and then said, “Okay, well let’s hurry up and

divide the weapons as well and leave this place, to prevent any unnecessary trouble should any beasts

come here.”

“Good, good, one and a half!”

Not to mention how happy Venus was. She has been in the middle stage of the True God Realm for

some time. If jackie could really give her a first grade premium pill, she will definitely be able to break

through to the later stage of the True God Realm sooner. It is not so easy to break through, but if there is

such a pill, then it will be more effective in breaking through.

After all, the advantage of this pill is that the energy in it is very pure and not to mention, there are not

many impurities. At the critical moment of the breakthrough, it can help complete the breakthrough in one

go, and can continue to provide a steady stream of spiritual support.

And if there is no pill, at least some second-grade low-level or even second-grade intermediate-level

spiritual grass is needed, and more than one spirit grass. At least several spiritual grasses, plus some

first-grade high-level spiritual grass are needed in preparation to breakthrough.

If the spirit grass is used directly, the effect is not as good as that of using the pill. Because the energy in

the spirit grass is not only less pure than the energy in the pill, but there is not much energy in it. When

preparing to break through, the energy of a spiritual grass may not last long before it is used up. You may

need to use a second spiritual grass to replenish the energy immediately before you can continue to

attack the cultivation base.

In this way, it is possible that when replacing the spirit grass, the mind is more likely to be affected, thus

leading to the failure of the cultivation impact. If one was unlucky, the effects may then also be reversed,

causing heavy injuries to one. Iit is necessary to recuperate for a period of time, fully adjusting the mind,

before continuing to try the next breakthrough.

Some people have good talents, but after their cultivation in the middle of the True God Realm, they

have failed to attack the cultivation several times in a row, and they may even leave a psychological

shadow that lasts for more than ten years, and even at the end of their old age, they can’t go any further.

Chapter 1359

Of course for some people, it is because of poor talents, and there is really a bottleneck. There is no way.

“Okay, let’s go! Remember, from now on the people of the Cabello family and the White family will be in

the same family, you know? If you meet again, don’t have any disputes!” After finishing, Venus waved

her hand and said to the other Cabello family masters.

After jackie listened to it, his heart felt warm. He hoped that through this competition, the relationship

between the two families would get better and better. At least, the three sisters of the Cabello family no

longer hate them, as long as they are in the future. It couldn’t be better to say good things in front of


Soon, jackie and others left.

And not long after, the second young master of the Hunt family came here with several people from the

Hunt family.

“No, it’s Oswald and the others! My God, Oswald and Yale, they were both in the middle of the True God

Realm cultivation base, they were actually killed?”

Looking at the already cold body on the ground, the Hunt family members were shocked. There were a

lot of Hunt family members who died here, and their cultivation bases were very good. I didn’t know who

they were, but someone actually killed them.

“From the situation of these corpses, the fighting here was not only very fierce, but it should be Oswald

and Yale who united the masters of the Lagorio family and besieged the people of the Cabello family

together! It’s just, unexpectedly, they were not the opponent of the other party.”

After Chet carefully looked at the surrounding situation, he said with great certainty: “Among the people

of the Cabello family, those who can kill Oswald and the others, there is only one person!”

The man from the Hunt family nodded immediately: “Yes, only Helena the eldest of the Cabello family.

Venus’s combat effectiveness is also good, but there is no chance to kill Oswald and Yale. Moreover,

This Lagorio family’s master was also in the middle of the True God Realm. At the same time, they killed

three people in the middle of the True God Realm. Only Helena could have done this!” Chet’s expression

sank, “There is no monster here yet. Come here, this shows that they shouldn’t have left very long ago.

Let’s go, let’s rush to the depths of the forest to see if we can catch them!”

At this point, Chet clenched his fists tightly again: “This Helena, it seems that after escaping the last time,

she started to kill our Hunt family. It’s better not to let me meet her, otherwise, I will show her the

consequences for fighting with our Hunt family!”

