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No Chance of Remarriage Get Lost (Elisa)

Chapter 200
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Chapter 200 Do You Know What Grandma Said About You? Elisa merely gave a silent nod, but she looked at ease.

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Soon, breakfast was served by Rose, and everyone enjoyed the porridge at the dining table.

Linda shot a glance at Elisa before asking hesitantly, “Liz, are you still mad atabout what happened at Grandma's birthday?” Elisa replied, “Of course not. If I'm still mad at you, why would | cback here for a meal with you?” Linda was at a loss for words after hearing her reply. The way she speaks now is so direct and obstinate. Now, how do | continue the conversation? She inhaled before continuing helplessly, “Things are not what you see that day. It was never my intention to prepare a gift better than yours. We are sisters, after all, and neither of us are better than the other. It's a misunderstanding caused by the malicious intentions of others to set us apart. Liz, my gift that day was not a lapis lazuli bracelet. Someone switched it without my knowledge.” Coldness seeped into Elisa's face as she thought. We already had a fallout before this, yet she’s explaining herself now.

To someone who knew the actual situation, they would definitely suspect Linda of putting on an act for the maids, but Elisa knew for sure that Linda was recording the entire conversation.

If she continued the flow of the conversation like that, people would suspect her of being the person who set Linda up as soon as the latter published the recording. She never cared about the comments on the Internet, but she would never allow Julia to believe those rumors.

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Linda is greedy, and she wants to take that opportunity to outshine me. Even if she has plans to frme, if she never had such thoughts, she would never fall for that trap.

“In that case, what did you buy?” Elisa turned around to look at her.

“I bought sother exquisite gifts, of course. But at that moment, | was not in a position to say anything. Tellthe truth, Liz, were you the one who switched the gift? We are a family, so | will not blyou for that and let bygones be bygones. However, if the culprit is someone else, | will never let them off the hook!” Clearly, Linda was threatening Elisa, but the latter merely smiled. “I bought it to set you up? Do you really think this makes sense, Linda?” “Back then, you toldthat you liked it and askedto buy it. Without a second thought, | bought it for you, but why did it appear in the gift | prepared for Grandma?” Elisa merely said coldly, “You are recording the conversation, aren't you?” Linda froze before she quickly replied, “Of course not.” “If you're not doing that, why did you fabricate such a story? Since when have | said something like that?” Linda's expression slightly changed, but before she said anything, Elisa interjected, “Nevertheless, it’s already in the past. You sowed the seeds yourself, so now you have to face the consequences. If you pursue the matter further, the insults toward you will only be worse. Good advice is always ill-received, and | know you don't like hearing them. However, now that it has cto this point, do you really think you could redeem yourself?” The hatred in Linda’s eyes intensified, but there was a smirk in her eyes. It was never my plan to make Elisa admit this, but this is enough evidence forto use! | never needed any concrete evidence; as long as the netizens believe this side of my story, it's enough. After all, | can’t really blthe whole thing on Elisa. It's more than enough if my perspective is clarified.

Obviously, Elisa knew what she had been scheming. “When | brought Grandma to the temple today, she mentioned about you in the car. Do you know what she said?” Elisa asked slowly.