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My Mother Has a System but Won't Use It

Chapter 122 Hua Feilan
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Chapter 122  Hua Feilan

Han Li, Liyue, Yue Li, and Li Yao got together in the dressing room alongside Hua Feilan—the marriage-handling woman, and sat in silence.

The candles on the side flickered, lighting Han Li's contemplative face cupped in his hand. 'What had changed? And how did Li Xingguang transform his appearance so well? Moreover, does he know something I missed? Why is he acting like the librarian when he has no need to?'

His mind was full of thoughts and ideas, but none seemed coherent enough to be the puzzle piece he was missing. 'I don't have to worry about it as long as it doesn't affect me.'

He cleared his mind off the questions and, with a sigh inside, looked at the woman in front of him.

"Miss Hua, thank you for the assistance throughout this event, and sorry for the trouble at the moment," he said with a short bow of his head. Read Web s Online Free - Fire Fire -

Hua Feilan quickly shook her head. She was seated on a chair, and her sapphire eyes looked at him curiously while flickering with candlelight; her hair was a brownish black tinged with orange specks here and there, and her skin was fair.

"You guys paidfor the event, and even if you hadn't, I would've csolely to help Liyue marry the man of her dreams," she said politely, smiling at Liyue, "Right, girl?"

Liyue blushed and looked at Han Li while he looked at her. Her pearly hands were now held in his hand tightly, and they hadn't yet let go of each other—the wedding was far from over.

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Looking at Liyue, Han Li sighed.

"I always knew you were much more beautiful than you seemed appearance-wise itself, to think that you would be far more deadly when you use make-up and such. I was dazed there for a bit."

Liyue smiled nervously, "I was just super nervous. I thought I might faint at spoint when that yell came."

Yue Li was on the side, and she said with curiosity, "And the Clan Head even said, Junior, YOU DARE! I was so startled… cough. And before I knew it, he was flying in the air too, so cool!"

Li Yao ignored them and looked at Hua Feilan. "So, Feilan, how is your marriage service going these days? It's been so long, and nobody even cto visitafter I healed."

Looking embarrassed, the woman replied, "I am too busy. In fact, you walking again seemed more like a ridiculous rumor than anything. And you know what we are like… sigh…"

Li Yao nodded with a sigh, too.

Starlight Zone had many women she knew, but at this point, sof them whom she considered friends in the past were long behind her—they had revealed their true faces when she beccrippled—and the rest of them had drifted apart from the city.

Women were not the sort to have many friends in Starlight Zone in the first place since mostly, it is a patriarchal rule there, and most of the time, women are just tools for the men.

That was why all women of Starlight respected 'Fang Li of the Iron Masked.' The only Evolved woman of the Starlight Clan who was so young and vigorous. The pride of them.

Of course, it was not an absolute fact that the women were always the ones in the lower stage.

Han Li's and Liyue's relationship was a prexample.

In other people's gaze, Han Li was just a Spark-less brat while Liyue, in essence, was an inner circle clan member who had passed the ice flag test. So, of course, the dominant one was probably Liyue, with Han Li being her obedient husband, at least in people's thoughts.

So, usually, women having much of a friend circle was rare if it was not laid by a capable lead. Even if they had scircle going, the narrow-minded husbands usually cut it off. So, Li Yao's friend circle was low in number, if not nonexistent, just like Yue Li's was. But in her case, she did know many people, but she wasn't friends with any. When young, she was afraid of her secret Transmigrator identity being spread around, and when old, she had all her friends in Han Li.

And, of course, if it cto it, she did have people with whom she could go out on something like a shopping trip. Yes, and that was why this woman Hua Feilan was so famous around, not only in Starlight Zone but the whole city.

She was a big shot.

Nicknamed The Friend of all Women.

In fact, even if the woman looked and acted young, Han Li's [Life Vision] showed him the truth very simply.

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[Hua Feilan] [Age: 51]

[Current Cultivation: Evolved]

[End tcultivation in the first life Premonition: Evolved]

[End tcultivation in the last Premonition: Power Born, Fire Great Dao.]

[Death: (in the last premonition) At age 399 in a fight with the Demon Han Li, killed in cold blood with one slash of the Life Sword.]

A gentle smile stretched across Han Li's face as he spoke ssimple things with Liyue and Yue Li while Li Yao conversed with Hua Feilan.

In fact, Hua Feilan and Li Yao weren't really great friends, but Hua Feilan liked to act as if every woman in the world were actually her friends, and subconsciously, they end up acting that way.

Even Liyue just had two days of familiarity with her and was speaking with her like they were long-tfriends. But Han Li wasn't worried about her intentions. He was the one who went to her Marriage service asking for her to handle his marriage; he had also paid heavily.

Thus, he didn't actually worry about any bad intentions this woman might have; if he knew someone who would die for righteousness—this was that woman.

She had died against him in his past life for righteousness alone.

"So, Miss Hua, how does the marriage ceremony continue from here?" he asked.