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My Regreted Ex-Husbnad

Chapter 42
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Chapter 42 Did My Words Make You Sick? Maddy felt that danger approaching and couldn't help but retreat. At last, she couldn’t retreat anymore, with her back against the cold wall The word “sick” made her completely awake, and she calmly said, “you misunderstood me. Terrence and | have nothing to do with each other.” Nate obviously did not believe her. He raised his hand and pinched her chin. His black eyes narrowed slightly, and his voice was cold, “Then why did you eat leaf acid? Wasn't it to prepare for pregnancy?” Maddy finally understood why he reacted like this when he knew that she ate leaf acid.

She wanted to refute him several time, who stipulated that folic acid could be taken only when she was pregnant. However, she thought that it was a good idea. At least he won't suspect that she was pregnant with his child Nate tightened his grip on her chin when he saw that she didn’t say anything. “Which stage have you and Terrence progressed? Or should | ask, how many sex have you had with Terrence?” Maddy felt an unprecedented sense of humiliation. She was both angry and annoyed, “Do you think everyone is like you? Terrence and | are innocent. No... thanks to you, if it weren't for you, lie and | would have been together long ago. And maybe we even would have children!” Nate said sarcastically, “As expected, you still think of him.” “Or else? Should I think about you? Mr. Levitan, don’t forget that we're already divorced. Even if | really want to do something with Terrence, you don’t have the right to control us, I... Mmm!” Nate lowered his head and sealed her lips tightly, blocking her words.

Maddy raised her hand to push him away, but he held her against the wall.

Nate’s grip on her chin tightened slightly, forcing her to open her mouth, and used the tip of his tongue to open her lips.

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Maddy’s eyes turned red in an instant. It’s fine if this bastard bullies her when they're married. How shameless can he be after getting a divorce? She's so sick of him! Maddy struggled, after a while, the smell of rust spread between their mouths.

Nate's lips slowly left hers, but his hand was still controlling her. His voice was a little hoarse, “Didn’t | serve you comfortably? You bitso hard.” Maddy controlled her trembling body and said coldly, “If Mr Levitan is too energetic because of abstinence for too long and does sometluing shameless like this, then | think you should go find someone to vent.” “I am liere for you?” he said.

Ever since she proposed the divorce, he hadn't touched her for almost three months.

“Why wouldn't | want it?” Maddy took a deep breath. This bastard is so shameless! “Mr. Levitan, | hope you can control your beastly behavior. We're divorced. And we don’t have any duty as husband and wife. If you continue to do this, | can sue you for raping me.” Nate frowned unhappily. “Don’t mention the word ‘divorce’.” Maddy said, “We have already terminated the legal relationship established by both men and women on equal freedom.” Nate’s thumb wiped away the blood on the corner of her lips. “Why didn’t | notice that you have a glib tongue “That's because you didn’t knowbefore.” “Did marryingaffect your performance?” Maddy: “...” What's wrong with this inan? He was so fierce and evil a second ago. The next second, he was here to say such nonsense Before Maddy could say anything, Nate added, “Maddy, someone said | like you.” “Do you believe it?” “Even | don't believe it. Or do you think it’s possible?”, “You should look for the people who told such a lie to you! Why did you have to findand bully me?!” Maddy couldn't take it anymore. When she was about to scold him, she caught a faint scent of tobacco and alcohol on him After three years of their marriage, Nate smokes only a handful of times unless he encountered something very annoying But this has nothing to do with her. He's in a bad mood which doesn’t mean he can insult her without any restraint Nate, who hadn't received a reply for a long time, let go of her hand. “I'll give you another chance to explain about leaf acid to me.” Maddy pursed her lips. She's so speechless that why she had to explain this to him.

Nate added, “Maddy, as long as you tellthis time, | believe you. So, you should answer after thinking.” Thinking of the ten million debt, Maddy compromised. She said seriously, “That's not mine, it's Cassie's...

She's getting married to her boyfriend and is about to have a child.” “Why would her belongings be in your bag?” “I live with her and also work together at a magazine company. She’s too in hurry to take her medicine. Is there any problem withbringing it over to her?” Nate didn’t say anything. She didn’t know whether he believes it or not.

Two seconds later, Nate said, “Weren't you staying with hier? Why did you cto the hotel?” Maddy was annoyed by his question, “Do you have to think about it? She's about to have a child with her boyfriend. Is it appropriate forto stay there?” Nate, “......! Maddy said, “Can Mr. Levitan leave if you don’t have anything else? A man and a woman living in a room together will cause gossip. | don’t want to be labeled as’ sick ‘for no reason.

“As long as soineone else lias a mouth, gossip can be spread anyway.” “Weren't you the one who caused this?!” Nate said indifferently, “If you don’t want to be gossiped, | can choose to remarry you. As long as we're equal legal relationships, no one has the right to talk about it.” Maddy couldn't help but vomit.

Nate’s expression turned grini. He gritted his teeth and said, “Maddy!” Maddy didn’t have tto say anything. She pushed him away and ran to the bathroom. She just hugged the toilet and puked badly.

After a while, when she cout of the bathroom, she saw Nate standing where he was and his face was cold with an anxious expression.

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“Why? Are you feeling disgusted by what | said?” “I just have a little stomachi trouble, but if you think so, | don’t mind...” Before Maddy could finish her last sentence, there was a loud slam of the door.

Maddy smiled dazedly and sat back on the sofa.

But looking at the cold food in front of her, she lost her appetite.

Sighing, she tidied up the things and lay on the bed.

What a tossing night.

Maddy touched the corner of her mouth and she was so angry. That man must be drunk tonight. She had already blocked all of his contact ways and tried to stay as far away from him as possible. But She still couldn't avoid him throwing his anger on her.

How unreasonable! Maddy turned over and placed her hand on her belly.

Fortunately, he should have believed the lie about leaf acid. Even if he did not believe it, he had never suspected that she ate this because she was pregnant.