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My Mother Has a System but Won't Use It

Chapter 85 War Future, and Bone King.
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Chapter 85 War Future, and Bone King.

'Bone King Lifestealer of the Bewitching Beauty Sect. To think I would meet someone like you here…' Han Li's eyes deepened several degrees at the reminder of this person.

Han Li and he had no real connection but he knew who the person was. And that made his heart skip a beat. In every 400 to 600 years or so, a battle, a war happens. This battle would always be extremely important — it was called the Transcendence War.

The next Transcendence War was merely 15 years away. In this war, Power Born individuals—people at the level of clan heads—would all join in an attempt to claim a unique magical resource that is essential in breaking through from Power Birth to the Transcendent Stage. He had lost his precious 7 years of life in that war as a pawn of the Wisdom Seeking Villa.

Every Continent among the 7 great continents only had a set number of this 'Transcend Mortality Orb' and it was an absolutely important thing for the Power Born. Since if they didn't get it in their generation, the next time the war happened, they would be nearly dying due to age after all.

He was unsure about the other continents, but, Sacred Lust Continent only had 4 Orbs every generation.

So, the wars were absolutely savage with almost all the clans getting involved as long as the Power Born had even the slightest hint of ambitions. In his past life, he had been nothing in the war other than one of the thousands upon thousands of Evolved.

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Fighting for months on end, tooth and nail to ensure he survived to meet his family again.

Only in the war after that, 463 years later from today, he had fought on his own will and then won one of the fruits for himself, becoming a Transcendent. But that was not the intriguing part. To Han Li, that was just a memory. What mattered was this Bone King Life Stealer.

He was a legendary person. As all four of the Orbs were taken by some Power Born — one of them being in Han Li's hand — and the other Power Borns were completely out of steam to fight back. The war of Transcendence ended and the next generation's Transcendents were decided.

Transcendents usually had 600 years of Lifespan at best after all. And among those four, Bone King Lifestealer was not one of them. But as the four people started to get ready to settle back and inherit one of the 4 sects, something happened; A fifth Transcendent appeared out of nowhere and inherited one of the 4 sects' mantle, Bewitching Beauty Sect — The sect that owned all brothels throughout the continent.

And that Transcendent was the wounded 'Young' boy who walked away, who was in fact 29 years old at the moment. Han Li also noticed in his 'Life Reading Gaze' one thing, unlike most others, this person had not died in any of his 2 past lives. He was even alive after Han Li died.

In fact, as Yue Li and Liyao watched the young boy's shadow move into the shadows of the forest, Han Li was looking at him with deeply intrigued eyes. If he had to say why he ended up dead in his past life, and who was responsible for it, Bone King had no direct part in it.

But with how clearheaded he was at the moment, Han Li knew he was one of the most pivotal reasons. In fact, he should be THE reason.

In each generation, there existed 4 Transcendents and at the time of the Transcendence Wars, the previous generation Transcendants would be at their weakest and once the war ended, they would soon die of age. Treasures like Lifespan Increasing Dew didn't work on them.

Yue Li and Liyue blinked. "That means his body is far stronger than normal. Especially with a Dao like Bones under the Life Great Dao, his abilities of rejuvenation could be called almost top-notch already. The only thing he is lacking would be Ethereal Magic Powers at this point."

"So he is strong?" Yue Li asked the cut-to-the-point question like usual.

"Yes, Strong. In terms of our city's Evolved, he should be among the strongest. And if he goes close to them, just forget about their lives. His body is absolutely, horrendously strong. To the point, once he is about 10 meters close, dying is a guarantee."

That was Transformation Path's advantage in the early stages. Once one breaks through, their bodies will immediately become perfect for the Stage. But how strong was this perfected body?

That would be determined by the Cultivator's talent. If he was a Sacred Talent, his body is how strong a body can possibly be in that particular Stage. And Han Li knew this person was indeed a Sacred Talent. Thᴇ link to the origɪn of this information rᴇsts ɪn ɴoᴠel Fɪre.nᴇt

Yang Wei's body was a menace. To the point, even if Han Li completed [Demonic Transformation]'s first 3 Transformations that he can cultivate for now with his soul, he could only barely stand as an equal in the body department.

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That was the level a Transformation Path Evolved could be. But of course, Han Li had his own advantages.

"Our people will die if he is close?" Yue Li blinked. "So what if he is in a distance?"

"He will have no good countermeasures against our good Magical Powers. He could only be a sitting duck and before he arrives close, he will be, as you might say Bam! Dead."

Yue Li nodded, having completely forgotten her earlier misgivings and also the irritation against Han Li's harsh training.

"So, no matter what we do, we can't be a match for him in close combat?" Liyao asked, reluctant to admit defeat after this much training. It had already been more than months of grueling after all.

Han Li looked at her with a praising and emotional gaze. "Look at my little Liyue, your husband's effort hadn't been in vain. Far better than mom's laziness. That's what a spear user should be like, they mustn't waver even in front of the sky."

Yue Li glared at him with grievance again. This! This was favoritism! Liyue on the other hand blushed as a red tint washed her face hot. Even though she had already gotten used to Han Li groping her, his praising her was rare. If not ever.

"Yes, it is almost impossible for an Ethereal to stand toe to tow against Transformation path in close combat. And that logic applies vice versa too… but…"