The masters of the Cabello family obviously became very enthusiastic about jackie, and they would listen

to jackie’s words one by one. Even Venus, after jackie saved her life twice, There was no resistance to

jackie either.

At night, everyone found a relatively large cave to sleep in, and jackie again took out the materials used

to refine the pill last night, preparing to refine the pill.

” jackie is going to make pills, try not to speak, let him concentrate on alchemy!”

Venus saw jackie take out the alchemy furnace, and she was slightly happy. If jackie succeeded this

time, then this one jackie would definitely give her the pill.

When she thought that she was about to get a first grade premium pill, Venus was full of expectations.

Chapter 1360

“Awesome, I can witness the handsome man refining alchemy!” A young girl whispered to another girl

next to her, and looked at jackie’s eyes full of worship.

“Yeah, this is very rare!” The other smiled and said softly, fearing to disturb jackie.

“The entrance of this cave is a bit big, so it’s easier to be discovered!”

Venus looked at the entrance of the cave, but she frowned, feeling a little worried.

However, she believes that her Cabello family is one of the Eight Shadow Families, and it is still a

relatively advanced family. Among the families who came to participate in the competition this time, there

is not much that can scare them, as long as it is not too bad for luck,there should be no problem.

As time passed, jackie’s alchemy speed this time was obviously much faster than when he made this pill

for the first time.

After all, with the last successful experience, this time, his confidence is a lot more than before, and he is

more familiar with refining the pill.

“It should be coming soon, it seems to have begun to form. I saw the First Elder refining a pill once!”

Venus looked back at jackie again, and she was relieved. She believes that it will only take a while. If no

one comes to bother jackie, you will know if you can succeed at that time. Judging from jackie’s

expression now, it seems that there is still a great chance of success. jackie’s face is very plain, and

everything seems very good.

“Hey, there is a cave here, go, let’s spend the night here tonight!”

However, what Venus did not expect was that at this moment, a man’s voice came from outside the cave.

“Okay, cousin, the entrance of this cave is quite big, hehe, it should be enough for us to live for one


The voice of another woman rang quickly, followed by the chatting of several men. Obviously, there

seemed to be a lot of people who came this time.

Venus’s face sank, and at this time, Daniella also stood up and came to her side with a solemn


“Second sister, what should I do?”

Daniella asked softly.

“What else, go out and see who it is!”

Venus smiled bitterly, and walked out with Daniella and several masters from the Cabello family.

When the two of them came to the entrance of the cave, the group had already arrived not far away.

When Venus saw it, she sighed with relief. It turned out that she was just a master from a third-class

family, and these people were obviously not a threat to them.

“Oh, Master, no, there are people inside, but they are still from the Cabello family! It’s over!” When a fat

man saw that Venus and others came out, he was very scared and hurriedly siad this as he back away

These are only the masters of a third-class family, and those with the highest cultivation level are barely

able to have a master in the demi-god realm late stage, not even a person at the top of the demi-god

realm, let alone True God Realm early stage.

Therefore, when they saw that they belonged to the Cabello family, all their faces turned pale, and they

immediately took a few steps back from fear.

“Everyone, we, we were robbed of our tokens by the Hunt family before, and now we have no more

tokens. I hope you can let us go!”

Chapter 1361

The man who was leading the group was equally frightened. They were afraid of such an encounter with

martial practitioners of true god-level ability. The heads on their necks depended on the mood of the

stronger fighters. If the stronger ones were unhappy, the weaker ones had to say goodbye to their heads.

They truly did not expect to meet strong masters from the Cabello family this late at night.

Venus shot the other party glances before saying, “Leave the place and find another site to stay!”

“Thank you so much, Second Young Mistress Cabello!”

These men before the Cabellos let out a sigh of relief in their hearts and quickly left the scene.

“Sigh. They’re really unlucky to run into the Second Young Master of the Hunt family. The tokens that

they’ve worked so hard to get the past few days were snatched away just like that! In a blink of an eye!”

