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No.1 Supreme Warrior by Moneto

Chapter 100 – 150
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Chapter 101

After Sonia made the announcement, she went straight to the corridor outside and made the call.

Another female employee who had a good relationship with her came up to her after she hung up the


“Supervisor, you have been working hard for the Drake family for several years. How could they not give

you credit for your hard work? Shouldn’t you be promoted to a manager already? The company had a

vacancy for the Procurement Manager, but that was not a good enough reason to make Selena one,

right?” The female employee remarked after she joined Sonia.

Sonia was very angry as the employee had just spoken what was on her mind. Her face turned ugly

because of the rage that was boiling within her.

She tried her very best to force a smile. “Sigh, well, she is very capable and she was recruited by Miss

Tanya. The General Manager said that she was appointed by Miss Tanya personally. Besides, Selena

was already showing her ability as a strong career lady back then when she was part of the Taylor


“F*ck it. I heard that she was kicked out of the Taylor family five years ago. Someone saw her picking up

trash to sell. I don’t know what made Miss Tanya see her.”

The employee was also angry. “Think about it, you have spent your youth for this company. If the woman

hadn’t appeared out of nowhere suddenly, you would have been made the manager! Even if she were to

join the company, she should start as a supervisor and you as the manager!”

Sonia bit her teeth and mocked. “Huh, let’s see how long she can remain in this position. If she doesn’t

do well, she will have to be dismissed sooner or later!”

Having said that, she looked around and then whispered to the female employee. “Felicia, let me tell you

this. The manager told me to help her arrange for dinner tonight. She probably just wanted me to inform

everyone about the dinner this evening!”

Felicia was not stupid. She exclaimed immediately. “So, she did not say that we are going to that hotel?”

“Well, she didn’t say that she would treat us to the karaoke either but she was to be blamed for giving a

vague instruction. I assume she told me to arrange for everything, including making the appointment at

the hotel!”

Sonia gave an insouciant shrug and then smirked. “Huh, since you knew that she was kicked out of the

Taylor family before, and some people even saw her picking up trash to sell, she must not have a lot of

money. Perhaps she might have difficulties forking out one thousand dollars. The private room that I

have made a booking for has a minimum spending of two hundred thousand dollars. I want her to make

her a fool of herself in front of everyone.”

Felicia gasped and yelped in surprise. “You, aren’t you taking it too far? That’s a lot of money. What will

happen if she gets angry before we even start singing? Will you be in trouble? Besides, she might not

turn up at all if she knew how expensive it is!”

“if she doesn’t turn up, she would be abashed. Dozens of colleagues are watching her. Moreover, I told

everyone just now that she wanted to go to the best hotel. If we end up eating at some cheap roadside

stalls, our colleagues will be disappointed. Do you think they will work hard for her in the future?

Furthermore, she can’t put the blame on me. If she does, I will blame her instead for not giving clear

instructions. All she said to me was to make the arrangements for me!”

Sonia smiled derisively. “If she embarrasses herself on the first day at work and makes the employees in

the company unhappy and dissatisfied with her, there will be conflicts in the future. Also, I, the

supervisor, do not cooperate well with her. In that case, she might have to vacate her position within a


“Supervisor, don’t worry. I will be on your side! I will speak up for you!” After that, Felicia asked, “By the

way, supervisor, I heard that this new manager is being paid a high salary!”

Chapter 102

“Very high? Isn’t it the same as the previous manager? Did she not get a monthly salary of one hundred

thousand dollars? Added with various subsidies, she probably gets a total of one hundred and seventy

thousand dollars, no?” Sonia frowned. She was slightly surprised.

“I heard that it’s not the same. If I am not mistaken, her salary is one million dollars a month with a year-

end bonus!” The female employee called Felicia said, “I don’t know why she gets such a high salary. This

is outrageous, don’t you think so? I can understand if she is a relative of the Drake family, but she is not!

I think it is good enough for her to be appointed as the manager. There is no need to pay her such a high


Sonia was nervous just thinking about it. If she became the manager, would she be paid with such a high

salary? She was a distant relative of the Drake family, after all. The thought of her being made the

manager had Selena not joined the company circulated her mind. She was not able to stay calm the

entire afternoon. Soon, it was time to get off work. Selena, too, walked out of the office.

“Everyone, today is my first day at work in the company. In order to forge our friendship, I have planned

to take everyone out for dinner tonight. Has supervisor Sonia notified everyone?” Selena asked

cheerfully after walking out of the door.

There were not many employees, around twenty to thirty people. She estimated that it would cost her

several thousand dollars at least. Although that was distressing for Selena, who had been in poverty for

five years, she thought it was no big deal when she was reminded of her monthly income of a million


“Thank you, manager. You are so kind to us. I have never been to a six-star hotel in my life!”

A female employee who was extremely excited, said, “Unexpectedly, I have given my first time to the


“Alas! You have a kid already. How could this be your first time?” A male employee next to her joked.

“I meant the first time to a six-star hotel. What a dirty mind you have. Besides, the manager is not a


The female employee grinned and said, “I am excited just thinking about going for a karaoke session at

the high-end KTV after dinner!”

“Six-star hotel? High-end KTV?” Selena furrowed her brows upon hearing that. She told Sonya to inform

everyone to leave work early instead of working overtime.

However, it seemed that Sonya had taken it upon herself to tell everyone about the extravagant night


“Yes, didn’t you let the supervisor inform everyone about it?”

An older employee with slightly grey hair frowned. “No?”

Sonia, who was by the side, smirked. She was eager to see how Selena wanted to do about it.

If she claimed that it was a mistake, everyone would be left disappointed and even feel that Selena

pulled a trick on them. They would not cooperate well with her in the future at work. Besides, that would

be her first impression for everyone. The first impression had always been important. Selena was not

naive. She shot a side glance at Sonia and she knew what was going on. It seemed that someone was

not very happy about her being the manager.

“Is the private room booked?” Selena asked the other party quizzically.

Chapter 103

“Yeah, didn’t you tell me to arrange for it? I have arranged for a relatively popular private room, the

minimum spending is only two hundred thousand dollars!”

“I have heard that as the manager, your monthly salary is one million dollars. You should be fine with it,

right?” Sonia said with a bright grin.

“No way! The manager’s salary is that high?”

