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My Mother Has a System but Won't Use It

Chapter 79 Might of a Power Born
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Chapter 79 Might of a Power Born

As the noon sun shifted towards the west, the coldness of the lands made people rub their hands together or sneeze uncomfortably. The colder winds were starting to blow and the land was only becoming colder still.

Snow was also becoming more often. But no birds living here on the southern edge of the continent had to migrate, since the coldness was a constant here, and if it was a problem for them, they would have migrated long ago.

But many small lifeforms still clung together in groups or made specialized hibernation areas for themselves to snuggle into. And life took a more calmer route overall.

In the forest near the city, a curly-haired, black eyed man looked down at the ground beneath him with his eyes gleaming chaotically. "Oh…" he muttered in sadness. Beside him was a man with pale grey eyes and hair.

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He couldn't find Kevin all around the forest and finally, he reluctantly spent his Darkness Dao Crystals and employed this Evolution Stage Cultivator to help him find him.

"I am sorry to say this, fellow Dao seeker. But I sense the bone under here." The man's pale grey eyes gleamed as he said with a sound as croaky as the grinding of bones, "Your bones and the bones under are from the same boneline and it is the strongest I have sensed after yours."

William nodded calmly as he waved his hands at the ground. It was like a tremendous wave of wind passed by as the mud blasted apart and revealed a small head to them. It was being eaten by many worms but the moment William looked at them, they were also blasted apart.

He then looked at Kevin's corpse and it floated out of the mud by itself. He made it fall to the side and asked, "Bone Eating Sage, what do you think of this?"

At the same time, they also glanced at the old merchant Shan Shan's already rotten body that was filled with worms, completely bones. The Bone Eating Sage looked at the body with a frown. "Poison?" he asked.

"Just what I thought." William nodded as his soul sense spread to sense both of the corpses. There were no injuries on Kevin except the worms' useless attempt at biting into the strong skin of the boy. Follow current novelenglish.net . s on NoᴠᴇFɪre.nᴇt

"This body's head was severed. A clean cut, not even any Energy signatures are left here." But his gaze then shifted back to his own kin. Nevertheless, the body was too old to figure out what kind of hellish poison killed an Evolution Stage expert. "But there is another possibility." The croaky sound of bones said, cunning like a fox.

Waking up with a yawn, Yue Li stretched her naked body without leaving Han Li's embrace and he instinctively tightened his hold around her. She stretched a bit more and then looked at her son's face.

He suddenly opened his eyes and kissed her cheek. "Wake up and make me some tea."

"You were awake, Xiao Li?" Yue Li smilingly caressed his cheeks.

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"I was meditating." Han Li nodded. "Now go and do what I told you to."

"I haven't even bathed after our session today, why so eager?" She pouted.

"Nothing much, but we have to prepare something special for Li Yao's recovery, right?"

Yue Li nodded and Han Li kissed her on her forehead again. "Mom, what do you think about Li Yao?"

"That's mother-in-law for you. Show some respect to your elders, Xiao Li."

"Okay, then, what do you think about Mother-in-law?" Han Li asked.

She kissed him on his cheek in approval. "You know what? I think she is kinda like a very good friend to me. We actually had a talk when you weren't there once."

"Oh, What about?"

"Regarding yours and Liyue's marriage. She wanted to do it officially, and I told her we'll do it. And she also told me about how Liyue can't walk straight after every time she and you are alone…"