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Necromancer Of The Shadows

Chapter 918 Time Liquid, Broken Time Watch And The Central Area Of The First Layer (Part 2)
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Chapter 918  TLiquid, Broken TWatch And The Central Area Of The First Layer (Part 2)

For a moment, tseemed to stop flowing when the light dragon's bone cinto contact with the scorpion's head. But this strange phenomenon didn't last long because a split second later....


A massive explosion rocked the surrounding area as the ground within more than one hundred kilometres of the area collapsed and sank as if a tsunami had swallowed it. The distant mountains trembled under the impact of the shockwaves and turned into dust.


Amid the chaos, a painful roar echoed within hundreds of kilometres, and a stream of blood erupted from the cracked head of the Rank Three scorpion, dyeing the ground around it deep red.

Although the scorpion was completely exhausted and was in a weakened state after fighting for three days without any rest, it was still a mid-level Rank Three monster, so even though Evan's attack was very powerful, it was still not enough to kill it.

The scorpion was in a lot of pain, but it still tried to stand up so that it could get away from there, but unfortunately for it... Read Web s Online Free - Fire Fire -


Before it could stand up, Evan struck the scorpion again using the light dragon's bone, which was coated in Primordial Shadow Energy.

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The scorpion roared in pain upon being struck by the powerful bone, but Evan wasn't affected by its painful scream and...


Continuous explosions rocked the surrounding area, completely changing the landscape in a matter of seconds.


Around ten seconds later, Evan struck the scorpion's head for the fifteenth time, and with that attack, its life force finally disappeared.

Seeing the scorpion was finally dead, Evan wiped imaginary sweat from his forehead and muttered in a low voice,

"What a tough guy..."

He put the light dragon's bone back inside his shadow storage and looked at the scorpion, whose head had turned into a meat paste and felt he might have been too cruel to this guy...

"Whooo! Father is super fierce..."

Evan suddenly heard Elora's excited voice, and his eyes shook. He looked up and saw Elora looking at him from the top of Biscuit's back.

"Damn, the gentle image that I built in front of her is completely destroyed because of this bastard..." He muttered in a low voice and kicked the scorpion with an irritated look on his face.

Soon, Biscuit landed in front of him and Evan noticed Elora looking at him with shining eyes.

'Why is she looking atwith shining eyes?' Evan thought with twitching eyes. 'Don't tellshe thinks beating someone into a pulp using a bone is a cool thing?'

Evan suddenly remembered the saying that children learn from their parents and he felt in the future, he would have to think twice before doing anything in front of Elora.

He took a deep breath and put the Rank Three scorpion into his shadow storage. Then he jumped onto Biscuit's back. At the stime, he used Shadow World to cover a large patch of ground and using the Shadow World as a medium, he immediately sucked all of his shadow undead and Nihilus into his shadow storage.

After summoning back all of his shadow undead, Evan nodded his head and patted Biscuit's head.

"Let's go, Biscuit, it is tto collect our reward."

Hearing Evan, Biscuit flapped its wings and immediately shot forward. In just a few seconds, it arrived near a mountain range and landed in front of a natural cave.

Evan looked at the map in his hand and, after confirming that he was at the right location, he jumped down from Biscuit's back.

"Tliquid, huh..." He muttered in a low voice and walked towards the cave while holding Elora's hand. "I hope I will find at least two drops of the tliquid here."

In the world domain, Evan had received a broken twatch from one of the four great clans. (Chap-677)

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---) Broken TWatch (Rank One Low Grade): Once a highly ranked artifact, but was damaged for unknown reasons and fell to the lowest level of Rank One. Using this artefact, you can slow down the flow of twithin an area of two meters around you. Due to its broken condition, this artefact can be used only once a week for two hours. The current tdifference raafter activating the twatch is 1:2.

(Note: The ability of the Broken TWatch can be enhanced by repairing it.)

Although the twatch was a very rare artefact that could affect the flow of time, Evan never used it because its current effect was not much help to him.

But even though it is not helpful to him for now, Evan knows that by increasing the watch's rank, he can turn it into a very powerful artefact.

For Evan, it was impossible to repair the Broken TWatch using normal means as he didn't know any good artefact refiner.

Even in the closed world of Drayds, there were no high-level artefact refiners. So the only way he could think of to repair the Broken TWatch was to connect it with the Rune Of Evolution and use it to increase its rank.

"I hope whoever placed this tliquid here was generous enough and left two drops for me..." Evan muttered in a low voice and entered the cave with Elora.

The moment Evan entered the cave, for a brief instant, he felt as if thad stopped flowing, but the next second, this strange sensation disappeared and everything returned to normal.

"Weird..." Evan said to himself and walked deeper into the cave. As he walked deeper, he occasionally felt that twas flowing very fast and at other times, very slow.

"This strange phenomenon must be related to the tliquid..." Evan muttered and looked at Elora, who seemed completely oblivious to the strange flow of time.

Around ten minutes later, Evan noticed a wide open area deeper in the cave.

As they reached the wide open area, Evan saw a small hole at the top of the cave ceiling, and from the hole, the bright light of the stars that covered the sky of the first layer was entering the cave.

Evan followed the path of the starlight and saw it landing on a small platform, illuminating a rock bowl placed on top of it.

Seeing the rock bowl, Evan gulped his saliva and walked towards it, hoping to see at least two drops of tliquid inside it.