“Oh dear, did you book a private room? The manager is really kind to us. The minimum spending is two

hundred thousand dollars!”

The other employees were all enlivened, some female employees were jumping with excitement.

Judging from the situation, Selena was overcome with a ghastly feeling which reflected on her face. Two

hundred thousand dollars as minimum spending. They would probably spend more than that for dinner.

Besides, it was still uncertain how much they would be spending for the karaoke session.

She was furious and felt like giving an earful to Sonia. It was disgusting of that woman to have decided

on Selena’s behalf without consulting her. Unfortunately, she could not do so. She knew well that Sonia

was an old-timer and also a supervisor. She might have a few confidantes around. Had Selena scolded

Sonia, it would not bring any benefit to Selena at all.

If they were to go to an ordinary restaurant, everyone would be deeply disappointed and even start

calling her stingy. Therefore, she could not say that Sonia made a mistake either. It would not set things

right for her.

“What’s wrong? Manager, didn’t you ask me to arrange for it? Is there something wrong?”

Seeing that Selena had not said a word for a long time, Sonia was happy with herself.

Selena got herself together quickly and then smiled as if she was unperturbed. “The Dynasty Hotel,

right? Let’s go, it’s still early. I’ll give everyone two hours to go home and get changed or dress up. You

can go back and get ready now!”

“Yeah! Great! Long live the manager!” The female employee that had the most exciting reaction before,

shouted immediately.

“The manager is so generous. She is taking us to a six-star hotel for dinner. I have not met a leader like

this in my life!”

“Yes, it’s the first time I have encountered such a good leader!”

The employees left for their homes one by one in excitement. They all agreed to gather at the hotel


Sonia, who stood by the side was completely stunned. She had never expected Selena to agree to it.

The woman had not been working for five years, someone even saw her picking up trash before. They

would probably need three to four hundred thousand dollars for the entertainment tonight. Can she afford

that much money?

“What’s wrong? Supervisor, don’t you want to go back and put on makeup or something?”

Selena saw that Sonia was still standing there. She could not help but jeered in her heart and asked.

“Oh, I…I will go now!” Sonia replied and then left with the others.

“Supervisor, what’s up? This woman actually agreed! Does she have that much money?”

As soon as Sonia walked out of the company, Felicia stepped forward eagerly to gossip.

“I’m also surprised. Does she have so much money? Even if her monthly salary is one million dollars,

she hasn’t been paid, has she? Where the hell does she get so much money from?”

Sonia knitted her brows together. “This woman is cunning. She must have known that I deliberately did

that to embarrass her, so she didn’t want to give in. She played along to win the hearts of the people.”

“Yeah, if she had said that she did not ask you to book a six-star hotel, or told you to find a new place for

dinner, the other employees would definitely be unhappy. She is very smart to have agreed to it as if

nothing happened. She is not easy to deal with!”

Chapter 104

Selena plodded out of the company after the others had left, a sour expression on her face all the while.

She only had 100,000 dollars with her, but the dinner and karaoke could easily cost her over 300,000.

She felt the pinch on her. However, Selena had no other choice. Had she allowed Sonia to succeed, she

would have a miserable time at the company in the future. Besides, even if it cost a lot of money, she

was paid quite a hefty salary. As long as she drew her first salary, she would be lifted from the tight

financial situation. She could not think of a better solution after mulling over the thought for a while, so

she decided to call Fiona.

jackie had taken out a million dollars before, after all, and there were roughly 800,000 with Fiona. She

could only take some of it from Fiona first to settle the matter.

“Ma…” Selena called out softly once Fiona answered the call.

“Selena, how are you at work?” Fiona asked anxiously without waiting for Selena to talk more. “Selena,

let me tell you that we have decided that it is best if you divorce jackie. The sooner the better. Perhaps

you should take some time off tomorrow or the day after tomorrow to finalize the divorce papers.

Otherwise, this hothead guy would cause us a lot of trouble…”

Selena was speechless for a while. “Ma, don’t tell me this. I won’t divorce him. Even if he can’t fork out

30 million on Grandpa’s 70th birthday or offer us any gift, I’ll still stay with him!”

“You… Why are you so disobedient? We had become like this today because you didn’t listen to your

grandpa and us. If you had aborted the child, we wouldn’t have ended up like this. Why did I give birth to

such an unfilial daughter? What a miserable life…” Fiona grumbled continuously on the other end of the


Selena was at a loss of words. As she did not want to dwell on the matter any longer, she decided to be

straightforward. “I called you because there’s an emergency, Ma, and I need money. Can you transfer

300,000 to me now?”

“300,000?” As soon as money was mentioned, Fiona’s voice instantly rose by several octaves. “Why do

you need so much money?” she sputtered. “Aren’t you working there to make money? What’s the money

for? Don’t tell me that silly jackie hit someone’s luxury car with his electric scooter!”

Selena was speechless again; she was dumbfounded at her mother’s ridiculous imagination. “Ma, what

nonsense are you talking about here?” she spoke, a bitter smile on her face. “Just transfer me the

money. I need it really fast. It’s my first day at work and I’m appointed as the manager, so I’m taking the

staff in my department out for a meal!”

“Why do you need that much just for a meal? How many people are there in your department? Why do

you need that much money? Don’t you have 100,000 at hand? Isn’t that enough?”

“You must be hiding something from me, right? jackie must be in trouble again. Did someone ask him to

pay up? Tell your mother honestly. What’s going on…” Fiona kept rambling on the other end of the line.

Selena was so angry that she curtly replied, “Ma, can you just transfer it to me now? I’ll pay you back

once I get paid. I’ll give you 100,000 more, alright? Just think of it like I’m borrowing it from you, okay?”

“But how do I transfer it? jackie gave me cash, and I haven’t deposited it in the bank yet. Besides, if you

don’t tell me exactly what you’re going to do with it, I won’t give it to you!”

Chapter 105

Fiona was stubborn. The corners of Selena’s mouth curled into a bitter smile. She bitterly hung up in


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“Hey, Honey. What’s the matter? You look like you’re in a very bad mood on your first day at work!”

