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My Mother Has a System but Won't Use It

Chapter 75 Dao Soul
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Chapter 75 Dao Soul

But as Han Li gazed at his Dao Soul, he couldn't help but frown. Unlike his previous life, there was something different about his Dao Soul this time. Its eyes were a dark crimson contrasting with the rest of its soul form.

'Is it related to the Sacred Eyes?' Han Li frowned. He tried releasing his Soul Sense and it immediately left his body to scan everything 10 meters around himself. Evolution Stage cultivators didn't have to bring their Dao Soul out to Sense everything.

As his senses spread out, he sensed some flies, spiders, or some other insects inside his home. But there was nothing special about his senses, he put that aside for now and began to check the next thing of note.

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His body and soul were completely empty of any kind of Energy of the world. There was not even a small amount of it there. He smiled at the site and started to meditate. Tʜe sourcᴇ of thɪs content ɪs ɴo(v)elFɪre.ɴet

This was the point where people would start to have the need of a proper cultivation technique. Even though merely breathing could let them absorb the energy of the outside world, that was too slow. However, a cultivation technique could rouse the Dao Soul and make it breathe alongside the cultivator.

Luckily for Han Li, he had the Demonic Lust Sutra. As his mind started to become clear of all doubts, his heart became like an ancient well, he breathed in a weird fashion taught in the book left behind by the Sacred Demon himself.

It was the way that the Sacred Demon breathed naturally. A short breath, hold it for as long as he could, then a long breath, and hold it for some seconds, followed by a short breath… it was a unique cycle and as he followed it, he could feel the Dao Soul inside him stir.

Its red eyes brightened like a torch and it took a deep breath. The energy surrounding Han Li was pulled towards him like a vacuum as it invisibly vanished into his empty space.

Just like that, Han Li spent the next 60 minutes meditating. Inside his Empty Space, the Energy accumulated infront of his Dao Soul like white mist but it waved its hands in an action akin to a ritual. As it did, the mist-like energy solidified and changed in color to a red tint.

Since his first meditation was over, his Dao Soul had already started breathing. It will now breathe automatically and he didn't have to focus much on his meditations.

Other than to clear his own mind of course.

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And since his talent was Sacred, he would have 5 Crystals every week automatically even if he didn't do anything. That was why a cultivation method was so useful.

Even though already better than Average talents and High Talents, 5 was not his limit either.

This was the way all Daos under the Great Dao of Life stood out. It could absorb Energy in ways other than meditating and cultivating gruelingly for days. For example, his Dao Soul could absorb Lust and transform it into Energy Crystals too.

Standing up, he dusted his clothes and left his home. The passersby glanced at him through their side eyes.

Han Li hadn't grown stronger after reaching the Evolution stage but his eyes had grown clearer and his face had more liveliness to it.

He was already handsome and added with the innate confidence that he now had, it became even more obvious how capable he was. Almost any man would marry their daughters to him if he asked now.

He oozed the aura of elitism. And Han Li had no plans to suppress it. After all, for someone other than a power born to see that he was Evolved, he had to show off on his own accord. Or else, it was impossible to figure it out at a glance.

But as he was walking, he suddenly stopped and looked at a kid near Liyue's home and his heart suddenly skipped a beat. He glared at the kid and scanned him with his soul sense too. When both the soul sense and his eyes focused on him, something happened. Something that shook Han Li to the core. His red eyes deepened and seemed to warp as information started to seep directly into his head. It was as if he had innate knowledge about who he was looking at, even though it was his first time ever bothering about the boy.