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My Mother Has a System but Won't Use It

Chapter 92 Sensational Barrier
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Chapter 92  Sensational Barrier

After having their fun first time together, Han Li and Li Yao spent the next hour or so just cuddling and speaking to each other about some random things.

Mostly, their conversations were either about how naive Liyue and Yue Li were or how wicked Han Li himself was.

Han Li could only smile wryly at how observant this dangerous woman was. Even though he hadn't really cared about hiding that stuff or keeping them a secret, she was the most keen among the three women he now had.

She pointed out, one by one, moments when he seemed to be hiding secrets. And how he sometimes seemed far too experienced for a young boy his age.

She even told him how he seemed to be too good in bed, she was even sure that he had years of sexual experience. At one point, she even doubted if Yue Li actually made use of his childish desires from a young age like a third-rate villainous mother.

Or else how could he be so good?

He gave her a hard stare and said, "I lost my virginity at the age of 18, a mere month from today. Don't say bad about Mom using your assumptions… I wanted to do it and I begged her to do it but she never let me do it. She is a woman of her own set of innocent principles that most of us can't clearly understand."

'She belonged to a different civilization at first after all.'

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They then talked about some normal stuff and the more Li Yao spoke with him, the more casual she became. The taste of flesh and flesh was the last barrier a good couple could probably have, and now that they had crossed it, they had no more barriers.

Except the ones that Han Li put there for their own and his safety. Secrets like his 500 years of future knowledge and his mother's origin were absolutely deadly, so he had no plans of telling anyone of such. But that didn't mean he didn't accept Li Yao into his family, in fact, from the moment his Heart of Cultivation became one that was of the true demon, he had decided he wouldn't let Liyue or Li Yao get out of his grasp.

They were his first harem members.

Even though he hadn't put a mark or such on them yet.

Later that day, his mother and Liyue returned with downtrodden faces. By then, he and Li Yao had already bathed themselves and removed any proof of their earlier bedtime stories, but the mere fact that they bathed was enough for the other two to roll their eyes at them.

Looking at them though, Han Li could tell the earlier tension Liyue and Yue Li had in between them had vanished.

They were even skipping and holding hands as they came towards him. Just like a little daughter and a beautiful mother.

He couldn't help but find his heart warm.

*** In the kitchen, the light of the evening sun splashed in like waves through the windows and the curtains danced in the wind. The smell of fried vegetables and deep-fried fish permeated the surroundings.

"…As I said, you shameless duo," spoke Yue Li while flipping the fish, The frying sound of it and the smell permeating the area made the three people salivate while she continued, "I am improving my cooking even though I am not particularly putting my focus on it."

[Sensational Barrier: In the distance that the Soul Sense covers, any senses that can induce Lust in a living being can be manipulated slightly if they are weaker than the caster of the power. But if it is a person with a Soul equally as mighty as the caster, they would only be stunned at best if they don't have any countermeasures.]

Unlike magic powers, Talents were far easier to use, and using this method to speak with Yue Li as if he was talking into her mind was easy. His soul sense could cover 10 meters, so she was inside the area of effect too.

And this was far from this power's limit, he was just mild in the ways he used it. Yue Li exchanged a weird glance with him for a second before a guilty feeling rose in her chest. She had messed up!

She took the freshly cooked and perfect fish fry. Then, she put it above a hot plate and silently put it in front of Li Yao first.

Li Yao looked at her with more than a bit of surprise.

"…I am…I didn't know you actually minded…" she said quietly and scratched the side of her cheeks. Thɪs chapter is updated by NovelEnglish.net

Li Yao's expression turned weird and confused and she glanced at Han Li. He didn't tell her, right? Then how on sacredness?!

Liyue didn't clearly understand and looked at the fish with a rising appetite instead. 'She told me I will be the first to get it…'

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"…Did Han Li speak with you in the middle of it all? Was I dazed or something?" Li Yao curiously asked as she took the chopsticks and bit into a spicy fish.

As usual, Yue Li's cooking was spicy enough that it might make a noble princess curse in anger but by now, she had gotten used to it and today's food tasted especially tasty in their cold weather.

Even Han Li took a second glance at her fish.

"No? Where would Xiao Li talk to me?" Yue Li blinked and asked, but blinked again naturally.

"Say once more that," Li Yao said, blowing the heat out of the spicy thing. Her lips already had a small burning sensation.

"Xiao Li didn't talk…" Yue Li said, this time looking at Han Li. "Right?"

"Go cook my food now… I am hungry Mom." Han Li could only sigh with a smile. His mom wasn't so incapable of lying but she didn't like lying at all.

For someone as keen as Li Yao… it was only natural she understood.

'It's nothing, I can now speak into your minds if I want to. So don't show it when the time comes. If I am speaking to you this way, act as if nothing is happening.' He said into all three of their minds.

They all blinked together.