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My Regreted Ex-Husbnad

Chapter 34
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Chapter 34 How Dare She Block Him!? 

After hearing this, Cassie recalled the scene she saw at the door of the ward last night. She

hesitated for a long time and didn’t know whether to tell Maddy about that bastard kissing

her while she was asleep.. 

She thought a while then said,”I saw Nate yesterday. What did he say to you?” 

Maddy felt so speechless when she lieard Nate’s name,”Nothing. He was here to ask me

pay his money back 

He even said that I’m a divorced woman so that it’s impossible for Terrence to marry me.” 

“What’s wrong with him?” 

“Seriously, ever since we got divorced, I always felt that something was wrong with him.” 

* Knock, knock* 

At this moment, there was a sound of knocking on the door. 

Maddy and Cassie stopped talking and looked over at the same time. 

Standing at the door was a woman wearing a pair of sunglasses and a mask, and carried a

bouquet of 


Cassie took a long time to recognize her. She was stunned for a moment then asked,


Ulysses took off her mask and closed the door. She raised her hand to greet and said,

“Hello, I’m here to visit the patient.” 

Cassie had taken several copies and advertisements for Ulysses. so although the

relationship between them is 

not too familiar, at least they know each other. 

But it’s just that she and Maddy are strangers, 

That was why Cassie was a little confused that Ulysses was here. 

Ulysses walked closer and placed the flowers in the vase. She explained, “I heard yesterday

that Glorious 

Jewelry’s designer was ill and hospitalized. I happened to have nothing important to do

today, so I come here to 

visit you. Are you okay?” 

Maddy also heard that Ulysses helped finish the next two scenes of that show last night and

nodded, “I’m 

fine. Thank you.” 

In fact, Ulysses came today because of someone else. 

Dex spent the whole night at home and couldn’t think of a way to deal with Glorious

Jewelry’s staff, including 

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Maddy, who all mistakenly regarded that Mr. Levitan’s kindness toward Maddy as his high-

profile courtship for 


He had to explain everything to Maddy before going to Mr. Levitan to confess. 

Otherwise, after knowing the truth, Mr. Levitan would really be so angry that push him out

of his office. 

Hence, Ulysses, who had gone back to the company and was about to go on a vacation

overseas, became the 

one who Dex thought can help him. 

Just because she dared to talk back to Mr. Levitan from time to time, Dex felt that she must

be able to talk 

very well with Maddy. 

Besides, Ulysses had just helped Glorious Jewelry yesterday.so that Maddy would respect

her no matter 


Since from when Nate said with inexplicable confidence that others were peeking at him

yesterday , to when 

she suddenly got his phone call which asked her to finish the next two scenes of that show,

Ulysses couldn’t stop 

feeling curious about this gossipy. 

The only reason she visited today was to satisfy her curiosity. 

Ulysses smiled and said, “You’re welcome. I’m also idle anyway. By the way, I heard that the

candidate that 

Levitan Group chose yesterday seems to be a designer. Have you got it?” 

Maddy and Cassie were both puzzled. 

Cassie asked, “Isn’t that bastard…? Doesn’t Mr. Levitan come up with such an excuse just to

support Jennie? 

Why would he give support to a designer?” 

“I don’t know. I heard it from someone else too.” 

“You inust have heard wrong. The bastard… Mr. Levitan has been giving Glorious Jewelry a

lot favors for 

Jenny, otherwise he won’t be so kind,” 

Ulysses nodded in agreement. “Mr. Levitan is indeed not a kind person.” After saying that,

she continued to 

lead back to the topic. “However, lie sent the PR team to Glorious Jeweliy before, which was

enough to prove that 

he has a good conscience.” 

Cassie, “……” 

Maddy: “……” 

Ulysses was actually a little tired. It was too uncomfortable to talk like this. 

She felt that either Dex’s expression or her understanding was wrong 

What is called “let Maddy know that Mr. Levitan did all those for her, but don’t let her think

highly of 


Isn’t it total nonsense? It’s obvious that it’s from Nate. 

Maddy fell silent and changed the topic, “Do you want to eat grapes?” 

No matter what kind of attitude Nate had to support Jennie, she was not interested


Just let they fly 

Ulysses was stunned for a moment, but he quickly understood what she meant and

answered naturally, 


After sitting down, the three of them tacitly stopped talking about Nate and Jennie. 

Even though Ulysses was eating grapes while thinking about how to start the topic again,

she wasn’t a negotiator and she couldn’t pretend that nothing had happened without

clarifying the situation. 

Besides, looking at Maddy’s unavoidable expression, as someone who came to visit the

patient, it was not 

appropriate for her to ask more. 

A few minutes later, Ulysses felt a little awkward and said, “Then I need to leave. Have a

good rest.” 

Maddy smiled, “Thank you for coming here.” 

Cassie stood up and said, “Let me see you off.” 

After leaving the ward, Ulysses couldn’t help but ask, “Ms. Jacobs, do you hate Mr. Levitan a


“I don’t hate him. I just don’t want to have any relationship with him.” 

“That’s right. Mr. Levitan is too selfish sometimes. And he always makes people upset.

Anyone who doesn’t 

have strong willpower must be pissed off by Mr. Levitan.” 

Cassie knew that Ulysses had always complained about Nat in private, so she said. “He’s

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not only selfish, but 

he’s also mean. I’ve never seen such a stingy capitalist as him. He deserves it that his son

call someone else 


Ulysses, “Huh?” 

Only then did Cassie realize that she was insulting him passionately and almost exposed

the secret,”I’m just 

making an analogy. Anyway, he and Jennie will definitely get their retribution!” 

Hearing that, Ulysses stopped and said the purpose of conning here today. “I heard that

there seems to be 

nothing going on between Mr. Levitan and Jenny. The reason why he has been especially

interested in Glorious Jewelry lately isn’t to support Jennie, but…” 

Cassie looked serious. “I know. He must have done so much to kick Maddy out of Glorious


Even though they were divorced, he still wanted to bully her. Nate was totally a bastard! 

Ulysses laughed awkwardly. How much psychological trauna has Mr. Levitan caused to


However… It seemed that her visiting was quite inappropriate. 

Ulysses regretfully conveyed this message to Dex. After knowing it, He was so depressed

that he wanted to kill 


After half an hour, he knocked on the office door in fear. After reporting to Nate about his

work today, he said 

cautiously, “Mr. Levitan, Glorious Jewelry.” 

“We just had cooperation with Glorious Jewelry a few years ago, so why do still mention it?

If you like 

Glorious Jewelry so much, I’ll approve your resignation now.” 

Dex, “…… 

Mr. Levitan is so angry today 

Dex did not dare to say anything but left.. 

A few minutes after Dex left, Nate suddenly put down the pen and tore off the paper in front

of him. He 

rubbed it into a ball and threw it into the dustbin. 

Maddy, that ungrateful woman, did she think that she could break up with him just by

paying his money 

back? How dare she block him!?