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My Regreted Ex-Husbnad

Chapter 57
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Chapter 57 It’s Up To Maddy was about to leave when she saw Cecil walking over, Are all Levitans so annoying?” Cecil acted like she didn’t see her. She stood beside Terrence and said, “Terrence, why didn’t you answer my call?” No matter how good Terrence’s temper is, he is also tired of Cecil's endless entanglement. Especially these two days, he found that she can find him anywhere.

Terrence said coldly, “Miss Cecil, please don’t appear in front ofanymore.” The expression on Cecil's face instantly turned tense. She glared at Maddy, “It’s all because of her, isn't it? You didn’t treatlike this before returning home! It’s this bitch...” “Enough!” Terrence stood up. “Cecil, can you stop making a scene here?” “Am | making a sense? Terrence, both of our parents have met. The engagement is just a matter of time.

Shouldn't I...” Terrence interrupted her without any expression on his face. “I will never be engaged to you. | hope Miss Cecil respect yourself. Otherwise, you will embarrass the Levitan Family.” This time, before Cecil could answer, a man’s indifferent voice cfrom behind, “Since Young Master Grant knows about this, why are you still pestering here?” Maddy felt her heart skip a beat when she heard Nate's voice. She didn’t know when he chere, and she didn’t know what he heard, “Cousin,” Cecil whispered when she saw Nate.

Nate glanced at her before turning to Terrence, Terrence pursed his thin lips and met his gaze.

From afar, Dex could feel the tense atmosphere around the two of them.

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Terrence said, ” Has Mr. Levitan already divorced with Maddy. Why are you here? Or does Mr. Levitan have other thoughts?” Nate didn’t say anything, he licked his teeth with the tip of his tongue and his gaze gradually turned cold.

Maddy really did not understand why she was involved in this kind of war between the two of them. She also did not know why Nate was here “Terence, let's go,” she said softly Terrence averted his gaze. “Okay” When Cecil saw that they were leaving, she was about to chase after her when Nate said coldly, “Hold right there.” Cecil turned around anxiously “Cousin.” Nate looked up at her and said, “I'm warning you one last time. Don’t be rude to Maddy again. Put aside your temper” After saying that, he walked past Cecil and left, After exiting the restaurant, Maddy was silent for a while before saying, “I'll go first.” “Maddy.” Terrence called out to her. “I hope you can consider what | said today.” Maddy smiled at him, “I really appreciate that you are still willing to stand bynow, but too many things have happened in the past three years. Sometimes | wish nothing has happened.” After a long time, Terrence finally said, “Maddy, do you like Nate?” “Huh?” Maddy was stunned and didn’t make a sound for a long time.

Terrence saw that he already had the answer. He smiled and suddenly felt relieved, “I understand. | won't say these things again in the future. I'll always stay by your side as a friend.” After a long time, Maddy said, “Thank you.” After leaving, Maddy took a cab to Cassie's house.

She sent a few text messages but Cassie didn’t reply. She should be still asleep.

Maddy leaned against the car window and looked at the scenery outside.

She didn’t know if it's because of Terrence’s question just now. Maddy was a little distracted all the way and almost missed a stepwhen she went up the stairs.

Out of the elevator, she stood at the door for a few seconds before patting her face with both hands to wake herself up Ever siner Gilbert cheated on Caser, Cassie changed the password. When they sent her hlast night, they used Cassir’s fingerprints to open the door Maddy did not know what the password was, so she raised her hand aud rang the doorbell a few times Maddy thought Cassie probably didn’t hear her, so she took out her phone and was about to give her a call.

However, before she dialed her number, someone grabbed her wrist and she was pressed against the wall Maddy widened her eyes and looked at the man in front of her in disbelief, “What are you doing!” Nate’s expression was a little cold. One hand held her wrists, and the other hand held her chin His dark eyes narrowed dangerously. “Didn't Terrence send you off?” Maddy felt that he was baffled, she struggled, “It's none of your business.” “Unfortunately, he should have” “You... Mmm!” Nate blocked her lips tightly and bit hard on hers.

Maddy’s tears of pain cout in an instant, but she couldn't resist his strength.

This bastard must be crazy!! Nate seemed to have sensed that she was crying. The movement on his lips gradually becgentler and deeper into her mouth At this moment, the door next to them suddenly opened Cassie stood at the door with disheveled hair. She looked up sleepily. When she saw the scene in front of her, she was dumbfounded.

Nate stopped and turned to look at hier coldly. His handsface was filled with impatience.

After a few seconds, Cassie finally said, “I'm sorry, you guys continue.” After the door slammed shut, Maddy pushed him away, her eyes turning red, “Nate, what's wrong with you?” Nate licked the blood on his lips and slowly looked at her, “I’ve given you many chances.” However, she was always ungrateful.

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“Who wants your inexplicable opportunity? Nate, we're divorced. Do you know that we're divorced? You don’t have the right to do such a thing toon the premise that I'm not willing!” Nate frowned unhappily. “You were the one who brought up the divorce.” “I's the other person who signed the divorce agreement a dog?!?!” Nate’s expression remained unchanged. “| regret it.” Maddy probably did not expect him to answer this way. She was completely stunned and her tears hung ( her evelashes.

“When this marriage ends can only be decided by me,” he said emotionlessly Maddy’s emotions gradually calmned down, “I'm sorry to disappoint you.” 11 sO Nate pursed his thin lips. Just when he was about to say something, the door next to them was opened again.

Cassie was completely awake now. Before Nate could react, she dragged Maddy into the room directly.

Then closed the door tightly and locked it.

Cassie looked at Maddy and asked softly, “Maddy, are you alright?” Maddy’s hair was messy. Her eyes were red and her mouth was swollen.

It didn’t seem like she was fine.

Maddy shook her head, trying to say something, but she felt too weak