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No Chance of Remarriage Get Lost (Elisa)

Chapter 271
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Chapter 271 He Will Absolutely Love You and Care for You for the Rest of Your Life! The air in the room went down abruptly. Thomas couldn’t help but shiver. He felt that he was freezing all over.

Other people might not have been aware, but Gareth knew that Will was getting serious! As someone who would never postpone meetings and always did what he said, he made an exception for Elisa over and over again! Very good, Will, very good! “Go investigate that card.” The light in Thomas’ eyes flickered a little. Will must have deliberately highlighted it to let speople verify it. If it didn’t belong to Elisa, wouldn't he be contradicting himself? If verified, the account must belong to Elisa. It was clear that Mr. Wickam was being unnecessary...

Thomas didn't say anything else. He only responded respectfully, “Yes.” Seeing that Gareth kept quiet, Thomas left.

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Will was in a great mood today. The staff members in the company received bonuses and were collectively given a half-day leave.


Dark clouds were billowing above Wickam Group. They had to redo a proposal that they clearly thought was perfect. They even had to suffer through working overtime...

Thinking about how those at Darcey Group were being treated today, many people started to suspect that Elisa had something to do with the two companies.

As for Elisa, when she saw the trending topics on Twitter, she was dumbfounded, but she didn’t want to say anything else to Will because there was no use. She was afraid that if she said anything, Will would continue tweeting.

But Rachel couldn't take it anymore, so she called Elisa.

Elisa answered in an exasperated manner.

“I say, Elisa! What happened to you? You're fooling around with Will? He’s such a fickle man. Why were you with him?” “It was an accident.” Elisa's head hurt a little.

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Rachel's face darkened. “Do you think | believe you? You personally went to Darcey Group and gave Will an ATM card. There was even a secretary who saw you giving Will the ATM card with her own two eyes and heard you say that it was to provide for Will. You're crazy, Liz! How can you provoke a man like that! He's really very dangerous!” Gareth and Will.

Although these two men were outstanding, but their presence couldn't be provoked.

Elisa had been hurt once with Gareth. She knew what the consequences were for provoking him. Was she going to repeat a disastrous mistake with Will? Rachel was extremely worried. But in the next moment, she hesitated. “Are you striking back for what happened with the Wickam family this time? If that's the case, it's right to strike back. | saw replies saying that you were using your actions to prove how blind Gareth, his mother, and his Grandpa are being.” “No.” Elisa sighed. “He’s only usingto upset Gareth. | gave him that ATM card to return the lawyer fees that he paid me. The last the took Gareth to court and claimed damages of ten billion. This wasn't initially requested. He gavethe ten billion, but | couldn't take it.” Rachel was suddenly suspicious. “Are you lying to me?” “Of course not,” Elisa said firmly. But Rachel felt that something wasn’t right.

She couldn't say what it was at the time. Frustrated, she sighed and said, “Liz, you're too excellent. Otherwise, why would so many things happen? Ah... look at me, | don’t have so many problems. Even though Will is outstanding, he’s too dangerous.

You... you must think about it wisely. You definitely cannot get together with this man. Alternatively, you can get together with Carle. He will absolutely love you and care for you for the rest of your life!” Elisa's eyes flickered. She didn’t want to talk about Carle. She answered softly, “I understand.” Hearing her say that, Rachel didn’t continue. She said, “That's right, Mr. Lee wantedto look for you.” MMMWWLIIOIfIO&1 MMMWWLIIOIfIO&1 mmMwWLLIOfiflO& 1 MMMWWLIIOIfIO&1 MULL TO £2 E1061 mmMwWLIiIOfiflO&1