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My Wife Is A Masquerade Master

Chapter 103
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Chapter 103 89% At this moment, Madison was trying on this gown. She looked at herself in the mirror and kept exclaiming. She had to admit that this jerk did have good taste and the size accurate to her body.

Ross made a call to her. "Maddy, why is your phone turned off? Did something happen?" Only then did Madison remember that her phone had been smashed by that jerk Neville and she had yet to change her card to another phone.

"My phone's broken. What's the matter?" "You're the guest of honor at the charity banquet tonight. Do you wantto deign to be your date?" Ross, aren't you afraid that Hazel will kill you?" "Love is just a fleeting cloud. Friendship is forever. I am risking my life to invite you. Don't letdown." "Ross, stop it. One day she dumps you, don't regret it. Just dig a grave, and lie in." "Maddy, why do I feel that something is wrong? Don't tellyou already have a male companion?" "Yeah." "Letguess. It can't be that b s tard Neville, right?" Madison remained silent "Fuck, I was right! He's pestering you while flirting with Alison. So he is cheating both of you, right?" Ross then told Madison all the gossip he had heard.

She was indeed disgusted and immediately felt that the gown she was wearing was dirty. However, when she thought of her diary, she had no choice but to suppress her anger.

Neville was humiliating her in various ways. One day, she would return it to him.

Tonight's charity banquet was jointly organized by Nórxton's upper-class community. Most of the guests were celebrities. and businessmen from influential brands.

The goods auctioned are also donated by the guests, and the proceeds from the auction are used for public goods.

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Behind this event was the competition between the major families and the various brands. Everyone was eager to give it a try.

When Madison appeared at the banquet, she instantly attracted all the people's attention Neville followed their gaze and looked at her. His eyes were instantly filled with amazement.

he green gown looked like the spring from heaven, making her skin look smooth and her figure exquisite sy move wat gorgeous, and her every smile was charmings 11:00 Mon, 13 May u GD.

Chapter 103 Also, the gazes of those people glued to her were all challenging his authority. What if all the others were blind suddenly? So he could enjoy this beauty alone.

At this moment, he could not wait to declare his relationship with this woman. Then, he walked towards Madison with his long legs.

While Madison was searching for Hazel and Ross, a strong force suddenly pushed her from behind. If it weren't for her solid standing, she would have fallen to the ground.

The person behind her did not seem to care about the rudeness. In fact, there was a hint of evil in the tone. "Don't think that you can be somebody just because you're wearing a gown. Don't block the way" Madison turned around and saw Laurel looking at her arrogantly. The person standing beside her was Alison. rel was an actress in the Conner family's company. She was only belittling her to curry favor with Alison in exchange for film and television resources.

Madison smiled like an innocent kitten. "Somebody doesn't want to be a good person but chooses to be a groveling dog. She thinks that she can get a bone by barking. However, she doesn't know that in the eyes of her owner, a dog is just a dog. She will never be valued as human." "Madison, don't overestimate yourself just because you've h o oked up with Mr. Collins. Don't forget the dirty things you've done in the past. If he knew that you're just a w re open for everybody, would he still look at you? Not even for a second!" Madison rai e d her hand and slapped Laurel loudly. Laurel flipped a few times in the air and stag gre to the ground.

She spat out a mouthful of blood and said angrily, "How dare you hit Madison sneered and said, “Miss Davison, remember to brush your teeth when you go out. Your mouth stinks.” Laurel knew that she was no match for Madison. She just glared at her and suppressed her anger.

Neville turned to the waiter and ordered, "Chase out the uninvited person!" Actually, the organizer of this charity banquet was the Preston family. Neville knew that Laurel was not included in the list of the guests. She had probably sneaked in with Alison to ride on the popularity.

The waiter immediately ran towards the door.

Neville was about to walk towards Madison when his phone suddenly rang. He turned around and walked towards a secluded place.

The waiter was in a dilemma when he reached the door. He had forgotten to ask Mr. Preston who was the uninvited person.

However, he had an idea and said, "Mr. Preston said that uninvited personnel are not allowed to enter the venue. Please Travel Laurel immediately gloated. "Did you hear that? Get out! This place is not a place for a poor citizen like you." Alison's friends also echoed and jeered.

"You're quite shameless. You don't even have an invitation. How dare you cto this place? You are ruining this banquet. Don't you know who you are?" "The guests in this charity banquet are all famous figures in Norxton. Don't think that you can enter the upper- class circle just because you're a designer? "Looks like she was duinped by Mr. Collins. She probably wants to take the opportunity to hook up with a rich man." 2/3 11:00 Mon, 13 May G Chapter 103 Madison's invitation was kept by Ross. However, this guy had not appeared at this time, making her situation awkward.

At this moment, a hand reached over and pulled Madison into his arms.

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Ethan said dotingly, "Baby, you have to stay by my side from now on, o'm Otherwise, sblind dogs won't be rwise, sable to smell the noble aura on you.

They will always think that you're her kind and want to snatch her poop. Madison smiled. Ethan's sharp tongue was in no match. He did not use dirty words when humiliating people, but he scolded them badly.

Laurel looked up at Ethan. After confirming that he was someone she could not afford to offend, she kept silent and trembled with anger, Madison was about to thank Ethan, a large hand suddenly grabbed her wrist and pulled her into his arms.

She s t ger Just as she was about to struggle, Neville's large hand held her in his arms like a castle.

He looked at Ethan with a provocative and cold gaze. "Ethan, are you here uninvited?" Ethan raised his eyes. "My woman is here, so of course I have to come." The air seemed to be filled with hostility.

Neville sneered. “I remember that you just showed off a new gown. If I'm not wrong, it should be on your female companion.

"So what? I especially selected it for my...” When Ethan's gaze landed on Madison, his voice stopped abruptly. She was not wearing the evening gown that he had given her. "Ethan, if you can't even recognize your date, I suggest you donate your eyes to someone who needs them."

Ethan felt that there was something wrong. He looked around and finally saw the right gown, but it was on Alison. He cursed in his heart loudly. 'God damn! You're foolingaround! Nasty trick, Preston b a star d!' This was an intolerable sin! Ethan immediately swung his fist at Neville.

11:00 Mon, 13 May G