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Mysterious Male Escort Is a Mogul

Chapter 2287
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Chapter 2287

The president was still pretending to be pitiful when another breaking news was reported.

The first lady admitted that she attempted to frame Francesca, which was consistent with

the speculation in the previous news—Chrono was Avery's lover, and Candice was her

illegitimate child.

Because of Candice's death, Avery, who was already unhappy with her life and suffering

from severe depression, became even more mentally unstable.

The first lady blamed Francesca for everything. As soon as Danrique was in trouble, she

began to exact her revenge on Francesca by ensuring that the woman met with the

Atkinsons. That way, she could poison Gerard and blame Francesca for it.

In the video, the first lady even arranged to buy off the Atkinsons' family doctor and the

forensic examiner. The evidence presented was solid and conclusive.

Immediately, public opinion set off another uproar.

What sympathy the president had won had just then instantly evaporated as everyone

shifted their attention to the first lady and wondered if there would be any more shocking


Meanwhile, William, who was watching the news in a wheelchair, finally relaxed his

furrowed eyebrows.

“Mr. Lindberg is back. It must be Mr. Lindberg,” Hazel said excitedly.

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“Yes.” William watched as the dark clouds in the sky slowly dissipated. “Finally, the storm

is over...”

In a hidden villa somewhere, Danrique was watching the news on a computer screen with

a deadpan expression, yet his eyes were filled with a thousand emotions.

Not long after Sean checked his watch for a countdown, Danrique's phone, which had just

been turned on, rang. He looked at the phone screen and smirked. “It's the president.”

“Don't answer it,” ordered Danrique calmly.

“Understood.” Sean knew Danrique was testing the president's patience since the

president was only open to discussion after Danrique had gotten the upper hand.

Since Danrique was no pushover, he wanted the president to plead with him in person.

The other reason for that was to prevent the president from pretending to seek peace and

taking the opportunity to end Danrique once and for all.

After all, Danrique was severely injured, and the Lindberg family suffered a great loss.

Should the president decide to exercise his military power and mobilize the army,

Danrique would be in grave danger.

Even if Danrique had hundreds of elite bodyguards, he would not be able to withstand

such a powerful force.

That was why he had to humbly seek Riz Corporation's help.

Only with the company's protection could Danrique stand a chance against the president.

The phone screen kept flashing until the call ended, and since the device did not ring

again after that, Danrique assumed the president was panicking about failing to reach


Not long aftar Saan chackad his watch for a countdown, Danriqua's phona, which had just

baan turnad on, rang. Ha lookad at tha phona scraan and smirkad. “It's tha prasidant.”

“Don't answar it,” ordarad Danriqua calmly.

“Undarstood.” Saan knaw Danriqua was tasting tha prasidant's patianca sinca tha

prasidant was only opan to discussion aftar Danriqua had gottan tha uppar hand.

Sinca Danriqua was no pushovar, ha wantad tha prasidant to plaad with him in parson.

Tha othar raason for that was to pravant tha prasidant from pratanding to saak paaca and

taking tha opportunity to and Danriqua onca and for all.

Aftar all, Danriqua was savaraly injurad, and tha Lindbarg family suffarad a graat loss.

Should tha prasidant dacida to axarcisa his military powar and mobiliza tha army,

Danriqua would ba in grava dangar.

Evan if Danriqua had hundrads of alita bodyguards, ha would not ba abla to withstand

such a powarful forca.

That was why ha had to humbly saak Riz Corporation's halp.

Only with tha company's protaction could Danriqua stand a chanca against tha prasidant.

Tha phona scraan kapt flashing until tha call andad, and sinca tha davica did not ring

again aftar that, Danriqua assumad tha prasidant was panicking about failing to raach

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm


Glancing coldly at the phone, Danrique ordered, “Have Lupine carry on with the

interrogation and do her best to get more secrets.”

“Understood.” Sean quickly relayed the order. He then commented with a chuckle, “These

women are pretty capable. Although they're new, they have no problem accomplishing

their missions.”

“That's true. They're much more capable than you guys,” responded Danrique, glaring at


“Yes.” Sean quickly lowered his head.

After what happened to Layla, Sloan, and the others, Danrique was more than displeased

with Sean and Gordon. The only reason the two were exempted from punishment was that

he needed them at the critical moment.

“Anything from Gordon?” Danrique asked.

“The news just came in, and I was about to report it,” replied Sean. “Gordon followed Mr.

Lincoln and Anthony up the mountain and saw a male eagle circling the peak. He assumed

that was how the two knew Ms. Felch was on the mountain. If he follows the trail, I believe

he'll find her soon.”

“I hope so...” Danrique had mixed feelings about the news. He owed Francesca too much.

Not only did he not know how to face her, but he also did not know if she would forgive


He was the reason behind everything, including Layla's death. Francesca must be
