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My Mother Has a System but Won't Use It

Chapter 93 Prideful? Wow, Golden!
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93  Prideful? Wow, Golden!

The hills stretched to the distant horizons as distant as one could gaze to. In some random areas that gaze may pass through, mountains jutted up, some almost tearing a hole through the sky as the locals smilingly said.

As the wind brushed past people's faces and gently drifted away with more stories to spread, under The Hill, which stood taller than anything Jin had ever seen, he looked down at his village from above an ancient and mighty tree.

"Today, I, this Jin, will tell you," he said, puffing his chest up and tightening his fist. "I will travel to all sides of this world and conquer the things even the Sacred Demons couldn't. I will pluck hot flowers from Divine Pride, drink the wine of ancients from Great Greedsburg, and capture the hearts of women from Sacred Lust. Here, I vow it with my name on the line."

A cold wind passed by and lifted his roughed-up hair. He cringed in pain.

His body was filled with bruises.

"Damn those bastards really did a number on this George, damn them! Damn them I say!" the boy tried to stretch his body but the pain. Actually, it still hurt.

More than the physical pain, his heart hurt.

The woman he had loved from an early age…

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He looked down at the puddle. His eyes tearing up.

"I loved you for 30 years! 30 years!" he screamed.

He could see his golden hair, as brilliant as the shiny sun, and a face as handsome as the heavens, eyes shining with golden light. He was a little short for his age, but so what? That was his charm.

Why would someone ever want to betray such a beautiful man?

He couldn't understand. Was it because of some insignificant freckles that couldn't probably ruin his beauty? Was it because he had been too engrossed in his cultivation?

He clenched his hands. Thɪs chapter is updated by ɴo(v)elFɪre.ɴet

"Or was it…" he suddenly squinted and a pained expression plastered across his face, "Was it because I was too handsome for her?"

"Oi, Jin, would you please stop your act and come down?" suddenly, some bastard ruined his outstanding performance and called from underneath the tree.

He took a calm and deep breath as a smile grew on his face. 'This little shit.'

He looked down and saw a boy about the same age as himself, possibly 20 or so.

"Peasant, what do you want?" he asked coldly, his golden gaze growing cold superiority that had no question marks. "Peasant?" the black-haired man underneath frowned but he didn't say anything wrong. He didn't dare to. "I was wondering if you could practice with our team on the competition against the shackled demons of this month, I heard we even captured some heinous ones with top notch battle performance in the Evolution Stage."

"It is time for you guys to kill yourself. So who goes first?"

The young boy looked at him and sighed. "So kill us, you demonic scum."

A smile stretched across Jin's face and he shook his head. "You guys are so cute, I almost have the urge to let you live. Especially you boy, if I could, I would've let you live."

The boy looked at him coldly and sadly. "You will die a death worse than mine." He cursed.


Back in the Sacred Lust Continent, Southern Lust City.

6th Month was already halfway in and the coldness had already started thinning its influence on the inhabitants. The little bit of snow that had settled atop the green valleys and the canopies of trees had started melting slowly and the signs of an early spring were showing its edge slightly.

But today was another rainy night, and this one was an especially violent storm. Trees bend almost 90 degrees and birds huddled with fear inside their nests, even frogs weren't out at today's violent night.

But inside Han Li's abandoned home, a young man sat there with his pale grey eyes shining mysteriously. "This Han Li seems more ordinary the more we look into him," said the calm voice of the woman inside him. He continued on her note, "But he looks all the more dangerous and mysterious too."

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"What do you think, do we withdraw?" the woman asked, she didn't want Yang Wei to take too much of an unknown risk when she was unsure whether or not it was worth it. If Yang Wei dies, she will die too, after all.

"As long as you could at least touch him, the influence I left on him using the mirror could be activated and we will have 24/7 surveillance on him. That should be enough for us to get the gist of his limits and get the advantage into our hands. Yang Wei boy, do you think it's possible?" the woman sounded much more tame than she was some days ago and he was actually a bit tempted to nod but he firmly shook his head.

"He is an Evolved, I am an Evolved too, but in his case, he is an Ethereal Type, and no matter how stupidly confident he is on his body, he would never let me go too close to him. And since we failed to touch him in our first appearance, he would already be suspicious."

"Then it is a battle of luck and guesses, do you dare to fight him?"

"I have no fear of none. But I have to plan and we shouldn't mess with him inside this city, no matter how good you say you are at hiding my presence from Soul Sense."

The woman grew slightly pensive. "If he really is a kid with great talent and some magical luck as we expected, giving him even a day of growth is stupid on your part. If you want to kill him, go for the kill him as soon as possible, in one word, tomorrow. He wouldn't know you are inside the clan grounds after all."

As he was in the shadows and his enemy was in the light, he had his advantage.

Book is currently on a raise, if someone could give me a castle today... It would be golden! I would love you...

The book might actually climb some high grounds then. Show some love friends!