Daniella expressed her thoughts as she saw the other party left the cave.

“They’re considered fortunate that the Second Young Master Hunt did not take their lives. Their family

has not offended any other families, they’re good. But the reality is cruel. If the Second Young Master

Hunt was in a bad mood, I’m afraid that they will no longer be alive!”

“Hahaha, it’s been a long time!”

Venus’s expression morphed into one of horrified shock in the next second.

At this moment, a cheerful yet sinister laugh shot through the air in the cave. The Second Young Master

Hunt and several of his men strode toward the direction of the cave from the woods not far away. He

looked at Venus and the others smilingly.

“What the heck! Aren’t we too unfortunate? jackie is in the most critical moment in creating the pill right

now and he’s gotten nearer and nearer to the end. If he’s disturbed, I think everything will be ruined!”

Daniella’s forehead creased as she spoke to Venus. Concerns and worries were all written on her face.

Venus’s expression hardened. “His martial status is the same as mine. I’ll try to hold him up for a while,

and we’ll have to put our bet on jackie. See if he can succeed.” She added.

“Okay. You’ve never fought him before, and I heard that his fighting prowess is very strong and powerful.

Second Sis, you have to be extra careful!”

Daniella pressed her lips together and the lines between her brows grew deeper. She was worried for


“Don’t worry. I’ll be careful!”

Venus replied in a gentle voice.

“Oh my little beauties, what are you muttering over there? Hmm?”

The Second Young Master Hunt stopped not far away and waved his hand, while his men dispersed and

surrounded the cave in formation.

The masters of the Cabello family who were inside the cave came to the entrance immediately when

they heard sounds coming from outside.

Their faces blanched and turned unsightly when they found out that the other party was the Hunt family.

“Nah, nothing worth your attention. Second Young Master Hunt, it’s really been a long time! How’re you

doing lately?”

Venus flashed an awkward smile. This was the first time she met the Second Young Master Hunt since

the competition started. She was clueless to the fact that the current Second Young Master Hunt was no

longer lingering around the intermediate stage of the true god realm and has broken through to the late

stage of the true god realm. His combat prowess was a few times stronger than Helena who was already

at the late stage of true god realms for several years.

Nonetheless, the Second Young Master Hunt did not know Venus intended to stall him. He simply

thought that Venus and the others had already fallen into his grips and were trapped. “Well, I’m doing

quite well lately. We’re the Hunt family, you know, many of those people from what second-class or third-

class families surrender their tokens the second they see me. I don’t even have to fight them! Haha!” he

said slowly.

He then stretched his back and added in a prideful tone, “Sigh! It’s really amazing to have high combat

prowess and martial status. Everything will be smooth sailing and effortless for me. And such a

tournament, for someone like me, actually means nothing!”

Chapter 1362

“What do you mean by it means nothing? Would you mind elaborating?”

Venus asked deliberately to hold him up and create more time for jackie.

“Heh, it’s not that simple? Those fighters from the second and third-class families can only surrender

their tokens to me when they meet me. I don’t even have to fight for it and the tokens are already in my

hands. There are not many that can defeat me, even your sister is no match for me! Well, except for my

brother, I don’t think there’s anyone else on this earth that can defeat me. Was I clear enough?”

Chet chortled and added, “I’m definitely in the top three in the tournament this time. And based on the

overall result, the Hunt family is definitely number one!”

“You’re a little overconfident, aren’t you? I don’t think my sister is weaker than you!”

Venus sneered. Hints of contempt formed in her eyes.

“Heh, you’re not informed, are you? Your sister was almost captured alive by me before. If it wasn’t for

that b*stard jackie, who took advantage of my inattention and fled with your sister, she’d have become

my woman by now! Hmph!”

The Second Young Master Hunt snorted coldly. He rubbed his chin and looked at both Venus and

Daniella in front of him. “But well, God is fair to me. Your sis has indeed gotten away from my grip, but

now God has sent both of you to me. Hehe! It’s going to be even more fun this time around!” he

expressed playfully.