Coincidentally, jackie parked his electric scooter in front of her. He took out the ice cream he bought and

gave it to Selena. “The weather is quite hot. It’s still early, so I just drove there and bought two ice


Selena responded to jackie’s gentle smile with a sad one. She took the ice cream and lamented, “ jackie,

I don’t know what to do. I’d just gotten into the company, and I fell for someone’s scheme. What

disappointed me was that when I asked my mother for 300,000 and told her that I’d pay her back when I

get her salary, she refused to lend it to me. She thought that you were in trouble and I wanted the money

to pay up to someone for the trouble you caused.”

jackie felt distressed just by seeing Selena’s dull expression. He stepped forward and smiled faintly.

“Honey, it’s okay. If you need money, just tell your husband. You need 300,000, right? I’ll take you to the

bank and cash out one million. I’ll let you have it so you can feel at ease!”

The moment he finished, however, his face went somber. His fists balled tightly. “Who dares to plot

against you on your first day at work? I’ll kill him! Motherf*cker… How dare he schemed against my

woman? He’s digging his own grave!”

“Can you not do this? Do you want to solve every problem with your fists? And, actually, it’s not a big

deal. She’s been a supervisor for many years, and perhaps she was eager to be promoted as a

manager. Unfortunately, the vacancy was given to me.”

Again, Selena smiled bitterly. She had mixed feelings for jackie. She was mad at him for behaving like a

brash man who wanted to solve everything with his fists. He even threatened to kill the person. What she

loved about the guy, on the other hand, was his sincere care and love for her. She never lacked a sense

of security.

“In that case, I won’t do anything with my fists. You said that you’re short of 300,000. What’s going on?”

jackie asked.

“I was careless. Sonia, the supervisor of our company, has been in the company’s purchasing

department for many years… Unexpectedly, she made a booking for a six-star hotel and karaoke after

dinner. I thought that I should prepare at least 400,000 dollars. I have 100,000 on hand, so I asked my

mother to give me 300,000 dollars. Who would’ve thought…”

Selena confessed the details that happened between her and her mother to jackie. “Hey, if I had only

known, I wouldn’t have agreed to treat them just now,” she continued. “It’s a big deal if I’m embarrassed

or they made it hard for me in the office in the future. Now, we can’t fork out that much money, and I told

them to meet me at the hotel’s entrance, too. This is even more embarrassing.”

“Well, there’s still karaoke after dinner,” jackie replied. “I’m afraid one million dollars might not be enough.

Since you’ve agreed to treat them and told those employees to go home and dress up, let’s prepare two

million for tonight. That Sonia is a motherf*cker. I think she wants to see you embarrassed about not

having enough money.”

After much consideration, jackie was determined. “Let’s go and cash out two million. We’ll show them

what’s money.”

“Two… Two million? Do you still have that much money on your card?” Selena gasped after hearing

jackie. She thought he had emptied out his bonus last time. She did not expect him to have so much

money on his card.

“Honey, get on the scooter. Let’s go get some money. Hold on tight to me!”

jackie patted the seat of his electric scooter and smiled warmly.

“Alright!” Selena’s face flushed. She licked the ice cream she was holding by hand, and her heart was

filled with sweetness and joy.

Chapter 106

Selena’s mouth curled up into a smile as she sat on jackie’s electric scooter. She had waited for five

years for him to come back. He was the first to appear before her when she was going through the most

difficult, helpless time of her life. With the sweet thoughts dancing in her mind, she held the ice cream

with one hand and her free arm wrapped around jackie’s waist deliberately.

Her blush seared through her cheeks. To hide that she was doing that deliberately, she coquettishly

spoke, “Drive slowly. You’re scaring me!”

jackie peeped down at her jade-like white hand; he felt a sense of happiness. He thought they were

moving very slow already.

Soon, the two arrived at a bank’s entrance. jackie then parked his scooter on the road shoulder.

“Let’s go there and buy a big duffel bag. Two million in cash is a lot. If you don’t buy a big bag, I’m afraid

you can’t hold it all!”

jackie smiled and crossed the road together with Selena.

“You… Are you really able to withdraw two million in cash?” Selena looked uneasy; she was not

convinced. It seemed as though jackie might have contributed more than once in the army. Otherwise, it

would be impossible for him to be given three or four million as his bonus.

“If I weren’t so afraid of attracting too much to mention, I can take out a million for you!” He grinned

cheekily at Selena.

“A million? You must be joking!” Selena was not sure whether she should cry or laugh at his joke. This

guy had gotten better and better in bragging.

“Boss, I want to buy a bag!” jackie called out as they entered a small grocery store next to the bank.

“Oh yeah, I want a big one!” The owner of the grocery store was a middle-aged woman. After she

studied both jackie and Selena, she stated, “You’re buying it to keep clothes, aren’t you? Are you

planning to go to work? If you don’t have many clothes, this should be enough.”

jackie frowned at the bag. “I have no idea how much is two million in cash,” he spoke. “I don’t think this is

enough, so let’s just get a larger one!”

“Young man, do you need to brag when you buy this kind of bag? Young people nowadays are really


The middle-aged woman chuckled and turned to Selena. “Young lady, I want to tell you that a young man

like him who likes to brag isn’t very reliable. You have to think carefully. Getting married is a big decision

to make!”

jackie’s face turned dark. Why did he think the woman was a little too nosy for her own good?

Selena could not hold her laughter after she heard that. “Sister, it’s too late. Our kid is already running

around. Otherwise, I’d consider choosing a better husband!”

jackie smirked when he heard the conversation. “Oh, I see. You sure you want to choose? Believe it or

not, I’ll spank you when we get home!”

“Move along. Take this and go put some money in it. I’m older than you, but I’ve yet to get married. You

said your kid is already running around, too. What have I done to deserve this humiliation in broad

daylight?” The middle-aged woman seemed to be slightly over her thirties. She gave a large bag with

floral patterns that workers often use to jackie. “Take this for your cash. I think this must be big enough!”

“How much is it? Forget it, I’ll give you a hundred. Keep the change to comfort your wounded heart!”

jackie thought that the woman was funny, so he threw a hundred in cash to her before turning around

with Selena and left the store.

“You’re really generous!” Selena did not know how to react. “I used to take Kylie out to pick up some

trash. We couldn’t even make a hundred a day!”

Chapter 107

Hearing that, jackie’s heart quivered. He stopped at the bank’s entrance and reached out to caress

Selena’s pretty face. “Don’t worry. I’m back now, and you’ll never suffer anymore. Anyway, your husband

is now someone with social status. I’m also earning 20 million dollars a month now, right?”

