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My Mother Has a System but Won't Use It

Chapter 96 Show me your little trick, Life.
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96  Show me your little trick, Life.

"Why don't we negotiate?" Han Li asked.

"Negotiate?" Irritated at not being in an advantageous position, Yang Wei sneered, "Why should we negotiate when I have nothing to lose?"

Han Li's red gaze shined.

It was true.

He was in a situation where his secrets were out and about; if someone knew it, it could even endanger his life and might even lead to one ultimate truth—he was the owner of the Lust inheritance.

Once his secret is out, he would only have two paths left to take in life: either being enslaved by one of the Great Sects or dying and becoming an interesting test subject.

He knew the Sects had more information about the 7 Sacred Demons and probably even the 7 Sacred Demon inheritors. Maybe they even had the power to steal his eyes for all he knew.

In a sense, only he was the one at a disadvantage.

At first glance, at least.

"If we don't negotiate, I will just yell for help either way and once MY clan's head is out here, you would only have one choice: to die. You don't want it, do you?" Han Li sounded indifferent, as if his secret reaching the clan head and all of the people around wasn't of his concern at all.

Yang Wei became silent and cautious, but he was still quite arrogant. "If your Clan Head comes out, don't worry. I have ways to get out of here and survive."

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Han Li looked at him with scrutiny.

Did he really, or was that a bluff?

"And red-eyed freak." Yang Wei smirked. "Once, you made me forget about your family and stabbed me in the back. What about twice? I can still attack them, and with you, Ethereals, aren't you just going to be running around in an attempt to exhaust me?"

They never had those one, finishing attacks like the Transformation Path did—which was to go near and bash the enemy to death.

Han Li knew it clearly and didn't have that one ultimate power either. The laws of Ethereals and Transformation also constrained him. Only if he cultivated the technique could he consider himself different.

Sighing inside, Han Li decided to give away one of the most significant pieces of the puzzle.

Something that he was absolutely unwilling to do.

"You know I have a secret." Han Li's gaze condensed like ice. "Don't you have one too, Yang Wei? Something much more enticing than my ephemeral 'something' that people might want or not. Don't you have it, something that will make all the Power Born cultivators in the entire continent go wild?!"

Yang Wei's heart skipped a beat, but he sneered, "Hah, something that all the Power BOrns would want? From a little Evolved like me?"

Han Li chuckled. "You might have heard of these miraculous things. In fact, you might even have such a miracle, but let me ask you, Yang Wei. Have you heard of anything in this world that most wretched Power Born would kill their own family to get?"

Yaang Wei's face paled.

"It seems you remember the name, yes, a Transcendent, ORB!" Han Li's cruel and cold voice penetrated his heart and spoke straight into his soul, "Don't you have it, or something that serves the same purpose?"

Frightened for a second, Yang Wei didn't know what to say. His pale face paled even further, looking exactly like bones.

'Spirit, how does he know?!' he screamed.

But no reply arrived.

"You first, why don't you vow?"

'What do I need to do, Spirit?'

'Vow that you wouldn't speak the boy's secret to anyone else. Nothing more, nothing less. He will be ours to get once the time comes.'

"Vow that you would never get into the Starlight Zone, and you will never, in any way or form, reveal even my name to someone else."

Yang Wei laughed mockingly. Han Li's cold glance stopped him.

'Tell him not to come to the Bone Clan's city for safety sake, just in case he could hide like us or something, and we will be in equal steps. But you have me, so we are at an advantage.'

If they vowed so, both of them couldn't attempt an ambush, and once one of them was stronger, both of their secrets would belong to one of them. It would be a matter of who grew strong enough first to claim the other's life absolutely.

Even though the home base would remain a forbidden zone.

According to their vow, they aren't allowed to seek help to kill each other either. Both were smart— Han Li and the Spirit woman—so neither could play any tricks.

Or so it seemed.

"You will vow not to come a hundred miles near the Bone City and to never divulge a word about me in any way."

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Han Li nodded coldly.

It was okay. Thɪs chapter is updated by NovelEnglish.net

Then they both spoke the vow aloud, and a lock was cast on their hearts, making the promise an unviolable one if they didn't want their hearts to explode.

Neither of them could speak about each other's secrets, nor could they go close to each other's headquarters.

Yang Wei didn't spend any more time there and glanced at Han Li for a final time before running away and melding into the darkness. Hiding into the buildings and vanishing from Han Li's gaze.

Han Li looked at him with a cold smile and spoke telepathically into Li Yao's mind: "Did you hear everything just now?"

Li Yao nodded from inside her room, her back covered with cold sweat.

"I am bound by chains, so I can't give you any guidance. You know what to do, right? Don't get your identity out, and get this information across to all three Power Borns of the city by tomorrow morning."

He didn't care about the Transcendent Orb or similar things the man had. For him, such a dangerous addition of someone knowing about himself this early was too big of a risk for something he would get one way or the other.

"Or never mind, Li Yao, we will keep it as an option, but maybe getting that treasure for myself is the best route."


He had almost forgotten that Yang Wei would be quite easy to kill off soon enough. The only trouble would be bringing him out of his home ground.

"Let's have a fair competition," Han Li smiled, and his sword shined slightly.

Of course, he had not used his sword's shining power earlier.

'Oh, Life Sword,' a crazy demonic smirk appeared on Han Li's face. His eyes seemed to drip with maliciousness. 'Show me your little trick.'