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My Regreted Ex-Husbnad

Chapter 45
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Chapter 45 GiveA Kiss Before You Leave Soon, the two of them entered a luxury store. The girl picked out her clothes and bag while the boy replied message with his phone.

Maddy was liiding outside the door. From this angle, she could see the man’s face clearly “Gilbert!” In a luxury store Rose placed a packet in front of Gilbert. “Darling, | like this. Can you buy it for me?” The shopping guide said, “Miss, you have such a good taste. This bag is the new style of the season. There are only two of them in N City. They're both in our store.” Rose liked it even more when she heard that. She hugged Gilbert's aim and said coquettishly, “Then | want this, okay?” Gilbert pinched her nose affectionately, “Okay. I'll buy it for you.” After saying that, he took out his card and said to the shopping guide, “Don’t you have two? | want the other one too.” The shopping guide, accepted the card with a smile. “Okay, please wait a while.” But rose, who was just siniling, was instantly unhappy and loosened Gilbert's arm,” Are you going to buy it for that woman again? Every tyou givesomething, she could get it too. You're reluctant to let her go, so don’t cand look for me.” Gilbert wrapped his arms around her shoulder. “Alright, don’t be angry, darling I'm basically with you this month It’s right to give her scompensation. You can choose whatever you like in the store. Ill only buy it for you. | won't give it to her this time.” Rose poked his chest and said coquettishly, “That's right.” The two of them exited the luxury store and left the mall.

Gilbert placed the exquisite packaging box in the car, then held Rose’s shoulder and went to the hotel next to the mall Maddy followed them quietly throughout the walk.

She realized that the couple was too immersed in the joy of being in love so much that neither of them noticed her.

When they reached the liotel, Maddy followed them into the elevator and stood in a corner When they got out of the elevator, she followed behind and walked slowly She didn’t know whether Gilbert realized something, and he turned around to take a look. The moment he turned around, Maddy lid in the door frnext to lier, But she didn’t expect that the door was only ajar, not closed at all, and she knocked it open.

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Maddy originally thought that she would fall on the ground or hit the wall hard.

But she fell into a warm embrace.

Maddy looked up and happened to meet the man’s dark eyes.

“Well, she’s so unlucky” Nate raised his phone with one hand and looked at her calmly.

Maddy saw through his indifferent eyes, as if she had already guessed what he was thinking.

The bastard must be thinking, | just ignored you for a month. And are you so eager to throw yourself to me? Before she thought it through, she saw Nate's thin lips moved slightly, as if he was about to say what she was thinking. Maddy was now full of thoughts that Gilbert was still outside. If she were to be caught by Gilbert, then she won't be able to get evidence of his cheating.

Before Nate talking, she quickly covered his mouth.

At the stime, she closed the door.

The entire room fell into a strange silence. Only a muffled voice could be heard from Nate's phone, “Mr. Levitan? Are you still listening?” Nate looked down and Maddy reacted imunediately. Her hand felt like it was about to burn and she quickly retracted it.

“Yeall,” he said to the other end of the phone.

“About the developinent of a holiday hotel in Singapore...” “Send the complete draft to my office within two days.” After saying that, Nate hung up the phone.

Suddenly, the room fell silent again.

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Maddy didn’t say anything This was the first tthey met after a month of fierce quarrels in the hotel.

In the end, Maddy couldn’t withstand the intense atmosphere and laughed awkwardly. “Mr. Levitan, what a coincidence.” “You metat my hotel. It’s indeed quite a coincidence.” The mocking filled with his words.

Maddy: “...” Could it be that all men in this world have a common nature? A bastard run a hotel, and another bastard brought his mistress to this hotel and booked a room.

Maddy explained, “Mr. Levitan, | don’t know this is your hotel. | cwith someone else.” Nate: “Oh.” “Damn it! Does he really believe her or not?” Maddy took a deep breath and said calmly, “Whatever you think. I'm not here to see you.” Nate narrowed his eyes. “Then tellwho you're looking for at the hotel.” Maddy opened her mouth but suddenly reacted. What she wanted to say was, “Why should | tell you? It's my freedom to look for whoever I'm looking for, It's none of your business.” But she quickly considered the consequence of this sentence in her mind. The person standing in front of her was her big creditor anyway. It was better for both parties to maintain sdignity. If she encountered an unexpected situation and delayed a period of payment in the future, she might still be able to negotiate with him.

If she said something liarsh, then it would be loo inuch of a loss “Only fool would fight against capitalism directly.” Maddy smiled gently, “I'm here to find a friend. What about Mr. Levitan?” “None of your business” “It’s fine. She's just asking symbolically.” Nate kept his phone and said impatiently, “How long do you plan to spend here with me?” He cto the hotel this tfor a regular meeting, but le temporarily received a work call and casually booked a room. However, he did not expect her to bump into him by chance, Nate definitely did not believe in such a coincidence.

It seemed that ignoring lier this month still had seffect.

Only then did Maddy realize that she wasn’t here to quarrel with him. It seemed that Gilbert was already in the room “I'm sorry. I'm leaving now,” she took a few steps back.

At the stime, Gilbert did not know if it was due to being cheating on Cassie, but he felt a little uneasy today. Although he did not see anyone just now, his rationality told him not to stay any longer.

However, when he proposed to leave, Rose still hugged him, “At the worst, you'd better tell the truth to that woman. Then you can be withaboveboard.” Gilbert smiled but didn’t answer her directly. It was obvious that he was meant to do because he wanted the two women all He pulled Rose’s hand, “Alright, darling, I'll accompany you tomorrow. | really have to go now.” When they reached the door, Rose hugged his waist again, “Kissbefore leaving.” Gilbert hugged her and kissed her.

When Maddy opened the hotel room and saw this scene, she hurriedly stepped back. In a hurry, she couldn't care to explain. So she reached out and pushed Nate, who was following behind her, back, and quickly took out her phone to take a photo of the evidence.