Venus did not expect Chet to be such a b*stard and shamelessly spill those words. “Oh wow, I initially

thought that since you have excellent talent and exceptional alchemy skill, you would be a decent

gentleman! I truly didn’t expect that the Second Young Master of the legendary Hunt family to be such a

brazen and shameless jerk!”

“A decent gentleman? Heh!”

Chet laughed out loud after hearing Venus’s words. “Is being a decent gentleman worthwhile? In the

past, I was very conscious of my image and reputation, wanting to become a ‘decent gentleman’ in your

eyes, but what has it brought me? In the end, I’m only a fool who was neglected by the three of you!”

The more Chet expressed his feeling, the more agitated he became. “On the contrary, I found that this

time the tournament is really tailor-made for me! I don’t have to take into account your feelings. Whoever

I want to kill, I will kill, whoever I want to violate, I will violate, including you, the legendary Three Golden

Flowers of the Cabello family! Gentleman? Decent man? Bullsh*t! You’ll not fall in love with me even if

I’m decent! You dislike my ugliness, and my fattiness, don’t you?”

“Funny. We won’t like someone like you, even if you’re good-looking!”

Daniella rolled her eyes at the other party and countered without giving face to the other party.

“Hmph, you don’t like me, right? It’s alright. I’ll make you like me in a moment!”

The Second Young Master Hunt grunted coldly. He clenched his fists and a layer of chi energy formed

around his fists. The chi energy was vibrating aggressively around his fists.

Venus, on the other hand, was tongue-tied at the situation. She initially planned to hold him up for a

while, hence she deliberately asked questions to take Chet for a conversational stroll. But, one sentence

from Daniella had completely agreed with the beast inside Chet.

“Daniella, why did you provoke him!”

Venus expressed her dissatisfaction. She was left with no other way but to step forward with gritted teeth

and clenched fists. The chi energy surrounded her clenched fists as well. “I hope I can hold him up for a

little longer,” she said

Daniella only then realized her mistake. Her words caused her and the others the trouble that she could

not imagine. She was rendered speechless. She could only ball her fists and enclosed them with chi

energy and stood beside her sister. “Venus, this fella is way too powerful. You would find it difficult to fight

him alone. We’ve to join forces together to fight him. Besides, we don’t know about the incident that

involved Helena, not sure if he was bragging or if it was true!”

“Alright, your martial status is not low, we shall fight together!”

Venus nodded. The two exchanged glances and charged toward Chet in a flash.

Chapter 1363 Both of the Cabellos were fast; one charged toward Chet on the left, and another on the

right. They arrived in front of Chet within seconds and punched their fists out at him in anger.

“Hmph. Trying to stall me?”

Chet frowned and then laughed sinisterly. “Seriously, I don’t know what would be the use of you guys

holding me up. Haha! You’ll still be my spoils of war in the end, sooner or later!”

In just a blink of an eye, he took advantage of the gap where Venus was slightly faster than Daniella and

instantly blasted two punches toward the ladies.

Two loud thud sounds pierced through the air, and in the next second, Venus has blasted several meters

away, only then she managed to stabilize her body and landed on the ground.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

However, Daniella—whose martial status was only at the early stage of the true god realm—was blasted

several feet away, and after falling onto the ground, mouthfuls of blood gushed out of her mouth. Her

face blanched in an instant.


Venus looked in the direction of Daniella, her eyebrows knitted together. “You…you’re already at the late

stage of the true god realm?” She stared at Chet with a solemn yet intense expression.

“Haha! I was a fan of procrastination and didn’t fancy training and practicing my martial arts. And I still

broke through to the middle stage of the true god realm in no time. But this time, to make sure the Three

Golden Flowers would be no match for me, I specially trained a little harder before the tournament and

broke through to the late stage of the true god realm! So now, not to mention your sister who obviously is

not my opponent, even if the three of you join forces together, you guys are still no match for me!”