Selena’s heart was filled with warmth, and a warm smile graced her lips. “It seems that Miss Tanya didn’t

lie to you. You really got the job!”

“Yes. They had also arranged a room in the villa for me. I can live there if I want to, but I think it’s more

comfortable to sleep in a room with my wife!” jackie smiled as he studied the woman before him.

Through her, he realized that the world was so beautiful.

He would be responsible for her life from then on!

“What are you doing here with a big flowery bag? Are you going in there to pick up the mineral water

bottle? Get out of the way!”

A man who was wearing a gold necklace came over. After that, his eyes traveled down the fair legs

under Selena’s professional work skirt. He exclaimed lecherously. “Tsk, tsk! This woman is pretty good-

looking. How come a trash-picker can find such a beautiful wife?”

jackie gave the guy a cold stare and took Selena straight to the bank.

The man also walked into the bank with a wide smile.

Inside, there were already people standing in lines. Many were sitting on chairs, waiting for their turn.

“There are too many people here. I don’t know how long it’ll take to withdraw the money!” Selena sighed

helplessly at the sight of the big crowd.

“It’ll be fast!” jackie reassured her.

A female employee at the counter saw jackie coming. She went up to him with a huge grin and

enthusiastically ushered, “Oh, Mr. White, you’re here again? Come, come, let’s go into the VIP room. You

and your girlfriend can take a rest there. I’ll be serving you immediately!”

“Wait, he’s just a trash picker. Why are you serving someone like him? What’s going on in your bank?

You should be serving me instead. I’m here to take out a hundred thousand!” The fat guy wearing the

gold necklace patted his beer belly and rose his chin slightly, looking all arrogant.

“I’m the manager here. Even if you’re a VIP, it isn’t my responsibility as a manager to serve you!” The

woman’s face turned cold. “This brother is our VIP customer; a super VIP who withdrew a million the last

time he was here!”

“You weren’t that friendly when I came here the other day,” jackie calmly interjected.

“Hey, it was a misunderstanding. I didn’t expect you to be so rich. Do you really want to withdraw 1


The female manager was flattered. “Dear customer, how much are you taking out this time?” she asked

jackie respectfully.

jackie looked at the bag he was holding. “This bag should be able to hold 2 million in cash, right? I’ll

withdraw 2 million dollars!”

The man next to him was dumbfounded. Someone that could take out 2 million in cash must be a rich

second generation.

“Oh, but of course. Please come this way!” The female manager led the way.

“By the way, I have to correct you. This isn’t my girlfriend; she’s my wife!” jackie was surprised at the

treatment he received. Then, he introduced Selena to the manager.

Chapter 108


The manager was considered a beautiful woman with an attractive figure. To have heard jackie’s

clarification, she was stunned momentarily. She eyed Selena, green with envy. “This young lady is really

lucky to have married such a handsome and rich man. You have nothing to worry about for the rest of

your life!”

She had hoped for a chance to have a relationship with jackie. After all, it was the first time she met such

a wealthy man.

The instant she met Selena, however, she felt inferior on the spot. The woman who stood before her was

much better than her, appearance and temperance-wise.

Once she led jackie and Selena into a private room, the manager went to make a cup of coffee for them

both before helping them with their business.

After a while, a large amount of cash was sent to jackie under the escort of two security guards.

“Help me put them in this bag!” jackie said with a faint smile.

The two security guards were flabbergasted at the sight of the flowery bag. Such an ordinary flowery bag

many wage earners used was given to them to stash away the two million cash. Indeed, rich people

were one-of-a-kind and hard to understand.

“You really took two million out!”

Selena tried lifting the flowery bag in front of her. It felt quite heavy.

After the couple went out, they quickly hopped on the scooter and rode away to the hotel.

“Are there really two million dollars in there?”

Looking at the seemingly heavy bag on the electric scooter, the woman who sold the bag to them

opened her mouth wide in surprise. She wondered if what she saw was correct.

She had seen the couple going into the bank next door with the empty bag, but when they appeared

again, the bag was full and heavy.

She ran to one of the security guards and asked, “Brother, were the two people who walked out just now

carrying money in the bag?”

The security guard rolled his eyes. “Are you talking nonsense? If they’re not here to withdraw money, do

you think they’re here to collect trash?”

“My goodness. It’s unbelievable! I can’t imagine a man who dressed so casually on his electric scooter is

so rich!”

The woman swallowed a big gulp of saliva. She began to doubt her judgment.

Since it was still early, jackie took Selena somewhere for a drink. They spent some time together,

chatting, before heading toward the hotel.

At the plaza outside the hotel, more than 20 employees of the procurement department stood waiting.

All the female employees put effort into dressing up as it was their first time patronizing such a high-end

place. They were very excited; some were sexy, and some were dressed as though they were going to a

ballroom party.

“Why hasn’t the manager arrived? I’m famished!” A female employee mumbled after waiting for a while.

Felicia checked the time. She frowned and went up to Sonia. “Supervisor, how come Selena isn’t here

yet? Maybe she’s not coming because she has no money?”

Sonia was taken aback after hearing Felicia, but she was pleased. “Oh, well. I’ve booked this hotel to

embarrass her. She must be terribly upset and has decided to stand us up!”

“Hey, if this is the case, it’d be good for us!”

Felicia laughed. “Everyone put effort into dressing up for dinner. They’d be pissed if they find out Selena

stood us up.”

“Pfft! I thought she was so smart and rich. It turned out that she was just pulling our legs. Stupid woman!”

“I’d love to see how she handles work in the future!”

Sonya snorted coldly as her eyes gleamed with triumph.

All of a sudden, a male employee spoke aloud: “Oh, she’s here. The manager’s here!”

Chapter 109


“Which car is hers?” someone asked. “Why can’t I see it?”

“The person behind the electric scooter looks like the manager!”

The male employee pointed to the electric scooter slowly approaching the road shoulder.

“My goodness, it’s her! Who’s that man? Surely not her husband, right? There’s a flowery bag in front of

her. Is her husband on his way to work and he dropped her off on his way?”

Felicia was surprised at what she saw. “Could it be? Didn’t you say that the manager’s salary is one

million a month? With such a high salary, why does her husband need to work?”

