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My Talented Babies & Genius Wife

Chapter 1413 Side Story of Christ and Kiki, Ruin Her Face
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When Penny initially brought those big men here, they thought that they were going to make them torture an ugly monster, and in their hearts, they were actually reluctant.

If it weren't for the fear of Flynn, they wouldn't want to take this job.

They had never dreamed that the one Penny wanted them to touch would be Kiki.

Kiki is so charming and has driven countless men crazy.

Men like them have experienced women, and among the women they have touched, there are some who are still good-looking, but a woman of such earthly beauty as Kiki is something they would never dare to dream of.

They didn't expect that the stunningly beautiful Kiki was delivered to them for their ruthless possession.

Their hearts had already been itching for a long time, and now that they had been instructed by Penny, they were even more impatient.

They all wanted to be the first to touch the beautiful woman in front of them, and they didn't want to be left behind, so they didn't reach a consensus on who would come first, so they simply competed to be the first to go together.

Of course Kiki didn't want to let them have their way, she struggled desperately, she was now reluctantly close to the window and could roughly see outside.

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Here, at any rate, must be the third floor, jumping down, it will definitely be bad luck, but that is better than being tortured to death by these men.

"Don't touch me! Don't you touch me!" Kiki wanted to call the outside world for help, but her mobile phone, which had long been taken away, made it impossible for her to communicate with the outside world.

She kept backing up, trying to get away from the men, but they pressed on, not giving her a chance to escape.

Seeing Kiki's face of panic and helplessness, Penny, who was standing at the doorway, was pleased to the extreme.

She took out her mobile phone and started filming, wishing to let the whole world see Kiki's ugly face.

There was a vase in the room, and after two years of conditioning, Kiki's wrists were able to exert a lot of strength. She grabbed the vase and, with all her strength, smashed it fiercely against the head of the man on top of her.

The man's forehead saw blood at once as a violent thud resounded inside the room.

The intense pain caused his body to stiffen, and then he fell to the ground motionless.

It was the first time Kiki had hurt someone so badly, her heart was beating so badly, but she knew in her heart that at this moment, if she sat around and waited for death, she could only be spoiled by these disgusting men, and even if she died, she had to die cleanly! Seeing that their companion had been knocked unconscious by Kiki, the four remaining men all turned pale.

One of the grumpier men threw a slap at her face fiercely, "Kiki, how dare you hurt my brother, I will kill you!" With that, he raised his hand again and unceremoniously slapped her across the face.

This man was so strong that Kiki was dizzy from the blow and blood oozed from the corner of her lips.

Without bothering to wipe the blood from the corner of her lips, she grabbed a sharp shard. If these men dared to use force again, she would still fight them to the death.

Seeing that the man raised his hand and was about to hit her hard again, the remaining men rushed to grab his arm.

"Don't! What a shame to break such a beautiful face! We haven't had enjoyed enough with her yet!" Only after hearing everyone's advice did the man withdraw his hand. Indeed, it would be a pity to swell such a beautiful face, so why not, when they had had enough, torture her severely! Make her beg for her life and pay the worst price for her misbehaviour! "Kiki, you'd better serve us well! Otherwise, we will definitely make you suffer!" The man did not slap Kiki's hand, he reached out and grabbed her shoulder, and then, with a grimace, pressed his lips to hers.

"Get out of here! Get the hell out of my way!" Kiki was already suffering from severe pregnancy vomiting recently, and this man carried a strong fishy smell that made her stomach churn even more.

She couldn't help but turn her face away from the wall and just throw up in a frenzy.

Because she was throwing up so much, she couldn't even muster the strength to hurt the man with the pieces in her hand, which did make a few other people notice that she was holding something in her hand.

A man who had been standing by grabbed her hand, "Bitch, how dare you hide broken porcelain pieces! You still want to hurt someone, don't you?!" "I'll break your hand now and see how you can hurt people in the future!" With that, the man's hand suddenly pushed hard, and he viciously peeled the broken piece of porcelain out of her palm.

Kiki knew that she would definitely not be able to defeat these fierce men, so she gritted her teeth and raised her hand directly, then viciously stabbed the pieces in her hand at the man's face.

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The man noticed her movement and with a quick dodge, he dodged her attack and then, with a fierce twist, grabbed her wrist, which she could no longer use with any strength.

The man took the opportunity to break her fingers apart and the blood-stained pieces fell heavily to the ground.

The man's blow just now was so vicious that Kiki drew several cold breaths of air one after another in pain.

She almost couldn't hold it together and cried out in pain, but she didn't want to let Penny get too far ahead of herself, so she held back the cry of pain that was coming out of her mouth.

Those men didn't give Kiki the slightest chance to ease up, they looked at each other and one of the men struck out and just threw her onto the big bed inside the room.

Her stomach hurt Kiki was in so much pain that a thin cold sweat seeped out of her forehead, she used her hand to protect her stomach, she was really afraid, she would be bullied like the last time by Dylan, and she couldn't protect their baby again.

"Get out of the way! Get out of my way, you guys! Don't touch me, don't you touch me!" Seeing Kiki's deadly struggle, Penny's eyes were full of disdain.

"Kiki, why are you still being stubborn? You don't think that Christ can still come to your rescue, do you?" "Don't worry, he's already dead, at the hands of my brother! Now, you can only be slaughtered by me, and no one can come to your rescue!" Christ is dead? Kiki's eyes rounded abruptly, and suddenly, she could not feel the pain coming from her stomach, because, her heart really hurt too much, like being attacked by a dull knife, inch by inch, hurting so much that she could not breathe.

No! She couldn't believe he would die until she saw his body with her own eyes! She had to, try to live, to take her baby with her, to live so she could go home with him! But how can she survive when she has fallen into a devil's den and is surrounded by evil spirits on all sides? Before Kiki could recover from the intense heartache, Penny had already picked up a piece of debris from the ground and walked up to her step by step.

"Kiki, I really hate this face of yours, why don't you destroy it!"