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Nine Star Hegemon Body Arts

Chapter 4992: The Dragonblood Legion’s Style
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The knocking was loud and notably rude, accompanied by a dislikable voice. After all, Long Chen’s temporary residence lacked defenses or restrictions to prevent interruptions, as it was not intended for cultivation.

The vexing disturbance irritated Long Ziwei, prompting him to stand up angrily, but Long Chen restrained him.

“Let Qin Feng do it instead. Your methods wouldn’t match my Dragonblood Legion’s style,” said Long Chen, nodding for Qin Feng to go ahead.

Qin Feng nodded back and walked over to the door.

As the door crashed open from Qin Feng’s kick, a scream pierced the air, followed by the sound of bones breaking. A young man, who had worn an arrogant expression just moments ago, was now twisted in pain on the ground, clutching his shattered ribs.

“What are you doing?!”

Outside Long Chen’s residence stood over ten young disciples adorned with the Zhao character on their robes, their faces a blend of shock and anger.

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“We just knocked on your door! How can you be so heavy-handed?! What do you mean by this?!” raged one of them.

“Sorry, I thought there was something urgent, so I kicked open the door instead of opening it normally. I never thought I would accidentally injure one of you. My utmost apologies,” said Qin Feng, though his face was not apologetic at all. He was practically telling them that he had wanted to kick them. What could they do to him?


“I hope this teaches you a lesson. Remember, when knocking on a door, do it lightly with your knuckles. Don’t pound on it so hard as if someone is dead. Your forceful knocking madethink that your whole family had died, so I opened the door so swiftly. It was a mistake on your part,” stated Qin Feng indifferently.

“How unreasonable! If you have the guts, cout and fight us on the martial stage!” shouted one of them, staring at Long Chen.

Not even looking back at the one shouting, Qin Feng replied, “Have you cto deliver a challenge letter? Go back and tell your boss that my boss doesn’t participate in senseless battles. If your boss gets tired of living one day, he can just tell my boss. Whether my boss is in a good or bad mood, he will fulfill his desire.”

As a Dragonblood warrior, Qin Feng had seen this pattern many times. These people were all nine star Doyens, so perhaps in other people’s eyes, they were experts amongst experts.

However, in front of Qin Feng, they were trash at the bottom of the ocean. How could they be qualified to challenge Long Chen? They were clearly subordinates sent by someone else.

Having experienced countless battles, all the Dragonblood warriors felt this kind of routine to be childish. What a huge joke.

“Who do you think you are?! Call out Long Che—AH!”

The challenger pointed his finger at Qin Feng, and in a flash, Qin Feng moved swiftly, seizing the man’s arm and twisting it violently. Blood sprayed as the arm was torn off.

Another Zhao clan’s expert pulled out his sword, only to have Qin Feng’s kick slam the hilt back into its sheath. Simultaneously, Qin Feng delivered a powerful slap to the man’s face, splitting the skin and sending him crashing backward.

Long Ziwei watched in astonishment. Qin Feng’s movements were lightning-fast and executed with fluid grace. Tearing off the arm, blocking the sword, and delivering the slap—all happened seamlessly in a single breath. Within moments, two opponents lay incapacitated. Qin Feng’s smooth movements made Long Ziwei’s heart leap.

Every one of Qin Feng’s movements appeared deceptively simple, yet when combined, they flowed flawlessly into a seamless sequence. Long Ziwei was also an expert in his own right, and he could tell that these movements encapsulated a lifetof battling experience for Qin Feng.

While Long Ziwei could dispatch these people, he couldn’t do it in such an effortless way.

“Letgive you another lesson. Weapons shouldn’t be pulled out randomly. The moment you do, you becmy enemy, and my enemy will be directly killed,” Qin Feng declared sternly, his gaze piercing through their stunned expressions. They remained frozen, evidently too frightened to retaliate.

Qin Feng scoffed, “Scram. Go back and deliver my message to your boss!”

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Those people had ugly expressions, but they didn’t dare to retort. One supported his injured arm, another nursed a slapped face, and the rest helped the man who had been knocking on the door and kicked away before they departed.

Those people had just left when the Heaven Overseer came. He caught sight of their retreating figures and the bloodstains on the ground, so his expression becodd.

Seeing the Heaven Overseer had come, Long Chen and Long Ziwei immediately walked out. Long Chen asked, “Heaven Overseer, why have you come? Shouldn’t you be eating together with the leaders of the four clans?”

The Heaven Overseer smiled. “We haven’t started the banquet. I’m here to invite you to join us.”

“Invite me? That doesn’t sound appealing. How can someone likeattend such a banquet? Besides, I’m already full,” Long Chen quickly denied, waving his hand dismissively.

What was the point of eating with a bunch of old fogeys? He had little interest in dining with beautiful women, let alone with elders. If he wanted to eat with old fogeys instead, wouldn’t there be something wrong with his head?

“Con. The food isn’t the main issue there. There are important matters to discuss. The four clan leaders and the top heavenly geniuses from each clan are all there. You won’t be alone,” the Heaven Overseer insisted.

All the leaders of the four clans were present? Long Chen suddenly thought of a certain matter, and he had no choice but to go.

Long Chen turned to Long Ziwei, and Long Ziwei hastily said, “Boss, you can go. I’ll bring Qin Feng for a tour around Mercenary City.”

Qin Feng intended to bring all the mercenaries back with him, but there were millions of them. Many things had to be arranged first. Now, they had to ask how many of them actually wanted to go with him.

Long Chen specified that only those proficient in the Starry River of the Sky Art would be taken to the High Firmament Academy. Thus, this matter was rather thorny, and it would definitely take stto arrange.

Long Chen didn’t say anything in response and just left with the Heaven Overseer. Once they entered the banquet hall, dozens of sharp gazes concentrated on Long Chen. Among them, two glares were particularly hostile, brimming with killing intent.