A male employee frowned at her remark.

“You may not know but she’s the famous beauty, Selena Taylor. She was the one kicked out by the

Taylor Family,” she added. “Her husband must’ve returned from the army!”

“Let me tell you something. Do you know why she rides an electric scooter? It’s because she has no

money. Some time ago, someone saw her with her daughter picking up trash to sell. Who knows how

she landed this million-dollars-a-month job. Besides, isn’t it at least one month away before she is paid

the salary?” Felicia jeered and spilled out what she knew to the other employees.

“It’s impossible that she has no money. If she has no money, why would the manager invite us to a six-

star hotel?”

The male employee concluded after thinking for a while. “I believe the manager must be rich.”

“If she’s rich, why doesn’t she buy a car? Why is she riding an electric scooter?” Felicia was still not


“Hey, what are you talking about? Anyway, it’s the manager’s treat today. It’s her business if she has

money to pay or not. We just need to enjoy the night!” Sonia, who was standing aside, quipped.

After jackie and Selena found a place to park their scooter, they walked over together.

“Let me introduce everyone. He’s my husband, jackie! He just got off work, so he came to pick me up!”

Selena joined the crowd, smiling happily. “I’m really sorry to have kept everyone waiting!”

“Don’t worry, Manager. We just arrived not long ago!” a female employee replied cheerfully.

Sonia smiled at jackie. “This is the manager’s husband. I heard that he used to be a food delivery guy,

right? It was only then he was enlisted on behalf of Young Master Taylor, right?”

Selena’s face darkened, but she managed to force a polite smile. “Wow, Supervisor, you do know a lot of


“Heh, I do know a lot of things. I’ve also heard that our manager used to pick up trash a few days ago.

How come you have suddenly become our manager? What an incredible change!” Sonia mocked. “You

two are such a good match!”

“Manager, she meant it the derogatory way, not the other way around!” Felicia stepped forward and

reminded Selena.

“Is it really? Oh, I’m such a fool. I thought it was a nice way to praise people. I’ve made a fool out of

myself for not learning enough!” Sonia said with a smile.

“Pretty girl, did you brush your teeth today?” jackie rebutted coldly.

“Sure I did. Why?”

“Then why is your mouth so smelly?”

Chapter 110

“You… Why did you say that to me? What’s the matter with you? How low of you to do that!” Sonia was

so angry that her chest was heaving. She did not expect a comeback from jackie.

She was a distant relative of the Drake Family. Everyone in the company knew that. That was the reason

why no one in the company dared to offend her. Even the previous manager had to give her face and

asked her opinions for many decisions. In her opinion, jackie was just a lousy soldier, so he was not

qualified to talk to her like that.

“Oh, sorry, I’m just like you. I didn’t study much, and I’m just a boorish man. I thought I was praising you!”

jackie gave an insouciant shrug as he defended himself.

Many employees chuckled when they heard their exchange. That guy was smart and witty with his


“You…” Sonia was so angry that her face turned blue, yet she was at a loss of words to retaliate. She

could only cross her arms across her chest and glanced at the bag in jackie’s hand. “Why do you bring

such an ugly bag if you’re here to eat? This is a six-star hotel, the best hotel in Eastfield. Don’t you feel

ashamed to go in like this?”

jackie looked down at the bag in his hand. “If it’s embarrassing to carry such a large sack of cash,

wouldn’t it be even more embarrassing if you walk in empty-handed?”

“My goodness. Is this for real? Is it all cash in there?” A male employee was wide-eyed upon hearing


Everyone gasped. If it was cash in the bag, would it be a few million worth of cash in the bag? What a

haughty look! That was an act of a tycoon.

“He was right. It’s all money in here!” Sonia mocked. “If I’m not wrong, it’s the money from gathering

trash you two had done before. Do you plan to go sell it after dinner? If that’s the case, I’m convinced

that it’s money. Maybe ten or twenty dollars worth?”

Sonia paused before turning to Selena. “Manager, your husband is really good at cracking jokes!” she

contemptuously added.

Selena wore a smug look. “Supervisor, I’m sorry to disappoint you, but there’s real money in my

husband’s bag,” she retorted. “We had nothing to carry the cash with, so we bought a bag. We’ll use the

leftover money to play a game with everyone later!”

“No way. Your husband is a soldier! How can he be rich?” Sonia said dubiously. She studied the bag

carefully and tried to trace the outline of the contents. The outline looked neat and did not resemble

bottles or cans.

“A soldier can’t have money? You’ve got long hair, but you’re surely short of knowledge!” jackie smiled as

he glanced around at the crowd. “Let’s go in first. Which private room did you book? Have you ordered

the dishes?”

“The private room isn’t expensive; the minimum spending is only 200,000. Mr. White, do you think it’s

appropriate?” Sonia deliberately increased her tone when she mentioned the price range. She had her

apricot eyes locked on jackie’s face, not wanting to miss his expression.

To her disappointment, jackie was unruffled. “It’s okay! Let’s go!” jackie slung the bag over his shoulder

and led the way into the hotel.

“Let’s go!”

Selena thought it was funny how jackie walked. He looked like a farmworker who was on his way to

work. Unexpectedly, just as jackie was about to step into the hotel, two security officers came right up to


Chapter 111

“Mister, are you looking for someone?” One of the guards asked with a strange expression.

“Mister, this is the Dynasty Hotel, the best hotel in Eastfield. Only the noble and rich patronize this place!”

The other security guard was not as polite. “If you’re here to pick up trash, then I’m afraid it won’t work.

This isn’t the place to do that!”

jackie burst out laughing. “How ridiculous! I’m here for dinner, of course!”

Then, his face instantly went dark. “Get out of my way!”

His being emitted a terrifying aura, and the two security guards were scared witless. They stumbled

several steps backward.

“Can you even afford to dine here?” A man, who happened to be passing by, asked scornfully. “Poor and

rude are the words for people like you!”

After throwing the remark, the rich second generation turned to the two security guards and said, “You

two, it’s better to send him away. People with status like us don’t want to dine with such a lowly person.

He even came in with a woven bag! Wouldn’t it be degrading for the hotel to let him in?”

The two security guards were petrified by jackie. However, after hearing from the man, they felt that he

made sense.

