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My Wife Is A Masquerade Master

Chapter 117
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Chapter 117 Alison gave Dahlia a hard slap on the face. "You t a r d! Mr. Preston only allowed you to be the assistant because of my recommendation. But you made such a big mistake. You've let Mr. Preston down and also letdown!" Dahlia suddenly got it. She covered her face and said, "I'm sorry, Miss Conner. It's all my fault. I failed to recognize Mr. Cooper's work." Alison sighed. "Forget it. Since you were recommended by me, I have a responsibility." She then smiled and looked at Madison. "Miss Guzman, how much should I compensate?* Alison was pushing the problem to Madison.

Even if this seal was authentic, it had becdefective at this moment.

If Madison called out a high price, people would scoff. If she made a low price, it would be a disgrace to Mr. Cooper's reputation.

A sly look flashed across Madison's eyes. Then, she smiled at the host. "Since it has been proven that the seal is not a counterfeit, should the auction continue?" The host said awkwardly, 'Miss Guzman, although your seal is authentic, it has already been destroyed. It's a defective product. According to the rules of the auction, unless there was a willing buyer, the defective products can't appear at the auction." Madison smiled and raised her chin at Alison. "Since Miss Conner wants to pay for your friend, you won't mind, right?" Alison was instantly enraged. Once the item entered the auction process, it meant that there was someone who would bid. for it. She had already asked for a price to compensate, so no matter how high the price of the seal was, she had to buy it.

If she bought a defective product at a high price, she would becthe biggest joke in Norton. However, she couldn't go back on words. Alison gritted her teeth and said, "I don't mind!" The host nodded and said, "Since there's already a buyer, we can auction it again." Alison gave Dahlia a look, telling her to lower the base price. At this moment, Madison said, "I remember that Miss Eaton estimated that my seal would start at least 2 million dollars. Then I'll do you a favor today and set the base price at 2 million dollars" Dahlia's mouth was immediately gagged. After all, she was the one who broke the seal. If she were to go against Madison at this time, she would probably be pushed to the cusp of scandals.

Alison gritted her teeth and said, "Alright, so it's 2 million dollars." She didn't believe that anyone else would be willing to pay a higher price for this defective product. Just as Alison made her bid, a few bids were raised.

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"3 million dollars!" 4 million dollars!" "6 million dollars!" In the blink of an eye, the price of the seal had already reached 10 million dollars. For the sake of her reputation, Alison had 10 1933 no choice but to keep bidding. However, her fingers were trembling as the price grew out of control.

Madison felt surprised. There were really people who were willing to spend a lot of money to buy this worthless broken seal. She turned to look at the cold man beside her and immediately had a great idea in her mind.

The most painful thing in the world was to be stabbed by the person you loved.

After she wrote down a string of numbers on the bidding sign, she learned from Neville and held his finger, raising the bidding sign.

"Mr. Preston, Miss Conner is crying. You have to save her." When Madison said this, a bright smile bloomed on her face with twinkling eyes and rosy lips.

This woman was simply bewitching and charming. Neville's heart started beating uncontrollably. He was like a puppet being manipulated by her.

The host's voice rose. "Mr. Preston has bid 19.9 million dollars! Anyone else?" Alison seemed to have suffered a devastating blow. She turned her head and looked over, her eyes filled with despair and unwillingness.

When her gaze fell on Madison's hand that covered Neville's fingers, all her emotions instantly turned into surging hatred. Madison smiled at her provocatively.

She knew that Alison would not stop there. After all, she had to protect the Conner family's image. If she wanted to go back on her word. Madison would investigate Dahlia and reveal their secrets.

sa Alison was a smart person and naturally knew what was the right thing to do.

Neville suddenly leaned close to Madison's ear and sneered, "You're not askingto save her. Instead, you're using my hand to stab her." Madison did not look embarrassed after being exposed by him. Instead, she smiled and said, "So? Do you feel bad about that, Mr. Preston?" Neville held her fingers and rubbed them gently with his fingertips. "As long as you're happy." Madison immediately felt uncomfortable. Why did this da m n man suddenly becso gentle? Didn't he hate it the most when people schemed against him? As expected, Alison raised her bidding card shakily. "20 million dollars.” The host said excitedly. "By far, this is the highest price for our auction tonight!" Without any suspense, Alison bought this defective product at a skyrocketing price of 20 million dollars.

According to the procedures of the auction, when the final price exceeded 10 million dollars, half of the amount of money would be used for charity, and the other half would enter the donor's account.

Madison jumped into a very good mood when she received the m message of money being transferred into her account. This was the most satisfying and relaxing money she had earned.

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Seeing her smug look, the corners of Neville's lips curled up slightly, He leaned over and said, "At least half of the credit goes to me. Remember to transfer it tolater" Chapter 117 Madison gritted her teeth. He was indeed a b asta rd. Mr. Preston even coveted such a small amount of money.

"Neville, are you short of money?" "No, I don't." "So you just want to rob me?" "Wow, you're right." He took a card from his pocket and pressed it into her hand. "Remember to transfer the money to here later." 'Shon you! Dirty money!"

Madison was so angry that she almost broke the card. However, an second thought she still owed him a favor. If she gave him the money, she would offset it. She did not want to have anything to do with Neville anymore in the future. Now that money could solve her problem, why not? Seeing him get up and leave, Madison suddenly remembered her diary and immediately chased after him in a panic.

When she walked out of the hall, the ba s tard man had already disappeared.

He should have gone to the garage at this time, so she walked towards the underground entrance.

There were sound-activated lights installed in the corridor. As she walked, the lights gradually lit up, but it looked eerie in the dark environment.

When Madison reached the corner, a figure suddenly flashed in front of her.

This person's attack was urgent and forceful.