Chet laughed hard and then sneered with a playful expression, “The reason why I want to break through

so badly is because I want to make sure I can own the three of you. So that you’ll know that I, Chet Hunt,

the Second Young Master of the legendary Hunt family, is not someone you can mess with!”

“Shameless b*stard!”

Anger rose in Venus like a tide as she listened to his words. She stared deadly at the other party with

malice and hatred; she did not at all see this coming, that this Young Master Hunt was a shameless


“Shameless b*stard?”

Chet chuckled loud again. “What’s so shameless about me? Even if I kill all the masters of the Cabello

family, it’s still within the rules of the tournament. But, I won’t kill you now, I still want to have some fun

with you. I’ll keep you with me, and when we go out to public places, I’ll show everyone that the Three

Golden Flowers are my women!”

Chet’s eyes were covered with madness. “If the three of you carried my babies in the future, that would

be even better! Maybe, by that time, each of you heavily pregnant with a baby belly will beg me to marry


“Dream on! Even if I die, I won’t marry you!”

Fury vibrated through Venus’s whole being. Chet used to have a decent image and reputation.

Unexpectedly, he completely tore off his disguise in the midst of this tournament.

Venus clenched her fists and the chi energy once again desperately gushed out and enclosed her fists.

She then blasted out a punch toward Chet.

A huge fist-shape chi energy soon appeared before Venus. She shot out an incomparably solid fist-

shape chi energy—that was taller and wider than a man—toward Chet. The chi attack carried thick and

harsh chi energy, heading straight for Chet.

Chapter 1364 “Heh? Just this?”

When Chet looked at this martial technique, a cold smile formed on his face. “What makes you think that

a first-grade premium level yet basic technique would earn you the win? You’re using a technique that

people of second-class families uses!”

Chet recognized this martial technique at first glance. It was an elementary technique. He then clenched

his fist and enclosed it with chi energy and blasted out with a single punch.

In front of him, a larger fist-shape chi attack was formed and the attack seemed even more solid than the

attack that Venus had just blasted out.

A huge thud sounded. Venus’s attack was easily countered by the other party, even, the other party had

cast a more powerful chi attack. Waves of chi energy headed straight toward Venus and blasted her a

few meters away. She could taste the bittersweet in her throat, and the next second, mouthfuls of blood

spewed out of her mouth.

“I’m getting bored. Let’s end this!”

Chet, once again, let out a cold smile and slapped out another punch.

This time, an even larger palm-shaped chi attack flew out of his palm. The air around the attack vibrated

vigorously and the leaves on the trees nearby had fallen due to the strong air vibration. Leaves and dust

began to dance with the wind resulting from the chi energy. The attack was more terrifying than the

previous one.

In facing the frightening chi attack, Venus’s eyes were filled with a grave and solemn look. She then

flipped her palm and drew out a precious sword, and began to inject her chi energy into the sword.


Venus let out a soft cry and swung her sword. A semi-circular blade was shot out and headed straight for

the palm-shaped chi attack. The blade attack carried unrelenting chi energy.

“Heh? A second-grade martial technique? From the looks of it, it should be a second-grade elementary


On the opposite side, Chet’s eyes slightly lit up at the blade attack in front of him. “This martial skill is not

bad. And you made it seem terrifying too. Good job! But, it’s nothing in front of me. You’re still too naïve

to hope that this kind of attack could counter my attack!”

Just before Chet’s words fell, the attacks from both sides once again collided with a deafening sound,

causing the masters of the Hunt family—who stood not far away—to stumble a few steps back. The

clash between the two powerhouses, allowing them to, once again, witness the strength of the top three

of the shadow families.

The huge palm-shaped chi attack was naturalized a lot by the blade attack, however, the blade attack by

Venus was obviously not solid and strong enough to hold back Chet’s attack. Chet’s attack had slowly

devoured every bit of Venus’s attack.

“Dammit! He’s too powerful! We’re simply not his opponent. He’s completely at a different level!”