Therefore, one of them stepped forward and said, “Mister, how about you go somewhere else? Your

clothes are indeed—”

“What is it about my clothes? Believe it or not, I’ll whack you if you keep talking nonsense!” jackie’s face


“Tsk. He truly is a dangerous and uncultured person!” scoffed the man. “Do you think people who can

afford to run this hotel are afraid of you? If you dare to make a scene here today, you’ll be in trouble!”

Selena knew jackie had a bad temper. She was afraid that he would start a fight, so she immediately

pulled jackie aside. “Forget it, don’t fight with them!”

Selena then turned to the two security guards. “You two, we’ve booked a private room,” she stated. “We

made a booking for the private room 508! I’m a manager of the Drake Dynasty Real Estate under the

Drake Group! Don’t worry. We have money to dine here!”

As soon as the rich second generation heard her, he gasped in awe. “You…are you from the Drake

Dynasty Real Estate? A manager? Which department are you from?”

The rich second generation was a young master from a third-class aristocratic family similar to the Taylor

Family. He happened to be in the building materials business.

He was excited after hearing Selena’s introduction.

“What’s wrong? I’m from the procurement department,” Selena answered.

The other party’s eyes lit up even brighter. “I heard that Drake Dynasty Real Estate took up a piece of

land in South City and is planning to build a South City residential community. That happens to be a

high-end residential area, right?”

“You’re well informed!” Selena answered with a light chuckle.

“Does this have anything to do with us going in for dinner, though?” she added. “Excuse me, gentleman,

but we’re going in for dinner!”

“Of course it matters!” The man was in ecstasy. He took out his business card in a hurry. “I’m from Union

Building Materials. I’m the young master of the Logan Family. Our family is in the building materials

business. Beautiful manager, please take my business card. I’ll pay for your meal tonight!”

Chapter 112

“Really? That’s great. We’ve booked a private room with minimum spending of 200,000 dollars. Are you

sure you want to pay for our dinner? In case we order more dishes, the dinner might cost around

300,000 to 400,000!”

A female employee’s eyes lit up when she overheard the conversation. She stepped forward and took

the man’s business card eagerly. “Are you Sean Logan, the Assistant General Manager?”

“Yes!” he chuckled shortly. “My father is worried that I might not be able to handle the company on my

own. I’m appointed as the assistant general manager while he’s the general manager!” Sean cracked a

self-deprecating joke and asked, “By the way, who’s this beautiful manager?”

“Oh, this is our new manager, Selena Taylor!” the female employee replied casually.

“Manager, someone wants to treat us to dinner. Why don’t you two exchange name cards?”

Another male employee was equally over the moon. Why would they let go of such a big offer?

“That’s right. We should exchange business cards. That’s good etiquette to practice!” Sean was stoked

as he nodded profusely.

Sonia was pleased to see the unfolding event before her. Sean was obviously trying to please Selena.

After all, Selena was the sole decision-maker of procuring building materials. As a supervisor, Sonia

could not make such a decision.

Had Selena accepted his kindness, it would tantamount to owing him a favor. Sean would probably visit

them in the office within two days to discuss how they could strike a deal.

As the saying went, ‘Who receives the gifts, sells his liberty’, Selena would probably agree to procure

building materials from him. Would that constitute bribery?

Sonia, then, took out her mobile phone secretly and then clicked on her camera app to record the

situation. She could not wait to show the video to their general manager. It would be compelling

evidence. Selena would lose her influence in the company if the scandal was exposed.

However, to her surprise, Selena smiled indifferently at Sean. “Excuse me, Young Master Logan, but this

is our company’s dinner. I said I was going to treat them, so there’s no need to offer for us! Besides, you

don’t have to give me a business card. You can talk to our company or our employees for work matters,

and they’ll inform me!”

Sean’s hand stopped in mid-air, his business card still between his fingers. He wore an awkward smile

on his face.

“Manager Taylor, I was just being friendly. It’s got to be fate that we meet here today. It’s no big deal to

pay for your meal, right?” Sean explained himself desperately.

“I’m sorry, but I don’t like to owe another person favors!” Selena decided she would say no more after

that and walked right through the door into the hotel.

The two security guards were completely dumbfounded. If they were someone that the rich second

generation wanted to please, they would probably be able to afford to have dinner there, so they dared

not stop jackie and the others. Instead, they made way for the rest to enter the hotel.

On the other hand, Sonia was speechless once more. She had planned to collect evidence of Selena

accepting bribery, but she did not expect to see her being so righteous. The superiors might praise her if

they found out about her righteous attitude. She put her phone away sullenly and walked into the hotel.

Sean sighed as he observed the people who had already walked in. “Why didn’t this new manager take

my bait?”

Chapter 113 It did not take long for his eyes to brighten up again. He cried out excitedly as a light bulb

went off in his head. “Oh yeah… Why was I so stupid? There are so many people around, and her

employees are here as well. How could she accept such a grandiose benefit? Had someone reported

her to the management, she’d be doomed even if the benefit isn’t given to her directly!”

He smiled to himself after figuring out the situation. “It seems that I’ll have to ask her out alone for

business discussion someday. I’ll then give her a bank card secretly, so everyone wouldn’t know. I’m

sure she’ll accept it. Who in their right mind would turn money down!”

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Selena and others soon arrived at a large private room. jackie casually dropped the bag at a corner

before he sat down next to Selena.

Selena, who knew that jackie had two million with him, was obviously confident about paying for the

meal. She stood up and smiled at everyone. “You can order whatever you want to eat,” she spoke aloud.

“The minimum spending in this private room is 200,000 dollars. Don’t order less than that for the dishes

and wine, or you’ll lose out!”

“Manager, rest assured. We won’t let it go to waste!”

A female employee, the most vigorous among them all, laughed out loud. “Well, let’s stick to the price

planned. Although the manager’s salary is quite high at a million per month, she had to work hard for it.

Surely it’s not easy, right?”

“Yes, the manager has only started working and she hasn’t got her salary yet, yet she invited us to dinner

above all things. Where else can we find such a good manager!”

Another male employee chimed in with a smile.

Sonia and Felicia glanced at each other, both with an embarrassed expression. They wanted to taint the

relationship between Selena and the employees, but they had made all the employees like the new

manager even more.

‘I don’t believe she has money to treat us to dinner!’ Unconvinced, Sonia gritted her teeth. She believed

Selena was just trying to save her face.

