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My Wife Is A Masquerade Master

Chapter 47
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Chapter 47 Alison was shocked, and her face was devoid of color. However, when she felt Madison's scrutinizing gaze, she quickly lowered her eyes and, in a fluster, left with Daisy.

Watching the two leave, Ross couldn't help but joke, "They look flustered." Madison lowered her gaze, wondering why Alison would chere. But the priority now was to win this competition.

She didn't dwell on it and focused on arranging the samples. She planned to surprise Alison later.

Alison didn't know how she returned to the lounge. She felt weak and chilled until her assistant handed her a cup of hot coffee, bringing a trace of warmth.

The designs of her wedding dress owed its existence to the black box Daisy left in her car.

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When she saw the sketches inside, Alison was impressed and astonished. Later, upon learning that the thproposed by Fliwip was wedding dresses, she was excited.

No matter how she modified it, Alison still found that the drafts were more brilliant. So, she decided to take the risk and copied the dresses.

Unexpectedly, in Loveille's lounge, she saw identical samples. Alison thought, 'Does this mean that the owner of the wedding dresses is Elianna? Madison is Elianna's assistant, and she needs to help Elianna modify the drafts.

Daisy was cursing Madison, “This schemer, relying on her illicit relationship with Ross, managed to secure the position of an assistant. Now she's acting all arrogant. She should remember how humble she was in the Preston family." Alison felt her head buzzing. She interrupted Daisy, "Daisy, do you remember the black box you askedto find for you?" Daisy suddenly becuneasy and said, "Of course. Did you find it?" Alison asked cautiously, "No, I'm just curious about what's inside that box?" Daisy bluffed, “Oh, just slow-class jewelry. Don't put it to heart." Emergency calls only Chapter 47 10066% 12:21 Alison breathed a sigh of relief. This meant that Daisy hadn't even opened the box, and the samples inside were undoubtedly the original drafts.

As long as she released the new design before Elianna, Alison could force her to leave the field. If Elianna insisted, Alison could present the original draft, proving herself as the true designer, and Elianna as the plagiarist.

The Conner Group wanted to poach Elianna at a high price, but she declined. Since that was the case, Alison might as well use this opportunity to ruin her and eliminate a strong competitor for the Conner Group.

Alison immediately called her assistant and said, "Tell Loveille that the Conner Group requests to be the first to showcase the wedding dress." The assistant conveyed her message to Loveille.

Ross rubbed his chin and said, "Usually, those who go first tend to suffer a bit. After all, the audience expects the best to clast, and the judges are more critical and conservative during scoring. It's surprising that someone as shrewd as Alison will choose to be the first to show the design. Is she courageous or underestimating us?" Madison raised an eyebrow and thought, 'The Conner Group has initially insisted on being the grand finale. Why the sudden change?" The Conner Group had done the organizer a favor, providing the venue to Fliwip for free. Besides, Alison had Neville behind her back. Even if Madison disagreed, it might not change the outcome. Moreover, the design. drafts and samples were complete, and the designer's appearance order didn't matter much. Madison lazily said, "Let her do as she pleases. I'm competing with her not for luck but for skill." Ross gave her a thumbs up. “I admire your confidence. Impress them with your design." The organizer notified Alison to go on stage. Loveille's show would probably take place two hours later.

Madison had everything prepared. She followed Ross, sitting in the audience's seats. She wanted to see what tricks Alison had up her sleeve.

With just a glance, she spotted Neville sitting in the VIP seat. Even if she only saw the back of his head, Madison could still recognize him.

She disliked the feeling of being dominated. Just as she was about to retract her gaze, Neville suddenly turned Emergency calls only Chapter 47 his head. Their eyes met inadvertently.

10066% 12:21 Neville saw her sitting with Ross, wearing matching outfits. He furrowed his brows instinctively.

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Madison sneered. 'He still hatesas much as ever, unable to stand even a single glance,' she thought.

She provocatively met his gaze, a cold smile playing on her lips, a silent act of resistance.

Following Neville's line of sight, Bernard whispered to him, "Mr. Preston, Miss Guzman has been looking at you, It seems like she's sending you a secret admirer's glance." Neville turned away and said in a low tone, "I can see that." Once he turned back, he fell into Madison's affectionate' gaze. His mood did improve considerably. All those claims about her feeling disgusted when seeing him were nonsense, But when he saw Ross, Neville was annoyed.

He thought, 'She's so despicable. She flirts with another man before she lets go of her ex."

Sitting next to the two of them, Ryan couldn't help but twitch his lips. He m looked at Bernard with a complex expression, wondering why Bernard had that thought. Madison's eyes were clearly sharp. How did it turn into a secret admirer's glance? "Neville, coming to watch the show after turning down your current work, it seems your interest isn't just about the show. Letguess, is it for Miss Conner or your ex-wife?" Neville sneered. "You're overthinking. I chere just to clarify one thing." He spent 600 thousand dollars on the dark web to find out that the owner of the Koenigsegg was Elianna Atkins, a designer in Loveille, EA being her nabbreviation.

Even though he learned from Daisy that Madison was Elianna's assistant, assistant to and it made sense e an for ride in the boss's car, there were still sthings that didn't add up. He needed to find Elianna in person to verify.

By now, Alison had changed into a simple dress and taken the stage, The white dress complemented her black, straight hair, giving her an air of charm. Photographers were eager to capture the moment. 066% 12:21 Chapter 47 After a lengthy introduction, Alison began presenting her work.

"My first piece is named Sweet Love. In my eyes, marriage is not a tomb of love but something sweet and supportive." As she spoke, she glanced towards Neville in the audience.

Ryan nudged Neville with his elbow, teasingly reminding him, "Miss Conner is confessing to you. You should give her a response. Don't shatter her dignity." SEND GIFT COMMENT Chapter 48