Venus’s face turned even more unsightly at the realization. Beads of sweat were dripping down from her


In order to make her attack a little more powerful, she had actually injected some of her mental strength

into it, so that her attack could be stronger and more solid.

Nonetheless, if her attack was destroyed, she would also suffer severe injury.


Sure enough, Venus’s sword aura was completely destroyed by Chet. She spurted out plenty of blood.

Chet’s palm-shaped chi attack was only neutralized by a little. With the remaining chi attack, it continued

to rush forward and was about to land on Venus’s tiny body.

“It’s over. I’ll be seriously injured this time!”

Venus could not help but smile bitterly at the situation before her. The other party was already at the late

stage of the true god realm. The thickness and powerfulness of his chi energy was nothing she could

compare with.

Chapter 1365 Not to mention that Chet was the prodigy among the masters. The technique he used was

a high-level technique of the Hunt family. Venus was no match at all.

Nevertheless, a dark silhouette bolted out from the cave within milliseconds at that moment and stood in

front of Venus. A sword aura was cast out toward the front.

The sword aura appeared and landed directly on top of the palm-shaped chi attack. The two chi attacks

clashed wildly together, and in the end, they neutralized and canceled each other out.

“ jackie! You’ve done refining the pill? That’s great!”

Seeing that it was jackie who blocked Venus, Daniella’s spirits flew high, at the same time, the boulder in

her heart was lifted. She had seen jackie’s combat prowess with her own eyes. He was so much stronger

than her second sister—Venus.

“Yup, the pill is completed. Thanks for helping me to earn some time. I was about to succeed, and if I

was interrupted, everything would be ruined and I’d have to restart the whole process!”

jackie bobbed his head and then looked at Venus who was behind his back. “Leave it to me!”

“You, alone? Are you sure you can defeat him? Why don’t I join forces with you and perhaps we have a

chance to win that way!”

Venus was a little concerned.

Without responding to Venus, jackie flipped his palm and took out a healing pill for Venus. “Retreat to the

cave. This fatty sc*mbag, I’ve long wanted to teach him a lesson, and this time there are no intervening

factors; no one else is here. I won’t let him off the hook again this time!”

“Tch, tch! Who else can that be? Of course, the b*stard jackie is here. Last time I let you get away with

Helena. Today, God sent you to me again, I won’t let you have the chance to escape anymore!”

Once Chet saw that the dark figure was jackie, he started to laugh coldly. Then he wheeled his head to

face Daniella and Venus, “Oh, now I get it. You two were trying to earn some time for this bstard, right?

Waiting for him to finish refining the pill and come out to rescue you! Hehehe! What a bunch of naïve

toddlers. This bstard escaped with your sister from me! Do you think he could save you when he was the


“I believe in jackie!”

However, Venus stepped forward and voiced her faith. “Hmmm. What’s that name again? Oswald?

Oswald Hunt? Wasn’t he killed by jackie in a blink of an eye?”

“You killed him?”

The Second Young Master Hunt was taken aback by the new piece of information. He was surprised.

“Right, I forgot, that you were able to rescue Helena right under my nose, so your combat prowess

should be similar to Helena’s. It looks like you’ve also broken through to the late stage of the true god


Chet halted before continuing, “But, even if you’ve broken through to the late stage of the true god realm,

that’s of no use too. Helena is in this realm and she’s considered as one of the tops and yet she is no

match at all!”

“I didn’t kill you last time because, first, I don’t want to offend the Hunt family, and second, I sensed two

unfamiliar auras hiding under the shadow that time. If I were to kill you that time, they’d have fled

immediately and reported to their masters. Then, when the tournament was over, everybody would know

that I killed you. That’d be bad!”

jackie responded with an emotionless face. “But now there are no outsiders here, and the things you’ve

done recently have made me set my mind to kill you!”

“Wow, set your mind to kill him? Brat, aren’t you a little bit too arrogant? The strength and power of our

Second Young Master is not something you can be compared with!”