After everyone had placed their orders, she ordered some of the most expensive dishes, which made her

feel more comfortable.

‘Pfft! I think these dishes and wines will add up to almost 400,000 dollars. I still don’t believe that she has

that amount of money!’ she rambled internally.

With a grin on her face, she said, “Everyone, let’s drink up. Today is our manager’s first day at work. Let’s

celebrate. This wine isn’t cheap, and it’s more than ten thousand dollars per bottle. I’ve ordered only ten


“Supervisor, don’t you think this is too expensive? Let’s just follow the minimum spending mark.

Otherwise, this meal may be too expensive!”

A female employee frowned and thought that the supervisor was selfish and did not seem to be bothered

about Selena at all. Was she not afraid that Selena will make it hard on her in the future at work?

“Yes, Supervisor, you’re really wrong here. It’s not your own money, so you don’t feel the pinch, do you?

Why don’t you order cheaper wines but more bottles to share?”

Another male employee, too, was unimpressed. Sonia was obviously not happy that Selena got to

become a manager as soon as she joined the company, so she was obviously plotting for revenge.

Selena had just started working and she had not been paid her salary, yet she invited them to have a

luxurious meal in such a classy hotel. Everyone was very grateful except Sonia, who was showing her

dissatisfaction. It was selfish of her to have ordered so many dishes and wine.

Sonia almost passed out. She had never expected the person named Ben Blake—the unimpressed

employee—to talk to a supervisor like that. He never had the courage to voice out his opinion before.

She pulled a long face and defended herself, “It was the manager who asked us to order as we like. The

manager said nothing. Why do you sound like you’ve lost a lot of money? You haven’t even started

drinking, yet you’re behaving like you’re in a daze and don’t know any better on what to say?”

“It’s alright. She has ordered the dishes anyway, so eat up and drink up, everybody. Everyone should

have fun!” Selena had cleverly resolved the awkwardness.

“That is, we should believe that there is money in the manager’s husband’s bag! Don’t you think that all

these are so expensive?” Sonia looked at the woven bag in the corner strangely.

Chapter 114 “Yes, everyone should just enjoy the night. What can we poor people worry about for our


Felicia nodded and then asked jackie, “By the way, what do you do, jackie? Why are you so rich? Tell us

about it!”

“I’m a bodyguard!” jackie smiled faintly and replied nonchalantly.

“Bodyguard?” Sonia burst out laughing when she heard that. “Hah! You can always claim to be a

bodyguard to make it sound better while in truth, you’re just a petty security guard. Well, to put it in

another way, you’re just watching the door! I guess you’re only being paid a few thousand dollars a

month, yes? Now that your wife is earning one million a month, do you feel inferior?”

To this, jackie burst out laughing. “Miss Neal, are you confused between a security guard and

bodyguard?” he spoke. “Security guards guard the door whereas I’m a real bodyguard!”

“Moreover, I took up this job because I don’t want my wife to feel like I’m not working,” he added.

“Otherwise, I wouldn’t be bothered to go for this job!”

“You’re talking too much for a supposed bodyguard. Your mentality is good. Oh, well… If you must make

it sound better, bodyguard it is! I know that many of you who retired from the army ended up working as

bodyguards. Can you make ten thousand dollars a month? Do you have a five-figure salary?” Sonia

smiled as though they were chatting normally, but her words were thorn-filled.

“True, your wife is earning a seven-figure salary. If you have a five-figure figure salary, even if it’s 80 or

90 thousand a month, it feels no different from living off your wife, right? Besides, bodyguards don’t earn

that much!” Felicia added.

“20 million dollars a month. I don’t know how many digits there are, but it should be eight digits, right? I’m

not good at math, so I don’t know much!” jackie picked up the wine glass slowly and took a sip.

“My God! 20 million dollars a month?” An employee suddenly shouted in surprise. “Your salary is too


“This is the first time I’ve heard of such a high salary!” commented another employee.


“Don’t brag about it,” she spoke as she dismissed the hype. “As far as I know, bodyguards in Eastfield

aren’t paid as high as the others. The bodyguards who enjoyed the highest salary worked for the Drake

Family. I’m their distant relative, so I know it well. The best Drake Family’s head of commander was only

paid one or two million a month!”

Sonia then turned to Selena and sneered, “Manager, before your husband brags next time, I suggest that

he better find out about the salary of a bodyguard first. It’s too outrageous and shameful to talk like that!”

“Supervisor, my husband’s salary is indeed 20 million dollars a month. This is what Miss Drake agreed

personally. Although I feel that the salary is too high, I can’t refuse it if she offered such a high salary,

right?” Selena smiled bitterly. It felt so surreal when she talked about jackie’s salary. Perhaps she should

have waited for a month at the salary she received to make sure the payment would be finalized.

Sonia clicked her tongue. “I can’t believe that your husband is lacking a cultural background, Manager.

He just doesn’t stop bragging. You’re a high-achieving student and a manager of the Drake Dynasty Real

Estate Company. It’s bad that you even resorted to lying to cover up for your husband!”

Sonia smiled and desperately added, “I’ve been to the Drake residence several times. I’ve seen all the

bodyguards there, except for those few powerful guardians who I’ve never seen all my life. I’ve seen

them all but I’ve never noticed your husband!”

“Oh, I have only just started the first day at work today. It’s normal if you haven’t seen me!” jackie

chirped. “Besides, you and I aren’t people of the same level. It doesn’t matter if you have seen me or


Chapter 115 jackie maintained his indifferent expression. He was tirelessly serving Selena her favorite

dish. The other employees were all wide-eyed because it did not look like jackie was lying. At the same

time, everyone knew Sonia was related to the Drake family. Otherwise, based on Sonia’s ability, it would

be difficult for her to stay in this position for years.

“It doesn’t matter, because I still think you’re lying! It’s okay if the salary is low, we won’t laugh at you.

After all, you are our manager’s husband, aren’t you? If the manager doesn’t mind, we won’t mind!”

Sonia mocked, again.

“You’re right, my wife doesn’t mind my salary. Why are you talking so much?” jackie was a little upset. He

was fine if others ridiculed him but they had always turned their battle towards Selena. Selena had been

through a lot for five years for him; he wanted his wife to feel wronged no more.

