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My Mother Has a System but Won't Use It

Chapter 73 The Tremble of Life
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Chapter 73  The Tremble of Life

Bleeding, organs flowing outside, and faceless, Han Li stood under the snowstorm. The pain felt frozen over, his heart felt stifled, and his mind — dead. He yearned for death, he yearned for release, but nothing could he do. He was only capable of waiting for the world to spin.

It was at that moment that a trembling white hand made his dying body drink something as cold as life itself. But at the next moment, it went down his throat and warmed his body, broken bones mended themselves, and new organs grew back as the old ones were cleaned away by the hand while in tears.

Han Li opened his eyes to see Ruo, her face filled with tears and her hand covered in his blood. "Big Brother…" ᴜᴘᴅᴀᴛᴇ ꜰʀᴏᴍ ɴovᴇl(ꜰ)ir(e).nᴇt

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"Ruo…? Where is mom?"

Ruo held back her tears and held his hands tightly, she said with a sobbing voice, "Mom is safely in the tavern. A pair of brother and sister is keeping a watch on her safety, they're genuinely good people."

"Guess I have to thank them then…" Han Li coughed out a wad of black blood and coughed violently.

But he rubbed the blood off and looked up at the unrelenting snowstorm. He asked with a weak voice, "Ruo… do you think I can get another Life Dew for Mother? Do you think another one is even in the continent somewhere?"

Ruo began crying as she fell on his bloodied chest. "If the lands won't give it to me, one of the four sects should have one. I will join and buy it. I will give away my everything to the sect in return for our mother's life."

Ruo sobbed even harder. She knew he didn't want to be enslaved under one of the Sects. But now, he could only be enslaved. Days passed after that and Han Li and his two women left for the nearest of the 4 Supreme Sects, Demon Restraining Temple. On the way, he was introduced to a brother and sister duo, Lu Meiying and Lu Shen.

Han Li smiled. "My sword was a big reason I got to reach in the top 200, but just you wait, I will become as strong as those freaks in the top 50 soon. I am the successor of a Sacred Demon after all."

Yue Li nodded seeing his genuinely happy face. She was also happy, she didn't want to leave her son alone in this world either. That Lifespan Dew didn't seem like an impossible aim for her son. Knock! Knock! The sound of urgent knocks rang out and Han Li frowned. "Who could it be this late in the night?" Ruo asked nervously. Her beauty had caused quite a lot of difficulty for Han Li in the sect at the start. Even now, many had eyes on her.

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Han Li frowned and opened the door. A man in golden armor and almost twice his height looked down at him and said with a deep voice, "The sect is going to war. All disciples under the top 25 will be required to head out by tomorrow. Follow your squad and head out in a day! Any discretion against the order will be considered treason."

"Yes sir!" Han Li stood straight and bowed without a word of disagreement. The man nodded coldly and left for the next room.

Han Li stood there with a ghostly pale face. With his senses, he could hear the sounds from next door.

"This generation's Transcendence war is about to begin. All Evolution Stage disciples will probably be treated like disposable slaves." Said a whimpering voice filled with fear.

Gritting his teeth weakly, Han Li stood there, his mind reeling.

"How long does the war last?" Ruo asked him with a trembling voice. She had heard what the general said.

"7 years at the least." Han Li stared up at the sky, his eyes bloodshot. But he had no choice in the matter. He was, more than a disciple, a slave.

"No, I still have hope!" he looked at his curious mother looking at them from her bed, and muttered with gritted teeth. "I can have a breakthrough and reach Power Birth, then I will be allowed to come back."