A master of the Hunt family—who was standing aside—sneered and had his arms clasped before his

chest, as though he was hearing the biggest joke ever.

“That’s right, our Second Young Master Hunt’s talent is so powerful that even the First Young Master has

to be careful with him! It’s just that he was slacking before and didn’t really like to train. Otherwise, he’d

have become the youngest person to have reached the peak of the true god realm!”

Another young female genius chimed in, likewise, she worshipped and admired the Second Young

Master Hunt immensely.

“Brat, come on. You won’t be able to get away this time!”

Chet stretched out his hand, the chi energy on it began to surge incessantly. The chi energy on his body

also dispersed and blended into the surrounding, making the leaves under his feet flew and fluttered

around him.

Chapter 1366 “What a strong aura! Can Young Master jackie take it?” Several young people from the

Cabello family started worrying for jackie after they felt the Second Young Master Hunt’s strength.

“There’s nothing to worry about. We’ve witnessed Young Master jackie’s combat power before this!” said

the several women who adored jackie, confidently so. “Their strength must be comparable even if he

can’t win. By then, there would still be time for us to escape. Anyway, it wouldn’t be an issue if Young

Master jackie took action!”

“Tiger Roaring Fist!” came Second Young Master Hunt’s roar, fists balled tightly as he punched toward

the person in front of him.

“Roar!” The sound of a terrifying tiger roar could be heard following his punch. A tiger accumulated by his

Chi appeared in front of him.

The realistic tiger seemed to stand a few meters tall as it carried itself like the king of the jungle.

“Oh my god!” Face contorted in horror, Daniella yelled to the rest, “Everybody, back off!”

Members of the Hunt family were also startled by this. They traveled some distance away as they were

afraid of getting hurt in the fight.

“Young man, do you know how strong I am right now?” Second Young Master Hunt smiled coldly. “I’ve

already connected my mental strength with this attack so that its power can be maximized to the

strongest level. This is all to end you, right here, right now!”

“Let’s see if you’re capable of that!” jackie curled his hands into fists and also punched forward. A light-

blue color dragon took to the air as a frightening dragon’s sound could be heard.

This dragon seemed to be equally shocking. The dragon seemed lifelike in appearance as its whiskers,

talons, and scales could be made out clearly.

“What the f*ck?! This martial skill is quite strong!” Daniella’s eyes lit up when she saw this. “Is this the

Tiger Dragon Fight? Where did jackie get this martial skill from? He’s impossible; this is a second-grade

intermediate martial skill!”

“Seems like you’re strong enough to stand against me, young man!” Second Young Master Hunt’s

fighting spirit was also ignited. “You’re a surprise in this competition. It looks like you’ve broken through

and achieved the final stages of the true-god level. It’s impossible for you to carry out such a powerful

attack if you hadn’t! You’ve broken through, so it’s no surprise you dare fight me!”

jackie was speechless. “Let me show you my fighting prowess!”

jackie slowly released his suppressed aura after he spoke. For the first time, the aura of his body and his

vibration that he hid well for so long was released.

“I—Impossible!” Second Young Master Hunt shook his head continuously when he felt that jackie’s aura

was much stronger than his. “Based on your vibration, you still have the fighting prowess of an

intermediate stage at the true god level, but your aura has already achieved the final stage, maybe even

the peak stage of the true-god level. What… What martial art technique did you train yourself with?”

“Haha… I don’t think there’s a need to explain that to you!” jackie laughed, no longer bothering to

continue. With a wave of his hand, the dragon flew to the sky before rushing down at the tiger.


Second Young Master Hunt also waved his hand and the tiger in front of him rushed forward.

Both animals immediately crashed onto each other.

“Die!” Second Young Master Hunt gritted his teeth as he looked forward in hatred. He had tightly

connected his mental strength with the tiger.

jackie could also feel how strong Second Young Master Hunt’s combat power was. If that was not the

case, Helena, who was already in the final stage of the true-god level, could not have lost to him.