He pointed at the dishes on the table in front of him. “You’ve ordered a lot of dishes, yet they can’t even

stop you from babbling?”

“You—” Sonia stood up with anger. How she wished she could walk over and slap jackie immediately.

However, jackie was not working under her. He was Selena’s husband, and Selena was her direct boss.

“Why don’t you prove it to me that you have the ability? Otherwise, you’re just lying!” Finally, Sonia

suppressed the anger in her heart and sat back on the chair.

“What will you do if I could prove it? Kneel down and apologize to me?” jackie commented when he saw

the opponent’s unconvinced look.

“Yes. You can prove it to me and let me see what kind of bodyguard can earn 20 million dollars a month!”

Sonia was unhappy in the beginning, but she was already starting to feel so irritated by jackie.

She stood up again and crossed her arms over her chest. “I’ll give you ten minutes. If you can’t prove

that your monthly salary is 20 million, what should I do about it?”

jackie, carefully thinking, then replied, “How about I let you slap my face?”

“Yes, I’m looking forward to it!” Sonia agreed right away and watched the time.

“Then it’s time I’ll show you now!”

As she remembered something, she then turned to Selena. “By the way, you’re the manager. This is a

personal bet between your husband and I, so you shouldn’t embarrass me in the future because of this.

After all, it has nothing to do with work!”

“Don’t worry, I won’t get you in trouble because of this kind of thing!” Selena smiled. Pompous Sonia did

not give face to the manager at all. Besides, Selena would be footing her bill that night. It was

exhilarating to wait and watch.

“That’s good. We’re waiting for a good show!” Sonia smiled confidently.

Chapter 116 jackie took another sip of the wine, slowly.

“I’ve only given you ten minutes. It’s already a minute!” Sonia looked at the time again.

A smile on his face, jackie pulled out his phone and dialed the number Tanya gave to him this afternoon.

He put the phone on loudspeaker mode.

An employee glanced at the number and exclaimed loudly. “He’s calling Miss Tanya!”

The call was soon answered. On the other end of the phone was heard the voice of Tanya. “ jackie? Has

something happened? Why did you think of calling me tonight?”

“Nothing happened, Miss Tanya, I just want to confirm something. Is my pay 20 million per month?” A

small smile appeared on jackie’s face and he sipped the wine once more.

“Yes. What’s the matter? You don’t think it’s too little, do you?” Tanya was obviously a little puzzled on

the other end of the line. “Don’t worry. During New Year, my grandpa said that we won’t miss out on your

20 million bonus. It should be enough if you don’t squander them, right?” she added.

Everybody else was completely shocked by Tanya’s negotiating tone. She not only sounded unassertive,

but she has also asked jackie if the amount given was too little. My lord, how was this the way and the

tone of speaking to a bodyguard?

“Oh, it’s not too little. I just wanted to make sure. Sorry for disturbing you!” jackie gently tapped on his

phone screen, hung up the call, and raised his head to look at Sonia. “My precious Miss Neal, this is

Miss Tanya’s voice, am I right? It’s 20 million, am I correct?”

Embarrassment was written across her face. Her head was buzzing loudly. A bodyguard had a salary of

20 million a month? What was wrong with this Drake family?

“Yes. It’s 20 million. I didn’t expect your salary to be so high!” Sonia squeezed a smile, awkwardly so. Her

voice trembled.

As she looked at the glass before her, she immediately poured a full glass of red wine and lifted it. “My

apologies, jackie. I underestimated you. For that, I’ll drink this glass as punishment!” she said to jackie.

Sonia downed the wine in an instant, not waiting for jackie’s response.

Felicia applauded from the side and echoed, “Miss Neal sure can hold her liquor well!”

“I’m not sure if you could hold your liquor well, but I surely remember that you’d kneel before me and

apologize. You didn’t forget about that, did you?” jackie spoke, and his lips curved into a smirk.

“Oh, our pretty boy. Miss Neal was just joking with you, so don’t take it seriously. Besides, she’s punished

herself with all that wine. Why bother with a woman?” As she sensed the atmosphere had turned sour,

Felicia instantly tried damage control by laughing it off.

However, jackie did not buy her effort. “Don’t use gender as a shield. When she was despising me a

moment ago, she did not say that she’s a woman. C’mon, cough it up. If you can’t afford to lose, don’t bet

with anyone next time!”

“You…” Sonia gritted her teeth; she was so angry that she almost passed out. With so many employees

in the scene, she would not be able to raise her head high up before others for the rest of her life if she

knelt before jackie. Moreover, how many people would talk about her behind her back?

Awkwardness blanketed the employees. Wordlessly, they looked at one another. No one stood up to

defend Sonia, all because Sonia often abused her authority to bully them in the workplace. The thought

that she was above everyone else was ingrained in her mind. Of course, Felicia—who always fought

hard to please her—was excluded from the list.

Selena finally breathed a sigh of relief after she was avenged. “ jackie, let’s not go deep into it. I invited

everyone to dinner tonight, and then to karaoke. Let’s stop before everything gets worse. If you really

make a girl kneel before you, it won’t make a good image of you as well.”

jackie finally gave in after his wife’s plea. He waved his hand. “Fine. I, jackie White, wouldn’t usually let

things go, even if the God of War appears before me. However, I’m going to let it pass just because my

wife asked for it.”

Selena’s face immediately turned red. jackie was Kylie’s father, and she really did not want her daughter

to grow up without a father, so she had hoped for his return from the war. In fact, jackie and Selena were

not close at all. If it were not for the kid, they would not be together. However, jackie treated her and her

daughter well for the past few days. The sense of security that jackie gave them made her feel more and

more that her five years of waiting for him to return was worthwhile.

Chapter 117 A spur of the moment decision had gotten her a fine man.

“Thank you. I’ll drink two more glasses as an apology.” Embarrassment did not leave her face. She

forced a smile, poured herself two glasses of wine, and gulped them down.

“C’mon guys, let’s continue our feast! After this, we’ll go to karaoke in a bit. I don’t really like singing,

though, so I’ll just listen to everyone sing!” jackie smiled and spoke courteously.

Only then did the others continue to feast on food and wine. Time went by very quickly, and it was

already half-past eight in the evening. It was finally time to pay the dinner bill.

“Sir, this is your bill: 363,207 dollars in total!” One of the two good-looking wait